Character Wishlist Thread 3.0



  • NanandaimeanarutoNanandaimeanaruto Member Posts: 517 ★★

    Amelia Voght (Earth-616)
    Amelia "Amy" C. Voght


    Transubstantiation:[2] Amelia Voght has the power to convert matter into vapor at will, including herself. She is capable of transforming herself or any person or object in her line-of-sight into this state. Loose mist is virtually insubstantial, so Amelia can use this power to avoid injury. She can control the flow of the vapor through the air, allowing her to fly, squeeze herself through tight passages, or move objects about - she could pull a person out from under a mob attacking them by dispersing and reforming them nearby, or steal her opponents' weapons by vaporizing them in their hands and bringing them to her own.

    Teleportation: Voght's mist can also be transported through the astral plane, allowing her to employ her powers for long-range teleportation. She is able to transport herself and anything else she sublimates across the surface of the globe in an instant, or to and from orbit around the planet. She can teleport with cargo, or send objects to a new location within traveling with them, providing she can visualize the new location in her mind. On certain occasions, Voght even demonstrated the ability to summon distant people to herself by teleportation, visualizing wherever the person is at the moment, seeing them converted into mist, and then bringing that mist into her presence to be reformed.
  • NanandaimeanarutoNanandaimeanaruto Member Posts: 517 ★★

    Trevor Hawkins (Earth-616)

    Trevor Hawkins
    "Blüd Shot: The Man with Destructo Eyes!" (intended/dreamed code-name),[2] "400-Eye",[3] "The All-Seeing Mod"[4]

    Trevor is a new mutant activated after the Phoenix dispersion, and has displayed the following mutant powers, with his powers being expanded after being trapped in the Mojoverse:

    Multiple Eyes: Trevor's body is covered by numerous eyes, a total of 57, which allow him to see in multiple directions.[6] Trevor has stated his eyes can't be used for an offensive purpose, but primarily to see "things that no one else can see"[7] including nearly limitless varieties of spectral visions[29]:
    Enhanced Visual Abilities: Trevor has gained special abilities due to his extra eyes such as improved marksmanship and nonverbal communications.[30]
    Microscopic Vision: Eyeboy boasted he could see just about anything no matter how small it was. Once claiming to be able to see dust motes as plain as day.[31]
    Telescopic Vision: With all of his eyes Trevor can also see up to great distances at a time. Supposedly able to see incoming adversaries from miles away.[4]
    X-Ray Vision: Trevor can see around as well as through objects and enemies to get a better view of his surroundings.[32][33]
    Night Vision[34]
    Infrared Vision[34]
    Thermal Vision[34]
    Chemical Detection: Trevor's many eyes can see and track pheromone secretions made from specific human beings.[35]
    Psychological Intuition: Trevor could "read" people via micro expressions, body language and non-verbal cues, no matter how subtle.[29] During his time in the Savage Land, Trevor saw through certain personality traits in other people by noting subtle habits.[30] i.e. Shark Girl's fear of abandonment via hand tremors when yelling, Sprite's longing for peer recognition noting her corner eye twitching, and Glob Herman's fostering secrets gleaned from his quivering jelly body. He was also able to quickly discern the true motives of two new students who were secretly junior S.H.I.E.L.D agents under orders to report the school's activities/dangers to normal human society and shut it down.[36][37]
    Aura Viewing/Tracking: An extension to detecting mental cues, Trevor eventually found he could sense powerful empathetic ties and also track people by following said connections to them (ties of friendship shared between himself and the special class at school for instance).[11][32][34]
    Attack Prediction: Claimed that his psyche evaluating power enabled him to spot the first twinges in one's bodily structure when they're about to throw the first punch.[32][31]
    History Reading: As soon as Mr. Hawkins gets a look at someone he can near instantly ascertain their past altercations and discern their present motivations for doing and being who and what they are.[37] He can also gear his visual acuity to reading and understanding the history of inanimate objects with a glance.[4]
    Oneiric Scrying: When Trevor recedes into REM state, his visual clarity intensifies many times over as he sees into himself. Through this dream sight he can peer into just about everywhere within the world around him, as well as beyond the world with enough focus to see past the veil of false realities.[38]
    Weakness Perception: Can pinpoint weak spots in machines and people, much like the Inhuman Karnak.[11]
    Electric Wave Perception: Able to see electronic wavelengths.[39]
    Microwave Perception: Able to see microwaves with his multiple eyes.[4]
    Illusion Perception: Is able to see past illusions and disguises.[11]
    Magical Wave Perception: Trevor has shown the ability to see magic waves in the air.[7][10]
    He can see emotional connections. [11]
    Shared Vision: Eye-boy found he can pass what he sees onto others in order to share clarity with selected persons. But he has to be physically close enough for it to work.[40]
    Solar Blasts: Through as of yet unknown means, Eye-boy can emit intense bursts of bright yellow energy along a manifesto of consecutive 3D projected images through the act of making symbols via hand gestures.[27]
    Solar Ray Emission: Eye-boy can emit focused beams of extra stellar force that, in his words, can cause sunburns & radiation poisoning.[27]

