Character Wishlist Thread 3.0



  • WRIRWRIR Member Posts: 563 ★★★

    Some things he could have

    Armor Brea Immunity: Bullseye's adamantium bones cannot be broken, and thus Bullseye is immune to being armor broken.

    Accuracy: some sort of true accuracy, guarenteed criticals

    Cruelty since he's known for being cruel.
  • Deder80Deder80 Member Posts: 739 ★★★
    edited October 2020
    I would love to see Gladiator from the avengers comic magazine come the this game. Gladiator is bad ass. Drake the destroyer challenged him knowing he would get his head smashed.
  • AegSheriffAegSheriff Member Posts: 5
    Hulk Buff Idea
    Hulk takes 25% less damage from direct damage effects.
    He also takes 70% less damage from passive DoT effects.
    Hulk is immune to all Cowardice debuff effects.
    Every 30 seconds that passes in a fight Hulk places a permanent Cowardice debuff (new debuff) on the opponent increasing the amount of damage they take from special attacks by 10%. Max 5 stacks.
    Whenever Cowardice fails to activate due to an immunity gain 2 Hulk Rage charges instead.

    Immortal Hulk
    All damage taken from any source is capped at 40% of his base health, 25% health if hulk's ability accuracy is reduced. Both damage caps are increased by 100% if hulk has a natural class disadvantage.
    If this cap is reached, hulk gains an industructible buff lasting 4 seconds while this indestructible buff is active hulk gains 5 hulk rage charges per second until it expires. The duration of the indestructible buff is increased to 8 seconds while hulk is defending.
    Immortal Hulk ability accuracy cannot be reduced.

    Hulk Smash!
    Hulk gains 1 Hulk Rage charge everytime he takes damage from passive damage sources (such as passive DoT effects and direct damage), is evaded or misses and gains 2 hulk rage charges whenever one of his buffs are nullified or removed.
    Hulk Rage charges reduce all damage taken and opponent's combat power rate by 1.5% per charge. Additionally, increases hulks damage, combat power rate and reduces opponents passive power gain rate 2.5% per charge.
    Hulk Rage has a stacking limit of 10 while hulk is attacking and 40 while he is defending.
    Hulk Rage bonuses are 50% less effective if hulk has a natural class disadvantage.

    Strongest One There is!
    Below 25% of Hulk's health he can no longer miss or be evade, is immune to unblockable attacks, has guaranteed crit hits and gains a stun protection passive that makes him stun immune. Unless Hulk has a class advantage, the bonuses from Strongest One There Is! are temporarily deactivated while Hulk is suffering from a bleed or shock debuff for the duration of the debuff.
    Strongest one there is ability accuracy cannot be reduced.

    Special attacks - His stun abilities on special attacks are really cool btw so if you guys can leave them as they are that'd be awesome.

    Medium - have up to a 100% chance, based on missing health, of placing a non- stacking concussion passive reducing ability accuracy by 40% for 8 seconds.

    Heavy- pause all of Hulk's personal debuffs for 4 seconds

    Special 1- First hit places a Slow debuff on the opponent lasting 10 seconds. This debuff starts paused for 4 seconds when it's activated.

    Special 2- on activation applies an non-stacking armour break debuff removing an armour up buffs and reducing armour rating by 250 for 25 seconds

    Special 3 - Activates Strongest One There is! for 20 seconds, this is paused during his and his opponent's special attacks.

