Abilities Superhuman strength, speed, agility Ability to cling to solid surfaces Camouflage (invisibility) Venom strike/venom blast Bio-electric energy threads produced from fingers Precognitive spider-sense ability Resistance to injury Wrist-mounted web-shooters
Powers and abilities Edit Bitten by a slightly different genetically engineered spider than the one that granted Peter Parker superhuman powers, Miles Morales possesses abilities similar to the original Spider-Man's, including enhanced strength and agility, the ability to adhere to walls and ceilings with his hands and feet,[20] and a "spider sense" that warns him of danger with a buzzing sensation in his head.[39][46] Though his strength and agility are similar to those of the original Spider-Man, his spider-sense is not as strong, as it only warns him of immediate danger.[21]
He has two abilities that the original Spider-Man does not have: the ability to camouflage himself, including his clothing, to match his surroundings, making him effectively invisible,[21][44] and a "venom strike" that can temporarily paralyze almost anyone with just a touch.[20] The venom strike does not employ actual venom, but is a type of directed energy that can be conducted through Miles' gloves,[41] and can be used against an opponent at a distance by conducting it through a material in which both Miles and his opponent are in contact, such as the webbing of the Earth-616's Spider-Man.[81] It can break chains being used to restrain Miles[82] and even repel non-ferrous objects, such as plastic Lego bricks.[20] The venom strike is powerful enough to render unconscious a person as large as Hank Pym's Giant-Man.[83] It is powerful enough to drive away the symbiotic villain Venom during Miles' first encounter with the creature,[84] but by their second encounter, Venom has developed such a tolerance to the strike that Miles has to be completely enveloped by the symbiote before the venom strike can separate the symbiote from its host.[85] Doctor Octopus also developed a set of tentacles that would not conduct the venom strike.[86] The effect of the venom strike manifests itself a few seconds after it is implemented, and is described by Bendis as being comparable to the feeling of being kicked in the testicles.[21] Miles can effect a more powerful version of the strike, which he calls a "mega venom blast".[75] When Miles employs this ability, his eyes glow with yellow energy, which then explodes outwards in a radiant burst that can not only repel a large group of opponents,[87] but also destroy thick ropes and chains that have been used to restrain him. This application of the strike leaves him "dizzy and useless",[75] and cannot be used multiple times in rapid succession without a "recharging" period for Miles, though he can still make use of the conventional strike against people during this period.[69][82] The conventional venom strike is mostly useless against the supervillain Armadillo, but during Miles' encounter with that villain, his venom blast manifests itself in a form similar to Miles' webbing, and Miles uses it like a lasso to pull Armadillo towards him and knock him unconscious with a venom strike-powered punch.[75]
Miles' body also possesses a strong resistance to injury. During an altercation with the Roxxon mercenary Taskmaster, Miles is thrown through a brick wall without any apparent serious injury, though the experience is painful for him.[88]
Miles wears a costume given to him by S.H.I.E.L.D.,[41] and initially uses Peter Parker's web shooters, which are given to him by May Parker.[3] He is eventually given a new set of webshooters by S.H.I.E.L.D. as well.[52]
And can you change his whole Sk animation from Sk1 Sk2 to Sk3
Sk2 and Sk3 are the same animation
Miles Morales Venom Blast application Miles Morales Venom Blast application Venom Blast application combined with invisibility Miles Morales Venom Blast Maximum Damage Miles Morales Venom Blast Maximum Damage Miles Morales Venom Blast Maximum Damage
Superior Iron Man Überlegener Iron Man Superior Iron Man Überlegener Iron Man Superior Iron Man Überlegener Iron Man Superior Iron Man Überlegener Iron Man
Powers/Skills High intellect Knowledge of robotics Combat strength and strategies Superhuman strength and flight (with his Iron Man suit)
Capabilities The Endo-Sym Armor is a full liquid smart-metal which hardens instantly on connection with the user's body. Unlike another suit of similar abilities, the Iron Man Armor Model 37, this suit is based off symbiote biology, so it doesn't rely on tech for the initial bonding process with its user, the start-up is completely psionic.[3]
The psionic bonding with the suit allows its user to control it remotely,[4] and call for it with no needs of electronics. Stark has stated that the suit can "feel" him the same way he can "feel" the suit, and referred to it as "alive".[5] This connection extends to the point of it forming fully into a humanoid form that has similarities to that of a symbiote suit even when not bonded to someone, to punch through barriers in an attempt to get to its owner at his psionic command, but it does not have intelligence of its own, only a psionic link.[6]
The suit can be sent out, whether by psionic or vocal command, to attach to a user aside from Tony, so as to either protect them or restrict their movement to only what Tony desires, but not capable of using the suit themselves due to his psionic connection.[7]
This armor's repulsors are a white-blue in color, but when he is preparing to attack someone, they switch color to red for an air of menace. Due to his intrinsic connection to the armor biologically, his own eyes sometimes light up red or blue in addition to the lights on the armor itself.[5] These repulsors are so powerful that they can even bypass the ability of people such as Havok to absorb energy.[8] There is an incorporated taser in the arms[5] that can be used for sustained electrical impulses on command instead of short bursts.[9]
The armor can also absorb electromagnetic energy once it finds the correct frequency of said energy. However, though living beings of electromagnetic energy such as Spectrum can be absorbed, they can break free of the armor, causing the armor to temporarily dissolve in a select portion before reassembling.[10] The armor is also capable of withstanding the lightning called forth by Storm with minimal, if any damage.[8]
There is a thruster behind the elbows of the armor's arms, allowing for increased power when punching or otherwise striking someone, including allowing for needles to pass through tough skin.[11]
Hulk-like physique Hulk-like physique
This armor's thrusters initially did not function when deprived of an oxygen-based environment, as they relied upon a combustion engine[6], but this was later rectified.[12]
This armor can be used to subjugate possessing entities, such as an eight-year-prior incarnation of Tony Stark who had possessed a version of the Iron Man Armor Model 2.[6]
When the main faceplate is removed, a graphene layer replaces it, to allow for bulletproofing of the face while providing an unobstructed view of said area of the head.[5]
The armor can also have more of its forming compound added to increase its size, granting the suit a Hulk-like physique.[13]
The armor can release tendrils of its material to enter automated armors in order to determine the source of their core-artificial intelligence. The same tendrils can be spread out even further, making a punch capable of causing an armor to explode from the inside out from the internal force.[14]
