Side event quest epic diffuclty is abit too much
I dont if it rng or not ,but the rage 130k+ hp killmonger and aspect of evo 130k+ hp hyperion on the same path in a quest where you cant scout ahead is just too much
And a power gain hype
Took 14 minutes total for all 10 fights.
Was actually disappointed in it being that fast
Maybe i am just abit salty because of this bs evo hype
This jusf feels like shooting blindfolded and hoping to hit right ,which is a bad game design in my opinion
1 day and I've already earned/spent 200000 acorns.
On this side quest we have no idea of what champs and combinations of nodes they can throw at us
Are we supposed to get zero prizes after completing the epic map?
You are playing this for the acorns you get each fight
To reach one million you need 455k in 28 days. You can theoretically enter four times in one day, but I think we're only going to get those 28 entries altogether (I'll explain why in a bit). You need to average at least 16250 acorns per entry to reach one million. In the max difficulty, the first five fights generate (I'm referencing Seatin's first run through here) 15001 acorns and the first six generate 19287 acorns. So you need something between the first five and the first six fights on average.
Supposedly there will be other ways to get acorns. In fact, Kabam Miike stated that there would be two million acorns possible in the game, and the acorns I've accounted for only add up to 1.75 million. There's 250k somewhere, probably in the Squirrel Girl arena.
Back to the entry limits. Is it possible I'm wrong about the entry limits? Maybe, but probably not. Seatin's first full run through generated 42859 acorns. If there are 28 entries possible the max acorns you can get from that activity is almost exactly 1.2 million. But if you think we'll be able to enter four times every day for 28 days then the max acorns possible would be 4.8 million. That's more than Kabam Miike's stated limit by a huge margin.
In fact, the fact that 42859 x 28 = 1,200,052 doesn't look like a coincidence to me. It looks like someone wanted the side quest to generate about 1.2 million acorns, and reverse engineered the acorn numbers, which is why they drop weirdo amounts (i.e. 2143 for the first defeat).
Anyway, it seems the magic number is six. Consistently beat fight six and do all the objectives and fully explore master and uncollected and log in every day, and you reach one million. If you do other difficulties and you snag some other acorns from other sources, maybe five will be enough. Four might be pushing it. In fact if you can only do four, fully exploring Master tier might generate more acorns: I haven't seen those numbers yet.
If we are going to get 28x4 = 112 baskets, that's 28 entries of Epic. But it is also 37 entries of Master. So assuming you can enter as long as you have baskets it is an interesting question as to what's better: 28 entries of your best effort in Epic, or possibly 37 full completions of Master. I may try to work those numbers out tonight in a secondary account.
My team consisted of G2099 (biohazard/Havok/Abom), Doom (power control and luckily shock immune since I ran into 2 EMP nodes), DV (extra power control and Havok counter just in case. Also ability accuracy reduction for evaders/auto blockers), Mysterio (poison immunity and heal control), and Havok (Korg, Electro, Dorm, Domino, Magik counter). Unfortunately I did come across a Mephisto with enhanced incinerate so that hurt a bit but Doom covered an Aarkus and Annihilus with aspect of evolution and Warlock with glancing. Will it be impossible to bring 5 champs that counter everything in the game? Yes absolutely but I would just think which fights will give you the most trouble that you can’t work around very well and try to counter those. I hope your future runs go more smoothly.
Eh you do the math, but it looks like master falls short unless arena makes up the difference for you.
Here are the numbers for master.
1-7 608
8-9 1216
Boss 4865
12161 is very interesting. If we get 28x4 = 112 baskets, that's 37 entries (plus one left over). 12161 x 37 = 449957.
If you do all the objectives and fully explore master and epic you can get 550k. That will leave you 43 acorns short of one million. You could do a chapter of a lower difficulty and you're there. Huh.
One day into new event and this, by far the easiest event with this kind of rewards, like 5* AGc 2 full t2a 15k 5* shard, 2k 6* and bunch of other stuffs
Power control,
Broad immunities,
No buffs/no debuffs,
DOT champs
I brought Guilly2099 (more clutch than anything ever), Thing (almost as clutch as her), Hyperion (useless), Stealth Spidey (kinda somewhat useful), Corvus (less kinda somewhat useful).
Next time I’d swap out Hyperion for HT, Stealthy for NT or another no-evade champ, maybe Iceman, and maybe a stagger or nullify champ swap for Corvus.