Character Wishlist Thread 3.0



  • ProwlerSymbioteProwlerSymbiote Member Posts: 526 ★★
    Tippysaur (Cosmic)

    Arachknight 2099 (Science)

    Knightblade (Mystic)

    Weapon Hex (Mystic)

    Goblin-by-Night (Mystic)

    Hot Rocks (Science)

    Wentigra (Mystic)

    Mister Invisible (Science)

    Toni the Grim (Tech)
  • brunohapluz7brunohapluz7 Member Posts: 1
    Kabam DK said:

    need help guys..i want to transfer my account but i forgot my email login and my password..can i get back my email login and how thanks guys
  • JahnybravoJahnybravo Member Posts: 69
    edited April 2021
    Scorn would make a cool symbiote if another is done. Her symbiote has the ability to integrate with and control technology. Great way to put a symbiote in the tech class
  • Kabam ZanzibarKabam Zanzibar Moderator Posts: 647

    Kabam DK said:

    need help guys..i want to transfer my account but i forgot my email login and my password..can i get back my email login and how thanks guys
    If it's account recovery related, perhaps this will be of help?

  • ProwlerSymbioteProwlerSymbiote Member Posts: 526 ★★
    Ghost Panther 2099 (Tech)

    Rick Fury (Skill)

    Hellhound (Mystic)

    Madame Hel (Mystic)

    Diamond Patch (Mutant)

    Weapon Hex 2099 (Mystic)
  • Tyke1207Tyke1207 Member Posts: 3
    Why not beast , he's so bad and absolutely deserve more
  • ProwlerSymbioteProwlerSymbiote Member Posts: 526 ★★
    Penance (Robbie Baldwin) (Science)

    White Fox (Mystic)

    Blue Marvel (Science)

    Bullseye (Elektra Natchios) (Skill)

    Spectrum (Science)

    Madame Hydra (Science)

    Goliath (Science)
  • ProwlerSymbioteProwlerSymbiote Member Posts: 526 ★★
    Outlaw (Skill)
  • ArrowstreamArrowstream Member Posts: 178
    Symbiote Red Hulk

    Gladiator (Kellark)

    Yes these are photos from a different game. But they are real marvel characters or real versions of the character.
    Gladiator is a member of the Imperial Guard of Marvel. Thought id share him cause thought he would make a really awesome champion in Contest of Champions.
    Symbiote Red Hulk
    Its basically when Red hulk and venom meet. And they combine making this awesome version. Also thought he would be a sick Champion. Hopefully you allow these other game photos just for this one suggestion. They are the best photos of these characters i could come up with.
  • Warriorking031Warriorking031 Member Posts: 17

    Red Dragon



    War Zone

  • NanandaimeanarutoNanandaimeanaruto Member Posts: 517 ★★

    Russell Crowe Marvel (Zeus)

    Russell Crowe Marvel (Zeus)

    Zeus Panhellenios (Earth-616)

    Zeus Panhellenios

    Superhuman agility, endurance, longevity
    Superhuman strength
    Electricity manipulation
    Healing factor
    The character will be portrayed by Russell Crowe in the Marvel Cinematic Universe film Thor: Love and Thunder (2022).

    Powers and abilities
    Zeus belongs to an extra-dimensional race of extraterrestrials known bo among themselves and to mortals as the Olympians, also known simply as the Greek gods, Greco-Roman gods, or the Roman gods. Zeus possesses power on a cosmic scale surpassing those of any other Olympians and is the equal of beings such as Galactus, the Celestials, the Stranger and Odin.[28] Like all Olympians, Zeus has superhuman physical attributes of strength, stamina and speed, although he is stronger than the other Olympians with the exception of his demigod son Hercules. His super-speed allows him to run and fly at speeds surpassing the speed of sound and possibly reaching orbital speed, though he is not exclusively a speedster like the mutant Quicksilver or his son the Messenger God Hermes, who is considerably faster than Zeus in the same way Hercules is stronger; his stamina allows him to exert himself rigorously for hours, possibly days, without tiring. His superior Olympian super-strength allows him to stand against virtually any superpowered foe, and the full force of Zeus's magic is powerful enough to stagger Galactus;[volume & issue needed] though he is neither invincible nor omnipotent, and can be defeated by older deities or by cosmic beings of above-godly power. Zeus is virtually immortal in the sense that he does not age, is immune to all known diseases and Earthly toxins, and cannot be killed through conventional means. He, like all Olympians, can regenerate at an accelerated pace and possesses some resistance to magic due to his divine, otherworldly nature and inborn resilience.

    Zeus possesses the ability to manipulate vast amounts of cosmic and mystical energy for a variety of purposes, including temporary augmentation of his superhuman physical abilities, firing powerful bolts of electrical force energy, changing his shape and size at will, opening and closing inter-dimensional apertures, sending himself and others through these dimensions, creating mountains, granting superhuman abilities and properties to living beings or inanimate objects, and the power to generate great amounts of electrical energy and discharge it as lightning bolts. Zeus can also control the mystical life energies of other Olympian gods, and has removed and restored much of his son Hercules' divine attributes several times in the past. Zeus possesses limited precognitive abilities that allow him to glimpse various alternate futures. Zeus is also an excellent hand-to-hand combatant, having thousands of years of experience at his disposal, and is virtually invincible in hurling lightning bolts. Zeus wields Olympian weaponry made by Hephaestus from virtually indestructible adamantine, and sometimes rides in a mystical chariot drawn by magical horses capable of flight and traversing the dimensions.

    Powers and Abilities

    * Heightened intelligence with cosmic awareness; Heightened strength when augmented by energy; Teleporter
    * Powers
    * Olympian Deity Physiology: Zeus possesses the conventional superhuman attributes of an Olympian Deity. However, as Skyfather of the Olympian gods, many of these abilities are vastly superior to those possessed by the vast majority of his race. Indeed, in recent stories he managed to defeat The Hulk who was at his normal levels,[33] and Galactus in combat (though it's worth noticing that Zeus was possessed by the Chaos King in the latter case). Thanos with the Infinity Gauntlet classified him at the same power level of Galactus and Odin.[37]
    Superhuman Strength: Like all Olympians, Zeus is superhumanly strong. His strength is far superior to the vast majority of his race and he is capable of lifting over 100 tons, without supplementing his strength with his other powers. He is physically the second strongest of the Olympians, surpassed only by his son, Hercules;[6] however, he can match or surpass Hercules by only boosting himself with his other powers.
    Superhuman Speed: Zeus is capable of running and moving at speeds much greater than even the finest human athlete, enabling him to run 111-115 mph.[38]
    Superhuman Agility: Zeus' agility, balance, and bodily coordination, have been conditioned to levels that are far superior to the natural physical limits of even the finest human athlete.[38]
    Superhuman Reflexes: Zeus' reflexes have been greatly conditioned and are much more superior to the natural physical limits of even the finest human athlete.[38]
    Godlike Stamina: Zeus' highly advanced physiology generates almost no fatigue toxins during physical activity, enabling to sustain almost indefinitely.[38] As a result, he possesses almost limitless superhuman stamina.[38] His stamina is matched among the Olympians only by his brothers Pluto and Neptune and his sons Ares, Hercules, and Hermes.[citation needed]
    Superhumanly Dense Tissue: Zeus' skin, muscle, bone, and all other bodily tissues have 3 times the density of the same tissue in the body of a human being. This contributes somewhat, to Zeus' superhuman strength and weight.[6]
    Invulnerability: Zeus' body is highly resistant to all forms of physical injury, far more so than the vast majority of his race.[38] He is capable of withstanding great impact forces, exposure to temperature and pressure extremes, falls from tremendous heights, and powerful energy blasts without sustaining injury.[38] He withstood a full-powered blast from Galactus, resulting in the latter to acknowledge that no mere Skyfather could easily shrug-off Galactus's cosmic powers.[39] He also withstood a getting struck by Mjolnir with no sign of injury.[40] His resistance to injury among the Olympians is matched only by Pluto.[citation needed]
    Regenerative Healing Factor: Like all Olympians, if injured, Zeus is capable of healing himself with superhuman speeds and efficiency, enabling him to heal all injuries.[38] He is even capable of regenerating missing limbs or organs if necessary.[38] Among the Olympians, his healing powers are equaled only by those of his brother Pluto.[citation needed]
    Self Sustenance: Zeus is almost completely self-sustained, he does not require air, and does not need to eat or drink.[citation needed]
    Immortality: Like all other Olympians, Zeus is functionally immortal.[6] He is immune to aging and has not aged since reaching adulthood. He cannot die by any conventional means.[6] Zeus is also immune to all known Earthly diseases and infections. He has even be reborn at times.[citation needed]
    Magical Manipulation: Zeus possess vast magical powers of an unknown nature, which surpass the magic-wielding powers of any other Olympian god.[6] Zeus can generate and manipulate other forms of energy as well.[6] Only a small number of the ways in which Zeus can utilize his superhuman abilities are as yet known.[6] His magic manipulation is powerful enough to overpower both Thor and Silver Surfer.[39]
    Spell Casting: Among these are the augmentation of physical strength and endurance and the enchantment of living beings or of objects. Zeus can create interdimensional apertures through which he can transport himself and even the entire Olympian army.[41]
    Energy Avatar: He can project his image, voice, and energy bolts from the Olympian dimension into that of Earth.[41]
    Shape-Shifting: Zeus can change his shape into that of other humanoid beings (as when he impersonated Amphitryon, the husband of Hercules' mother Alcmena), of animals, or even of objects.[41]
    Energy Projection: In addition to being able to manipulate energy, he can project it in vast quantities offensively or defensively. His energy projection is vast enough to match Odin and Galactus or destroy entire galaxies. However, his powers are still inferior to universe level beings, such as Eternity.[citation needed]
    Flight: During Chaos War, Zeus has been shown to levitate and fly.[39]
    Electrokinesis: Zeus' ability to generate tremendous amounts of electrical energy and to project them from his hands in the form of lightning bolts has become his trademark, and his ability to manipulate lightning was shown to greatly exceed that of Thor.[42]
    Precognition: Zeus also has limited precognitive abilities, and in ancient times was the patron of an oracle at Dodona, through which he delivered prophesies. These abilities enabled Zeus, at the time of the Trojan War, to "remember" the Asgard-Olympus war which had occurred centuries afterwards.[41]
    Allspeak: Due to the Allspeak (also called All-Tongue), Zeus can communicate in all languages, Earth's dialects, and various alien languages.
    Skilled Combatant: Zeus is a formidable hand-to-hand combatant and is particularly skilled at employing his vast energy manipulating abilities including lightning bolts in combat situations, making him virtually invincible.[38] He is shown to have enough skill to defeat the Hulk in hand to hand combat.[33]

    Physical Strength
    Class 100+: Zeus is capable of press lifting over 100 tons without supplementing his strength with his other powers.[citation needed]

  • NanandaimeanarutoNanandaimeanaruto Member Posts: 517 ★★

    Thane (Earth-616)

    Thane (Earth-616)

    Thane (Earth-616)

    Powers and Abilities

    Thane's left hand has the ability to instantly change the very economics of existence. He lacks control of his power, thus everyone within a certain radius of him is killed. Thane's right hand projects an amber construct which traps everyone within a certain radius of him and leaves them in a state of "living death". As a result of his Terrigenisis Thane has achieved the height of his Eternal genes and has adopted many abilities based from an average Eternal.

    Superhuman Strength: Thane possesses vast superhuman strength the full limits of which aren't known.

    Immortality: Thane, like all Eternals, is immortal in the sense that he is immune to all known diseases and infections and is immune to the effects of aging.

    Accelerated Healing Factor: Despite his extraordinary durability, it is possible to injure Thanoe. Like all Eternals, however, Thane is capable of regenerating damaged tissue with much greater speed and efficiency than a human being. His healing powers aren't as developed as those of some Eternals. Some Eternals are capable of regenerating any destroyed tissue.

    Superhuman Agility: Thane's agility, balance, and bodily coordination are enhanced to levels that are beyond the natural physical limits of the finest human athlete. His agility is roughly equal to that of the average Eternal.

    Superhuman Reflexes: Thane's reaction time is enhanced to a level that is beyond the natural physical limits of the finest human athlete. Like his agility, his reflexes are about average for an Eternal.


    He was given a containment suit by Starfox, which alters his powers so they can only be utilized through direct contact.

  • NanandaimeanarutoNanandaimeanaruto Member Posts: 517 ★★

    Doorman (DeMarr Davis)

    Portal generation
    Flight via skis
    Ability to bring souls to the afterlife

    Powers and abilities
    Doorman is capable of teleporting people through solid walls, with his own body serving as a portal of sorts. His mutant ability operates by tapping into the Darkforce Dimension. He also had the ability to levitate. Originally, his all-black appearance was a costume of apparently conventional material with stark white eyepieces in the mask as contrast. However, since becoming Oblivion's servant his "body" seems to be an assumed shape rather than a simple costume, and he can transform at will from this form to his non-costumed self.

    After Deathurge was vanquished, Doorman also gained intangibility, flight via skis that he can summon at will and the ability to collect the souls of the recently deceased and deliver them to Oblivion. While doing so, he appears visible only to the soul he is collecting and possibly also his teammate Mr. Immortal, who could perceive Deathurge.
  • NanandaimeanarutoNanandaimeanaruto Member Posts: 517 ★★

    Echo (Maya Lopez)

    Echo (Maya Lopez) (Phönix Force)

    Olympic-level athlete
    Concert-level pianist
    Strong martial artist
    Highly skilled acrobat
    Gifted ballerina
    Photographic reflexes
    As Phoenix/Thunderbird:

    Superhuman strength
    Cosmic fire generation
    Alaqua Cox is set to portray Maya Lopez in the Marvel Cinematic Universe streaming television series Hawkeye and her own spin-off series, both on Disney+.

