Character Wishlist Thread 3.0



  • NanandaimeanarutoNanandaimeanaruto Member Posts: 517 ★★

    Schwarzer Ritter (Däne Whitman)
    Black Knight (Dane Whitman)

    Schwarzer Ritter (Däne Whitman)
    Black Knight (Dane Whitman)

    Excellent swordsman and hand to hand combatant
    Expert horseman
    Genius physicist
    Strong strategist and tactician
    Magic senses
    Wields the Sword of Light and Shield of Night

    Powers and abilities Edit
    The Black Knight was originally a normal athletic human being with no superhuman powers. While sharing the gann josin with Sersi, his strength, speed, and other physical abilities were mildly enhanced. After the gann josin link was broken, Whitman returned to being a normal human being. As part of his new role as the Pendragon, however, Whitman has gained minor mystical abilities, such as the ability to see through mystical illusions by looking "past the mundane."

    Whitman is an excellent swordsman whose skills have allowed him to best Swordsman in combat. He is also an excellent fighter in general, able to hold his own against such skilled fighters as Captain America and Wolverine. He is also an expert horseman. Additionally, Whitman started out as a scientist, though specializing in physics (having earned a master's degree in physics), he is proficient in a wide array of advanced sciences and technologies, including genetic and mechanical engineering, and continues to approach things from a scientific perspective more often than not, despite his ties to the world of magic. He has also demonstrated good leadership skills as leader of both the Avengers and Ultraforce. He has strong strategic and tactical skills.

  • RosemenRosemen Member Posts: 1

    Jessica jones (Jewel Costume)

    Sun god



    Wolverine (X-Force)

    Jennifer kale


  • OldManLoganOldManLogan Member Posts: 7
    Add Old Man Logan to Apocalypse 5 * Synergy bringer of death 3, and make a venomiozed version of Old Man Logan could be released at Halloween
  • ProwlerSymbioteProwlerSymbiote Member Posts: 500 ★★
    Cyber (Tech)

    Northstar (Mutant)

    Puma (Science)

    Black Knight (Dane Whitman) (Mystic)

    Ymir (Cosmic)

    Boom Boom (Mutant)

    Major Victory (Mutant)

    Hellcat (Skill)

    M.O.D.A.M. (Science)

    Miss America (Science)

    Martinex (Cosmic)

    Valkyrie (Cosmic)

    Nimrod (Tech)

    Aurora (Mutant)
  • NanandaimeanarutoNanandaimeanaruto Member Posts: 517 ★★

    Schwarzer Ritter (Däne Whitman)
    Black Knight (Dane Whitman)

    Schwarzer Ritter (Däne Whitman)
    Black Knight (Dane Whitman)

    Excellent swordsman and hand to hand combatant
    Expert horseman
    Genius physicist
    Strong strategist and tactician
    Magic senses
    Wields the Sword of Light and Shield of Night

    Powers and abilities
    The Black Knight was originally a normal athletic human being with no superhuman powers. While sharing the gann josin with Sersi, his strength, speed, and other physical abilities were mildly enhanced. After the gann josin link was broken, Whitman returned to being a normal human being. As part of his new role as the Pendragon, however, Whitman has gained minor mystical abilities, such as the ability to see through mystical illusions by looking "past the mundane."

    Whitman is an excellent swordsman whose skills have allowed him to best Swordsman in combat. He is also an excellent fighter in general, able to hold his own against such skilled fighters as Captain America and Wolverine. He is also an expert horseman. Additionally, Whitman started out as a scientist, though specializing in physics (having earned a master's degree in physics), he is proficient in a wide array of advanced sciences and technologies, including genetic and mechanical engineering, and continues to approach things from a scientific perspective more often than not, despite his ties to the world of magic. He has also demonstrated good leadership skills as leader of both the Avengers and Ultraforce. He has strong strategic and tactical skills.