    Thanks to his powers, Trevor has acquired new abilities:

    He is an expert marksman.[30]
    He is also an expert in nonverbal communication and an exceptional personality perception expert.[33][27]

    Trevor Hawkins (Earth-616) with Magical Lens from A + X Vol 1 9 001.jpg
    Eye Boy's magical lens
    Magical lens: He was given by Doctor Strange a lens enhancing the natural sight and furthermore his mutant abilities. Using it, he can:[10]

    See magic with more details.
    Follow signatures of energy.
    Separate the radiations spectrums and define complex patterns.
    With concentration, he can see through matter.
    "Eye Pad:" A digital pad he used seemingly to check his information about new students he welcomed to the school.[2]

    Laser Weaponry: Eye-Boy often makes use of high powered energized artillery batteries to make better use of his eyesight.[41] An infiltrator from S.H.I.E.L.D once citing his proficiency as a potential assassin while he paces himself using the Danger Room function of the Jean Grey School for shooting practice.[42]
  • NanandaimeanarutoNanandaimeanaruto Member Posts: 517 ★★

    Warp Savant (Earth-616)
    Warp Savant

    Warp Savant was a teenage mutant with reality warping powers. He re-enacted Magneto's attack on Cape Citadel on his eighteenth birthday, and was battled by the X-Men.

    Rather than surrender, he used his powers on himself, seemingly killing or trapping himself into his own limbo.[1]

    Psionic Energy Conversion: Warp Savant had the reality-warping ability to trap objects and beings in a limbo-like landscape inside his subconscious.
  • NanandaimeanarutoNanandaimeanaruto Member Posts: 517 ★★

    Miranda Manuel (Earth-616)

    Miranda Manuel [1]

    Kinetic Energy Dilution: D-Cel has the ability to slow the kinetic motion of physical objects, including living beings. She for example can force an elevator to take an hour to reach the first floor and make confetti take five hours to fall to the ground.[2] She has also used this ability to slow herself down while falling from a great height.[4]

    Telepathic Resistance: A side effect of D-Cel's powers is a high resistance to telepathy.[1]
    D-Cel can tire herself out if she ever overexerts herself when using her powers.[2] She also has trouble focusing her powers when under duress.[4]
  • BadabibidonBadabibidon Member Posts: 94
    Signature ability:
    Scaling with shocker current power level, incoming passive damage effects begin doing less damage, and charge shockers combo meter. At (60-100%) max power, take (10-60%) less damage from passive abilities, and gain (1-3) combo meter every 5 seconds

    Passive: take 90% less damage from shock, passively gain +30% power gain for each shock up to 2

    Critical hits deal guranteed .1% of opponents modified health as energy damage for every 100 his in combo meter (up to 200 hits max)