    Awakened Ability
    You Won't Like Me When Am Angry!
    Sig 200 - Hulk Gains a permanent Creulty and Fury buff below 95% health that increase in potency based on how much health he has. Max potency at 25% Health.
    Fury- increases attack by up to 250% based on missing health
    Creulty - increases crit damage rate by up to 2000 based on missing health.
    If these buffs are removed they return in 4 seconds.
  • GmasterGmaster Member Posts: 1

    Venomized Ghost Rider

    T’Challa (earth-2301)

    1,000,000 BC Iron Fist

    1,000,000 BC Black panther
  • TheMightyoneTheMightyone Member Posts: 2
    My wishlist
    Omega sentinel
    Madame masque
    Black ant
    Go-Go (Tomago)
  • LightningfastLightningfast Member Posts: 2
    My character wishlist
    Machine man
  • GmaticGmatic Member Posts: 2
    I want to see the following
    Kitty pryde
    Jack of hearts
  • 88Hunter88Hunter Member Posts: 1

    Black Box



    Detroit steel
    Obadiah stane
  • Wildblue333Wildblue333 Member Posts: 405 ★★
    I really want to see more Iron Man Villians. He had big bunch .

    Mandarin (Mystic or Tech)
    Blacklash/Whiplash (skill)
    Living Laser (science)
    Ultimo (cosmic or Tech)

    SInce we are on that Let's also bring in Hulk and She Hulk foes too

    The U-Foes. (that could be next years theme. four members in that group. Space out Vapor, Vector, Ironclad, and X-ray out like they did Fantastic Four. Make 2021 the year of the bad guy)
  • GreanGrean Member Posts: 1,402 ★★★★
    Lady Deathstrike: Mutant
    Lady Deathstrike has 100% bleed resistance

    Basic attacks:
    Her mediums and first light attacks use her claw's, resulting in guaranteed crits. All of her other basic attacks cannot be critical. all attacks have a 25% chance to place a bleed on the opponent for 3 seconds dealing 608 damage. critical hits increase this chance to a flat 60%.Whenever a bleed would end/be purified, she will gain a cruelty, increasing critical damage rating by 525. Cruelties gained in this way will give her a persistent charge, max 100 charges.
    When reaching a certain threshold of cruelty/persistent charges, she will gain different effects.
    - Upon reaching 20 cruelty: Critical hits bypass evade, auto-block, and miss
    - Upon reaching 40 cruelty: bleeds inflicted by critical hits have a 10% chance to be a critical bleed
    - Upon reaching 60 cruelty: 60% chance to ignore defensive ability accuracy
    - Upon reaching 80 cruelty: opponents gain 50% less power from critical hits
    - Upon reaching 100 cruelty: gain 10% of a bar of power each second while opponents are bleeding
    Heavy attack: restarts all bleeds on opponent.

    When below 15% health: triggers regeneration buff for 5 secs, healing 1% per 2 cruelty buffs.

    Special 1: 3 hits- each hit inflicts bleed for 6 seconds, dealing 912 direct damage.

    Special 2: 7 hits- if opponent has more than 3 bleeds when this special was activated, each hit is a guaranteed critical hit.

    Special 3: 10 hits- Inflicts a critical bleed for 12 seconds, dealing 2432 damage.

    Sig ability: If Lady deathstrike loses her cruelty buffs, her special 3 will grant her cruelty until she has the same amount of cruelty as persistent charges. these cruelty have x% reduced potency.
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  • Bloodbath96Bloodbath96 Member Posts: 24
    edited October 2020
    Awesome abilities of Adam warlock really captivating. Great job bro
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  • Mr.0-8-4Mr.0-8-4 Member Posts: 504 ★★★
    If you guys are looking to expand the roster in terms of ethnicity diversity, I definitely suggest you guys look into these Marvel champs.


    She's a Sentinel Prime from India! She's badass from India, haven't really seen too much of her in the comics but this could be a great champ to have on the team. Besides, she could have awesome synergies with Sentinels and other champs


    This is Lara Dos Santos aka Shark-girl. She's a Brazilian mutant with the ability to turn into a were-shark!!!! We definitely need more water champs because my boi Namor is the only one. I saw a while ago that someone had created an idea for a new debuff called "Drown". This would be a fantastic new debuff that could benefit water benders or water champs!


    This is the heroine from the Philippines known as Wave! She's a hydrokenetic champ who can manipulate water as she sees fit. A pretty cool rep for Philippines (and also a water champ!)


