New tier list i have just made



  • Aomine_Daiki10Aomine_Daiki10 Member Posts: 1,656 ★★★★★
    Seriously a generic gem on domino,Sunspot is above aegon and corvus this list is misguided sorry to say.
  • NEO_mr_AndersonNEO_mr_Anderson Member Posts: 1,075 ★★★
    Too many wrong placement for me.

    You should have titled it ''My personal tier list''

    If you have tried all the champs on the same map/path, you must have missed a few thing.
  • KalantakKalantak Member Posts: 1,300 ★★★★
    tier lists are dumb
  • J0eySn0wJ0eySn0w Member Posts: 1,001 ★★★★
    Aesthetic looks pretty cool in my opinion. I like tier lists in general just as a guide for utility purpose. As this game is sophisticated and no one champ is good for every matchup, sometimes these lists come handy.
    However, your champ rankings is really bad! You did say though that you dont have much experience with new champs but I think it's a lot more than just new. You need to get to know most of these champs. I'd say review your list and consult a friend or some alliance mates and seek their opinions as well.
    It take efforts to put together something like this, so good job.

    Tip: Will be easier if you list the champs by class. Will make it easy locating a champ.
  • NojokejaymNojokejaym Member Posts: 4,127 ★★★★★
    You shouldn’t care about other people’s opinions
  • MongooseSuicideMongooseSuicide Member Posts: 45
    It’s my favorite tier list so far because it finally includes my best hero “Rouge”
  • TP33TP33 Member Posts: 1,737 ★★★★★
    Terra said:

    What program did you use to create this list OP? I'd like to do one for myself to keep a mental reminder

    Microsoft excel
  • UnnecessaryJB1UnnecessaryJB1 Member Posts: 202
    Ehh guys, just leave him, he’s doin it basing on his experience, knowledge, I’ll be happy to see his another list in 1-2 years from now, I bet it’ll come completely different,let him haven’t his fun🌞
  • UnnecessaryJB1UnnecessaryJB1 Member Posts: 202
  • NiteAndDaeNiteAndDae Member Posts: 670 ★★★
    edited January 2020
    Instead of trying to encompass the entire game Ina generalized list, if you must list champs, do it in a context.

    For example, list them in terms of which are the best for war defense, since Korg may be a decent defender, but is absolutely useless if you want to use him to clear Abyss or even anything in Act 6.

    Also, if I want to know which champs are best for the "can't touch this" path in aq, venom should pretty much top that list in my opinion.

    Your list will not help me decide who to rank up if I have a specific need. Which then begs the question, what's the point of the list?
  • JaiPacholtesJaiPacholtes Member Posts: 15
    Crumb3307 said:

    Star lord in “meh”? Automatically discredits anything else in your list.

    I'm with you.
    I think he doesn't have all these Champs. Kang and Thanos? Really?
    Maybe he doesn't have Star Lord too.
  • JaiPacholtesJaiPacholtes Member Posts: 15
    Medusa only in very good :D:D:D:D
  • FreeToPlay_21FreeToPlay_21 Member Posts: 1,594 ★★★★
    The only thing even remotely acceptable about this tier list is the dark background. Everything else stinks, and it stinks HARD. I'm sorry.
  • KerneasKerneas Member Posts: 3,882 ★★★★★
    Venom is too low. He is r5 material, not for generic AG. But class probably
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  • CrispyCrispy Member Posts: 85
    This is the first time I’ve seen this many ppl agree on something in the forum, kudos for that OP. 😂
  • Tiger360Tiger360 Member Posts: 1,696 ★★★★
    Aegon isn't worth a generic gem?
  • Tiger360Tiger360 Member Posts: 1,696 ★★★★
    edited January 2020
    Zuro said:

    Zuro said:

    Zuro said:

    I just came here to say...tier lists ruin the game.