    Base critical rate is set at 1,234, and is unmodifiable

    Special 1: shocking temper
    This 3 hit attack resembles shang chi's special 2, and deals additional damage based on combo meter, up to+300% at 150 combo, and causes up to three concussion debuffs (40% chance per hit), removing 70% defensive ability accuracy for 15 seconds

    Special 2: game of pain
    This 2 hit area of effect attack resembles hulks sp1 as shocker punches a rock up, and send it hurling toward the opponent in a thousand pieces.
    The first hit cannot be evaded, and the second hit cannot be blocked. For every 100 hits in the combo meter, (up to 500) the critical hit burst energy damage increases by 5% flat for the duration of this special attack.
    If the opponent takes zero damage from this attack, shocker gains 1 unblockable passive and 1 shock passive for 5 seconds.

    Special 3: shocker shows of his grappling skills, pinning his opponent to the ground, and dealing massive amounts of direct energy damage. As the attack ends, both shocker and his opponent are inflicted with 2 shock debuffs and 2 energy vulnerability debuffs. Shocker can dash back and hold block for 3 seconds to remove the vulnerability debuffs and replace them with a power gain buff, each granting 1 bar of power over 10 seconds.

    Spider man (all)
    Debuffs can attack up to 5 times

    Starlord, aegon
    Gain 1 combo shield every 30 seconds by dashing back and holding block for 4 seconds

    Gain +5% damage for every ten hours in combo meter, up to 300%

    Fury becomes indefinite, and can attack up to 5 times

  • NanandaimeanarutoNanandaimeanaruto Member Posts: 517 ★★

    Lomen (Earth-616)


    Armored Skin: Quantum's skin is extraordinarily strong, providing him a protection additional to his enhanced endurance.[4]
    Enhanced Endurance: Quantum is almost immune to physical injury[3][4][5] and can withstand falling to earth[3] from a location 10 miles high.[6] Quantum is almost invulnerable[4][10] to the vast temperatures, gravitational forces,[3][4] and pressure that affects bodies in outer space.[3]
    Flame Sheath: Only when flying,[4] Quantum can generate an aura of flames around his body.[9][10][2][3][4] The nature of this fire is unknown and, although he himself is immune to it,[3] it may damage other people touching him.[4]
    Flight: Quantum can flight both in atmosphere and outside it.[3] In space, he can reach almost light speed;[2][4] in an atmosphere, he is very fast but nowhere near those limits.[4]
    Life Support: Quantum can survive indefinitely without air, food or water,[2][4] for instance in outer space.[9]
    Quantimization[4][5] aka Hyper-Teleportation:[4] Quantum can teleport very quickly,[4] several times per second,[2] albeit with a maximum range of six inches.[4][2][3] By materializing in a given location only for a fraction of a second,[5][4] he can quantimize his spatial coordinates,[4][5] meaning that he is in different positions within his own probability field,[5][3][4] replicating the quantum theory on a macroscopic level.[3]
    Due to the phenomenon known as persistence of vision,[4][3][5] a human observer[3][4] (or a "common" extraterrestrial being)[6] would see Quantum simultaneously appearing in several locations[3][4][2] and mistakenly assume that Quantum had multiplied himself[3][2][10][5][9] or that he is somehow in several locations at the same time[3] but this is only an erroneous perception.[4][2][3][10][5]
    Quantum can use his teleportation powers to escape from conventional prisons.[5] For some reason, they also give Quantum a protection against the alien Halflife's life-draining powers: Halflife's touch ages any person touching or touched by her; however, when surrounded by several "Quanta", whenever "one Quantum" was affected by her power, the other "Quanta" were not.[6]
    A professional soldier, Quantum was trained in Dakkam's main martial arts. Quantum is in a excellent physical shape and is superhumanly fast.[2] He speaks[6] the Dakkamite language and he later learned English.[10]