    This is Haechi, a Korean-American inhuman with the ability to absorb energy and become a badass beast! We could always use more badass Inhumans.


    This is Camilla Black, aka Scorpion who is a genetically engineered human with immunity to any type of toxin, poison, nuclear waste, nerve gas or pollutant. She has the ability to absorb any type of poison/toxin into her body and then release it from her hand to sting an opponent. She has been a Shield agent and she's from Southeast Asia. She's make a great addition to the female badasses in the game


    Last but not least, this is Spectrum. I don't know too much about her other than she has some pretty awesome abilities that would make her an essential addition to the team. Her powers are that of light and energy which falls into the elemental category.

    Over all, it would be cool if we could have more female representation in the MCOC community since these champs have lots of potential to bring new debuffs and abilities to the game.

  • TheMinotaurTheMinotaur Member Posts: 1
    edited October 2020
    Some to take in consideration:
    Absorbing Man
    The LIzard
    Kraven The Hunter
    Molten Man
    Radiocative Man
    Fin Fang Foom
    Baron Zemo
    Arnim Zola
    Trick Shot
    The Leader
    Red She-Hulk
    Adam Warlok
    More Alpha Flight and Soviet Super Soldiers characters
    The Blob
    Iron Maiden
    Wonder Man
    And you know who

  • Mr.0-8-4Mr.0-8-4 Member Posts: 504 ★★★
    If you guys are looking to expand the roster in terms of ethnicity diversity, I definitely suggest you guys look into these Marvel champs.


    She's a Sentinel Prime from India! She's badass from India, haven't really seen too much of her in the comics but this could be a great champ to have on the team. Besides, she could have awesome synergies with Sentinels and other champs


    This is Lara Dos Santos aka Shark-girl. She's a Brazilian mutant with the ability to turn into a were-shark!!!! We definitely need more water champs because my boi Namor is the only one. I saw a while ago that someone had created an idea for a new debuff called "Drown". This would be a fantastic new debuff that could benefit water benders or water champs!


    This is the heroine from the Philippines known as Wave! She's a hydrokenetic champ who can manipulate water as she sees fit. A pretty cool rep for Philippines (and also a water champ!)


    This is Haechi, a Korean-American inhuman with the ability to absorb energy and become a badass beast! We could always use more badass Inhumans.


    This is Camilla Black, aka Scorpion who is a genetically engineered human with immunity to any type of toxin, poison, nuclear waste, nerve gas or pollutant. She has the ability to absorb any type of poison/toxin into her body and then release it from her hand to sting an opponent. She has been a Shield agent and she's from Southeast Asia. She's make a great addition to the female badasses in the game


    Last but not least, this is Spectrum. I don't know too much about her other than she has some pretty awesome abilities that would make her an essential addition to the team. Her powers are that of light and energy which falls into the elemental category.

    Over all, it would be cool if we could have more female representation in the MCOC community since these champs have lots of potential to bring new debuffs and abilities to the game.
  • 17madeyes17madeyes Member Posts: 1


    Scorpion symbiote


    Lord tantalus


  • BlueegaleBlueegale Member Posts: 1

    Living lightning




  • Apocalypse189Apocalypse189 Member Posts: 1,135 ★★★

  • GreanGrean Member Posts: 1,402 ★★★★

    I would personally make her a mystic champion, as she is a sorceress
  • SpideyFunkoSpideyFunko Member Posts: 21,964 ★★★★★
    Grean said:


    I would personally make her a mystic champion, as she is a sorceress
    but she’s asgardian
  • GreanGrean Member Posts: 1,402 ★★★★

    Grean said:


    I would personally make her a mystic champion, as she is a sorceress
    but she’s asgardian
    So is Loki
  • The_Sentry06The_Sentry06 Member Posts: 7,804 ★★★★★
    Hawkeye rework:

    Hawkeye is trained and accomplished marksman and so, his attacks cannot be evaded.
    Gain one persistent charge at the start of a quest and gain one at the end of a fight.