Unlike most symbiotes, Tony Stark has shielded this one against sonic attacks.[14]
Sam Wilson Falcon Captain America Sam Wilson Falcon Captain America
Abilities Expert bird trainer Skilled hand-to-hand combatant, martial artist, aerialist, and acrobat Flight via wing harness Proficient tactician and strategist Empathic and telepathic link with all birds
Powers In his earliest appearances, Wilson exhibits a close bond with his bird Redwing, which is confirmed as being a telepathic link by Professor X in Captain America #174. The Red Skull later reveals that he had used the Cosmic Cube to create a "super-normal mental link" between Sam Wilson and Redwing.[67] Falcon later recalled the experience, stating "Hurt like hell. Being mentally fused with that falcon. Able to see through his eyes."[68]
Wilson eventually revealed that he has been able to extend this empathic link. "I'm always psychically connected with Redwing, but through concentration, I've recently tapped into another ability – I'm able to link-up with other birds. ... I have over six billion pairs of eyes in the United States alone." He used this ability to quickly search New York City when the criminal Scarecrow kidnapped two children,[69] as well as to spy on Senator Dell Rusk (actually the Red Skull in disguise) and Henry Peter Gyrich. He is also apparently able to access the memories of birds, and see things they had witnessed in the past (although birds have a different concept of the passage of time, which makes it difficult for him to know when any events they witnessed occurred).[71]
Abilities Wilson is a skilled hand-to-hand combatant, having been trained in Judo[72] and Karate[73] by Steve Rogers. Wilson is also highly skilled in the use of Captain America's shield.[volume & issue needed]
Uniform and flight harness Wilson's original Falcon wing harness featured detachable jet-powered glider wings made of lightweight titanium ribbing and Mylar. The wings were covered with wafer-thin solar power receptors that convert sunlight into electricity to power miniature high-speed electric turbine fans in his uniform and boots. The wings detached and reattached to his uniform cybernetically. The harness was destroyed in Captain America and the Falcon #2 (2004). The uniform was made of synthetic stretch fabric lined with a steel-alloy mesh.[volume & issue needed]
After the original flying harness's destruction in a 2004 storyline,[74] the Black Panther supplied Falcon with a new costume and wings. An emitter array on Falcon's back creates holographic "hard light" wings with a maximum wingspan of up to 50 feet (15 m). Controlled by a cybernetic link, the wings can be instantly reconfigured into "dozens of different cruise configurations". A "magnetic drive", in turn, provides the thrust needed to get Falcon airborne. The emitter also possesses GPS jamming devices that prevent satellite tracking, while the hard-light wings interfere with infra-red tracking. A vibranium microweave was added to the costume itself, making Falcon resistant to small arms fire. The entire system is controlled mentally through cybernetic circuitry in the Falcon's mask. The costume has in the past featured a hidden "talon," a cybernetically controlled grappling line built into the gauntlets of his costume which he uses to entangle opponents, hook objects, or for swinging and climbing when his wings are detached. The costume's visors come equipped with various capabilities, including infrared lenses, giving him the ability to see objects by their infrared signature at night, magnification capabilities, and remote imaging sensors that allow a full 360 degree of vision when activated. The cowl also has a wide band receiver and transmitter with an unspecified range. The suit was originally built by the Black Panther,[76] with costume modifications by Desmond Burrell.volume & issue needed]
Warpath James Proudstar, known first as Thunderbird and then as Warpath James Proudstar, known first as Thunderbird and then as Warpath
Abilities Trained armed/unarmed combatant Skilled hunter and tracker Peak physical condition Superhuman strength, senses, agility, reflexes/reactions, flexibility, speed, stamina, resilience and resistance to injury Regeneration Flight Use of a pair of vibranium bowie knives
Powers and abilities Physical characteristics Warpath is 7 feet 2 inches (2.18 m) in height and weighs 350 pounds (160 kg).[3]
Physical capabilities Warpath is a mutant who possesses superhuman physical ability in virtually all areas.
He possesses superhuman strength. The air pressure from one of his claps causes a Sentinel to collapse.[39] He has even managed to hold his own in a direct fight against the Juggernaut.[40]
He possesses superhuman resistance to injury, at least enough to withstand short-range gunfire,[41] grenade explosions,[42] and direct telekinetic attack from Exodus.[43] He also repairs and regenerates damaged and destroyed tissue much faster than a normal human,[citation needed] as well as revives and recuperates from exhaustion and fatigue much faster than a normal human.[citation needed]
He possesses superhuman agility and flexibility. He can "move with the grace an Olympic gold-medalist would envy"[44] and "swim with the ease of a porpoise."[45]
His power of flight was discovered by his one-time mentor and team leader Peter Wisdom, who analyzed his mutation after the High Evolutionary devolved and re-evolved all mutants on Earth, and Wisdom forced James to incorporate this ability in his fighting style.[46] This power was ignored for a while, as writer Ed Brubaker did not understand how Warpath's speed and strength would allow it.[citation needed] However, Warpath's fighting style in the Messiah Complex storyline showed his flight powers,[47] and X-Force shows him flying for long distances.[volume & issue needed] It has since been suggested by writer Christopher Yost that Warpath felt "rather embarrassed by the whole flying thing."[48]
Warpath's senses – particularly sight, smell, and hearing – are enhanced to levels beyond the capabilities of a normal human. He is able to see with perfect clarity at much greater distances than an ordinary human, even in near-total darkness.[49] His hearing is similarly heightened, enabling him to clearly hear sounds beyond the range of ordinary human hearing and to hear sounds that they can detect but at much greater distances.[citation needed]
After nearly getting killed by Reignfire,[volume & issue needed] Warpath experienced an increase in senses and speed that allowed him to perform feats he had previously not been aware he was capable of. For example, he can run at high speeds up to at least 150 kilometres per hour (93 mph) for long distances and quickly climb building walls by digging his hands and feet into the bare concrete.[50] He can even evade weapon fire with rapid reflexes and reactions.[51]
In new publishing coinciding along Marvel's new ResurrXion event, Warpath has showcased regenerative abilities able to recover from mild to serious injuries inflicted upon him by new Weapon X cyborgs.[52]
Training Warpath is well versed in hand-to-hand combat, which is enhanced by his superhuman reflex/reaction rate and eye/ear-hand/foot coordination. He was trained in unarmed combat under the guidance of Emma Frost. He gained extensive training in the use of the staff by his long-time teammate Shatterstar, whom he eventually matched in a record time of only a dozen tries.[53] He wields a pair of bowie knives composed of vibranium, given to him by Storm,[54] with which he has proved to be highly proficient.