    Powers and abilities
    Maya Lopez is an Olympic-level athlete possessing "photographic reflexes" or the uncanny ability to perfectly copy other people's movements, similar to that of the Taskmaster. Just by watching other people, she has become a concert-level pianist, a strong martial artist, a highly skilled acrobat, and a gifted ballerina (and on one occasion even piloted a Quinjet for a few minutes). In addition, she has also gained Daredevil's acrobatic abilities and Bullseye's uncanny aim after watching tapes of their fights. Along with great potential, deafness gives great drawbacks. Her absolute reliance on visual cues renders her helpless in the dark, and her ability to communicate by reading lips prevents her from taking oral commands and communicating with people who are wearing masks or are not in direct visual contact; when she initially meets the Avengers, Captain America has to repeat all of Iron Man's questions for her. However, she has been incorrectly depicted as being able to hear and respond to voices despite not seeing the person's mouth due to standing away from them or the person talking right behind her. It has since been established that Echo actually can read lips from some distance or with the corner of her eye even if the talker is wearing a mask, if the mask is thin enough (as the rather simple fabric masks used by Clint Barton and Spider-Man), and relay their conversation to closer individuals. She still retains her inability to communicate with people wearing sturdier or thicker masks, or fully covering their mouths.[32]

    As Thunderbird, Maya gains the abilities offered to her as a host of the Phoenix Force, which includes telepathy, flight, superhuman strength and the ability to generate flames of cosmic energy.[33]
  • NanandaimeanarutoNanandaimeanaruto Member Posts: 517 ★★

    Ulysses Kain (Erde-616)

    Ulysses Kain (Erde-616)

    Powers and Abilities


    Ulysses' powers manifestingDiagnostic Precognition: Ulysses has the ability to forecast the future. His brain automatically absorbs data and energies cascading from all over the world and through a mental algorithm generates the visions of a theoretical future with a probability percentage.[10] He then vividly envisions these possible upcoming events; however, his powers are mostly triggered randomly, meaning he cannot control which events he sees.[6] Accumulated stress can also work as a trigger.[16] Following months of training, Ulysses gained the ability to enter in a partial trance which allows him to "pause" his visions to gather as much information from them as he can. This trance not only helps ease the mental strain from experiencing the visions but also improve his accuracy.[17] Over time, his powers evolved to an extent where he could interact with his vision,[14] could see multiple possible futures at once, and eventually transformed into a cosmic being.[15]

    Visionary Thought Projection: Another aspect to Ulysses growing abilities is to encompass individuals around him directly into whatever glimpses of whats to come onto them. He can then make them see feel, and all around experience, what he sees around the bend.[8]

    Remote Projection Tendrils: Ulysses can seemingly generate several chromatic glowing coils from his hands to around his body, which can reach up to several miles away in order to show the future to another persons from a sizable distance. From New Attilan to the Triskelion and back.[12]

    Psychic Shields: Cain's mind has been described by Jean Grey as a closed system, which cannot be read by telepaths.[6]


    Powers and Abilities

    * Teleporter
    * Powers
    * Umar has a gifted intellect, and vast knowledge of magical lore. She has the ability to manipulate the force of magic for a variety of effects, including inter-dimensional teleportation, size transformations, time travel, transmutations, energy manifestations such as powerful concussive blasts, magically constructed animate beings, telepathy, illusion-casting, limited mind-control, etc. As ruler of the Dark Dimension, Umar's head was surrounded by a plume of mystic fire, the flames of regency.
    Seduction: Has been able to seduce the Hulk at least twice.

    Sebastian Druid

    Powers and Abilities

    * Teleporter
    Chemical Mysticism: While Sebastian initially thought he possessed a talent for magic, it was revealed his powers actually originate from monster DNA, making his powers chemical in nature.[3]

    He can generate various almost potent effects such as;

    Energy Projection[10]
    Force Fields[10]
    He created a magic bullet that could pass through walls and create a very specific pattern of blood spatter.[7]
    He accelerated the natural rate of corrosion in the metal of a destroyed Helicarrier, seemingly making it disappear in an instant.[7]
    He was considered as a possible Sorcerer Supreme.[11]

    Sebastian destroys Hydra fighter jets

    Druid is a skilled pilot and sniper.[7]

    Shadow Cloak

  • NanandaimeanarutoNanandaimeanaruto Member Posts: 517 ★★
    edited April 2021

    Kushala Sorcerer Supreme /GhostRider

    Kushala Sorcerer Supreme /GhostRider

    Kushala Sorcerer Supreme /GhostRider

    Kushala Sorcerer Supreme /GhostRider

    Powers and Abilities

    Kushala becoming the Demon Rider

    Due to her possession by the Spirit of Vengeance and her training in the mystic arts, Kushala has several powers including:

    Demonic Transformation: Kushala possesses the supernatural ability to transform into the Demon Rider.
    Pyrokinesis: As the Demon Rider, she possesses the ability to generate, control, and fire and infuse it with her horse so that it travels at extreme speeds leaving a Hellfire trail in its wake.[3]
    Flight: With her horse, she is also capable of flying.[3]
    Magic: Kushala has been the Sorcerer Supreme of Earth.[4] She has demonstrated familiarity and expertise with various types of magic including Nordic magic,[3] Earth magic,[3] binding spell,[4][3] chaos magic,[6] and many others.[3]
    Skilled Hand-to-Hand Combatant: Kushala is a formidable hand to hand combatant and often uses her powers in combat situations.[4]
    Wooden Axe[4]
    Fiery Phantom Horse: While in her Demon Rider form, Kushala can summon and ride a phantom horse whose body is covered in fire.[3]

  • NanandaimeanarutoNanandaimeanaruto Member Posts: 517 ★★

    Deathlok (also referred to as Deathlok the Demolisher)

    Deathlok (also referred to as Deathlok the Demolisher)

    Deathlok (also referred to as Deathlok the Demolisher)

    Cybernetic enhancements granting superhuman speed, strength, durability and reflexes
    Ability to repair bodily damage
    Ability to track multiple objects
    The character has also appeared on television in animation and live action, with J. August Richards portraying a variation in the television series, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.

    Powers and abilities
    Learn more
    This section does not cite any sources.
    Manning Edit
    Col. Luther Manning's body was rebuilt into a cyborg body by Harlan Ryker. Deathlok's mechanical, cybernetic physiology granted him several superhuman powers including superhuman strength, stamina, agility, reflexes, and a computer augmented brain. The right arm and left half of his face are armored cybernetic implants. He wears a woven metal-mesh body suit of considerable durability. Deathlok also carried a helium-neon laser pistol designed by the U.S. Army of his time, and a throwing dagger.

    Manning was a military academy graduate, and a brilliant military strategist. He is a formidable hand-to-hand combatant, and proficient with knives, daggers, handguns, and laser pistols.

    He was later captured and upgraded by Earth-616's S.H.I.E.L.D. and given jet boots that allowed him to leap at great heights and his other abilities were perhaps enhanced to greater levels.

    Michael Collins' human brain was transplanted into a cyborg body by a group of scientists at Cybertek. His cyborg body grants him the same powers as Manning, only with much greater strength, speed, and resistance to injury. He possesses a broad spectrum of visual and auditory powers. Deathlok has the ability to interface with virtually any computer system. He is also able to project his consciousness and sensory projections directly into the Net, making him capable of directly hacking computer systems far more efficiently than a traditional hacker. His body can also target (nearly infallibly) multiple objects and track them. He could scan the entire electromagnetic spectrum. He has learned to use internal nano-bots to repair and alter both his organic and inorganic parts, enabling him to appear as either a humanoid cyborg, or completely human.

    He also has a very sophisticated A.I., capable of quickly making complex strategies and evaluating their chance of success. If requested, the A.I. can take control of the body to perform these operations. Collins himself possesses no combat skills, but under computer-guided combat routines, he is an excellent hand-to-hand combatant with an extensive database of combat techniques and strategies.

    Collins is an excellent computer programmer with an advanced degree in computer science and prosthetics, and helped construct the Deathlok body, along with other Cybertek scientists including William Hansen, Ben Jacobs, Stanley Cross, Dr. Hu, and Jim Dworman. After becoming Deathlok, Collins later modified his own systems.

    Like Manning, Collins wears a woven metal-mesh body suit of considerable durability. He carries a plasma pistol which draws its energy from his internal power source. Thus, the weapon can only be fired if in contact with the outlets in Deathlok's hand. Deathlok also possesses a collapsible plasma rifle capable of greater firepower with the same limitations, a supply of fragmentation plasma grenades, and a molybdenum steel knife. He wears a wrist bracelet that allows Deathlok to override similar cybernetic operating systems, and an adamantium/vibranium alloy shock dampening helmet. He sometimes uses a refitted Cybertek Dragonfly fighter with a range of several hundred miles.

    Machine Man (also known as Aaron Stack, Mister Machine and serial number Z2P45-9-X-51 or X-51 for short)Aaron Stack (Earth-616)

    Machine Man (also known as Aaron Stack, Mister Machine and serial number Z2P45-9-X-51 or X-51 for short)Aaron Stack (Earth-616)

    Machine Man (also known as Aaron Stack, Mister Machine and serial number Z2P45-9-X-51 or X-51 for short)Aaron Stack (Earth-616)

    Superhuman strength, speed, stamina, durability, reflexes and accuracy
    Telescoping arms and legs
    Can fly by using anti-gravity disks
    Various installed weapons

    Powers and abilities
    Machine Man was constructed by unnamed computer engineering specialists under Dr. Oliver Broadhurst at the Broadhurst Center for the Advancement of Mechanized Research; Dr. Abel Stack was his chief programmer. Machine Man's robotic materials, design, and construction (titanium alloy) provide him with a number of abilities, as does his adamantium composition. He possesses superhuman strength, speed, stamina, durability, and reflexes. He is an expert on his own construction and repair. Machine Man has superhuman visual acuity. He possesses an above normal intellect, with a capacity for unlimited self-motivated activity, creative intelligence, and human-like emotions. He has superhuman cybernetic analytical capabilities, including the ability to process information and make calculations with superhuman speed and accuracy.

    Machine Man is powered by solar energy. He can also draw power from several different external-energy sources, if needed. Machine Man has the ability to telescope his arms and legs to a length of 100 feet (30 m). Machine Man's hands are equipped with variable-payload fingers, some routinely carried in his fingers, others stored in hidden recesses in his belt. His fingers contain a different variety of devices, including: gas chromatograph, laser interferometer, micro-pulse radar, audiometer, seismometer, gravity-wave detector, pulse-code modulator, standard-computer input/outputs, radio beacon, all-wave transceiver, laser-cutting torch/weapon, and projection of heat, cold, or electricity; one of his fingers has been shown to contain a bullet-firing mechanism that uses .357 Magnum ammunition. He has the ability of flight under his own power through the means of anti-gravity disks.

    During the X-51 series, Machine Man had a few extra features thanks to nanotechnology within him at the time. This mainly included parts of himself being rebuilt if damaged, also causing many changes in his look from issue to issue. He also had a beam cannon on his chest.[volume & issue needed]

    In Nextwave, he has become a living Swiss Army knife of sorts, containing various tools and weapons for a multitude of situations, both useful and esoteric. When asked if he could impregnate a human woman from several feet away, Aaron simply states "I am full of very useful devices."[46]

    In the Point One event, as many other heroes, Machine Man was slightly revamped, gaining new powers and abilities. Now being a cross between the nano-technlogical being in the X-51 miniseries and the living Swiss Army knife of Nextwave, Machine Man is now suffused with nanites able to effortlessly change his appearance from his earliest, jump-suited look to the more-humanoid looks of Nextwave. Also, his nanotechnology allows him to transform and rebuild every piece of machinery he comes in contact with, such as building an anti-gravity vehicle out of a motorcycle.[volume & issue needed]

    Powers and Abilities

    * Lower ratings in original form
    * Powers
    * Z2P45-9-X-Robot: Machine Man is the fifty-first model of Z2P45-9-X range of robots designed by Dr. Abel Stack. His robotic form provides him with various abilities.[64]
    Superhuman Strength: As the Machine Man, Aaron could lift 2 tons and an extended limb could lift a few hundred pounds.[65]
    Superhuman Durability: As the Machine Man, Aaron's titanium alloy construction makes him very durable.
    Wave-Modifying Coating: A special 'wave modifying' coating provides some protection from energy attacks.
    Limb Extension: Machine Man can extend his limbs up to 100 feet.[66]
    Flight: As the Machine Man, Aaron can fly using anti-gravity units and hover using a propeller attachment.[1]
    Self-Repair: Aaron is capable of recovering from dismembering attacks by reattaching damaged parts of his body back to it, causing it to heal itself.[60]
    Machine Sentinel:

    Flight: As the Machine Sentinel, Aaron has absorbed and adapted technology for flight using his nanites and can now form a jetpack for personal use. With his jetpack, Aaron is capable of flight speeds in an atmosphere up to Mach 25 (19,250 mph), he can achieve escape velocity from Earth's gravitational pull (25,000 mph), and can reach sub-light speed while traveling in space (176,700 mps/95% lightspeed).[1]
    Superhuman Strength: As the Machine Sentinel, Aaron can now lift well beyond 100 tons.[65]
    Nano-Technological Self-Augmentation: The Prime-Sentinel nanites in his body not only gave Stack an upgrade to his self-repair systems bolstering it to a mechanical Healing Factor. These nanites also allows him to adapt technology and weapons appropriate for the present situation or opponent. The nanites were responsible for the fusion of Machine Man's damaged body and the remains of the Jack Kubrick Life-Model-Decoy, this resulted in Aaron becoming the Machine Sentinel.[67]
    X-Gene Disruptor-Field: Aaron possesses the standard weapons and technology of a Prime-Sentinel, including the X-Gene Disruptor-Field. The X-Gene Disruptor-Field is a device used to disable or weaken the powers of any mutants in his vicinity.[68]
    Transformation: After absorbing the Jack Kubrick Life-Model-Decoy and his Prime-Sentinel nanites, Aaron has gain the ability to changed his appearance at will using his acquired technology. Aaron's forms include: his "Aaron Stack" human form, his upgraded robotic Machine Man form, his stronger Machine Sentinel form, the Life-Model-Decoy of Jack Kubrick, or his human Machine Man form.[69]
    He communicates well with humans, due to his upbringing and observations. After merging with the Jack Kubrick Life-Model Decoy, which was uploaded with a copy of Kubrick's mind, this gives Aaron any and all skills, knowledge, memories, and abilities possessed by the real Jack Kubrick.
    Physical Strength
    As Machine Man, Aaron could lift 2 tons and an extended limb could lift a few hundred pounds. As the Machine Sentinel, Aaron can now lift well beyond 100 tons.
    Mental Instability: Over the years, Aaron has displayed radical changes in his personality, often becoming very aggressive, reckless and antisocial. Aaron's would-be successor X-52 posited that this was due to his origin as an X-Model Robot, since all of his predecessors had gone insane, and that Abel Stack's upbringing only delayed the inevitable. X-52 also compared this erratic behavior to a human mental illness like bipolarity or depression.[59]

    Karima Shapandar (Omega Sentinel)

    Karima Shapandar (Omega Sentinel)

    Karima Shapandar (Omega Sentinel)

    Karima Shapandar (Omega Sentinel)

    As an Omega Prime Sentinel her nanorobotic reconfiguration affords her numerous capabilities;
    Superhuman Conditioning.
    Resistance to injury and regenerative abilities.
    Electrostatic poles mounted on her arms.
    Selection of unspecified weapons and mechanisms that retract into body.
    As Arkea's host;
    Technological Augmentation.
    Technological Possession.

    Powers and abilities
    Karima is fitted with Omega-Prime Sentinel nanite technology which gives her superhuman strength, speed, reflexes, and endurance. She also has flight capacity, adaptive regeneration to repair any physical injury/damage she receives, and several projectile weapons, including high energy power blasts, as well as electrostatic poles built into her forearms that generate massive amounts of electrical energy and microwave radiation emitters. Her strength and durability were enhanced after she was rebuilt by the Beast. She appears to show limited technopathy and machine control, due to being able to "find" information from machines, and having the ability to control nanites in others' blood. She also has life-support technology built into her systems as evidenced in X-Men: Legacy #208 (Apr. 2008). When possessed by the biocybernetic enzyme known as Arkea, Karima showcased a number of abilities she'd never readily accessed before such as greater machine and cybernetics control than previously displayed coupled with long range Teleportation capabilities.[28]

    As a prerequisite to being a detective in India, she was trained in basic combat skills, identity tracking, and other fundamental skills for human detective work. She also has knowledge to operate most basic and advanced Earth-based technology.

    Powers and Abilities

    Prime/Omega Sentinel Technology: Karima was fitted with Prime/Omega Sentinel technology that grants her numerous abilities. Recent testings show that the majority of her nano-bionics have been rendered impassive lately.

    Enhanced Strength: Karima possesses heightened physical strength, the exact limits of which are unknown, it is believed to be around 70 tons of force as is the norm for most Prime Sentinels.
    Enhanced Sensors: Her Prime Sentinel technology offers numerous scanning, homing and radar senses. particularly used for tracking mutant signatures Karima is capable of finding and tracking other odds and ends as well. Stemming to Telescopic, Microscopic and X-ray vision as well as Proximity Sensors, Bio-Scanning and Monitoring, individual Bio-Tagging and Locating, Target ID and Acquisition Locks, etc.
    Enhanced Reflexes:
    Enhanced Speed:
    Enhanced Endurance:
    Flight: Has flight capacity by unknown means, either along the lines of rocket boots or anti-gravity propulsion.
    Nano Shifting: Her nano-technological carapace enables Karima numerous mechanism morphing capabilities from generating Plasma Coils, Electrostatic Poles, Plasma Torches, Energy Guns to life Support, Machine Interface, Hologram Projection, Threat Adaptation and more.
    Nanite Regeneration: Ability to repair any physical injury/damage she receives, she is also repaired so that she is stronger and more durable than she was before she suffered damage.
    Adaptive: Once assaulted in some manner or another and after having recuperated from it, Omega's Omega Prime Sentinel tech memorizes the damage dealt onto it and alters her frame to develops a tough resistance to recurring injury.
    Cyberpathy: Having been remade into a living computer, Omega's mind operates on different level compared to when she was a baseline homo sapiens. like a typical cyberpath Karima has vast data storage and collating capacity, able to receive and utilize all forms of electronic data and transmissions with her mind. She also has an access store of various functions pertaining to her Omega Prime Sentinel programming which enables her to activate a host of protocols and functions of her biomorphic person. This includes satellite modem access, long-range interactive holograms, target identification and acquisition locks.
    Technopathy: A more direct application of her cybernetic functions, Typical of most Omega Prime Series sentinels while also unique to Karima herself. She has a capacity for linking with and controlling as well as restructuring and assimilating localized technology to a limited degree, during her possession by Arkea she has shown a number of feats featuring the remote manipulation of machines. Either ranging from usurping the Jean Grey School's A.I. machine from it's handlers to overriding and manipulating it's Danger Room Protocols.[12] Her control of machinery despite its limitations is finely tuned, she's even capable of controlling foreign nanites spliced in another person's blood with enough concentration.
    Energy Manipulation: Being an early series prototype Omega Prime Sentinel, Karima boasted modifications that enable her to project and control energy on a subatomic scale. Enabling her to emit various dynamistic signatures and alter their substance to various degrees projecting plasma, microwave or even electromagnetism on some scale.
    Energy Shielding
    Tailored Bio-Blasts: Capable of adjusting internal energies towards making a more effective offensive armament against targeted quarry.
    Teleportation: A new feature fixed and augmented by Arkea, Karima's body proved capable of long range instantaneous transport over incredibly vast distances. About as far from one point of the world to another on the other side of it.[12]

    As a Prime Sentinel, had advanced cybernetic nanotech responsible for superhuman strength, resistance to injury and regenerative abilities, electrostatic poles mounted on her arms, flight, and a selection of unspecified weapons and mechanisms that retract into her body and cloaking devices.

    Physical Strength
    Class 50+; Omega is able to lift 70 tons.

    Damaged memory core drive greatly limiting her technological capacity, every time she is possessed it only worsens her decreased data stream.

  • Roguefrogger13Roguefrogger13 Member Posts: 415 ★★
    Settimo said:

    Contest of Champions Suggestion - Speedball


    Bio -
    Robbie Baldwin is just a normal teenager from Springdale, Connecticut who works as a part-time lab assistant at Hammond Research Laboratory. One day a lab accident causes unknown energy to bombard Robbie’s body, granting him the amazing abilities of Speedball! Still getting the hang of his newfound powers and with little fighting experience, it’s up to Night Thrasher to mold this kid into a New Warrior!

    Tags -
    #Defensive:Guard #NewWarrior #Hero #Size:M

    Class -
    Speedball’s powers originate from a laboratory experiment gone wrong, as such he should be classed as a Science Champion.

    Unique Abilities -

    Kinetic Invulnerability Charges -
    Speedball gains Kinetic Invulnerability Charges when blocking enemy attacks. Charges can be stacked without limit, but each charge lasts only 7 seconds before expiration. Charges are consumed when struck and when performing certain attacks. Damage-over-time effects can still be applied while Speedball has active Kinetic Invulnerability Charges. Kinetic Invulnerability Charges offer no protection from damaging debuffs. True Strike & True Damage override Kinetic Invulnerability Charges, offering Speedball no defensive advantage. Speedball does not gain power whenever gaining or consuming Kinetic Energy Charges. If a Kinetic Energy Charge expires, Speedball instantly gains 1% of his max power meter - power gained this way is immune to Ability Accuracy Modification and the effects of Power Lock, Fate Seal, & Damnation.
    Gaining Charges -
    Blocking Basic Attacks - gain 1 charge
    Parry Basic Attack - gain 10 charges
    Blocking Special Attacks - gain 5 charges
    Parry Special Attacks - gain 15 charges
    Consuming Charges When Struck -
    Basic Attacks -
    Consume 1 charge and take 0 damage from the attack
    Heavy Attacks -
    Consume all charges and take 0 damage from the attack, Speedball is still knocked down (unless Resist Mastery prevents this)
    Special Attacks -
    Consume all charges on first hit, and then gain Emergency Shield passive buff that lasts for 10 seconds. Emergency Shield allows Speedball to take -50% reduced damage from Special Attacks. While Emergency Shield is active, Speedball cannot gain Kinetic Invulnerability Charges from any source.
    Consuming Charges Offensively -
    Striking Enemies with Medium Dash Attack -
    Consume 1 charge to deal an additional +20% damage as direct energy damage
    Heavy Attack -
    Activating a heavy attack instantly removes all Kinetic Invulnerability Charges and converts them into Energy Damage Charges that last for as long as the heavy attack is held. If the heavy attack is held for less than 1 second, Energy Damage charges deal an additional +5% damage as direct energy damage per charge. If the heavy attack is held for 1 - 2 seconds, Energy Damage charges deal an additional +10% damage as direct energy damage per charge. If the heavy attack is held for 2 - 3 seconds, Energy Damage charges deal an additional +15% damage as direct energy damage per charge. If the heavy attack is held for 3 or more seconds, Energy Damage charges deal their maximum amount of damage - an additional +20% damage as direct energy damage per charge. Energy Damage Charges expire at the end of the heavy attack.

    Passive Energy Resistance & Power Gain -
    Having been bombarded with energy from an unknown source, Speedball naturally has a +60% resistance to energy attacks and energy-based damaging debuffs. Speedball also gains a passive power gain buff whenever an energy-based damaging debuff is placed on him.

    Attacks & Animations -

    Basic & Heavy Attack Animations -
    Dashing -
    When dashing forward or backwards, Speedball is followed by a trail of his signature yellow Kinetic Energy Bubbles.
    Heavy Attack -
    Speedball’s heavy attack is almost identical to Red Skull’s however the blue energy of the Cosmic Cube is replaced with Speedball’s signature yellow Kinetic Energy Bubbles.

    Special 1 - “Bubble Boy” -
    Speedball punches the ground with incredible force, generating a Kinetic Energy Bubble around him that damages and knocks back anyone who touches it. This field nullifies Unstoppable buffs if contact is made. This attack also grants Speedball 10 Kinetic Invulnerability Charges.

    Special 2 - “Bounce Back” -
    Speedball focuses his abilities and launches 3 clusters of unstable Kinetic Energy Bubbles towards his opponent. This attack deals True Damage and each cluster places an Armor Break debuff on the opponent upon impact.

    Special 3 - “Pinball Wizard” -
    Speedball bounces all over the arena with incredible speed. As he passes by over and again in a blur, he leaves behind his signature kinetic bubble trail. After he’s filled the area around his opponent with kinetic bubbles, Speedball delivers a massive uppercut to his opponent, sending them reeling. Speedball then snaps, detonating his kinetic bubbles with explosive force, and covering the screen in a flash of white. This attack places a “Disorient” debuff on the opponent for 10 seconds.

    Signature Ability -

    Off the Wall -
    When awakened, and only while Kinetic Invulnerability Charges are active, whenever Speedball would normally be pinned against a wall, he instead bounces off the wall with explosive force interrupting his opponent’s combo and launching his opponent across the arena. This counterattack consumes all Kinetic Invulnerability Charges, deals direct energy damage based on Signature Ability Level, and purifies all active debuffs on Speedball. This counterattack cannot be blocked, evaded, or made to fail due to Ability Accuracy Modification.

    Synergies -

    “Mentor” - (Night Thrasher & Speedball)
    Night Thrasher -
    Gains a 50% chance to evade projectiles.
    Speedball -
    Dash attacks inflict armor break when hitting the opponent’s block.

    “First Team Up” - (Spider-man [Classic] & Daredevil [Classic] & Speedball)
    Spider-man (Classic) & Daredevil (Classic) -
    Passive eades also places an “Enervate” debuff on the opponent, preventing them from gaining power when struck for 5 seconds.
    Speedball -
    Opponents’ basic attacks have a 75% chance to “miss” while Speedball is holding his heavy attack.

    “Unstoppable Forces” - (Juggernaut & Unstoppable Colossus & Rhino & Speedball)
    Juggernaut & Unstoppable Colossus -
    Activating an Unstoppable buff also activates a passive Physical Resistance buff that lasts the duration of the fight. These Physical Resistance buffs can be stacked without limit, but can be removed when hit by an opponent’s heavy attack.
    Rhino -
    Dash attacks inflict a short bleed debuff on opponents. This bleed cannot stack.
    Speedball -
    Starts each fight with 5 Kinetic Invulnerability Charges ready.