    Pre-fight ability:
    The user is allowed to choose the debuffs applied on the opponent by consuming a persistent charge with a choice between incinerate, coldsnap, shock and bleed.If the user has any persistent charges left when a fight starts, they are all used up to set bleed as default. (The user can select the same debuff multiple times and it will trigger accordingly with his abilities).
    These debuffs scale with attack and crit rating.

    Applies a stackable debuff based on prefight(bleed or incinerate or coldsnap or shock) dealing X amount of damage over 20 seconds.
    Drains up to a bar of the opponent's power.
    (For example, if the user chose the bleed prefight twice, the bleed debuff is applied twice)

    Gain a cruelty and precision buff for 40 seconds at the start of the attack.
    The 3rd hit has 100% crit chance.

    Gain a permanent cruelty and precision.
    Power drains 100% of the opponent's power.

    Sig ability:
    Gain an additional persistent charge at the end of a fight.
    Gain a chance ranging from 20% to 40% to refresh debuffs on critical hits.

  • SpideyFunkoSpideyFunko Member Posts: 21,964 ★★★★★

    Hawkeye rework:

    Hawkeye is trained and accomplished marksman and so, his attacks cannot be evaded.
    Gain one persistent charge at the start of a quest and gain one at the end of a fight.

    Pre-fight ability:
    The user is allowed to choose the debuffs applied on the opponent by consuming a persistent charge with a choice between incinerate, coldsnap, shock and bleed.If the user has any persistent charges left when a fight starts, they are all used up to set bleed as default. (The user can select the same debuff multiple times and it will trigger accordingly with his abilities).
    These debuffs scale with attack and crit rating.

    Applies a stackable debuff based on prefight(bleed or incinerate or coldsnap or shock) dealing X amount of damage over 20 seconds.
    Drains up to a bar of the opponent's power.
    (For example, if the user chose the bleed prefight twice, the bleed debuff is applied twice)

    Gain a cruelty and precision buff for 40 seconds at the start of the attack.
    The 3rd hit has 100% crit chance.

    Gain a permanent cruelty and precision.
    Power drains 100% of the opponent's power.

    Sig ability:
    Gain an additional persistent charge at the end of a fight.
    Gain a chance ranging from 20% to 40% to refresh debuffs on critical hits.

    feel like his default should be bleed, that way he doesn’t lose persistent charges.
  • Apocalypse189Apocalypse189 Member Posts: 1,135 ★★★
    edited October 2020
    Grean said:


    I would personally make her a mystic champion, as she is a sorceress
    I went Cosmic as I feel she being Mystic will just give abilities other champions already have.
  • GreanGrean Member Posts: 1,402 ★★★★
    Cool idea for enchantress: Give her some mechanic that counters all #male champs, like how torch counters all Mystic champs
  • Apocalypse189Apocalypse189 Member Posts: 1,135 ★★★

    Adam Warlock

    *All stats based on 5-Star, Rank 5, Level 65, Signature Level 200

    HEALTH: 30634 ATTACK: 2786
    MAX PI: 10945
    WITHOUT SIG: 7183

    Character Class: Cosmic

    Basic Abilities: Aura Reading, Quantum Magic, Cruelty, Fury, Unstoppable, Precision, Unblockable, Power Thief, Indestructible, Regenerative Cocoon, Degeneration, Ultra Sense


    • Adam Warlock’s mastery of mind, body, and soul provide him full immunity to mind control and reversed controls effects.
    • Adam Warlock is an Astral Outsider and therefore is immune to ability accuracy reduction.
    • Adam Warlock’s combo ending attacks are guaranteed critical hits.