James is also a skilled hunter and tracker in his native Apache tradition.
Supernatural capabilities Ghost Rider activated limited Apache shaman abilities within James, in order to help him fight the Demon Bear. He could perceive the creature's wounds and the resulting spirit energy when it was destroyed.[55]
Thunderbird (Neal Shaara) Neal Shaara (Erde-616) Neal Shaara, also known as Thunderbird Thunderbird (Neal Shaara) Neal Shaara (Erde-616) Neal Shaara, also known as Thunderbird Thunderbird (Neal Shaara) Neal Shaara (Erde-616) Neal Shaara, also known as Thunderbird
Powers and Abilities Powers Heat Conversion and Solar Energy Mimicry/Generation: He has the ability to convert ambient heat into solar plasma. Neal can transform his body into solar plasma, enabling him to release and manipulate thermal discharges, focused beams, or shaped plasma fields from his eyes or limbs. He is able to fly via directed thrust, and can radiate blinding light or explosive energy from his entire body.[10]
Abilities Generation of superheated plasma, superstrengh, speed, durability, stamina
Powers and abilities Edit Thunderbird has the ability to transform the molecules of his body into solar plasma, enabling him to convert portions of himself into thermodynamic energy furnaces that release luminescent radiance, pyrotechnic displays, concentrated plasma beams, shaped plasma charges that can deflect solid matter or displace volumes of air on impact for a heatless release of concussive force, and explosive thrust from his legs for flight or projection of focused blasts, flashes, or explosive spheres. Because plasma is a superheated, ionized state of matter, it can melt or destroy most objects, with the exception of adamantium. Thunderbird can also use his power to generate sufficient propulsive thrust to fly at supersonic speeds. In his initial appearances, Thunderbird is relatively unskilled in the use of his powers, but receives further training from Psylocke and Bishop.[volume & issue needed]
During his time being mentored by Bishop, he achieves greater control over his powers, learning how to use his blasts to only single targets. He can also use only a small amount to create a blinding flash.[volume & issue needed]
Powers and Abilities * Lifeguard's mutation is adaptive * Powers * Danger Detection Response: She has the ability to register danger to human life in the vicinity and this automatically gives her the powers necessary to save those lives, be they her own or others. * Situational Biomorphic Adaptation (Nemesis Form): According to the type of danger in the current situation, she automatically obtains the powers necessary to save those lives, be they hers or others. These powers and the forms she takes are determined by the situation she is in and adapts accordingly to the situation at hand. The variety of Lifeguard's power manifestations appear to be almost limitless. Heather becomes aware of how to use any power(s) she manifests after a few seconds. She can also manage more than one power at a time. * Some of her displayed uses of this power are: * Growing Wings for Flight * Extra Arms for carrying and super-strength. * Skin turning into a sort of golden metallic armor * Gills for underwater breathing. * Legs into fish tail for better swimming ability * Upping her strength level from normal to Superhuman * Shi'ar Abilities: Heather possesses some powers constantly after her royal Shi'ar half emerges. These include golden skin, claws, and the ability to grow wings, all when no-one is in danger. * Abilities * Heather is a trained lifeguard and an excellent swimmer. Other abilities may appear as a result of her changing form. After being in space her shapeshifting DNA brought out her natural Shi'ar heritage, granting her clawed hands and wings along with the Shi'ar eye markings. Strength level Variable. When her powers are not active, normal athletic human/Shi'ar levels.
Abilities Reactive adaptation She is a mutant, gaining whatever superhuman abilities are needed in a life-threatening situation. She and her brother Slipstream were briefly members of the segment of X-Men featured in the series X-Treme X-Men.
Powers and abilities Heather's mutant power allows her body to react to any threat by transforming or manifesting a power to deal with the situation (similar to that of the X-Men's Darwin). In all of her appearances, she has only been shown to use this ability while defending herself and others.[6] It is as yet unknown if she's able to use this ability for her own protection. She has a moderate level of control over this power and has sometimes been able to trigger it at will, although she has not displayed any control over the transformations or powers she manifests. Heather has mostly manifested physical changes such as extra arms, armored skin, wings, and a mermaid tail. However, in her first appearance, she also demonstrated hydrokinesis.[7] The full extent of Lifeguard's abilities have yet to be revealed.
In her most recent appearance with the emergence of her inherent Shi'ar genome, she appeared to be locked into her final transformation of gold skin, wings, and claws, still unable to control her powers and possibly unable to transform any further or reverse the change.
Slipstream ( Davis Cameron ) Davis Cameron (Erde-616) Slipstream ( Davis Cameron ) Davis Cameron (Erde-616)
Abilities Limited space-time manipulation and reality warping capabilities that enables him to conjure a "Warp Wave" Psychic navigation Use of a shortened metal surfboard Ability to take other people through the Warp Wave through increased concentration to maintain the wave He is a mutant, able to generate a "warp wave" for the purpose of teleportation. He and his sister Lifeguard were briefly members of the squad of X-Men featured in the series X-Treme X-Men.
Powers and abilities Slipstream can teleport via a funnel of trans-spatial energy also called a Warp Wave, to any place on earth. Warp Waves use superstrings to connect any two locations on Earth. He is not only able to teleport himself but also can take other people through the Warp Wave, but requires increased concentration to maintain the wave when traveling with others. Sensitivity to displacement energy signatures enable him to track other teleportation effects back to their origin from residual energies and after detecting this, he could use the warp wave to travel to their location. He usually navigates with the use of a shortened metal surfboard.