    Lomen (Earth-616) from West Coast Avengers Vol 1 12.jpg
    Cannot operate without sunlight
    Although Quantum's powers were said to derive from the attraction binding particles in atomic nuclei -or strong force-[3] they really come from the exposition to the radiation of the nearest star.[3][2][4][9] It was speculated[5] that he cannot use his quantimization[4] or any of his powers[2] if cut from direct sunlight[2] for instance via dense smoke or darkness.[4][3][5][9] During Quantum's first encounter with the Avengers West Coast, when he was cut off from sunlight, he even fell unconscious.[3][4][9] He was presumed to require artificial light by night to prevent this from happening.[3] However, when Quantum resurfaced and confronted Quasar, Quantum was able to operate in nighttime conditions and even further dark without any problems.[5]

    Quantum wears a Dakkamite army uniform with a chest emblem representing his rank.[17] The suit is made of alien material.[2]

    He uses his own powers to fly and teleport.[2]
  • NanandaimeanarutoNanandaimeanaruto Member Posts: 517 ★★

    Zoe Laveau (Earth-616)
    Zoe Laveau


    Hypnosis: Zoe has demonstrated some hypnotic abilities to calm down other people.[12]
    Necromancy: Zoe is capable of sensing death and, despite taking a toll on her, she's capable of animating the dead to create zombie-like creatures capable of fighting for her.[13]
    Magical Necklace: Her magic necklace prevents people from seeing what she really looks like.
  • BartekTymoczkoBartekTymoczko Member Posts: 309 ★★

    This is my MCOC Wishlist! B)
  • NanandaimeanarutoNanandaimeanaruto Member Posts: 517 ★★

    Adam Austin (Earth-616)
    Adam Austin
    Masked Marvel

    Adam Austin and his friend Eddie Ward were pitching the idea for a Masked Marvel character when Electro attacked the Marvel offices. Electro was defeated by the Masked Marvel. After seeing the Masked Marvel in action, the editors showed interested in the book.[1]

    After Civil War
    After the Civil War, he was listed as a potential recruit for the Initiative.[2]

    Power Ring

    Forcefield/Constructs - the ring can create solid energy constructs and shapes.
    Atomic Punch - Masked Marvel can use the ring for an extremely powerful punch.
  • RecrutadorOmegaRecrutadorOmega Member Posts: 1,089 ★★★★

    [...] and everything else

    This is my MCOC Wishlist! B)

    this is amazing i agree with all the characters!!!!
  • SpaceCorpSpaceCorp Member Posts: 73
    I am a big fan of Mister Fantastic, so I would love to see The Maker come into the game.
  • Raindancer10Raindancer10 Member Posts: 1
    edited December 2022

    Trick shot

    Madam Swarm




  • Jhonny5000Jhonny5000 Member Posts: 208 ★★
    Electro (No Way Home)
  • Jhonny5000Jhonny5000 Member Posts: 208 ★★
    Spider-Man (Mystic Suit)

  • NanandaimeanarutoNanandaimeanaruto Member Posts: 517 ★★

    Elliot Boggs (Earth-1610)

    Elliot Boggs
    "New Guy", Magicman[1]


    Reality Warping: Elliot Boggs is an incredibly powerful mutant with the ability to manipulate and shape reality at his whim for a variety of effects. So far, He has demonstrated the ability to reduce and increase gravity, increased strength, creation of solid people and objects. The upper limit of his power is unknown, he was able to create the Brotherhood attack on Academy of Tomorrow from Xavier's mansion without knowing its exact location. He was capable of mutating and taking the powers of a person.[1] He has teleported, caused energy blasts to randomly come from the ground and turned guns into snakes. He has demonstrated superhuman agility and reflexes, when he dodged attacks from a human he had mutated.[1] He has also withstood intense shockwaves that knocked out all the other X-men and survived blasts of fire. He healed from being slashed by Wolverine's claws multiple times without even a scar. He was capable of telepathically communicating with Professor Xavier.