    Aura Reading

    • Over the course of the fight, Adam Warlock gains Insight passives that stack up to 100.
    • He gains these in 3 ways:
    ⁃ Stun the opponent–Gain 5 Insight
    ⁃ Perform an Intercept–Gain 20 Insight
    ⁃ Perform a Light Intercept–Gain 30 Insight
    • At 100 Insight, Adam Warlock has read the opponent’s aura. When this happens, the opponent suffers a Damaged passive reducing the potency of their Armor Up buffs by 200%, Adam Warlock inflicts passives whenever he would inflict a debuff (therefore bypassing debuff immunity), and he gains a Ultra Sense buff for the rest of the fight. Ultra Sense allows attacks to ignore all miss, evade, auto-block, and unstoppable effects.

    Quantum Magic

    • Adam gains buffs and passive effects based on the opponent’s number of active Armor Up buffs.
    ⁃ Each Armor Up on the opponent decreases their ability accuracy by 15%.
    ⁃ Gain +1 Cruelty buff increasing Critical Damage Rating by 241 per Armor Up on the opponent.
    ⁃ 1+ Armor Up(s) - Gain a Power Thief buff, allowing basic attacks to steal 1% of a bar of power per active Armor Up on the opponent. Adam gains 100% of the power stolen.
    ⁃ 3+ Armor Up(s) - When dashing toward the opponent, gain a 1 second Unstoppable buff.
    ⁃ 5+ Armor Up(s) - Gain a Fury buff, increasing attack rating by 2157.
    ⁃ 7+ Armor Up(s) - Go Indestructible for 10 seconds when struck. This ability has a 30 second cooldown.
    ⁃ 10+ Armor Up(s) - Gain an Unblockable buff.
    • Whenever Adam is affected by a Power Drain, Burn, or Taunt effect, his opponent gains an Armor Up buff increasing Armor by 0.
    • When attacking with a guaranteed critical hit, 7.5% chance for the opponent to gain an Armor Up buff increasing Armor by 0. Whenever this fails to trigger, inflict a permanent stack of degeneration, dealing 24 direct damage twice per second indefinitely.

    Regenerative Cocoon

    • When Adam Warlock falls below a multiple of 8% of max health, he gains a permanent stack of the Regenerative Cocoon. Max stacks 10.
    • The Regenerative Cocoon buff provides +1000 physical resistance and +20% Perfect Block Chance. While active, Adam Warlock regenerates .03% max health per second. This ability bypasses heal block and reduction debuffs. While at least one stack of the regenerative cocoon is active this champion gains +100% ability accuracy.

    Special 1 - Power of Him
    Adam uses his power over microscopic matter to attack the opponent invisibly.

    • Doubles the number of degeneration debuffs on the opponent. If this would spill over 99, gain a stack of the regenerative cocoon for every 7 spillover, min 1, instead.
    • If the opponent has less than 50 degeneration debuffs at the end of this attack, instantly regain 75% of a bar of power.

    Special 2 - Matter Manifestation
    Adam creates matter out of thin air, cutting and crushing his enemies.

    • Triggering this special attack removes all stacks of the Regenerative Cocoon and triggers a variety of effects:
    ⁃ Precision for the duration of the attack, increasing Critical Rating by 1000 per stack removed.
    ⁃ Hits of this attack gain +.5% lifesteal per stack removed.
    • If the opponent’s Aura has been read, enemy Armor Up buffs gain +2000 potency. At the end of this attack, remove all Armor Ups from the opponent.

    Special 3 - Wrath of the Magus
    Adam allows his alter ego to take over, and strikes with the full extent of his power.

    • This attack costs no power. Instantly afterwards, drain 100% of max power from both champions. Then Taunt self for .5 seconds.
    • Stun the opponent for 8.5 seconds.

    Signature Ability - Soul Gem

    • Adam Warlock is now able to capture souls, and gains a Persistent Charge each time he knocks out a champion, max 5 persistent charges per quest. Each charge allows him to begin the fight with +20 Insight.
    • Adam Warlock’s cruelty buffs are 100% more potent.
    • First medium attack is now a guaranteed crit.