  • NanandaimeanarutoNanandaimeanaruto Member Posts: 517 ★★

    Jack of Hearts ( Jack Hart )

    Jack of Hearts (Jack Hart)

    Concussive blasts
    Ability to survive unaided in space
    Sensitive brain that senses motion
    Increased intelligence, strength, durability, and memory

    Powers and abilities
    Jack Hart's superhuman powers are as a result of the mutagenic effect of his father's "Zero Fluid", combined with the alien genes from his Contraxian mother. He has superhuman stamina and durability. Jack of Hearts also has the ability to generate "zero energy" within his body and project it as concussive force or intense heat or as a propellant to fly. Jack is sometimes unable to exert complete control over his energies, however. For a short time after restarting Contraxia's sun, he uncontrollably radiated enough heat to melt one of Contraxia's polar ice caps.[12] He can survive unprotected in space. Jack of Hearts's brain has incorporated the artificial intelligence of a computerized device called the Scanalyzer, enabling him to think with the speed of a computer and store and retrieve information with a computer-like capacity and efficiency.

    The left half of Jack of Hearts' body has turned purplish-black from direct exposure to "Zero Fluid". Jack of Hearts' left eye has an opaque white membrane covering the entire pupil. These mutations were not solely caused by exposure to the "Zero Fluid", but are actually aspects of his half-Contraxian genetics brought to the fore, as Contraxians naturally have such appearances.[12]

    Jack originally wore a suit of armor crafted in medieval Europe.[4] His second suit of armor was designed by Torval, and made from alien materials designed to contain the zero energy his body generates.[29] His original suit of armor was later restored and upgraded by Moondragon after Jack was rescued from space by the Avengers and thus leading to his connection with the team.[17]

    Jack is a fair hand-to-hand combatant, has had some S.H.I.E.L.D. combat training, and is a talented poet.
  • ProwlerSymbioteProwlerSymbiote Member Posts: 500 ★★
    Madame Masque (Skill)

    Captain Marvel (Mar-Vell) (Cosmic)

    Midnight (Tech)

    Banshee (Mutant)

    Mastermind (Mutant)

    Viper (Skill)

    Omega the Unknown (Cosmic)

    Triton (Cosmic)

    Nuke (Mutant)
  • NanandaimeanarutoNanandaimeanaruto Member Posts: 517 ★★
    edited March 2021

    Count Nefaria/Graf Luchino Nefaria

    Count Nefaria/Graf Luchino Nefaria

    Ionic-energy physiology
    Superhuman strength, speed, agility, endurance, senses, stamina and reflexes
    Healing factor
    Ionic-energy manipulation
    Energy vampirism
    Ionic conversion
    Energy-enhanced Strike
    Construct creation
    Criminal mastermind
    Diplomatic immunity
    Genius-level inventor
    Vast wealth & resources

    Powers and abilities
    Count Nefaria was a normal human with a genius intellect long before he'd gained his superpowers. He was a well versed scientist, inventor, theoretical physicist, adept strategist and organizational leader with deep ties to the underworld through his own crime family, The Maggia. Such a taciturn criminal mastermind is he that upon his first appearance he'd easily turned the American public and the world over against The Avengers in their first meeting.[26] It wasn't until being subjected to a process perfected by one of Baron Heinrich Zemo's scientists Dr. Kenneth Sturdy that he was granted the combined powers of the villains the Living Laser (energy projection), Power Man (strength), and Whirlwind (speed), amplified a hundredfold.[27] Because of this, Nefaria is one of the physically strongest known humans in the Marvel Universe. He has toppled a 40-story building with little effort, withstood a blow from Wonder Man without flinching, and fought an enraged Thor to a standstill with no apparent damage from strikes of his hammer, even stopping it with his bare hand.[28]