    Bye(cool list tho)

    Nah not really, its a rough guide to see vaguely how useful a champ is. I followed the more popular ones and I am doing soo much better than most players playing this game.
    This game isn't only about making it as far as you can, it's also about having fun. like you know how annoying it is to play a less desirable champ that you genuinely enjoy using just for everyone to constantly bash them it makes you feel like youre making the wrong decisionside but in reality you're making the right one because you are ranking Champs you love
    Tier lists are made to do well in the game, I have fun by doing well in this game. Thats the whole point of playing smthn competitively...if you are playing for fun then why even look at tier lists? Its not for you but for people who want to improve.
    Well its kind of hard to avoid tier lists when that's all people talk about "no don't rank him up he isn't god tier" "Why isn't he god tier" and so on like what's the point of playing this game just to have people tell you what to do and who to rank up it ruins the game for people. like for example someone gets a kill monger they're are gonna think that he is only meh because that's what people in this community try to put in your head when in reality he can put up some serious work. Anyways I'm not saying don't look at tier lists but if you can't rank up Champs by your own decisions rethink on why you even play this game
    Sure, focus on having fun when you are end game, but I would not recommend a newer player to make their first R5 someone like Iron Fist over someone like Ghost or Corvus
  • TheToxicCactusTheToxicCactus Member Posts: 368 ★★
    TP33 said:

    I made this. Can any of you tell me if I’ve made any big mistakes. I don’t have much experience with lots of new champs. A few things before you criticise,1: Ægon stays where he is, i know he’s a great champ but do people use him in content like act 5, no, 2: I don’t want to hear this new “JUST RANK UP CHAMPS YOU LIKE, EVEN IF THEY ARE TERRIBLE, IF THEY ARE FUN...” this is a GUIDE. Not an encyclopaedia.
    Also any aesthetic tips would be appreciated.

    Do ppl use Aegon in act 5? Yes

  • phil56201phil56201 Member Posts: 987 ★★★
    TP33 said:

    I made this. Can any of you tell me if I’ve made any big mistakes. I don’t have much experience with lots of new champs. A few things before you criticise,1: Ægon stays where he is, i know he’s a great champ but do people use him in content like act 5, no, 2: I don’t want to hear this new “JUST RANK UP CHAMPS YOU LIKE, EVEN IF THEY ARE TERRIBLE, IF THEY ARE FUN...” this is a GUIDE. Not an encyclopaedia.
    Also any aesthetic tips would be appreciated.

    Not the greatest list or format. Not all top tier champs are even class AG worthy. Some high demi gods are generic worthy, and champions like Corvus or SW being rated no higher than r4? Corvus needs to be ranked as high as possible to benefit from his abilities and SW is only a 4*, so if anyone is considering using her, she has to be r5 to be even semi usable. Omega Red arguably the top mutant in the game and Namor getting nerfed, so he may notbe as good in a couple weeks.

    Could go on, but that list needs some work IMO.
  • Superchampion_Superchampion_ Member Posts: 172 ★★★
    I personally agree with KT1 in that god tier should be the peak. If everyone is god tier, what’s the point. God tier should be exclusive only for the very best games in a class.

    First, isolate ghost and quake as they are exceptions. If you are skilled enough (and in ghost’s case, have the full synergy team) they can handle almost every challenge in game. If there is such a thing as best champs, it’s them.

    Second, god tier should be limited to 2 or 3 champs per class. The very best who are usually the best options in most situations. Doom, Corvus, warlock, omega, nick fury, thing, just to give an example.
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,438 Guardian
    TP33 said:

    I made this. Can any of you tell me if I’ve made any big mistakes.

    Since this is all your opinion, and you don't explain why any champ is where it is, there's no real way for anyone to point out "mistakes."

    It is a mistake itself to think there's a "correct" way to judge champions and a "wrong" way. People are going to disagree about how valuable champions are, and on what criteria to even judge them. The only interesting thing is the thought process behind the judgments, not the judgments themselves. So before jumping directly to a complete list of all the champions and how valuable they are, I should ask just exactly how much thought did you put into each and every champion. How much testing have you done with each champion, and in what ways. How much discussion have you had with other players about these champions.

    You say the spreadsheet is supposed to be a guide. A guide to what? What do you want players to get out of it? They can only get what you put in. So if this is something you want to do, consider how you would explain to someone what you put into it. What was the thought process behind it. When do you think a champion is better or worse. You don't have to be an end game player to produce something useful, nor do you have to know everything about every champ. But you shouldn't gloss over what you don't know either.
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