Powers and Abilities Powers Slipstream is a mutant.
Warp Wave: He can form a quantum portal, a funnel of trans-spatial energy that swallowed up him and any passengers to transport them over vast distances. The warp wave used super-strings to connect any two locations on Earth. Sensitivity to displacement energy signatures enabled him to track other teleportation effects back to their origin from residual energies. After detecting this, he could use the warp wave to travel to their location. He navigated with the use of a shortened metal surfboard. Slipstream could take other people through the Warp Wave, but required increased concentration to maintain the wave. Davis was tired after this, but presumably he would become more proficient the more he used his powers.
Match ( Ben Hamill ) Match ( Ben Hamill ) Match ( Ben Hamill ) Match ( Ben Hamill ) Match ( Ben Hamill )
Abilities Pyric Body Fire Manipulation Immunity to extreme heat Match appeared in Dark Phoenix portrayed by Lamar Johnson.
Powers and abilities Ben's abilities are pyrokinesis, enabling him to produce and manipulate flame. In addition, he is seemingly immune to fire and high temperatures. As a side effect of his powers, Ben's head remains constantly aflame, though it appears that he can control the extent of the flaming; during a Danger Room session, he is able to maintain some level of stealth by lowering the intensity of his head flame. Ben's body is always glowing, and emits heat, however it is not hot enough to burn his clothing. The flame on his head is also not as hot as normal fire and as such, it does not burn what it touches. This was confirmed by his creators, Nunzio DeFilippis and Christina Weir.
The characters list is until pending now and so many more characters are there but some more kabam want to do, these characters want or should to be cast out in mcoc and relatively for every summoners and thronebreakers by 5* rank 5 level 65 and 6* rank 3
CRYSTAL (Fantastic four) (science)
CRYSTAL (Inhumans) (cosmic)
SANDMAN (science)
GOLIATH (science)
DAKEN (mutant)
MOONSTONE (cosmic)
MOLECULE MAN (science)
BULLSEYE (comics) (skill)
BULLSEYE (hawkeye) (skill)
Spiderman villains, dark avengers and fantastic 4 Characters are there in this list, but more heroes, villains, anti heroes and mercenaries want to be cast in this mcoc
If anyone wants to see any threads, go to my @sudeep9680 profile to see my threads
Hello Everyone! Today I come to you with two new Champion ideas! As you might know, I have recently been making Champion Buff idea's as I rewatch the Mcu. However, since the more recent movies I watched were the Iron Man movies (1 and 2), I have decided to take on a new challenge. Along with making buffs, I will also create Champion Ideas for heroes and Villains in the movies! So I present to you today, Iron Monger and Whiplash!
These two villains have one thing in common. Their Hatred for Stark! (And dying while trying to kill Stark, but uh, you know) And today they have entered the contest to wreak destruction on Stark Enterprises once again.
The next up is Whiplash! Who created the Arc reactor first? Ivan's father or Tony's Father? Why, its both! Ivan's father, Anton, wanted to use it for money and power while Tony's father, Howard, saw it only for good. Now with an Arc reactor powering Anton's whips, he has become the villain Whiplash! https://docs.google.com/document/d/1k9S3pTpgBrofLrI30msAAZMFYrQSAojERepK_7r9lx8/edit?usp=sharing
I hope you have enjoyed! The next up I hope to have out is a Captain America WW2 buff, though that might be a bit. I have most of it set up, but it's taking longer than I expected (Not much to work with somewhat). However, I am also planning on another 2 champion ideas. These ones you'll have to guess though. I will give a hint to help you. both are female, and both have a run in with a powerful Witch. Thanks for reading! Please give your feedback on the champion ideas! I'd love to hear them. They help me grow better at doing this type of stuff! {Moved from previous post}
The romance lvl- 1
SCREAM (cosmic)
The friends lvl- 3
Gwenom, spiderman (classic), spiderman (miles morales)
GWENOM (cosmic)
The seperated gene lvl- 3
The family lvl- 4
Spiderman (symbiote), agent venom, symbiote supreme
Trickshots lvl- 4
Spiderman (stark enhanced), spiderman (stealth suit)
If anyone wants to mini infos just check my expected champions in my @sudeep9680 profile
Warrior Woman (Mystic)
Captain Universe (Cosmic)
Dino Manelli (Skill)
Wong (Mystic)
Sharon Carter (Skill)
The new characters to be seen mcoc with guardian and sasquatch synergies and new signature abilities
I doesn't know what these characters powers and abilities, but want to be see in mcoc
If anyone wants to see my infos just click on my profile to see my threads
White widow (falica hardy)
Genesis (Tyler dayspring)
Bor Buri
Multiple Man
Doctor Doom as Iron Man
(Tech or Mystic or Mixture like Karnak)
And give him a good synergy with Namor
Guess to release
IKARIS and KRO (The devians leader)
If anyone wants to know the easter eggs,check my profile and my threads, posts and polls at @sudeep9680
Gabe Jones (Skill)
Siryn (Mutant)
Stick (Skill)
Human Torch (Android) (Tech)
Silver Centurion (Tech)
Shang-Chi (Skill)
MYSTIQUE (mutant)
KITTY PRYDE (mutant)
SIRYN (mutant)
BLUE MARVEL (cosmic)
DAZZLER (mutant)
SHANG CHI (skill)
MANDARIN (skill)
SHURI (skill)
OKOYE (skill)
If anyone wants to see the easter eggs just see my expected champions part 1 to 10 and 11 at @sudeep9680 profile and discussion activity
Darkstar (Mutant)
Random (Mutant)
X-Cutioner (Tech)
Bucky Barnes (Skill)
Selene (Mystic)
Destroyer (Mystic)
Go-Go Tomago
Madness Monster
The Masked Raider
Miles Morales Spider-Man
Superhuman strength, speed, agility
Ability to cling to solid surfaces
Camouflage (invisibility)
Venom strike/venom blast
Bio-electric energy threads produced from fingers
Precognitive spider-sense ability
Resistance to injury
Wrist-mounted web-shooters
Powers and abilities Edit