    He was also capable of causing a metal floor to wrap around the X-Men, Professor Xavier and Nick Fury. He also tried to pull the adamantium off of Wolverine's skeleton. He was capable of causing Kitty to develop a crush on him without knowing it.

    He has very little conscious control of his powers, stating that they seem to give him whatever he wants whether he knows it and whether he wills it to happen or not, causing them to often act through his subconscious without him meaning for it to happen. He has also stated that although he can use them on purpose he didn't believe they could be truly controlled based on their nature.[2]
  • WarlockriderWarlockrider Member Posts: 1


    New Sun (Gambit)

    Miss Locke


  • NanandaimeanarutoNanandaimeanaruto Member Posts: 517 ★★

    Franklin Hall (Earth-616)
    Dr. Franklin Hall[1]
    Dr Hall,[2] Minister of Science[3]


    Gravitikinesis:: Graviton possesses the ability to mentally manipulate gravitons (that carry the attractive, gravitational force between atomic nuclei), enabling him to control gravity. He can surround any object or person including himself with gravitons and anti-gravitons (particles similar to gravitons but with opposite charge and spin), thus increasing or decreasing the Earth's pull of gravity upon it.[39]

    Graviton Manipulation: Graviton can exert his gravitational control over a maximum distance of 2.36 miles from his body. Thus, the maximum volume of matter he could influence at once is 55.0585 cubic miles. He once exercised this control by lifting into the air an inverted conic frustum-shaped land mass whose uppermost area was 4 miles across, and causing it to fly as though it were a dirigible. He can also erect a gravitational force-field of similar proportions. (Graviton can perform as many as four separate tasks simultaneously. (He has not only lifted a 4 mile wide land mass as high as cloud level, but he has also surrounded himself with a force-field, gyrokinetically held most of the Avengers against a slab of rock, and projected force-bolts at Thor all at the same time). Graviton can use his power at maximum capacity for up to eight hours before mental fatigue significantly impairs his performance, and considerably longer (up to eighteen hours) if he conserves his energy during that time.[39] The control over gravity that he can exercise is so great that he once ripped from the ground and lifted high in the sky more than 30 cities from around the world with negligible effort while immobilizing most of the world heroes and keeping them prisoner.[40]
    Flight: By decreasing the pull of gravity beneath him, he can fly at any speed or height at which he can still breathe. However by using his force field generation he can also breathe in space.[39]
    Movement Impairment: By increasing the pull of gravity beneath his opponents, he can pin them to the ground, having made them too heavy to move, or cause sufficient gravitational stress to impair the normal functioning of the human cardiovascular system.
    Graviton Attraction: He can also cause an inanimate object (such as a 1-foot diameter rock) to radiate enough gravitons to give it its own gravitational field, able to attract nearby matter and energy.[39]
    Graviton Blast: By rapidly projecting gravitons in a cohesive beam, he can generate a force blast with a maximum concussive force equivalent to the primary shock wave of an explosion of 20,000 pounds of TNT. If concentrated enough Graviton can exert this power to level a whole city.
    Force Field Generation: He can also create a gravitational force field around him capable of protecting him from any concussive force up to and including a small nuclear weapon.[39]
    Superhuman Durability: Graviton's force field makes him nigh-invulnerable to most forms of damage, he was completely unbodered by Jolt's blasts and could survive in close proximity to the sun.[27]

    Graviton is an experienced physicist.[39]

    Nihilist Insanity: When Graviton sensed a planetary-level of reality-warping caused by a Cosmic Cube, he was driven mad. Believing that the universe was ruled purely by chance, he claimed life was futile and had no meaning. This has prompted him to attack the Avengers Unity Division simply because he could.[36]

    Concentration: In order to remain invulnerable Graviton must, through a concious act of will, keep his personal force field on. Surprise attacks and overwhelming assaults can cause him to partially drop his force field and become vulnerable to mundane threats like blades and bullets.[41]

  • NanandaimeanarutoNanandaimeanaruto Member Posts: 517 ★★

    New Sun (Earth-9921)

    New Sun
    New Son, X-Cutioner

    Power Grid[1]

    Total Kinetic Control: New Son had control of kinetic energy at a molecular level. He could turn an object's potential energy into kinetic energy, making it explosive. He does not need to make physical contact to do so, nor does he have a block to prevent him from using this on a living being.