    All those abilities? Wow talk about overloading the matchup lol
  • GreanGrean Member Posts: 1,402 ★★★★
    edited October 2020

    *All stats are based on 5, rank 5, Sig 200

    HP: 33,624
    Attack: 2086
    Max PI: 10880

    Class: Mystic

    Basic abilities: Black Magic, Chaos magic, darkhold curse, dark

    - His Intimidating presence reduces opponent's ability accuracy, healing, and power rate by up to 50%, depending on the amount of power he has.
    - Chthon gains 100% less power from from landing and receiving hits, but gains a bar of power every 12 seconds
    - Chthon is immune to power lock, power burn, power drain, armor break, and armor shatter effects.

    Chthon has two magics; Black magic and Chaos magic. When one of the magics is activated, all buffs on the opponent are removed (Not Nullified). Each magic lasts for 12 seconds

    Black Magic: he gains black magic by knocking the opponent down or getting knocked down. While black magic is active, he gains + 2179. Basic attacks have a 30% chance to place a Darklock debuff for 12 seconds, reducing ability accuracy of buffs by 30%. When the ability accuracy of buffs is reduced by more than 100%, it is converted into a darkhold curse passive lasting 45 second. Max stack: 5.

    Darkhold Curse: while this is active, Chthon passively increases his attack rating by 1043. Additionally, opponents cannot gain buffs. If the opponent would gain a buff, they would take degeneration damage, dealing 2086 damage over 2 seconds. This degeneration does not stack. If the opponent were to lose power through any means, He would gain 100% of the power lost. Opponents will also lose 30% ability accuracy, and chthon gains the same amount. All attacks will steal 5% of the opponents power.

    Chaos magic: Chthon gains this magic by landing or receiving a critical hit. While Chaos magic is active, Chthon gains +1728 critical rating. All critical hits will nullify upto 1 buff. Additionally, each critical hit from either champion has a 95% chance to trigger a random buff or debuff. These include:
    Incinerate- dealing 2087 damage over 7 seconds
    Cruelty- increasing critical damage rating by 1216 for 7 seconds
    Power steal- stealing upto 2 bars of power
    Heal block passive- prevents all healing for 7 seconds
    Fury- increase attack rating by 1043 for 7 seconds
    Fate seal- Prevents all buffs from triggering for 7 seconds
    Armor break- lowers armor rating by 2187 for 7 seconds
    Regeneration- heals 3,362 health over 7 seconds
    Power drain- power drains 50% of the opponents current power
    Stun- stuns opponent for 3.5 seconds
    Place a darkhold curse on the opponent for 45 seconds

    Heavy attack: Charging his heavy attack will give him 50 darkhold charges per second. If Chthon has 100 darkhold charges, his heavy attack will place a darkhold curse on the opponent.

    Special attacks: while darkholds curse is active, all special attacks are unblockable.

    Special 1: Otherworldly
    Chthon summons the power of Otherworld, slashing them before blasting them away. Hits:4

    Final hit places a degeneration debuff on the opponent for 8 seconds, dealing 1564.

    Special 2: Darkhold Hexes
    Chthon mixes Black and chaos magic to destroy the opponent. Hits: 7

    Each hit has a 70% chance to activate an effect from his chaos magic. Final hit places a darkhold curse on the opponent for 45 seconds.

    Special 3: Elder’s Bane
    Chthon teleports the opponent to otherworld, blasts them, then feeds them to otherworld demons.

    Activates both Magics. If the opponent has any effects from chaos magic, they become permanent. If the opponent is suffering a darkhold curse, it too becomes permanent.

    Signature ability: Demonic transformation
    All nullification and power control become immune to Ability accuracy reduction.
    Whenever the opponent gains a darkhold curse passive or a chaos magic effect, Chthon gains 12% of a bar of power every second.

  • Apocalypse189Apocalypse189 Member Posts: 1,135 ★★★

  • WarLord19WarLord19 Member Posts: 6
    edited October 2020
    Can we add Peter from Deadpool 2? He would of course have to be at least God Tier

    Special 1: Diabetes Type I

    Special 2: Diabetes Type II

    Special 3: Insulin Overdose

    Get creative with it
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