Bitten by a slightly different genetically engineered spider than the one that granted Peter Parker superhuman powers, Miles Morales possesses abilities similar to the original Spider-Man's, including enhanced strength and agility, the ability to adhere to walls and ceilings with his hands and feet,[20] and a "spider sense" that warns him of danger with a buzzing sensation in his head.[39][46] Though his strength and agility are similar to those of the original Spider-Man, his spider-sense is not as strong, as it only warns him of immediate danger.[21]
He has two abilities that the original Spider-Man does not have: the ability to camouflage himself, including his clothing, to match his surroundings, making him effectively invisible,[21][44] and a "venom strike" that can temporarily paralyze almost anyone with just a touch.[20] The venom strike does not employ actual venom, but is a type of directed energy that can be conducted through Miles' gloves,[41] and can be used against an opponent at a distance by conducting it through a material in which both Miles and his opponent are in contact, such as the webbing of the Earth-616's Spider-Man.[81] It can break chains being used to restrain Miles[82] and even repel non-ferrous objects, such as plastic Lego bricks.[20] The venom strike is powerful enough to render unconscious a person as large as Hank Pym's Giant-Man.[83] It is powerful enough to drive away the symbiotic villain Venom during Miles' first encounter with the creature,[84] but by their second encounter, Venom has developed such a tolerance to the strike that Miles has to be completely enveloped by the symbiote before the venom strike can separate the symbiote from its host.[85] Doctor Octopus also developed a set of tentacles that would not conduct the venom strike.[86] The effect of the venom strike manifests itself a few seconds after it is implemented, and is described by Bendis as being comparable to the feeling of being kicked in the testicles.[21] Miles can effect a more powerful version of the strike, which he calls a "mega venom blast".[75] When Miles employs this ability, his eyes glow with yellow energy, which then explodes outwards in a radiant burst that can not only repel a large group of opponents,[87] but also destroy thick ropes and chains that have been used to restrain him. This application of the strike leaves him "dizzy and useless",[75] and cannot be used multiple times in rapid succession without a "recharging" period for Miles, though he can still make use of the conventional strike against people during this period.[69][82] The conventional venom strike is mostly useless against the supervillain Armadillo, but during Miles' encounter with that villain, his venom blast manifests itself in a form similar to Miles' webbing, and Miles uses it like a lasso to pull Armadillo towards him and knock him unconscious with a venom strike-powered punch.[75]
Miles' body also possesses a strong resistance to injury. During an altercation with the Roxxon mercenary Taskmaster, Miles is thrown through a brick wall without any apparent serious injury, though the experience is painful for him.[88]
Miles wears a costume given to him by S.H.I.E.L.D.,[41] and initially uses Peter Parker's web shooters, which are given to him by May Parker.[3] He is
eventually given a new set of webshooters by S.H.I.E.L.D. as well.[52]
And can you change his whole Sk animation from Sk1 Sk2 to Sk3
Sk2 and Sk3 are the same animation
Miles Morales Venom Blast application
Miles Morales Venom Blast application
Venom Blast application combined with invisibility
Miles Morales Venom Blast Maximum Damage
Miles Morales Venom Blast Maximum Damage
Miles Morales Venom Blast Maximum Damage
Hera (Mystic)
Surtur (Mystic)
Mimic (Mutant)
Deacon frost
Mad jim jaspers
Madam swarm
Superior Iron Man
Überlegener Iron Man
Superior Iron Man
Überlegener Iron Man
Superior Iron Man
Überlegener Iron Man
Superior Iron Man
Überlegener Iron Man
High intellect
Knowledge of robotics
Combat strength and strategies
Superhuman strength and flight (with his Iron Man suit)
The Endo-Sym Armor is a full liquid smart-metal which hardens instantly on connection with the user's body. Unlike another suit of similar abilities, the Iron Man Armor Model 37, this suit is based off symbiote biology, so it doesn't rely on tech for the initial bonding process with its user, the start-up is completely psionic.[3]
The psionic bonding with the suit allows its user to control it remotely,[4] and call for it with no needs of electronics. Stark has stated that the suit can "feel" him the same way he can "feel" the suit, and referred to it as "alive".[5] This connection extends to the point of it forming fully into a humanoid form that has similarities to that of a symbiote suit even when not bonded to someone, to punch through barriers in an attempt to get to its owner at his psionic command, but it does not have intelligence of its own, only a psionic link.[6]
The suit can be sent out, whether by psionic or vocal command, to attach to a user aside from Tony, so as to either protect them or restrict their movement to only what Tony desires, but not capable of using the suit themselves due to his psionic connection.[7]
This armor's repulsors are a white-blue in color, but when he is preparing to attack someone, they switch color to red for an air of menace. Due to his intrinsic connection to the armor biologically, his own eyes sometimes light up red or blue in addition to the lights on the armor itself.[5] These repulsors are so powerful that they can even bypass the ability of people such as Havok to absorb energy.[8] There is an incorporated taser in the arms[5] that can be used for sustained electrical impulses on command instead of short bursts.[9]
The armor can also absorb electromagnetic energy once it finds the correct frequency of said energy. However, though living beings of electromagnetic energy such as Spectrum can be absorbed, they can break free of the armor, causing the armor to temporarily dissolve in a select portion before reassembling.[10] The armor is also capable of withstanding the lightning called forth by Storm with minimal, if any damage.[8]