    He can cause another being to be unable to move or unable to stop if in motion. He was able to cause or simulate various energies by manipulating the kinetic energy present, such as infrared and microwaves by increasing molecular agitation, or cold by reducing it.

    Lastly he could transform himself into an energy wave to travel through space and into other dimensions.
  • NanandaimeanarutoNanandaimeanaruto Member Posts: 517 ★★

    Michael Morbius (Earth-616)

    Dr. Michael Morbius
    Doctor Mike,[1] Mike,[1] Mikey,[2] Mikey-boy[2]
    Other Aliases:
    Morbius the Living Vampire,[3] Dr. Morgan Michaels[4]


    Pseudo-Vampirism: Morbius has been transformed into a being similar to a vampire and, as a result, possesses a number of superhuman abilities similar to those possessed by true vampires. Morbius is not a true vampire as the source of his transformation is scientific, not mystical.[5] However, mystical elements have occasionally been introduced into his system, complicating the issue.[7]

    Superhuman Strength: Morbius possesses super-human strength (the extent of which depends on the amount of blood he has ingested and the type of blood). At his peak, Morbius possesses sufficient superhuman strength to lift approximately 1,500 lbs.[71]
    Superhuman Speed: Morbius can run and move at speeds that are beyond the natural physical limits of the finest human athlete.[72]
    Superhuman Stamina: Morbius' enhanced musculature produces less fatigue toxins during physical activity than the musculature of a normal human. He can physically exert himself at peak capacity for several hours before the build up of fatigue toxins in his blood begins to impair him.[72]
    Superhuman Agility: Morbius' agility, balance, and bodily coordination are enhanced to levels that are beyond the natural physical limits of the finest human athlete.[72]
    Superhuman Reflexes: Morbius' reflexes are similarly enhanced and are superior to those of the finest human athlete.[72]
    Superhuman Acute Senses: Morbius' senses of sight and smell are enhanced to levels well beyond that of normal humans. Morbius is able to detect objects with perfect clarity at much greater distances than a normal human. He retains this clarity, even in near-total darkness. He is also able to see into the infra-red end of the electromagnetic spectrum, allowing him to see individuals at night by their body heat. His sense of smell is similarly enhanced, able to detect the scent of blood in the air from miles away.[73]
    Regenerative Healing Factor: Like true vampires, Morbius possesses an accelerated healing factor that enables him to rapidly regenerate damaged bodily tissues much faster and more extensively than a normal human. Injuries such as gunshots, slashes, and severe burns heal within hours or minutes, depending upon their severity. Though highly developed, Morbius' healing powers aren't sufficient to regenerate missing limbs or organs.[7]
    Fangs & Claws: Like supernatural vampires, Morbius possesses elongated canines that he uses to pierce the flesh of other beings for the purpose of consuming their blood. Morbius can also, however, use his fangs as weapons in very close combat situations. He also possesses a single retractable claw at the tip of each finger. The claws are very sharp, capable of rending human flesh and bone with ease.[5]
    Psionic Gliding: Through mental concentration, Morbius is able to glide through the air over short distances. However, Morbius can only glide at speeds of about 35 miles an hour.[71]
    Mesmerism: After absorbing elements of the Lilin into his bloodstream, Morbius gained the ability to hypnotize others if they look directly into his eyes long enough. While under his control, Morbius typically has full control over an individual. If an individual has sufficient willpower, they can resist or overcome this power.[74]
    Vampire Creation: Like true vampires, Morbius is able to transform individuals into pseudo-vampires like himself by draining them of all their blood. Morbius has control over the pseudo-vampires he creates, just as supernatural vampires have mental control over the vampires they create. The vampires that Morbius creates possess superhuman strength but do not possess accelerated healing factors. Upon receiving lethal injuries, their bodies turn to dust.[75]
    Immunity to Most Vampire Vulnerabilities: As Morbius isn't a supernatural vampire, he is immune to all of the special mystical vulnerabilities that they have. He is unaffected if confronted with religious icons like crucifixes and will not incinerate if exposed to direct sunlight. Morbius does tend to rest during the hours of the day, but does not have any of the consequences of vampirism that supernatural vampires face during the daylight hours. Morbius also has no special vulnerability to objects or weapons composed of silver, or wooden stakes driven through his heart.[71]
    Virtual Immortality: Morbius claims that he doesn't age.[76]