    “Teammates” - (Night Thrasher & Darkhawk & Speedball)
    All Champions -
    All Champions gain +5% Perfect Block Chance

    Speedball would be so much fun, kabam do it!
    ...please 🤞😬
  • NanandaimeanarutoNanandaimeanaruto Member Posts: 517 ★★




    Superhuman strength, durability and regeneration
    Energy projection
    Computer interfacing
    Hailing from the "Days of Future Past" timeline, Nimrod is a powerful, virtually indestructible descendant of the robotic mutant-hunting Sentinels. His name is derived from the biblical figure described in Genesis as "a mighty hunter".

    Powers and abilities
    Nimrod is the most advanced form of Sentinel robot. Nimrod can convert his outward appearance to resemble that of an ordinary human being. Nimrod can also reconstruct himself so as to make improvements in his robotic form and internal systems that will make him a more formidable opponent. Even when smashed to pieces, Nimrod can reintegrate the portions of his body to become whole again. Apparently Nimrod's electronic consciousness can somehow exist independently of his physical body, at least temporarily. Physically Nimrod is categorized in the "Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe" as possessing "Class 100" strength because Nimrod could engage the Juggernaut in hand-to-hand combat.

    Nimrod contains highly advanced computer systems as well as scanning devices that make it possible for him to determine whether a human being is a superhuman or not; if they are, he can determine the nature of their superhuman abilities. Like present day Sentinels, Nimrod can draw upon devices and systems within his robotic body in order to cope with or neutralize an opponent's superhuman power once he has determined the nature of that power.

    Nimrod is capable of projecting energy blasts, magnetic energy to levitate material, create force fields, and can teleport. Nimrod has a weakness for elemental attacks such as lightning or extreme cold.

  • NanandaimeanarutoNanandaimeanaruto Member Posts: 517 ★★
    Marvel Cyborg Charaktere

    Deathlok (also referred to as Deathlok the Demolisher)

    Deathlok (also referred to as Deathlok the Demolisher)

    Deathlok (also referred to as Deathlok the Demolisher)

    Cybernetic enhancements granting superhuman speed, strength, durability and reflexes
    Ability to repair bodily damage
    Ability to track multiple objects
    The character has also appeared on television in animation and live action, with J. August Richards portraying a variation in the television series, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.

    Powers and abilities
    Learn more
    This section does not cite any sources.
    Manning Edit
    Col. Luther Manning's body was rebuilt into a cyborg body by Harlan Ryker. Deathlok's mechanical, cybernetic physiology granted him several superhuman powers including superhuman strength, stamina, agility, reflexes, and a computer augmented brain. The right arm and left half of his face are armored cybernetic implants. He wears a woven metal-mesh body suit of considerable durability. Deathlok also carried a helium-neon laser pistol designed by the U.S. Army of his time, and a throwing dagger.

    Manning was a military academy graduate, and a brilliant military strategist. He is a formidable hand-to-hand combatant, and proficient with knives, daggers, handguns, and laser pistols.

    He was later captured and upgraded by Earth-616's S.H.I.E.L.D. and given jet boots that allowed him to leap at great heights and his other abilities were perhaps enhanced to greater levels.

    Michael Collins' human brain was transplanted into a cyborg body by a group of scientists at Cybertek. His cyborg body grants him the same powers as Manning, only with much greater strength, speed, and resistance to injury. He possesses a broad spectrum of visual and auditory powers. Deathlok has the ability to interface with virtually any computer system. He is also able to project his consciousness and sensory projections directly into the Net, making him capable of directly hacking computer systems far more efficiently than a traditional hacker. His body can also target (nearly infallibly) multiple objects and track them. He could scan the entire electromagnetic spectrum. He has learned to use internal nano-bots to repair and alter both his organic and inorganic parts, enabling him to appear as either a humanoid cyborg, or completely human.

    He also has a very sophisticated A.I., capable of quickly making complex strategies and evaluating their chance of success. If requested, the A.I. can take control of the body to perform these operations. Collins himself possesses no combat skills, but under computer-guided combat routines, he is an excellent hand-to-hand combatant with an extensive database of combat techniques and strategies.

    Collins is an excellent computer programmer with an advanced degree in computer science and prosthetics, and helped construct the Deathlok body, along with other Cybertek scientists including William Hansen, Ben Jacobs, Stanley Cross, Dr. Hu, and Jim Dworman. After becoming Deathlok, Collins later modified his own systems.

    Like Manning, Collins wears a woven metal-mesh body suit of considerable durability. He carries a plasma pistol which draws its energy from his internal power source. Thus, the weapon can only be fired if in contact with the outlets in Deathlok's hand. Deathlok also possesses a collapsible plasma rifle capable of greater firepower with the same limitations, a supply of fragmentation plasma grenades, and a molybdenum steel knife. He wears a wrist bracelet that allows Deathlok to override similar cybernetic operating systems, and an adamantium/vibranium alloy shock dampening helmet. He sometimes uses a refitted Cybertek Dragonfly fighter with a range of several hundred miles.

    Machine Man (also known as Aaron Stack, Mister Machine and serial number Z2P45-9-X-51 or X-51 for short)Aaron Stack (Earth-616)

    Machine Man (also known as Aaron Stack, Mister Machine and serial number Z2P45-9-X-51 or X-51 for short)Aaron Stack (Earth-616)

    Machine Man (also known as Aaron Stack, Mister Machine and serial number Z2P45-9-X-51 or X-51 for short)Aaron Stack (Earth-616)

    Superhuman strength, speed, stamina, durability, reflexes and accuracy
    Telescoping arms and legs
    Can fly by using anti-gravity disks
    Various installed weapons

    Powers and abilities
    Machine Man was constructed by unnamed computer engineering specialists under Dr. Oliver Broadhurst at the Broadhurst Center for the Advancement of Mechanized Research; Dr. Abel Stack was his chief programmer. Machine Man's robotic materials, design, and construction (titanium alloy) provide him with a number of abilities, as does his adamantium composition. He possesses superhuman strength, speed, stamina, durability, and reflexes. He is an expert on his own construction and repair. Machine Man has superhuman visual acuity. He possesses an above normal intellect, with a capacity for unlimited self-motivated activity, creative intelligence, and human-like emotions. He has superhuman cybernetic analytical capabilities, including the ability to process information and make calculations with superhuman speed and accuracy.

    Machine Man is powered by solar energy. He can also draw power from several different external-energy sources, if needed. Machine Man has the ability to telescope his arms and legs to a length of 100 feet (30 m). Machine Man's hands are equipped with variable-payload fingers, some routinely carried in his fingers, others stored in hidden recesses in his belt. His fingers contain a different variety of devices, including: gas chromatograph, laser interferometer, micro-pulse radar, audiometer, seismometer, gravity-wave detector, pulse-code modulator, standard-computer input/outputs, radio beacon, all-wave transceiver, laser-cutting torch/weapon, and projection of heat, cold, or electricity; one of his fingers has been shown to contain a bullet-firing mechanism that uses .357 Magnum ammunition. He has the ability of flight under his own power through the means of anti-gravity disks.

    During the X-51 series, Machine Man had a few extra features thanks to nanotechnology within him at the time. This mainly included parts of himself being rebuilt if damaged, also causing many changes in his look from issue to issue. He also had a beam cannon on his chest.[volume & issue needed]

    In Nextwave, he has become a living Swiss Army knife of sorts, containing various tools and weapons for a multitude of situations, both useful and esoteric. When asked if he could impregnate a human woman from several feet away, Aaron simply states "I am full of very useful devices."[46]

    In the Point One event, as many other heroes, Machine Man was slightly revamped, gaining new powers and abilities. Now being a cross between the nano-technlogical being in the X-51 miniseries and the living Swiss Army knife of Nextwave, Machine Man is now suffused with nanites able to effortlessly change his appearance from his earliest, jump-suited look to the more-humanoid looks of Nextwave. Also, his nanotechnology allows him to transform and rebuild every piece of machinery he comes in contact with, such as building an anti-gravity vehicle out of a motorcycle.[volume & issue needed]

    Powers and Abilities

    * Lower ratings in original form
    * Powers
    * Z2P45-9-X-Robot: Machine Man is the fifty-first model of Z2P45-9-X range of robots designed by Dr. Abel Stack. His robotic form provides him with various abilities.[64]
    Superhuman Strength: As the Machine Man, Aaron could lift 2 tons and an extended limb could lift a few hundred pounds.[65]
    Superhuman Durability: As the Machine Man, Aaron's titanium alloy construction makes him very durable.
    Wave-Modifying Coating: A special 'wave modifying' coating provides some protection from energy attacks.
    Limb Extension: Machine Man can extend his limbs up to 100 feet.[66]
    Flight: As the Machine Man, Aaron can fly using anti-gravity units and hover using a propeller attachment.[1]
    Self-Repair: Aaron is capable of recovering from dismembering attacks by reattaching damaged parts of his body back to it, causing it to heal itself.[60]
    Machine Sentinel:

    Flight: As the Machine Sentinel, Aaron has absorbed and adapted technology for flight using his nanites and can now form a jetpack for personal use. With his jetpack, Aaron is capable of flight speeds in an atmosphere up to Mach 25 (19,250 mph), he can achieve escape velocity from Earth's gravitational pull (25,000 mph), and can reach sub-light speed while traveling in space (176,700 mps/95% lightspeed).[1]
    Superhuman Strength: As the Machine Sentinel, Aaron can now lift well beyond 100 tons.[65]
    Nano-Technological Self-Augmentation: The Prime-Sentinel nanites in his body not only gave Stack an upgrade to his self-repair systems bolstering it to a mechanical Healing Factor. These nanites also allows him to adapt technology and weapons appropriate for the present situation or opponent. The nanites were responsible for the fusion of Machine Man's damaged body and the remains of the Jack Kubrick Life-Model-Decoy, this resulted in Aaron becoming the Machine Sentinel.[67]
    X-Gene Disruptor-Field: Aaron possesses the standard weapons and technology of a Prime-Sentinel, including the X-Gene Disruptor-Field. The X-Gene Disruptor-Field is a device used to disable or weaken the powers of any mutants in his vicinity.[68]
    Transformation: After absorbing the Jack Kubrick Life-Model-Decoy and his Prime-Sentinel nanites, Aaron has gain the ability to changed his appearance at will using his acquired technology. Aaron's forms include: his "Aaron Stack" human form, his upgraded robotic Machine Man form, his stronger Machine Sentinel form, the Life-Model-Decoy of Jack Kubrick, or his human Machine Man form.[69]
    He communicates well with humans, due to his upbringing and observations. After merging with the Jack Kubrick Life-Model Decoy, which was uploaded with a copy of Kubrick's mind, this gives Aaron any and all skills, knowledge, memories, and abilities possessed by the real Jack Kubrick.
    Physical Strength
    As Machine Man, Aaron could lift 2 tons and an extended limb could lift a few hundred pounds. As the Machine Sentinel, Aaron can now lift well beyond 100 tons.
    Mental Instability: Over the years, Aaron has displayed radical changes in his personality, often becoming very aggressive, reckless and antisocial. Aaron's would-be successor X-52 posited that this was due to his origin as an X-Model Robot, since all of his predecessors had gone insane, and that Abel Stack's upbringing only delayed the inevitable. X-52 also compared this erratic behavior to a human mental illness like bipolarity or depression.[59]

    Karima Shapandar (Omega Sentinel)

    Karima Shapandar (Omega Sentinel)

    Karima Shapandar (Omega Sentinel)

    Karima Shapandar (Omega Sentinel)

    As an Omega Prime Sentinel her nanorobotic reconfiguration affords her numerous capabilities;
    Superhuman Conditioning.
    Resistance to injury and regenerative abilities.
    Electrostatic poles mounted on her arms.
    Selection of unspecified weapons and mechanisms that retract into body.
    As Arkea's host;
    Technological Augmentation.
    Technological Possession.

    Powers and abilities
    Karima is fitted with Omega-Prime Sentinel nanite technology which gives her superhuman strength, speed, reflexes, and endurance. She also has flight capacity, adaptive regeneration to repair any physical injury/damage she receives, and several projectile weapons, including high energy power blasts, as well as electrostatic poles built into her forearms that generate massive amounts of electrical energy and microwave radiation emitters. Her strength and durability were enhanced after she was rebuilt by the Beast. She appears to show limited technopathy and machine control, due to being able to "find" information from machines, and having the ability to control nanites in others' blood. She also has life-support technology built into her systems as evidenced in X-Men: Legacy #208 (Apr. 2008). When possessed by the biocybernetic enzyme known as Arkea, Karima showcased a number of abilities she'd never readily accessed before such as greater machine and cybernetics control than previously displayed coupled with long range Teleportation capabilities.[28]

    As a prerequisite to being a detective in India, she was trained in basic combat skills, identity tracking, and other fundamental skills for human detective work. She also has knowledge to operate most basic and advanced Earth-based technology.

    Powers and Abilities

    Prime/Omega Sentinel Technology: Karima was fitted with Prime/Omega Sentinel technology that grants her numerous abilities. Recent testings show that the majority of her nano-bionics have been rendered impassive lately.