There is a thruster behind the elbows of the armor's arms, allowing for increased power when punching or otherwise striking someone, including allowing for needles to pass through tough skin.[11]
Hulk-like physique
Hulk-like physique
This armor's thrusters initially did not function when deprived of an oxygen-based environment, as they relied upon a combustion engine[6], but this was later rectified.[12]
This armor can be used to subjugate possessing entities, such as an eight-year-prior incarnation of Tony Stark who had possessed a version of the Iron Man Armor Model 2.[6]
When the main faceplate is removed, a graphene layer replaces it, to allow for bulletproofing of the face while providing an unobstructed view of said area of the head.[5]
The armor can also have more of its forming compound added to increase its size, granting the suit a Hulk-like physique.[13]
The armor can release tendrils of its material to enter automated armors in order to determine the source of their core-artificial intelligence. The same tendrils can be spread out even further, making a punch capable of causing an armor to explode from the inside out from the internal force.[14]
Unlike most symbiotes, Tony Stark has shielded this one against sonic attacks.[14]
Sam Wilson Falcon Captain America
Sam Wilson Falcon Captain America
Expert bird trainer
Skilled hand-to-hand combatant, martial artist, aerialist, and acrobat
Flight via wing harness
Proficient tactician and strategist
Empathic and telepathic link with all birds
In his earliest appearances, Wilson exhibits a close bond with his bird Redwing, which is confirmed as being a telepathic link by Professor X in Captain America #174. The Red Skull later reveals that he had used the Cosmic Cube to create a "super-normal mental link" between Sam Wilson and Redwing.[67] Falcon later recalled the experience, stating "Hurt like hell. Being mentally fused with that falcon. Able to see through his eyes."[68]
Wilson eventually revealed that he has been able to extend this empathic link. "I'm always psychically connected with Redwing, but through concentration, I've recently tapped into another ability – I'm able to link-up with other birds. ... I have over six billion pairs of eyes in the United States alone." He used this ability to quickly search New York City when the criminal Scarecrow kidnapped two children,[69] as well as to spy on Senator Dell Rusk (actually the Red Skull in disguise) and Henry Peter Gyrich. He is also apparently able to access the memories of birds, and see things they had witnessed in the past (although birds have a different concept of the passage of time, which makes it difficult for him to know when any events they witnessed occurred).[71]
Wilson is a skilled hand-to-hand combatant, having been trained in Judo[72] and Karate[73] by Steve Rogers. Wilson is also highly skilled in the use of Captain America's shield.[volume & issue needed]
Uniform and flight harness
Wilson's original Falcon wing harness featured detachable jet-powered glider wings made of lightweight titanium ribbing and Mylar. The wings were covered with wafer-thin solar power receptors that convert sunlight into electricity to power miniature high-speed electric turbine fans in his uniform and boots. The wings detached and reattached to his uniform cybernetically. The harness was destroyed in Captain America and the Falcon #2 (2004). The uniform was made of synthetic stretch fabric lined with a steel-alloy mesh.[volume & issue needed]
After the original flying harness's destruction in a 2004 storyline,[74] the Black Panther supplied Falcon with a new costume and wings. An emitter array on Falcon's back creates holographic "hard light" wings with a maximum wingspan of up to 50 feet (15 m). Controlled by a cybernetic link, the wings can be instantly reconfigured into "dozens of different cruise configurations". A "magnetic drive", in turn, provides the thrust needed to get Falcon airborne. The emitter also possesses GPS jamming devices that prevent satellite tracking, while the hard-light wings interfere with infra-red tracking. A vibranium microweave was added to the costume itself, making Falcon resistant to small arms fire. The entire system is controlled mentally through cybernetic circuitry in the Falcon's mask. The costume has in the past featured a hidden "talon," a cybernetically controlled grappling line built into the gauntlets of his costume which he uses to entangle opponents, hook objects, or for swinging and climbing when his wings are detached. The costume's visors come equipped with various capabilities, including infrared lenses, giving him the ability to see objects by their infrared signature at night, magnification capabilities, and remote imaging sensors that allow a full 360 degree of vision when activated. The cowl also has a wide band receiver and transmitter with an unspecified range. The suit was originally built by the Black Panther,[76] with costume modifications by Desmond Burrell.volume & issue needed]
- Ancient One (mystic)
- Shuri (tech)
- Okoye (skill)
- Klaw (tech)
- Whiplash (tech)
- Bullseye (skill)
- Ego the Living Planet (cosmic)
- Adam Warlock (cosmic)
- Nova (Frankie Raye) (cosmic)
- Pip The Troll (cosmic)
- Black Cat (skill)
- Spider-Woman (science)
- Firebird (science)
- Sandman (science)
- Scorpion (science)
- Lizard (science)
- Mystique (mutant)
- Thunderbird (mutant)
- Warpath (mutant)
- Black Tom Cassidy (mutant)
Mister Negative (Science)
Man-Ape (Mystic)
Kurse (Cosmic)
Awesome Android (Tech)
Shuri (Tech)
Bushman (Skill)
Belasco (Mystic)
James Proudstar, known first as Thunderbird and then as Warpath
James Proudstar, known first as Thunderbird and then as Warpath
Trained armed/unarmed combatant
Skilled hunter and tracker
Peak physical condition
Superhuman strength, senses, agility, reflexes/reactions, flexibility, speed, stamina, resilience and resistance to injury
Use of a pair of vibranium bowie knives
Powers and abilities
Physical characteristics
Warpath is 7 feet 2 inches (2.18 m) in height and weighs 350 pounds (160 kg).[3]
Physical capabilities
Warpath is a mutant who possesses superhuman physical ability in virtually all areas.