    Genius Intelligence: Morbius is a brilliant Nobel-Prize winning[20] scientist specializing in biochemistry and hematology. He is also able to put his hand to various other scientific disciplines.[77]

    Hand-to-Hand Combatant: While he has had no formal training, Morbius' powers make him a formidable combatant against most individuals.[citation needed]

    Hunger: The one true weakness Morbius has that supernatural vampires possess is that he must ingest fresh blood several times a week in order to maintain his physical and mental vitality. The longer he goes without blood, the weaker he becomes and the more likely he is to lose control.

    Sunlight: While he can't be killed by sunlight, his eyes and skin are sensitive to exposure to sunlight.[5]

    Mental Instability: Morbius has suffered through suicidal ideation of multiple occasions, desiring to end his 'unlife' when unable to cure himself of his condition. He has also been shown to suffer through visual and auditory hallucinations representing his hunger when he goes without feeding.[39]
  • NanandaimeanarutoNanandaimeanaruto Member Posts: 517 ★★

    Carl Creel (Earth-616)
    Carl "Crusher" Creel[1]
    Absorbing Man[1]
    Rocky Davis,[2][3] Lightningbolt,[4] Red Dog[5]
    Duplicating Man[6]
    Other Aliases:
    Dynamite Davis,[citation needed] Harold,[8] The Island Spirit,[9] Prisoner #24957[citation needed]


    Omni-Morph Duplication: The Absorbing Man possesses the ability to bodily duplicate at will the physical properties of anything he touches or that touches him. This power extends to both animate and inanimate objects and certain forms of energy. The matter of the Absorbing Man's body magically undergoes a material and physiological change so that his body actually becomes composed of the matter or energy with which he is making contact. While he is in this altered state, he still possesses his sentience despite the fact that his brain is now composed of the same material as the rest of him. Among the more ordinary materials he has been transformed into include steel, stone, wood and glass. More unusual have been his transformations into water, fire, snow, and silk. His most powerful transformations have been into energy-states such as cosmic, nuclear, thermal, or light.[71] The Absorbing Man has learned through practice to only absorb the properties of objects that he wishes to absorb. Originally, he could be tricked into absorbing the properties of objects that would render him relatively vulnerable. There appears to be no time limit to how long he can retain a given property. When he is rendered unconscious or in a coma, he retains the form which he last consciously assumed. There would also not appear to be a minimum amount of time he must retain one form before assuming another. He can even become more than one substance at once.[71]