    The character then aged until his body evolved, eventually shifting into pure ionic form. This increasing his already insurmountable abilities while granting him new ones,[29] such as the creation and manipulation of ionic energy for teleportation,[30][31] hand and eye blasts,[32] ionic force punches,[33] and/or controlling other ionic beings (and potentially gamma mutates) via parasitically siphoning their energies.[34][35] Through this he can also convert others into ionic energy beings as well, in a vampiric fashion, turning them into his superpowered thralls.[36][37] As such, Nefaria is effectively immortal and virtually indestructible. He also has the power of flight, when before he could only leap great distances.[38] He's also showcased a new power, creating energy constructs to surround his opponents in ionic energy and move them about telekinetically.[39][40] He has withstood simultaneous attacks by multiple teams of superheros at once.[41] Although it is possible to deplete Nefaria's ionic energy in combat by forcing him to expend it faster than his body can replenish it, Giant-Man calculated that it would take three weeks of constant combat – without even giving Nefaria time to pause for breath – for even the combined forces of the Avengers and the Thunderbolts to deplete his ionic energy reserves completely in that manner. However, Madame Masque has developed a weapon that disrupts Nefaria's ionic energy.[42]

    As a head of the Maggia, Count Nefaria also has access to vast amounts of technology, munitions, and gadgetry developed by his Research and Development department.[43] Much of this, he had a hand in crafting, such as the Electro-disc, Time Transcender Ray, Visio-Projector, Worldwide Electro-scanner, The Dream Master and the Ionic Bomb.[44][45][46] Being of Italian nobility, Count Nefaria has also inherited a vast fortune, which he has used in conjunction with his intellect for the purpose of furthering his revenue and power. To that end he would use it for the hiring of super villains, scientists and expendable workforce in his organization branch for the creation of inventions that were far in the advances of modern science, give himself super powers or broaden the reach of his connections to both the unlawful and political circuit of the world. Being an aristocrat of understandable stature and influence, Nefaria also has claims to diplomatic immunity and as such he cannot be tried outside of his own home country.[47]

  • ProwlerSymbioteProwlerSymbiote Member Posts: 500 ★★
    Dum Dum Dugan (Skill)

    Paste Pot Pete (Tech)

    Two-Gun Kid (Skill)

    Impossible Man (Cosmic)

    Mandarin (Skill)

    Gideon (Mutant)

    Phantom Rider (Mystic)

    Brood (Cosmic)
  • sudeep9680sudeep9680 Member Posts: 194
    Captain america (classic) wants to be buffed with abilities and synergies from old and new characters

  • sudeep9680sudeep9680 Member Posts: 194
    edited March 2021
    Captain america (classic) wants to be buff in mcoc with abilities and synergies from new characters


    (Enemies lvl 1 - viper)
    VIPER - skill

    (Friends - captain britain)
    CAPTAIN BRITAIN - science

    (Teammates - peggy carter)
    PEGGY CARTER - skill


    (Enemies lvl 2 - u. s. agent)
    U. S. AGENT

    This champions is until mystery in this game and there is no talk about these characters, so try to add this champion kabam...

    Captain america will be last stand forever.....

    I am eagerly to fight against hydra characters and taking action by using cap britain and peggy on hydra members

    But one day hydra will rise again
    Say again this

    If this mini news want to know, check my expected champions and polls in my @sudeep9680 profile...

    Ha. Ha. Ha. Haa
    HAIL!! HYDRA!!!!!....

  • OldManLoganOldManLogan Member Posts: 7

    Add old man logan to apocalypse 5* bringer of death 3 and venom old man logan
  • pheonixcreatorpheonixcreator Member Posts: 69


    Need I say more?
  • pheonixcreatorpheonixcreator Member Posts: 69


    Has gadgets, like smoke bombs, acid bottles, grenades and fury potions.

    Some sort of cool animations for each gadget.

    And something else idk
  • ProwlerSymbioteProwlerSymbiote Member Posts: 500 ★★
    Karma (Mutant)

    Baron von Strucker (Skill)

    Fixer (Tech)

    Mikhail Rasputin (Mutant)

    Toad (Mutant)

    Crystal (Cosmic)
  • sudeep9680sudeep9680 Member Posts: 194
    U. S. AGENT (skill)

    U. S. Agent is a villainous character in marvel comics and now in falcon and winter soldier, his real name is john walker, his ruling time is op to secret empire time, when steve is captain hydra,
    He is not suitable as captain america and for that falcon fighted with him and defeated.