He possesses superhuman strength. The air pressure from one of his claps causes a Sentinel to collapse.[39] He has even managed to hold his own in a direct fight against the Juggernaut.[40]
He possesses superhuman resistance to injury, at least enough to withstand short-range gunfire,[41] grenade explosions,[42] and direct telekinetic attack from Exodus.[43] He also repairs and regenerates damaged and destroyed tissue much faster than a normal human,[citation needed] as well as revives and recuperates from exhaustion and fatigue much faster than a normal human.[citation needed]
He possesses superhuman agility and flexibility. He can "move with the grace an Olympic gold-medalist would envy"[44] and "swim with the ease of a porpoise."[45]
His power of flight was discovered by his one-time mentor and team leader Peter Wisdom, who analyzed his mutation after the High Evolutionary devolved and re-evolved all mutants on Earth, and Wisdom forced James to incorporate this ability in his fighting style.[46] This power was ignored for a while, as writer Ed Brubaker did not understand how Warpath's speed and strength would allow it.[citation needed] However, Warpath's fighting style in the Messiah Complex storyline showed his flight powers,[47] and X-Force shows him flying for long distances.[volume & issue needed] It has since been suggested by writer Christopher Yost that Warpath felt "rather embarrassed by the whole flying thing."[48]
Warpath's senses – particularly sight, smell, and hearing – are enhanced to levels beyond the capabilities of a normal human. He is able to see with perfect clarity at much greater distances than an ordinary human, even in near-total darkness.[49] His hearing is similarly heightened, enabling him to clearly hear sounds beyond the range of ordinary human hearing and to hear sounds that they can detect but at much greater distances.[citation needed]
After nearly getting killed by Reignfire,[volume & issue needed] Warpath experienced an increase in senses and speed that allowed him to perform feats he had previously not been aware he was capable of. For example, he can run at high speeds up to at least 150 kilometres per hour (93 mph) for long distances and quickly climb building walls by digging his hands and feet into the bare concrete.[50] He can even evade weapon fire with rapid reflexes and reactions.[51]
In new publishing coinciding along Marvel's new ResurrXion event, Warpath has showcased regenerative abilities able to recover from mild to serious injuries inflicted upon him by new Weapon X cyborgs.[52]
Warpath is well versed in hand-to-hand combat, which is enhanced by his superhuman reflex/reaction rate and eye/ear-hand/foot coordination. He was trained in unarmed combat under the guidance of Emma Frost. He gained extensive training in the use of the staff by his long-time teammate Shatterstar, whom he eventually matched in a record time of only a dozen tries.[53] He wields a pair of bowie knives composed of vibranium, given to him by Storm,[54] with which he has proved to be highly proficient.
James is also a skilled hunter and tracker in his native Apache tradition.
Supernatural capabilities
Ghost Rider activated limited Apache shaman abilities within James, in order to help him fight the Demon Bear. He could perceive the creature's wounds and the resulting spirit energy when it was destroyed.[55]
Thunderbird (Neal Shaara)
Neal Shaara (Erde-616)
Neal Shaara, also known as Thunderbird
Thunderbird (Neal Shaara)
Neal Shaara (Erde-616)
Neal Shaara, also known as Thunderbird
Thunderbird (Neal Shaara)
Neal Shaara (Erde-616)
Neal Shaara, also known as Thunderbird
Powers and Abilities
Heat Conversion and Solar Energy Mimicry/Generation: He has the ability to convert ambient heat into solar plasma. Neal can transform his body into solar plasma, enabling him to release and manipulate thermal discharges, focused beams, or shaped plasma fields from his eyes or limbs. He is able to fly via directed thrust, and can radiate blinding light or explosive energy from his entire body.[10]
Generation of superheated plasma, superstrengh, speed, durability, stamina
Powers and abilities Edit
Thunderbird has the ability to transform the molecules of his body into solar plasma, enabling him to convert portions of himself into thermodynamic energy furnaces that release luminescent radiance, pyrotechnic displays, concentrated plasma beams, shaped plasma charges that can deflect solid matter or displace volumes of air on impact for a heatless release of concussive force, and explosive thrust from his legs for flight or projection of focused blasts, flashes, or explosive spheres. Because plasma is a superheated, ionized state of matter, it can melt or destroy most objects, with the exception of adamantium. Thunderbird can also use his power to generate sufficient propulsive thrust to fly at supersonic speeds. In his initial appearances, Thunderbird is relatively unskilled in the use of his powers, but receives further training from Psylocke and Bishop.[volume & issue needed]
During his time being mentored by Bishop, he achieves greater control over his powers, learning how to use his blasts to only single targets. He can also use only a small amount to create a blinding flash.[volume & issue needed]
Lifeguard and Slipstream
Lifeguard ( Heather Cameron )
Heather Cameron (Erde-616)
Lifeguard ( Heather Cameron )
Heather Cameron (Erde-616)
Lifeguard ( Heather Cameron )
Heather Cameron (Erde-616)
Lifeguard ( Heather Cameron )
Heather Cameron (Erde-616)
Lifeguard ( Heather Cameron )
Heather Cameron (Erde-616)
Lifeguard ( Heather Cameron )
Heather Cameron (Erde-616)
Powers and Abilities
* Lifeguard's mutation is adaptive
* Powers
* Danger Detection Response: She has the ability to register danger to human life in the vicinity and this automatically gives her the powers necessary to save those lives, be they her own or others.
* Situational Biomorphic Adaptation (Nemesis Form): According to the type of danger in the current situation, she automatically obtains the powers necessary to save those lives, be they hers or others. These powers and the forms she takes are determined by the situation she is in and adapts accordingly to the situation at hand. The variety of Lifeguard's power manifestations appear to be almost limitless. Heather becomes aware of how to use any power(s) she manifests after a few seconds. She can also manage more than one power at a time.
* Some of her displayed uses of this power are:
* Growing Wings for Flight
* Extra Arms for carrying and super-strength.
* Skin turning into a sort of golden metallic armor
* Gills for underwater breathing.
* Legs into fish tail for better swimming ability
* Upping her strength level from normal to Superhuman
* Shi'ar Abilities: Heather possesses some powers constantly after her royal Shi'ar half emerges. These include golden skin, claws, and the ability to grow wings, all when no-one is in danger.
* Abilities
* Heather is a trained lifeguard and an excellent swimmer. Other abilities may appear as a result of her changing form. After being in space her shapeshifting DNA brought out her natural Shi'ar heritage, granting her clawed hands and wings along with the Shi'ar eye markings.
Strength level
Variable. When her powers are not active, normal athletic human/Shi'ar levels.
Reactive adaptation
She is a mutant, gaining whatever superhuman abilities are needed in a life-threatening situation. She and her brother Slipstream were briefly members of the segment of X-Men featured in the series X-Treme X-Men.