    Enhanced Strength: Karima possesses heightened physical strength, the exact limits of which are unknown, it is believed to be around 70 tons of force as is the norm for most Prime Sentinels.
    Enhanced Sensors: Her Prime Sentinel technology offers numerous scanning, homing and radar senses. particularly used for tracking mutant signatures Karima is capable of finding and tracking other odds and ends as well. Stemming to Telescopic, Microscopic and X-ray vision as well as Proximity Sensors, Bio-Scanning and Monitoring, individual Bio-Tagging and Locating, Target ID and Acquisition Locks, etc.
    Enhanced Reflexes:
    Enhanced Speed:
    Enhanced Endurance:
    Flight: Has flight capacity by unknown means, either along the lines of rocket boots or anti-gravity propulsion.
    Nano Shifting: Her nano-technological carapace enables Karima numerous mechanism morphing capabilities from generating Plasma Coils, Electrostatic Poles, Plasma Torches, Energy Guns to life Support, Machine Interface, Hologram Projection, Threat Adaptation and more.
    Nanite Regeneration: Ability to repair any physical injury/damage she receives, she is also repaired so that she is stronger and more durable than she was before she suffered damage.
    Adaptive: Once assaulted in some manner or another and after having recuperated from it, Omega's Omega Prime Sentinel tech memorizes the damage dealt onto it and alters her frame to develops a tough resistance to recurring injury.
    Cyberpathy: Having been remade into a living computer, Omega's mind operates on different level compared to when she was a baseline homo sapiens. like a typical cyberpath Karima has vast data storage and collating capacity, able to receive and utilize all forms of electronic data and transmissions with her mind. She also has an access store of various functions pertaining to her Omega Prime Sentinel programming which enables her to activate a host of protocols and functions of her biomorphic person. This includes satellite modem access, long-range interactive holograms, target identification and acquisition locks.
    Technopathy: A more direct application of her cybernetic functions, Typical of most Omega Prime Series sentinels while also unique to Karima herself. She has a capacity for linking with and controlling as well as restructuring and assimilating localized technology to a limited degree, during her possession by Arkea she has shown a number of feats featuring the remote manipulation of machines. Either ranging from usurping the Jean Grey School's A.I. machine from it's handlers to overriding and manipulating it's Danger Room Protocols.[12] Her control of machinery despite its limitations is finely tuned, she's even capable of controlling foreign nanites spliced in another person's blood with enough concentration.
    Energy Manipulation: Being an early series prototype Omega Prime Sentinel, Karima boasted modifications that enable her to project and control energy on a subatomic scale. Enabling her to emit various dynamistic signatures and alter their substance to various degrees projecting plasma, microwave or even electromagnetism on some scale.
    Energy Shielding
    Tailored Bio-Blasts: Capable of adjusting internal energies towards making a more effective offensive armament against targeted quarry.
    Teleportation: A new feature fixed and augmented by Arkea, Karima's body proved capable of long range instantaneous transport over incredibly vast distances. About as far from one point of the world to another on the other side of it.[12]

    As a Prime Sentinel, had advanced cybernetic nanotech responsible for superhuman strength, resistance to injury and regenerative abilities, electrostatic poles mounted on her arms, flight, and a selection of unspecified weapons and mechanisms that retract into her body and cloaking devices.

    Physical Strength
    Class 50+; Omega is able to lift 70 tons.

    Damaged memory core drive greatly limiting her technological capacity, every time she is possessed it only worsens her decreased data stream.

  • NanandaimeanarutoNanandaimeanaruto Member Posts: 517 ★★
    New Agent of Atlas

    Ami Han (Earth-616)
    White Fox

    Ami Han (Earth-616)
    White Fox

    Ami Han (Earth-616)
    White Fox

    Powers and Abilities
    Kumiho: As a Kumiho, White Fox possesses superhuman abilities,[1] the full extent of which is unknown. She has demonstrated the following powers:

    Heightened Senses: White Fox has extremely acute olfactory senses. She is an excellent tracker, and has even detected traces of extradimensional energy,[16][15] scents and even the smell of fear. She also has a superhuman hearing.[3]
    Claws: White Fox possesses the ability to extend and retract claws on the ends of her fingers.[2][15]
    Communication with Animals: White Fox has shown the ability to establish conversations with animals like pigeons and squirrels.[1][15]
    Mesmerism: White Fox can use her voice to hypnotize a person into doing whatever she wants.[1]
    Superhuman Durability: White Fox was able to survive a several floors falling without any injuries.[17]
    Superhuman Agility: White Fox is able to jump long distances.[12]
    Fox Transformation: White Fox is able to turn into her kumiho form (nine-tailed fox),[14] with each tail possessing unique powers still unknown.[15]
    Superhuman Stamina: According to Ami, kumihos never get tired.[10]
    Superhuman Speed: White Fox is capable of running and moving at speeds that are far beyond the natural physical limits of the finest human athlete.[15]
    Life Force Energy Absorption: Through the Yaewoo Guseul ("Fox Marble"), a kumiho can absorb the human energy in order to rehabilitate it's power. The fastest way is through a kiss.[4]
    Skilled Combatant: White Fox is skilled in forms of close combat.[18][1][15]

    Multilingual: In addition to Korean, White Fox is capable of fluently speaking Greek and English. According to her, all Korean super-agents must be fluent in at least six languages.[19][15]

    Seol Hee (Earth-616)
    Luna Snow

    Seol Hee (Earth-616)
    Luna Snow

    Powers and Abilities
    Cryokinesis: Luna can produce dark ice for destruction and light ice for healing.[3]
    Hee is a talented singer and dancer.[1]

    Amadeus Cho (Earth-616)


    Powers and Abilities

    Hulk Physiology: Using an array of nanobots derived from technology created by the Leader, Amadeus Cho altered the structure of his cells to allow them to contain and use gamma energy.[84] Initially, Amadeus possessed powers similar to his predecessor, Bruce Banner.[3] When his Hulk personality took over, Amadeus was injected with another type of nanobots that were supposed to break down the Sternbots. These counter-bots were concentrated in Amadeus' brain, and were intended to cause him to lose a portion of his powers; however, they were also designed to allow Amadeus to direct them, so he instead used them to merge with the Hulk persona and assume a smaller and slimmer form.[84]
    Superhuman Strength
    Superhuman Durability
    Superhuman Stamina
    Regenerative Healing Factor
    Rage Form: While his current physiology is statistically weaker than that of his original Hulk transformation, Cho has shown he can reobtain said levels of strength, albeit temporarily, whenever he truly succumbs to his rage.[85] When this occurs, Cho bulks up into a larger, burlier more destructive form which can cause massive tidal waves and shake the earth at its peak.[86]

    Former Powers
    Amadeus Cho (Earth-616) from Incredible Hulk Vol 1 610 001.jpg
    Cathexis Ray Transformation: Cho was exposed to the Cathexis Ray Generator, which further enhances his intelligence. It also allows him to alter the laws of physics within a ten-foot radius of himself. He used this ability to shut down the Leader's equipment and revert M.O.D.O.K. to his original human form. He loses this power when Bruce Banner uses a re-calibrated ray to remove the powers of the newly created Hulks.[46] Totally Awesome Hulk Vol 1 1 Textless.jpg
    Gamma Transformation: Using a device in his left arm, Amadeus can change forms at will. As the Hulk, he increases in mass and size, and his skin turns green.[3]
    Immense Superhuman Strength: The Hulk possesses the capacity for essentially near limitless physical strength. Cho's Hulk form allows him to display an incredible amount of the same potential strength, being capable of knocking down giant monsters and battling with alien warrior or Asgardian gods.[87]
    Superhuman Leaping: The Hulk is able to use his highly developed leg muscles to leap great distances.[3] When pushed to his extreme, Amadeus is capable of jumping a hundred miles at a time.[1]
    Superhuman Stamina: The Hulk's body counteracts fatigue poisons that build up in his muscles during physical activity.
    Nigh-Invulnerability: In addition to immense strength, the Hulk's body possesses a high degree of resistance to physical injury, either from being hit or exposed to fire.[3]
    Regenerative Healing Factor: The Hulk has regeneration & healing abilities, being able to instantaneously regenerate & heal superficial lesions & regrow limbs immediately.
    Diseases Immunity
    Decelerated Aging
    Superhuman Speed: Regardless of his size, Amadeus's Hulk form's strong legs allow him to run at speeds that are well beyond the natural physical limits of even the finest human athlete.
    Reactive Adaptation: A transformed Amadeus has been able to survive within the crushing depths of the Atlantic Ocean without relative stress.[73]
    Increased Psionic Resistance: When faced with the charms of Amora the Enchantress Amadeus Hulk was able to resist her glamour's almost completely.[5]
    Gamma Radiation/Energy Manipulation and Emission: Like the previous Hulk, Amadeus has shown evidence that he too can generate and manipulate various forms of irradiated energy, mainly gamma energy. Having become a type of "gamma battery" which creates and generates its own Gamma Radiation. When enraged enough he can emit it as a radioactive EMP that shorts out technology.[88][89]


    Hyper-Mind battle

    Super-Genius Intelligence: Amadeus Cho’s mind operates like a hypercomputer, capable of rapidly and without mechanical aid perform an infinite number of unimaginable complex and simultaneous calculations, in his mind with minimal stimuli. He can quickly, simultaneously and perfectly analyze multiple information streams (e.g. threat assessment) and rapidly respond to changing tactical situations, by identifying the variables and quantum possibilities in any situation, and he uses this information to adjust the outcome to whichever is most favorable to him. Because his mind operates like a hypercomputer; he can process information quickly and this gives him a hyper-accelerated learning aptitude. He also possesses limitless information storage and retrieval, enhanced pattern solving/recognition, extremely high perception, and observational skills, perfect deductive/reasoning skills and investigative skills, superhuman strategic/tactical analytical skills, and an eidetic memory (meaning that he never forgets anything and has perfect recall).[90]

    His hyper mind also makes him one of the most intelligent people on the planet, ranking him somewhere in the top ten smartest beings alongside Reed Richards, Tony Stark, Dr. Doom and Hank McCoy. The Eternal Ajak believes that Cho is actually more intelligent than some immortals, and he has claimed to Athena, who says that intelligence is essentially "pattern recognition," that he sees patterns better than 99.999999993% of people on Earth.[9][38][91]

    Skilled Hacker: He is a skilled hacker; he was able to locate Edwin Jarvis hacking into his GPS from a normal computer a great distance away.[38]

    Physical Strength
    Amadeus possesses the strength of a teenager that routinely engages in minimal exercise. As The Hulk he is listed as class 100+.

    Accelerated Metabolism: Performing mental calculations in rapid succession costs him immense amounts of energy leaves him exhausted and famished, requiring him to consume large amounts of food thereafter.


    Further reading
    Aero at the Comic Book DB (archived from the original)
    Aero (Lei Ling) is a fictional Chinese superhero appearing in the Marvel Universe. The character was created for the Chinese market by artist Keng and writer Zhou Liefen in a collaboration between Marvel Comics and NetEase.[40][41]

    After debuting in Chinese digital comics, Aero made her U.S. comics debut in War of the Realms: New Agents of Atlas before starring in her own series. Her series features translations of the original Chinese comics and new material by Greg Pak teaming up with Wave.[42]

    Lei Ling is an architect based in Shanghai, China. As Aero, she has the ability to harness the power of the air.[43]

    Pearl Pangan (Earth-616)

    Powers and Abilities

    Robert Grayson (Earth-616)
    Marvel Boy Uranian

    Powers and Abilities

    Augmented Physical Abilities: Grayson is a genetically altered human to whom the Uranian Eternals added the DNA of the Eternals, endowing him with superior physical abilities. Robert Grayson has been seen to breathe smoothly in both the Earth and Uranium atmosphere without any type of helmet or the like, demonstrating that he can easily survive in both environments without any type of suit.[6][5][4]
    Superhuman Strength : Grayson has a superhuman force capable of performing incredible feats, it is estimated that he can lift 75 tons.
    Superhuman Durability: Grayson has an extremely high resistance to damage, causing even high-caliber bullets or blunt blows that would kill a normal person cannot damage him.[6]
    Superhuman Stamina : Grayson has a stamina superior to that of a human or uranian, he can fight for hours without showing any sign of physical fatigue.
    Marvel Boy has some degree of telepathy and can control people mentally, when he owns his bands or his suit these skills increase.

    Super-genius level intelligence
    Skilled athlete and expert pilot
    Uranian's Suit: Spacesuit that recreates Uranian environment. Also equipped with a Uranian headband which gives him telepathic abilities.
    Energy Bands: A set of duplicates that gave him power as Marvel Boy that absorb solar energy. They give Grayson the following abilities:
    Light Energy Manipulation: Grayson can release concussive burst of light energy and flashes of light to blind opponents.[6]
    Flight: Grayson can fly through the manipulation of gravity.[6]

    Sword Master (Lin Lie) Lin Lie (Earth-616)is a fictional Chinese superhero appearing in the Marvel Universe. The character was created for the Chinese Market by artist Gunji and writer Shuizhu in a collaboration between Marvel Comics and NetEase.[189][190]

    After debuting in Chinese digital comics in 2018, Sword Master made his American comics debut in War of the Realms, New Agents of Atlas before starring in his own series. His series features translations of the original Chinese comics and new material by Greg Pak teaming up with Shang-Chi.[191]

    As a young man, Lin Lie receives an ancient sword by his archaeologist father who found it while excavating a 5,000-year-old tomb.[189] Sword Master is the last descendant of Fuxi, and his Fuxi Sword has mysterious magical powers.[192]

    Powers and Abilities
    Lin Lie is a skilled martial artist.[3] and quite expert in swordsmanship.[2]


    Sword of Fu Xi[4]

  • ProwlerSymbioteProwlerSymbiote Member Posts: 526 ★★
    Finesse (Skill)

    Ultimate Electro (Science)

    Ultimate Green Goblin (Science)

    Vector (Science)

    Arkon (Cosmic)

    Living Totem (Cosmic)

    Spitfire (Mutant)

    Captain America 2099 (Science)

    Capwolf (Mystic)

    Mantis (Cosmic)

    Death Locket (Tech)
  • NanandaimeanarutoNanandaimeanaruto Member Posts: 517 ★★
    Marvel Cyborg Charaktere

    Deathlok (also referred to as Deathlok the Demolisher)

    Deathlok (also referred to as Deathlok the Demolisher)

    Deathlok (also referred to as Deathlok the Demolisher)

    Cybernetic enhancements granting superhuman speed, strength, durability and reflexes
    Ability to repair bodily damage
    Ability to track multiple objects
    The character has also appeared on television in animation and live action, with J. August Richards portraying a variation in the television series, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.