    This character is villainized and surfaced as super patriot.

    Enemies lvl 1- falcon, winter soldier

    The unknown brother lvl 1- captain america

    The nemesis lvl 3- red skull

    The friends lvl 3- punisher 2099

    The rivals lvl 4- doctor doom

    The shared knowledge lvl 4- mister fantastic

    If anyone wants to see his mini infos just check my expected champions thread at my profile @sudeep9680
  • sudeep9680sudeep9680 Member Posts: 194
    Venom wants to be buff because more venomous characters want to be get synrgies and new abilities from him and to him

    The romance lvl- 1


    SCREAM (cosmic)

    The friends lvl- 3

    Gwenom, spiderman (classic), spiderman (miles morales)

    GWENOM (cosmic)

    The seperated gene lvl- 3


    The family lvl- 4

    Spiderman (symbiote), agent venom, symbiote supreme

    Trickshots lvl- 4

    Spiderman (stark enhanced), spiderman (stealth suit)

    If anyone wants to mini infos just check my expected champions in my @sudeep9680 profile

  • ProwlerSymbioteProwlerSymbiote Member Posts: 500 ★★
    Husk (Mutant)

    Warrior Woman (Mystic)

    Captain Universe (Cosmic)

    Dino Manelli (Skill)

    Wong (Mystic)

    Sharon Carter (Skill)
  • sudeep9680sudeep9680 Member Posts: 194
    Alpha flight members

    The new characters to be seen mcoc with guardian and sasquatch synergies and new signature abilities








    I doesn't know what these characters powers and abilities, but want to be see in mcoc

    If anyone wants to see my infos just click on my profile to see my threads
  • DesertstormDesertstorm Member Posts: 1


    White widow (falica hardy)


    Genesis (Tyler dayspring)

    Bor Buri
  • Dex_RebırthDex_Rebırth Member Posts: 45
    Daredevil Shadowland
  • Wine_LoverWine_Lover Member Posts: 83

    Multiple Man
  • HoitadoHoitado Member Posts: 3,707 ★★★★★
    edited April 2021
    Infamous Iron Man

    Doctor Doom as Iron Man

    (Tech or Mystic or Mixture like Karnak)

  • Drew_D23Drew_D23 Member Posts: 102
    And give him a good synergy with Namor
  • sudeep9680sudeep9680 Member Posts: 194
    edited April 2021
    The eternals team characters want to be appear in this game

    Guess to release

    THENA and AJAK
    IKARIS and KRO (The devians leader)

    If anyone wants to know the easter eggs,check my profile and my threads, posts and polls at @sudeep9680
  • ProwlerSymbioteProwlerSymbiote Member Posts: 500 ★★
    Mystique (Mutant)

    Gabe Jones (Skill)

    Siryn (Mutant)

    Stick (Skill)

    Human Torch (Android) (Tech)

    Silver Centurion (Tech)

    Shang-Chi (Skill)
  • sudeep9680sudeep9680 Member Posts: 194
    These characters want to be appear in mcoc like xmens, avengers and more

    MYSTIQUE (mutant)

    MISTY KNIGHT (skill)

    KITTY PRYDE (mutant)

    SIRYN (mutant)

    IRON HEART (tech)

    BLUE MARVEL (cosmic)

    DAZZLER (mutant)

    SHANG CHI (skill)

    MANDARIN (skill)

    WHITE TIGER (skill)


    CARNAGE QUEEN (cosmic)

    SHURI (skill)

    OKOYE (skill)

    If anyone wants to see the easter eggs just see my expected champions part 1 to 10 and 11 at @sudeep9680 profile and discussion activity
  • ProwlerSymbioteProwlerSymbiote Member Posts: 500 ★★
    Gorgon (Cosmic)

    Darkstar (Mutant)