Powers and abilities
Heather's mutant power allows her body to react to any threat by transforming or manifesting a power to deal with the situation (similar to that of the X-Men's Darwin). In all of her appearances, she has only been shown to use this ability while defending herself and others.[6] It is as yet unknown if she's able to use this ability for her own protection. She has a moderate level of control over this power and has sometimes been able to trigger it at will, although she has not displayed any control over the transformations or powers she manifests. Heather has mostly manifested physical changes such as extra arms, armored skin, wings, and a mermaid tail. However, in her first appearance, she also demonstrated hydrokinesis.[7] The full extent of Lifeguard's abilities have yet to be revealed.
In her most recent appearance with the emergence of her inherent Shi'ar genome, she appeared to be locked into her final transformation of gold skin, wings, and claws, still unable to control her powers and possibly unable to transform any further or reverse the change.
Slipstream ( Davis Cameron )
Davis Cameron (Erde-616)
Slipstream ( Davis Cameron )
Davis Cameron (Erde-616)
Limited space-time manipulation and reality warping capabilities that enables him to conjure a "Warp Wave"
Psychic navigation
Use of a shortened metal surfboard
Ability to take other people through the Warp Wave through increased concentration to maintain the wave
He is a mutant, able to generate a "warp wave" for the purpose of teleportation. He and his sister Lifeguard were briefly members of the squad of X-Men featured in the series X-Treme X-Men.
Powers and abilities
Slipstream can teleport via a funnel of trans-spatial energy also called a Warp Wave, to any place on earth. Warp Waves use superstrings to connect any two locations on Earth. He is not only able to teleport himself but also can take other people through the Warp Wave, but requires increased concentration to maintain the wave when traveling with others. Sensitivity to displacement energy signatures enable him to track other teleportation effects back to their origin from residual energies and after detecting this, he could use the warp wave to travel to their location. He usually navigates with the use of a shortened metal surfboard.
Powers and Abilities
Slipstream is a mutant.
Warp Wave: He can form a quantum portal, a funnel of trans-spatial energy that swallowed up him and any passengers to transport them over vast distances. The warp wave used super-strings to connect any two locations on Earth. Sensitivity to displacement energy signatures enabled him to track other teleportation effects back to their origin from residual energies. After detecting this, he could use the warp wave to travel to their location. He navigated with the use of a shortened metal surfboard. Slipstream could take other people through the Warp Wave, but required increased concentration to maintain the wave. Davis was tired after this, but presumably he would become more proficient the more he used his powers.
Davis is an excellent surfer.
Match ( Ben Hamill )
Match ( Ben Hamill )
Match ( Ben Hamill )
Match ( Ben Hamill )
Match ( Ben Hamill )
Pyric Body
Fire Manipulation
Immunity to extreme heat
Match appeared in Dark Phoenix portrayed by Lamar Johnson.
Powers and abilities
Ben's abilities are pyrokinesis, enabling him to produce and manipulate flame. In addition, he is seemingly immune to fire and high temperatures. As a side effect of his powers, Ben's head remains constantly aflame, though it appears that he can control the extent of the flaming; during a Danger Room session, he is able to maintain some level of stealth by lowering the intensity of his head flame. Ben's body is always glowing, and emits heat, however it is not hot enough to burn his clothing. The flame on his head is also not as hot as normal fire and as such, it does not burn what it touches. This was confirmed by his creators, Nunzio DeFilippis and Christina Weir.
level 65 and 6* rank 3
CRYSTAL (Fantastic four) (science)
CRYSTAL (Inhumans) (cosmic)
SANDMAN (science)
GOLIATH (science)
DAKEN (mutant)
MOONSTONE (cosmic)
MOLECULE MAN (science)
BULLSEYE (comics) (skill)
BULLSEYE (hawkeye) (skill)
Spiderman villains, dark avengers and fantastic 4
Characters are there in this list, but more heroes, villains, anti heroes and mercenaries want to be cast in this mcoc
If anyone wants to see any threads, go to my @sudeep9680 profile to see my threads
These two villains have one thing in common. Their Hatred for Stark! (And dying while trying to kill Stark, but uh, you know) And today they have entered the contest to wreak destruction on Stark Enterprises once again.
The first up is Iron Monger! He may look like another Iron Man, but that's because he was made from the very first Iron Man suit Tony Stark created! I assure you, this hulking mechanical suit is better than anything Stark could have created! https://docs.google.com/document/d/1UBAuVD-AjxyO1OoikrHenYTzdIdtVz2xJcYgmh3qV3U/edit?usp=sharing
The next up is Whiplash! Who created the Arc reactor first? Ivan's father or Tony's Father? Why, its both! Ivan's father, Anton, wanted to use it for money and power while Tony's father, Howard, saw it only for good. Now with an Arc reactor powering Anton's whips, he has become the villain Whiplash! https://docs.google.com/document/d/1k9S3pTpgBrofLrI30msAAZMFYrQSAojERepK_7r9lx8/edit?usp=sharing
I hope you have enjoyed! The next up I hope to have out is a Captain America WW2 buff, though that might be a bit. I have most of it set up, but it's taking longer than I expected (Not much to work with somewhat). However, I am also planning on another 2 champion ideas. These ones you'll have to guess though. I will give a hint to help you. both are female, and both have a run in with a powerful Witch. Thanks for reading! Please give your feedback on the champion ideas! I'd love to hear them. They help me grow better at doing this type of stuff!
{Moved from previous post}
Mastodon (Cosmic)
Volstagg (Cosmic)
Ghost (Classic) (Cosmic)
Monica Rappaccini (Skill)
Strange 2099 (Mystic)
Umar (Mystic)
These characters want to be appear in this game
FANTASTIC 4 (space suit) (science)
There many more but these are shortly assembled
Its very interesting
Slightly changes
(The only possible character who can replace my profile pic)
H.E.R.B.I.E. (Tech)
Master Mold (Tech)
Hydro-Man (Science)
Hellcow (Mystic)
Fandral (Cosmic)
Tomorrow Man (Tech)
Dargo Ktor (Mystic)
Chrome (Tech)
GORGON (cosmic)
MAXIMUS (tech)
FIRE FIST (mutant)
PYRO (mutant)
HYDRO MAN (science)
MOLTEN MAN (science)
SIF (cosmic)
SIN (skill)
These characters want to be appear in this game