    Powers and abilities
    Learn more
    This section does not cite any sources.
    Manning Edit
    Col. Luther Manning's body was rebuilt into a cyborg body by Harlan Ryker. Deathlok's mechanical, cybernetic physiology granted him several superhuman powers including superhuman strength, stamina, agility, reflexes, and a computer augmented brain. The right arm and left half of his face are armored cybernetic implants. He wears a woven metal-mesh body suit of considerable durability. Deathlok also carried a helium-neon laser pistol designed by the U.S. Army of his time, and a throwing dagger.

    Manning was a military academy graduate, and a brilliant military strategist. He is a formidable hand-to-hand combatant, and proficient with knives, daggers, handguns, and laser pistols.

    He was later captured and upgraded by Earth-616's S.H.I.E.L.D. and given jet boots that allowed him to leap at great heights and his other abilities were perhaps enhanced to greater levels.

    Michael Collins' human brain was transplanted into a cyborg body by a group of scientists at Cybertek. His cyborg body grants him the same powers as Manning, only with much greater strength, speed, and resistance to injury. He possesses a broad spectrum of visual and auditory powers. Deathlok has the ability to interface with virtually any computer system. He is also able to project his consciousness and sensory projections directly into the Net, making him capable of directly hacking computer systems far more efficiently than a traditional hacker. His body can also target (nearly infallibly) multiple objects and track them. He could scan the entire electromagnetic spectrum. He has learned to use internal nano-bots to repair and alter both his organic and inorganic parts, enabling him to appear as either a humanoid cyborg, or completely human.

    He also has a very sophisticated A.I., capable of quickly making complex strategies and evaluating their chance of success. If requested, the A.I. can take control of the body to perform these operations. Collins himself possesses no combat skills, but under computer-guided combat routines, he is an excellent hand-to-hand combatant with an extensive database of combat techniques and strategies.

    Collins is an excellent computer programmer with an advanced degree in computer science and prosthetics, and helped construct the Deathlok body, along with other Cybertek scientists including William Hansen, Ben Jacobs, Stanley Cross, Dr. Hu, and Jim Dworman. After becoming Deathlok, Collins later modified his own systems.

    Like Manning, Collins wears a woven metal-mesh body suit of considerable durability. He carries a plasma pistol which draws its energy from his internal power source. Thus, the weapon can only be fired if in contact with the outlets in Deathlok's hand. Deathlok also possesses a collapsible plasma rifle capable of greater firepower with the same limitations, a supply of fragmentation plasma grenades, and a molybdenum steel knife. He wears a wrist bracelet that allows Deathlok to override similar cybernetic operating systems, and an adamantium/vibranium alloy shock dampening helmet. He sometimes uses a refitted Cybertek Dragonfly fighter with a range of several hundred miles.

    Machine Man (also known as Aaron Stack, Mister Machine and serial number Z2P45-9-X-51 or X-51 for short)Aaron Stack (Earth-616)

    Machine Man (also known as Aaron Stack, Mister Machine and serial number Z2P45-9-X-51 or X-51 for short)Aaron Stack (Earth-616)

    Machine Man (also known as Aaron Stack, Mister Machine and serial number Z2P45-9-X-51 or X-51 for short)Aaron Stack (Earth-616)

    Superhuman strength, speed, stamina, durability, reflexes and accuracy
    Telescoping arms and legs
    Can fly by using anti-gravity disks
    Various installed weapons

    Powers and abilities
    Machine Man was constructed by unnamed computer engineering specialists under Dr. Oliver Broadhurst at the Broadhurst Center for the Advancement of Mechanized Research; Dr. Abel Stack was his chief programmer. Machine Man's robotic materials, design, and construction (titanium alloy) provide him with a number of abilities, as does his adamantium composition. He possesses superhuman strength, speed, stamina, durability, and reflexes. He is an expert on his own construction and repair. Machine Man has superhuman visual acuity. He possesses an above normal intellect, with a capacity for unlimited self-motivated activity, creative intelligence, and human-like emotions. He has superhuman cybernetic analytical capabilities, including the ability to process information and make calculations with superhuman speed and accuracy.

    Machine Man is powered by solar energy. He can also draw power from several different external-energy sources, if needed. Machine Man has the ability to telescope his arms and legs to a length of 100 feet (30 m). Machine Man's hands are equipped with variable-payload fingers, some routinely carried in his fingers, others stored in hidden recesses in his belt. His fingers contain a different variety of devices, including: gas chromatograph, laser interferometer, micro-pulse radar, audiometer, seismometer, gravity-wave detector, pulse-code modulator, standard-computer input/outputs, radio beacon, all-wave transceiver, laser-cutting torch/weapon, and projection of heat, cold, or electricity; one of his fingers has been shown to contain a bullet-firing mechanism that uses .357 Magnum ammunition. He has the ability of flight under his own power through the means of anti-gravity disks.

    During the X-51 series, Machine Man had a few extra features thanks to nanotechnology within him at the time. This mainly included parts of himself being rebuilt if damaged, also causing many changes in his look from issue to issue. He also had a beam cannon on his chest.[volume & issue needed]

    In Nextwave, he has become a living Swiss Army knife of sorts, containing various tools and weapons for a multitude of situations, both useful and esoteric. When asked if he could impregnate a human woman from several feet away, Aaron simply states "I am full of very useful devices."[46]

    In the Point One event, as many other heroes, Machine Man was slightly revamped, gaining new powers and abilities. Now being a cross between the nano-technlogical being in the X-51 miniseries and the living Swiss Army knife of Nextwave, Machine Man is now suffused with nanites able to effortlessly change his appearance from his earliest, jump-suited look to the more-humanoid looks of Nextwave. Also, his nanotechnology allows him to transform and rebuild every piece of machinery he comes in contact with, such as building an anti-gravity vehicle out of a motorcycle.[volume & issue needed]

    Powers and Abilities

    * Lower ratings in original form
    * Powers
    * Z2P45-9-X-Robot: Machine Man is the fifty-first model of Z2P45-9-X range of robots designed by Dr. Abel Stack. His robotic form provides him with various abilities.[64]
    Superhuman Strength: As the Machine Man, Aaron could lift 2 tons and an extended limb could lift a few hundred pounds.[65]
    Superhuman Durability: As the Machine Man, Aaron's titanium alloy construction makes him very durable.
    Wave-Modifying Coating: A special 'wave modifying' coating provides some protection from energy attacks.
    Limb Extension: Machine Man can extend his limbs up to 100 feet.[66]
    Flight: As the Machine Man, Aaron can fly using anti-gravity units and hover using a propeller attachment.[1]
    Self-Repair: Aaron is capable of recovering from dismembering attacks by reattaching damaged parts of his body back to it, causing it to heal itself.[60]
    Machine Sentinel:

    Flight: As the Machine Sentinel, Aaron has absorbed and adapted technology for flight using his nanites and can now form a jetpack for personal use. With his jetpack, Aaron is capable of flight speeds in an atmosphere up to Mach 25 (19,250 mph), he can achieve escape velocity from Earth's gravitational pull (25,000 mph), and can reach sub-light speed while traveling in space (176,700 mps/95% lightspeed).[1]
    Superhuman Strength: As the Machine Sentinel, Aaron can now lift well beyond 100 tons.[65]
    Nano-Technological Self-Augmentation: The Prime-Sentinel nanites in his body not only gave Stack an upgrade to his self-repair systems bolstering it to a mechanical Healing Factor. These nanites also allows him to adapt technology and weapons appropriate for the present situation or opponent. The nanites were responsible for the fusion of Machine Man's damaged body and the remains of the Jack Kubrick Life-Model-Decoy, this resulted in Aaron becoming the Machine Sentinel.[67]
    X-Gene Disruptor-Field: Aaron possesses the standard weapons and technology of a Prime-Sentinel, including the X-Gene Disruptor-Field. The X-Gene Disruptor-Field is a device used to disable or weaken the powers of any mutants in his vicinity.[68]
    Transformation: After absorbing the Jack Kubrick Life-Model-Decoy and his Prime-Sentinel nanites, Aaron has gain the ability to changed his appearance at will using his acquired technology. Aaron's forms include: his "Aaron Stack" human form, his upgraded robotic Machine Man form, his stronger Machine Sentinel form, the Life-Model-Decoy of Jack Kubrick, or his human Machine Man form.[69]
    He communicates well with humans, due to his upbringing and observations. After merging with the Jack Kubrick Life-Model Decoy, which was uploaded with a copy of Kubrick's mind, this gives Aaron any and all skills, knowledge, memories, and abilities possessed by the real Jack Kubrick.
    Physical Strength
    As Machine Man, Aaron could lift 2 tons and an extended limb could lift a few hundred pounds. As the Machine Sentinel, Aaron can now lift well beyond 100 tons.
    Mental Instability: Over the years, Aaron has displayed radical changes in his personality, often becoming very aggressive, reckless and antisocial. Aaron's would-be successor X-52 posited that this was due to his origin as an X-Model Robot, since all of his predecessors had gone insane, and that Abel Stack's upbringing only delayed the inevitable. X-52 also compared this erratic behavior to a human mental illness like bipolarity or depression.[59]

    Karima Shapandar (Omega Sentinel)

    Karima Shapandar (Omega Sentinel)

    Karima Shapandar (Omega Sentinel)

    Karima Shapandar (Omega Sentinel)

    As an Omega Prime Sentinel her nanorobotic reconfiguration affords her numerous capabilities;
    Superhuman Conditioning.
    Resistance to injury and regenerative abilities.
    Electrostatic poles mounted on her arms.
    Selection of unspecified weapons and mechanisms that retract into body.
    As Arkea's host;
    Technological Augmentation.
    Technological Possession.

    Powers and abilities
    Karima is fitted with Omega-Prime Sentinel nanite technology which gives her superhuman strength, speed, reflexes, and endurance. She also has flight capacity, adaptive regeneration to repair any physical injury/damage she receives, and several projectile weapons, including high energy power blasts, as well as electrostatic poles built into her forearms that generate massive amounts of electrical energy and microwave radiation emitters. Her strength and durability were enhanced after she was rebuilt by the Beast. She appears to show limited technopathy and machine control, due to being able to "find" information from machines, and having the ability to control nanites in others' blood. She also has life-support technology built into her systems as evidenced in X-Men: Legacy #208 (Apr. 2008). When possessed by the biocybernetic enzyme known as Arkea, Karima showcased a number of abilities she'd never readily accessed before such as greater machine and cybernetics control than previously displayed coupled with long range Teleportation capabilities.[28]

    As a prerequisite to being a detective in India, she was trained in basic combat skills, identity tracking, and other fundamental skills for human detective work. She also has knowledge to operate most basic and advanced Earth-based technology.

    Powers and Abilities

    Prime/Omega Sentinel Technology: Karima was fitted with Prime/Omega Sentinel technology that grants her numerous abilities. Recent testings show that the majority of her nano-bionics have been rendered impassive lately.

    Enhanced Strength: Karima possesses heightened physical strength, the exact limits of which are unknown, it is believed to be around 70 tons of force as is the norm for most Prime Sentinels.
    Enhanced Sensors: Her Prime Sentinel technology offers numerous scanning, homing and radar senses. particularly used for tracking mutant signatures Karima is capable of finding and tracking other odds and ends as well. Stemming to Telescopic, Microscopic and X-ray vision as well as Proximity Sensors, Bio-Scanning and Monitoring, individual Bio-Tagging and Locating, Target ID and Acquisition Locks, etc.
    Enhanced Reflexes:
    Enhanced Speed:
    Enhanced Endurance:
    Flight: Has flight capacity by unknown means, either along the lines of rocket boots or anti-gravity propulsion.
    Nano Shifting: Her nano-technological carapace enables Karima numerous mechanism morphing capabilities from generating Plasma Coils, Electrostatic Poles, Plasma Torches, Energy Guns to life Support, Machine Interface, Hologram Projection, Threat Adaptation and more.
    Nanite Regeneration: Ability to repair any physical injury/damage she receives, she is also repaired so that she is stronger and more durable than she was before she suffered damage.
    Adaptive: Once assaulted in some manner or another and after having recuperated from it, Omega's Omega Prime Sentinel tech memorizes the damage dealt onto it and alters her frame to develops a tough resistance to recurring injury.
    Cyberpathy: Having been remade into a living computer, Omega's mind operates on different level compared to when she was a baseline homo sapiens. like a typical cyberpath Karima has vast data storage and collating capacity, able to receive and utilize all forms of electronic data and transmissions with her mind. She also has an access store of various functions pertaining to her Omega Prime Sentinel programming which enables her to activate a host of protocols and functions of her biomorphic person. This includes satellite modem access, long-range interactive holograms, target identification and acquisition locks.
    Technopathy: A more direct application of her cybernetic functions, Typical of most Omega Prime Series sentinels while also unique to Karima herself. She has a capacity for linking with and controlling as well as restructuring and assimilating localized technology to a limited degree, during her possession by Arkea she has shown a number of feats featuring the remote manipulation of machines. Either ranging from usurping the Jean Grey School's A.I. machine from it's handlers to overriding and manipulating it's Danger Room Protocols.[12] Her control of machinery despite its limitations is finely tuned, she's even capable of controlling foreign nanites spliced in another person's blood with enough concentration.
    Energy Manipulation: Being an early series prototype Omega Prime Sentinel, Karima boasted modifications that enable her to project and control energy on a subatomic scale. Enabling her to emit various dynamistic signatures and alter their substance to various degrees projecting plasma, microwave or even electromagnetism on some scale.
    Energy Shielding
    Tailored Bio-Blasts: Capable of adjusting internal energies towards making a more effective offensive armament against targeted quarry.
    Teleportation: A new feature fixed and augmented by Arkea, Karima's body proved capable of long range instantaneous transport over incredibly vast distances. About as far from one point of the world to another on the other side of it.[12]

    As a Prime Sentinel, had advanced cybernetic nanotech responsible for superhuman strength, resistance to injury and regenerative abilities, electrostatic poles mounted on her arms, flight, and a selection of unspecified weapons and mechanisms that retract into her body and cloaking devices.