    Random (Mutant)

    X-Cutioner (Tech)

    Bucky Barnes (Skill)

    Selene (Mystic)

    Destroyer (Mystic)
  • Lakedancer56Lakedancer56 Member Posts: 1

    Go-Go Tomago


    Madness Monster




    The Masked Raider


  • NanandaimeanarutoNanandaimeanaruto Member Posts: 517 ★★

    Miles Morales Spider-Man

    Superhuman strength, speed, agility
    Ability to cling to solid surfaces
    Camouflage (invisibility)
    Venom strike/venom blast
    Bio-electric energy threads produced from fingers
    Precognitive spider-sense ability
    Resistance to injury
    Wrist-mounted web-shooters

    Powers and abilities Edit
    Bitten by a slightly different genetically engineered spider than the one that granted Peter Parker superhuman powers, Miles Morales possesses abilities similar to the original Spider-Man's, including enhanced strength and agility, the ability to adhere to walls and ceilings with his hands and feet,[20] and a "spider sense" that warns him of danger with a buzzing sensation in his head.[39][46] Though his strength and agility are similar to those of the original Spider-Man, his spider-sense is not as strong, as it only warns him of immediate danger.[21]

    He has two abilities that the original Spider-Man does not have: the ability to camouflage himself, including his clothing, to match his surroundings, making him effectively invisible,[21][44] and a "venom strike" that can temporarily paralyze almost anyone with just a touch.[20] The venom strike does not employ actual venom, but is a type of directed energy that can be conducted through Miles' gloves,[41] and can be used against an opponent at a distance by conducting it through a material in which both Miles and his opponent are in contact, such as the webbing of the Earth-616's Spider-Man.[81] It can break chains being used to restrain Miles[82] and even repel non-ferrous objects, such as plastic Lego bricks.[20] The venom strike is powerful enough to render unconscious a person as large as Hank Pym's Giant-Man.[83] It is powerful enough to drive away the symbiotic villain Venom during Miles' first encounter with the creature,[84] but by their second encounter, Venom has developed such a tolerance to the strike that Miles has to be completely enveloped by the symbiote before the venom strike can separate the symbiote from its host.[85] Doctor Octopus also developed a set of tentacles that would not conduct the venom strike.[86] The effect of the venom strike manifests itself a few seconds after it is implemented, and is described by Bendis as being comparable to the feeling of being kicked in the testicles.[21] Miles can effect a more powerful version of the strike, which he calls a "mega venom blast".[75] When Miles employs this ability, his eyes glow with yellow energy, which then explodes outwards in a radiant burst that can not only repel a large group of opponents,[87] but also destroy thick ropes and chains that have been used to restrain him. This application of the strike leaves him "dizzy and useless",[75] and cannot be used multiple times in rapid succession without a "recharging" period for Miles, though he can still make use of the conventional strike against people during this period.[69][82] The conventional venom strike is mostly useless against the supervillain Armadillo, but during Miles' encounter with that villain, his venom blast manifests itself in a form similar to Miles' webbing, and Miles uses it like a lasso to pull Armadillo towards him and knock him unconscious with a venom strike-powered punch.[75]

    Miles' body also possesses a strong resistance to injury. During an altercation with the Roxxon mercenary Taskmaster, Miles is thrown through a brick wall without any apparent serious injury, though the experience is painful for him.[88]

    Miles wears a costume given to him by S.H.I.E.L.D.,[41] and initially uses Peter Parker's web shooters, which are given to him by May Parker.[3] He is
    eventually given a new set of webshooters by S.H.I.E.L.D. as well.[52]

    And can you change his whole Sk animation from Sk1 Sk2 to Sk3

    Sk2 and Sk3 are the same animation

    Miles Morales Venom Blast application

    Miles Morales Venom Blast application

    Venom Blast application combined with invisibility

    Miles Morales Venom Blast Maximum Damage

    Miles Morales Venom Blast Maximum Damage

    Miles Morales Venom Blast Maximum Damage

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