So you have access to more rank resources, stronger champions, and more information but think you deserve more for doing what people did with FAR less?
I wouldn't say anyone deserves less and they should be reduced but to say they deserve more is as laughable as the people crying for LoL rewards increases
Think about many 1st mover players can only use 4*/3* plus 1-2 5* champ to finish Act 5.2, versus 6*/5* nowadays. I don't see why the rewards should be upgraded.
^ exactly tho. With 5 and 6* around now uncollected isn't as tough to get as it used to be. Why increase rewards for something that has basically decreased in difficulty?
Increasing reward is not without precedent in game and if they did all that completed would receive them. That being said, defeating 5.2 is so much easier today than it was when it first released. Only motivation I could see is to entice more people to continue to press towards cavalier
There should be an increase in rewards for completion on Act 5.2
You can't just mic drop a comment like that and never respond. Don't leave us hanging here... why do you think you deserve better rewards for doing something that is much easier than when it was first released?
To be fair to all those posting these sorts of things, Kabam opened this can of worms when they went back and update rewards for acts 1-4.
And if you're still around in another three years, you might see them increase the rewards for Act 5. It isn't impossible, but it doesn't happen just because people think the rewards are "out of date" or anything remotely like that. Rewards on older content are only changed when other changes to the game alter the progressional curve enough to make them no longer aligned with the rest of the game. You could make that argument for Acts 1 through 3, and maybe 4, but not for Act 5. So long as Uncollected is a major progressional hurdle, I doubt you'll see them touching Act 5.
To be fair to all those posting these sorts of things, Kabam opened this can of worms when they went back and update rewards for acts 1-4.
And if you're still around in another three years, you might see them increase the rewards for Act 5. It isn't impossible, but it doesn't happen just because people think the rewards are "out of date" or anything remotely like that. Rewards on older content are only changed when other changes to the game alter the progressional curve enough to make them no longer aligned with the rest of the game. You could make that argument for Acts 1 through 3, and maybe 4, but not for Act 5. So long as Uncollected is a major progressional hurdle, I doubt you'll see them touching Act 5.
By no means am I saying they SHOULD buff them, just that the precedent was set. And we all know how much analytical thought goes into most forum posts.
To be fair to all those posting these sorts of things, Kabam opened this can of worms when they went back and update rewards for acts 1-4.
And if you're still around in another three years, you might see them increase the rewards for Act 5. It isn't impossible, but it doesn't happen just because people think the rewards are "out of date" or anything remotely like that. Rewards on older content are only changed when other changes to the game alter the progressional curve enough to make them no longer aligned with the rest of the game. You could make that argument for Acts 1 through 3, and maybe 4, but not for Act 5. So long as Uncollected is a major progressional hurdle, I doubt you'll see them touching Act 5.
By no means am I saying they SHOULD buff them, just that the precedent was set. And we all know how much analytical thought goes into most forum posts.
Just because bad decisions were made before seems like a foolish reason to make more. But hey
Precedent exists to nerf the top champs ds widow sw.
Guess it's time to nerf corvus ghost and blade too
To be fair to all those posting these sorts of things, Kabam opened this can of worms when they went back and update rewards for acts 1-4.
And if you're still around in another three years, you might see them increase the rewards for Act 5. It isn't impossible, but it doesn't happen just because people think the rewards are "out of date" or anything remotely like that. Rewards on older content are only changed when other changes to the game alter the progressional curve enough to make them no longer aligned with the rest of the game. You could make that argument for Acts 1 through 3, and maybe 4, but not for Act 5. So long as Uncollected is a major progressional hurdle, I doubt you'll see them touching Act 5.
By no means am I saying they SHOULD buff them, just that the precedent was set. And we all know how much analytical thought goes into most forum posts.
And I agreed that they did set that precedent, but I also said that setting that precedent doesn't mean any such change will happen again on any particular timeline. Act 5 is much more recent than the earlier Acts and also has fundamental differences related to progress; the Collector fight in particular gating Uncollected status.
When we did it, we had the same amount of rewards.
Why would you get more ?
Be patient, you'll get a better rating of rewards later !
Content is easier then ever. Easier content =less rewarding
I don't see why the rewards should be upgraded.
Wait... are we being punked? Where's Ashten?
Precedent exists to nerf the top champs ds widow sw.
Guess it's time to nerf corvus ghost and blade too