    Physical Strength
    Class 50+; Omega is able to lift 70 tons.

    Damaged memory core drive greatly limiting her technological capacity, every time she is possessed it only worsens her decreased data stream.

  • ProwlerSymbioteProwlerSymbiote Member Posts: 526 ★★
    Eric Koenig (Skill)

    Presence (Science)

    America Chavez (Cosmic)

    Iron Man (1872) (Tech)

    Hydra Supreme (Science)

    Demogoblin (Mystic)

    Firebird (Cosmic)

    Kismet (Cosmic)
  • NanandaimeanarutoNanandaimeanaruto Member Posts: 517 ★★

    Eugene "Flash" Thompson (Agent Venom)

    Experienced hand to hand combatant
    Trained marksman
    Alien symbiote grants:
    Superhuman strength, agility, reflexes and endurance
    Organic webbing
    Immunity to Spider Sense
    Limited shapeshifting and camouflage
    Ability to cling to most surfaces, can create armor by taking pieces from the armor of others and placing it in his venom, and form limbs that he could use
    The character has appeared in several other media adaptations (usually in his earlier bullying incarnation). In film, he was portrayed by Joe Manganiello in Spider-Man and Spider-Man 3, Chris Zylka in The Amazing Spider-Man and The Amazing Spider-Man 2, and Tony Revolori in the Marvel Cinematic Universe films Spider-Man: Homecoming, Spider-Man: Far From Home and in the upcoming sequel Spider-Man: No Way Home.[2]

    Powers and abilities
    Main article: Venom (Marvel Comics character) § Powers and abilities
    Main article: Anti-Venom (symbiote) § Powers and abilities
    The Venom symbiote grows a pair of legs for him while he has on the suit.[55] Due to his military training and former boxing career, Flash is an experienced hand-to-hand fighter and a trained marksman. After later gaining the power of the Anti-Venom symbiote, Flash inherits the healing abilities of this suit as well, along with the ability to heal others' physical injuries, and the original Anti-Venom's cleansing powers.[56]

    Kamala Khan
    Ms. Marvel

    Healing factor
    Within the Marvel Universe, Khan is a teenage Pakistani American from Jersey City, New Jersey with shapeshifting abilities who discovers that she has Inhuman genes in the aftermath of the "Inhumanity" storyline and assumes the mantle of Ms. Marvel from her idol Carol Danvers after Danvers becomes Captain Marvel. Marvel's announcement that a Muslim character would headline a comic book drew widespread attention, and the first volume of Ms. Marvel won the Hugo Award for best graphic story in 2015.

    Iman Vellani is set to portray Khan in the Marvel Cinematic Universe Disney+ series Ms. Marvel (2021) and the film Captain Marvel 2 (2022). The character was voiced by Sandra Saad in the 2020 action-adventure video game Marvel's Avengers.

  • ChemicalauChemicalau Member Posts: 2
    Justice (Vance Astrovik) should be added. He’s one of the few mutants not associated with the X-men brand.
  • ProwlerSymbioteProwlerSymbiote Member Posts: 526 ★★
    Red King (Tech)

    Black Knight (Sir Percy) (Skill)

    Nakia (Skill)

    Vormund (Science)

    Morgan Le Fay (Mystic)

    Inferno (Cosmic)

    Cottonmouth (Tech)

    Destroyer (Kevin Marlow) (Science)
  • NanandaimeanarutoNanandaimeanaruto Member Posts: 517 ★★

    Scott Summers (Erde-616) (Cyclops)


    Optic blasts

    Master tactician and strategist

    Skilled martial artist and hand-to-hand combatant

    Cyclops is a member of a subspecies of humans known as mutants, who are born with superhuman abilities. Cyclops emits powerful beams of energy from his eyes, and can only control the beams with the aid of special eyewear which he must wear at all times. He is typically considered the first of the X-Men,[1] a team of mutant heroes who fight for peace and equality between mutants and humans, and one of the team's primary leaders.[2][3]
    Cyclops is most often portrayed as the archetypal hero of traditional American popular culture—the opposite of the tough, anti-authority antiheroes that emerged in American popular culture after the Vietnam War (e.g., Wolverine, his X-Men teammate).[4][5]
    James Marsden initially portrayed Cyclops in the X-Men films, while a younger version of the character was portrayed by Tim Pocock in the 2009 prequel film X-Men Origins: Wolverine, and he was portrayed by Tye Sheridan in X-Men: Apocalypse (2016) and Dark Phoenix (2019) as well as a cameo in Deadpool 2 (2018).

    Powers and abilities

    Cyclops emits beams of energy from his eyes, described as "optic blasts", which have the appearance of red light and deliver massive concussive force. His cells constantly absorb solar energy and he can use some of that energy to create an opening to another universe in front of his eyes. The beams fire from these openings. The beams cause no recoil or heat, are tremendously powerful, and can be used to rupture steel plates and pulverize rock, or even punch a hole through a mountain.[148] The beams constantly emanate from his eyes involuntarily, and can generally only be stopped by his own eyelids, or by shielding his eyes with "ruby-quartz", a translucent mineral; Cyclops wears ruby-quartz as lenses in glasses or in his visor, which is generally the only way for him to safely see without inadvertently damaging his surroundings. The beams' involuntary nature has been explained as a psychological shortcoming that resulted from childhood trauma.[18][149] Cyclops can nevertheless manipulate the beams in several different ways, partially through the use of adjustable apertures in his eyewear that allow the beams to fire through their shielding at variable levels.
    In addition to varying the beam width, height, and intensity, Cyclops has demonstrated a high degree of skill and accuracy in manipulating his optic blast. Cyclops is able to reflect the beam off hard and shiny surfaces.[20][150][151] This feat also demonstrates his intuitive sense of spatial geometry between objects.[20][150] The reflective qualities of the beams allows him to bounce the beam off many different surfaces in rapid succession. It has been observed to be focused tight enough to punch a pinhole through a coin,[152] drill through the trunk of a log,[153] and pierce the skin of the Blob.[154] Cyclops has shown the power of his optic blast by blasting through the walls of a hardened building,[155] tunneling through solid rock,[156] and blowing the top off a mountain.[42] Cyclops's force beams were measured by Iron Man to be almost 2 gigawatts.[157] Two gigawatts is about half the peak power output of the Doel Nuclear Power Plant and when Cyclops released this much energy he exceeded his control over his optic beam. With Cyclops unable to shut off his optic beam, Leech came to his aid and negated his mutant power.[157] Against other Marvel characters, Cyclops has been able to use his optic beam to knock Thor's Hammer from his hand.[158] He is known to be able to overload Bishop's energy absorption power and is revealed to never have willingly used more than a small fraction of his full potential due to his anxiety regarding his optic blast.[55]
    Early accounts describe Cyclops' optic beams as the product of his body metabolizing sunlight and other ambient energy.[159] This is similar to his brother Alex (alias Havok) who metabolizes cosmic radiation. This metabolized energy is then released in the form of the beam from his eyes. In some stories, Cyclops depletes his body's energy reserves and needs to recharge through exposure to sunlight. When depleted, Cyclops continued to emit the beams; however, their intensity was greatly diminished. One story showed him able to safely open his eyes when in total darkness-without any ambient light to absorb, his power diminished to the point that he did not need his visor.[volume & issue needed]
    The original 1983 Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe volume stated that Cyclops' eyes contain inter-dimensional apertures, releasing powerful energies from another dimension into his own via the beams. This account states that his body naturally metabolizes ambient energy that is used to open and focus the apertures in his eyes. The energy of the beam itself originates from this other dimension. This explanation, however, was later changed for the 1986 Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Deluxe Edition.[160]
    Cyclops's body is naturally immune to the force of his own beams.[161] His mind projects a psionic field that envelops his body rendering it immune to his optic beam, allowing him to shut it off by simply closing his eyes. Scott is also immune to the power of his brother Alex (Havok) who has the ability to emit waves of energy that heat the air into plasma. Likewise, Havok has demonstrated immunity to Cyclops's optic beam. Scott has been shown as being able to absorb Storm's lightning bolt, although this act caused Cyclops a great deal of pain.[162] The ruby quartz used in his battle visor has been said to resonate with his body's psionic field. Scott has only limited resistance to his brother Vulcan's powers.
    For all Cyclops' skill in manipulating his optic beam, it continuously projects from his eyes whenever they are open and unprotected. To prevent the destruction of any objects in his field of view, Cyclops uses a pair of ruby quartz eyeglasses developed by Professor X to contain the devastating rays. In his X-Men uniform, he uses a ruby quartz battle visor in place of the glasses. The crystal is said to resonate at the same frequency as the psionic field that protects Cyclops (and Havok) from their own powers.[volume & issue needed] His uniform has firing studs incorporated into his gloves and on the sides of the battle visor that control the visor's aperture. In the event that the visor has a power failure, the apertures are spring-loaded to automatically close so Cyclops can at least see normally. He has also been observed using casual sunglasses and contact lenses made from the same ruby quartz as his visor lens.[163]
    Cyclops' poor control over his power is attributed to events in his childhood,[18][149] initially described as being due to a head wound, disabling his brain's ability to turn off his optic blasts.[18] Later depictions explained that his lack of control is psychosomatic and due to the emotionally traumatic events of his childhood.[149] This later explanation allowed Cyclops to finally control his optic blasts for a short time during a mission on the Breakworld, though at the conclusion of these events, he revealed that he was beginning to lose control again and reverted to using his visor and lenses.[149]
    Cyclops' power has been altered by his exposure to the Phoenix Force.[102] His optic blasts are more powerful, now appearing as multiple curved beams.[164] His optic blasts can even cause Dormammu pain.[165] However he would afterward be infected with nano-sentinels that made him lose control over his power even further, to the point that his blasts became inaccurate, activating on their own and becoming even more unstable. The end of the issue concludes with Beast purging the nano-sentinels from both Cyclops and Magik, giving him control over his still altered optic blasts.[volume & issue needed]


    Spatial Awareness: Cyclops seems to possess an uncanny sense of geometry, in this sense used to describe his observation of objects around himself and the angles found between surfaces of these objects. Cyclops has repeatedly demonstrated the ability to cause his optic blasts to ricochet and/or reflect off those objects in a trajectory to his liking. This is commonly called a "banked shot" when applied to this talent. Cyclops has been observed causing beams to reflect from over a dozen surfaces in the course of one blast, and still hit his intended target accurately. It is his sense of superhumanly enhanced spatial awareness that allows him to perform these feats as well.[20][150] On two occasions Cyclops has been fast enough to blindly predict the position of Quicksilver and Northstar who were moving at superhuman speeds with enough accuracy to hit them with his optic blast.[166][167]

    Expert Pilot: Cyclops is an expert pilot of fixed-wing aircraft, a skill he appears to have inherited from his father. It has also been implied that his geometric sense improves his abilities in the air.

    Master Tactician and Strategist: Cyclops has spent most of his superhero career as the leader of either the X-Men or X-Factor and has developed exceptional leadership skills. According to Nick Fury's files, Scott's abilities are at their best during tense situations. Fury notes that the less time Cyclops has to think about a decision, the better that decision is.[168] Even Sebastian Shaw has acknowledged Cyclops's skill in taking advantage of the single flaw in the Hellfire Club's defense to reverse a dire situation for the X-Men.[169] When the other X-Men were hypnotized into thinking Cyclops was the Dark Phoenix and started hunting him down, he thwarted Colossus, Nightcrawler, and Storm in quick succession before fleeing to the Danger Room and creating a jungle environment in which to hide from his fellow X-Men, allowing him to outwit and defeat Shadowcat, Wolverine, Colossus, Storm, and Rogue, all while suffering from broken ribs.[170] In Uncanny X-Men #150, Cyclops organizes the X-Men to defeat Magneto at a time when the team is denied their mutant powers.

    Expert Combatant: Cyclops also has extensive training in martial arts and unarmed combat, including Judo[171] and Aikido.

    Telepathic Shielding: While not a telepath himself, Cyclops has trained himself in various psychic defenses after his relationships with Jean Grey and Emma Frost. As a result, when he was possessed by a fragment of the Void- the seemingly unstoppable evil side of the Sentry- Cyclops was able to use this training to seal the Void in an inescapable prison within his own mind when even Emma Frost had only been able to stop the same Void fragment by turning into her diamond form where she had no telepathic abilities.[172]

    During the "Riot at Xavier's" storyline, Cyclops faces off against Quentin Quire's Omega Gang and can be observed doing a cartwheel while firing his optic blast at Radian's leg.[173] In a fight with the Horseman of Apocalypse named War, Cyclops executes an acrobatic flip off a statue in the graveyard and while inverted in mid-air fires his optic blast into the mouth of the robotic mount.[174]
  • NanandaimeanarutoNanandaimeanaruto Member Posts: 517 ★★

    Scott Summers (Erde-616) ( Cyclops)


    Optic blasts

    Master tactician and strategist

    Skilled martial artist and hand-to-hand combatant

    Cyclops is a member of a subspecies of humans known as mutants, who are born with superhuman abilities. Cyclops emits powerful beams of energy from his eyes, and can only control the beams with the aid of special eyewear which he must wear at all times. He is typically considered the first of the X-Men,[1] a team of mutant heroes who fight for peace and equality between mutants and humans, and one of the team's primary leaders.[2][3]
    Cyclops is most often portrayed as the archetypal hero of traditional American popular culture—the opposite of the tough, anti-authority antiheroes that emerged in American popular culture after the Vietnam War (e.g., Wolverine, his X-Men teammate).[4][5]
    James Marsden initially portrayed Cyclops in the X-Men films, while a younger version of the character was portrayed by Tim Pocock in the 2009 prequel film X-Men Origins: Wolverine, and he was portrayed by Tye Sheridan in X-Men: Apocalypse (2016) and Dark Phoenix (2019) as well as a cameo in Deadpool 2 (2018).


    Cyclops is an Alpha-Mutant according to Apocalypse,[1] while Nick Fury's intelligence classified him as power level 7.[240]

    Optic Blast: Cyclops possesses the mutant ability to project a powerful beam of concussive, ruby-colored force from his eyes.

    Cyclops' powers come from ambient energies (such as solar radiation, photons, and cosmic rays) absorbed and metabolized by his body into concussive blasts that are released from his eyes.

    Cyclops' mind has a particular psionic field that is attuned to the forces that maintain the apertures that have taken the place of his eyes. Because his mind's psionic field envelops his body, it automatically shunts the other-dimensional particles back into their point of origin when they collide with his body. Thus, his body is protected from the effects of the particles, and even the thin membrane of his eyelids is sufficient to block the emission of energy. The synthetic ruby quartz crystal used to fashion the lenses of Cyclops' eyeglasses and visor is resonant to his minds' psionic field and is similarly protected.

    The width of Cyclops' eye-blasts seems to be focused by his mind's psionic field with the same autonomic function that regulated his original eyes' ability to focus. As Cyclops focuses, the size of the aperture changes and thus act as a valve to control the flow of particles and beam's relative power. The height of Cyclops' eye-blast is controlled by his visor's adjustable slit.

    His narrowest beam, about the diameter of a pencil at a distance of 4 feet has a force of about two pounds per square inch. His broadest beam, about 90 feet across at a distance of fifty feet, has a force of about 10 pounds per square inch. His most powerful eye-blast is a beam four feet across which, at a distance of 50 feet, has a force of 500 pounds per square inch. The maximum angular measurement of Cyclops' eye-blast is equivalent to a wide-angle 35 millimeter camera lens field of view (90 degrees measured diagonally, or the angle subtended by holding a magazine's pages spread open, upright at 9.5 inches from your eyes). The minimum angular measurement is equivalent to the angle that the thickness of a pencil would subtend at 4 feet (3.5 degrees, about a quarter of an inch viewed at 4 feet). The beam's effective range is about 2,000 feet, at which point a 1-inch beam has spread out to 10 feet square, and then has a pressure of .38 pounds per square inch. Cyclops' maximum force is sufficient to tip over a filled 5,000 gallon tank at a distance of 20 feet, or puncture a 1-inch carbon-steel plate at a distance of 2 feet.
    The extra dimensional supply of energy for Cyclops' eye-blast is practically infinite. Thus, so long as Cyclops' psionic field is active (which is constant), there is the potential to emit energy. The only limit to the eye-blast is the mental fatigue of focusing constantly. After about 15 minute of constant usage, the psionic field subsides and allows only a slight leakage of energy to pass through the aperture. Cyclops' metabolism will recover sufficiently for him to continue in about an additional 15 minutes.
    The maximum force of Cyclops' optic blasts are unknown, but a commonly given description is that he can "punch holes through mountains", and he has been shown to rupture a half-inch thick carbon steel plate. During a particular battle, Scott says that he hit Cain Marko (a.k.a. the Juggernaut) with enough power to split a small planet in half, though he may have been indulging in hyperbole. In the Age of Apocalypse dimension, his beams can cut through Adamantium, a previously indestructible metal. In the mainstream continuity of the Marvel Universe, it has also been implied that Cyclops only utilizes a fraction of the energies at his disposal. During the Civil War: X-Men story arc, Cyclops is controlled by another mutant to use his powers at their full magnitude. When directed at the energy-absorbing mutant Bishop, Cyclops was able to overload Bishop's powers in a matter of seconds. When Iron Man measured Cyclops' power while he was powering Bishop, he found the energy output was well over 2 gigawatts, larger than a large nuclear reactor. It is also stated that Cyclops does not use his powers at such a level due to the preoccupation he has regarding his control (or lack thereof) of his abilities.
    Cyclops once fought The Hulk, using a beam blast to stop him, refusing to let the Hulk take Professor Xavier. While it peels off some of the Hulk's skin, he was able to walk towards Cyclops and clench his entire face, effectively containing the blast.[241]
    Trajectory Bending: When his younger self came to the future, this iteration of Cyclops displayed more directive control over his optic beams than his elder counterpart. Cyclops potentially has the capacity to will his optic blasts to twist and curve in any given direction without need of a solid surface to bounce his eye beams off of.[242]
    Spatial Awareness: Cyclops possesses an uncanny sense of trigonometry, in this sense used to describe his observation of objects around himself and the angles found between surfaces of these objects. Cyclops has repeatedly demonstrated the ability to cause his optic blasts to ricochet and/or reflect off those objects in a trajectory to his liking. This is commonly called a "banked shot" when applied to this talent. Cyclops has been observed causing beams to reflect from over a dozen surfaces in the course of one blast, and still hit his intended target accurately. It is his sense of spatial awareness enhanced to superhuman levels that allows him to perform these feats as well.
    Energy Resistance: Cyclops is resistant to the effects of his own powers. This is linked to him being capable of withstanding his brother's ability with no ill effects, a result of their close genetics and a quirk of mutant genetics that is common among siblings.

    Phoenix Force: Cyclops was one of five avatars of the Phoenix Force which granted him the great powers of the Phoenix. So far Cyclops has only displayed interstellar travel but as an avatar he should presumably possess the following abilities as well:

    Interstellar Travel: A Phoenix Force avatar can fly unaided through the vacuum of space, and can travel interstellar distances faster than the speed of light.

    Cosmic Pyrokinetics: An Avatar of the Phoenix can create 'cosmic' flames under any conditions even the impossible ones such as vacuum space or underwater. These flames do not require oxygen to burn, and burn so intensely that matter is consumed without by-products such as ash. It has perfect control over these flames, and they only consume what it wills. Typically they manifest as a raptor or part of a raptor such as a claw or wings, in the case of an avatar.

    Resurrection: As the embodiment of all life and death itself, the Phoenix Force can resurrect whomever it desires into pure living flesh, bone, and blood.

    Immortality: The Avatar of the Phoenix does not age and can be resurrected by the Phoenix Force.

    Temporal Manipulation: An Avatar acting as the Phoenix Force can manipulate the past across large temporal distances and with a profound knowledge of the causal effect his or her actions will have.

    Telepathy: A Phoenix Force Avatar can project their thoughts into the minds of others and read other peoples thoughts at a near boundless level.

    Telekinesis: An Avatar of the Phoenix can control and manipulate matter at a molecular scale.

    Controlled Optic Blasts: After genetic tampering by an alien entity, Scott Summers initially lost his powers only to regain them but at a stronger level with total control over them. How far his control extent was is currently unknown; all that was seen was that he could open his eyes without involuntary discharge, control its blast radius or force output, and fire it for prolonged intervals without tiring out.[243] Another time he gained was during a later plot by Loki to trick the mortal superhuman adventurers into accepting a paradise of his design.[244] The third time control over his power was within his reach was through psychic meddling from Emma Frost,[170] which temporarily left him in a coma before he was revived, his power in check at last.[245]
    Gamma Transformation: During the World War Hulks event, Scott/Cyclops had been exposed to the Cathexis Ray Generator which caused him to bulk up into a gamma mutate like numerous other heroes.[246] Gaining incredulous amounts of bodily mass at the expense of higher brain function.[247] His physiology had been radically altered beyond the addition of excess bone, skin and musculature density to his anatomical frame as he now boasted a head and scalp teaming with numerous eyes through which he could discharge multitudinous optic beams from; on top of having a near perfect 360° field of vision to see out of.[248]

    Superhuman Strength

    Superhuman Durability

    Superhuman Stamina

    Regenerative Healing Factor

    Multiple Eyes: In the brief time Scott had been hulked out, not only did he have perfect control over his optic blasts. Hulkclops boasted a xerox of ocular organs across his cranial area.[249] This enabled him to fire a plethora of optic beams in various directions as well as concentrate their fire in any given direction. Making his energy rays much more powerful than they normally are by they're lonesome.[250]

    Scatter Shot

    Focused Blast

    Black Vortex Empowerment: After exposure to the power of the Black Vortex Scott's cosmic potential was unleashed, vastly improving on all of his previous abilities and bestowing additional ones.

    Self-Sustenance: can survive in the vacuum of space unaided.

    Flight: able to fly at various speeds unaided.

    Controlled Optic Blasts: Cyclops could freely project and halt his optic energy blasts at will without need of a ruby quartz visor.

    Enhanced Blast Power: Scott's optic energy beams were significantly stronger in his empowered state, able to penetrate an ice wall and topple a small army of knife's thugs.

    Symbiote: While out in space searching for his father, Scott and the rest of his teammates were bonded to Klyntar symbiotes,[251] which adapted to their unique powers. Scott's symbiote became able to form ruby-quartz "eyes" anywhere on its body and fire concussive energy beams from them.[252] He could also manifest energized constructs channeling his optic energies, like tendrils or focus crystals.[253]


    Expert Pilot: Cyclops is an expert pilot of fixed-wing aircraft, a skill he shares with his father. It has also been implied that his trigonometric sense improves his abilities in the air.
    Master Tactician and Strategist: Cyclops has spent most of his superhero career as the leader of either the X-Men or X-Factor and has developed exceptional leadership skills. It is notable that regardless of their general attitude towards him, all of the X-Men tend to obey his orders in battle - because they know that he is usually right.
    Multilingual: In addition to English, Cyclops is fluent in both Mandarin Chinese and Russian. The former was telepathically taught to him by Emma Frost,[237] while the latter was telepathically taught to him by Professor X.[254]
    Expert Martial Artist: Cyclops also has extensive training in martial arts and unarmed combat, holding black belts in judo and aikido. His level of skill is sufficient to defeat six normal men with his eyes closed, and he has in the past held his own against dangerous hand-to-hand enemies such as Wolverine and Ghost Rider.
    Telepathic Resistance: Years of being in intimate situations with telepaths have allowed Cyclops to hone his mind to the point where he can resist telepathic intrusion and withhold certain information from high level telepaths.

    Physical Strength

    Cyclops possesses the strength of a normal human male who engages in intensive regular exercise and hence is able to press lift at least his own body-weight.


    Genetic Flaw: Cyclops is not immune to Vulcan's powers like he is to Havok's.
    Power Regulation Disability: Due to psychological trauma and physical injury at a young age, Cyclops is unable to control his optic blasts. In connection, his eyes have become more reliant on the ruby quartz he uses rather than affecting change to the injury. Emma Frost has claimed the psychological trauma of losing his parents and being separated from his brother are primarily responsible for his inability to control his powers. Mister Sinister has also claimed that his eyes have become reliant on the ruby quartz sunglasses and visor, therefore making it hard for Cyclops to control the blasts on his own. After overcoming the trauma, he was able to control his blasts and open his eyes for a period of time. However, he gradually began losing control of the blasts and had to revert back to using the sunglasses and visor. His inability to control his power only worsened when exposure to the Phoenix Force altered them to an even more unstable and powerful state.[207] Due to this, his blasts are now flawed and can be either stronger than before or turn off in the middle of a battle.[255]
    Surplus Energy: Cyclops has mentioned that he needs to fire blasts frequently, because he gathers surplus energy within him if not. He apparently needs an outlet for that energy.[8]

    Recharge Intervals: Scott once required time between his optic blasts to recharge.[256] Now due to possession by the Phoenix Force coupled with internal tampering from Nanotech Sentinels the flaw has become more assertive than ever before, his optic blasts erupting powerfully one minute and then falling dead depleted the next, physically exhausting him in the process.[257]
    As an after-effect of exposure to the crippling energies of the Phoenix Force, his powers seemed to have altered beyond their original state of being. His optic blasts, although more powerful than ever, were now vastly uncontrollable.[208][257] A side effect of his damaged abilities caused his concussion beams to bend, weave, and arc in alternate directions, giving his blasts the appearance of multiple curving blasts spiraling around the core blasts and making his new optic blasts even harder to dodge.[30]
    Handicap: Cyclops' right eye was destroyed when Hope Summers shot him in the face.[258] Although half-blind, Scott's power seemed to be mostly unaffected.[259]

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