    Properties Absorption: The Absorbing Man can also absorb specific properties relating to the form or mass of an object he touches. He can also assimilate mystic properties of objects or beings. If the object touched holds some form of energy, such as a battery or a blast furnace, Creel absorbs these properties as well. With concentration, Creel can assimilate the elements of complex machinery like aircraft[73] and tanks. When he pushes his powers to this extent, Creel is effectively absorbing the "purpose" of the object he touches, not just its superficial properties.[74]
    Power Mimicry: On many occasions, Creel has mimic the powers of objects or being he’s encountered. He has mimicked the strength of Thor himself, and also the power of the Odin-Force as well as the powers of the Sentry, the Cosmic Cube’s reality warping powers, & even the powers of Dormammu.
    Shapeshifting: The Absorbing Man can alter the molecular structure of his body, his clothes, and his wrecking ball to mimic the properties of any material he touches. When absorbing certain objects, he can make his own weapons such as forming hammer-like fists when touching a hammer or growing to enormous size when copying items of massive power or strength themselves.
    Superhuman Physical Prowess: His mimicry abilities have granted him varying levels of superhuman strength, speed, durability, etc.

    Mind Control: After prolonged isolation in a prison that nullified his power, the Absorbing Man developed the ability to take control of a person's mind, even across vast distances.[71]
    Further Enhancements: After being injected with the Bannerman Gene-Enhancement Package, Creel's physical attributes were greatly enhanced and allowed him to absorb gamma energy. He is able to extend his gamma-absorbing power into his ball and chain.[5] He apparently lost this power afterward.[62]

    Automatic Absorption: Ironically, his own power is also his biggest weakness. Originally, Creel had little to no control of his power and automatically absorbed any kind of matter and energy around him. As a result, there has been in numerous occasions where his adversaries had successfully tricked him into absorb random materials that makes him weaker or non-solid; on at least one occasion, he was defeated when he was tricked into absorbing two unspecified elements that triggered an explosive reaction. He eventually learned how to absorb a specific material without absorbing other materials by simple touch, and was even capable of absorbing more than one material at once.[72] However, as noticed by She-Hulk, there are limits by how much he can "ignore" matter around him and will still absorb it if there's too much of it surrounding him.[6]

    Non-Solid Absorption: Though he can absorb almost all kinds of matter and energy, Creel has trouble in maintain a stable physical body if the material itself is not on solid state and will likely fuse and dissipate with the material (Ex: If he absorbs helium or other gases, he will float and decompose in atmosphere).[73]

    Narcotic Absorption: Creel will automatically take on the properties of narcotics he takes, giving him an even greater high. However while in the state he is highly vulnerable as any user would be. While in a narcotic state Creel can and has been reduced to powder and sold to junkies. Those who take Creel while he is in this state will temporarily gain his powers and absorb the properties of whatever they are touching at the time, which since they don't get all of Creels powers has proven fatal.[74]

    Magic: Though he can, and has, absorbed any kind of supernatural and cosmic energy, Creel is not immune to spells and can be affected by it if the magic user is experienced enough (if anything, his absorption powers only makes the effect worse.). Indeed, Loki even managed to forge a sword that temporarily stripped him from his absorbing powers.[citation needed]

    Absorption Limit: Once Creel has 'discarded' an element that he has absorbed, he cannot manifest it again without contact with that material. This was a particular problem during a confrontation with Thor where he absorbed the mystic vortex Thor was using against him and was left trapped in another dimension until he was rescued.

    A ring made of Secondary Adamantium

    Carl Creel (Earth-616)
    Ball and Chain, which he was wearing at the time of his original transformation, magically also possesses the same properties of transformation as his body, providing he is in contact with it.[72]
    Hammer of Greithoth.[75]
  • NanandaimeanarutoNanandaimeanaruto Member Posts: 517 ★★

    Kallark (Earth-616)
    Lal-Ke,[1] Captain Universe[2]


    Strontian Physiology: Kallark is a Strontian who went through the Gladiator enhancement process. In addition to his natural abilities, this made him able to survive in the vacuum of space and increased his power levels.[3] He was deemed to be an Alpha Plus by the Galadorian Spaceknight Ikon.[53]

    Superhuman Strength: Gladiator possesses tremendous physical strength, the exact limits of which are unknown. His strength level is dependent on his confidence; as such the more confident he is, the stronger he gets. He has demonstrated several astounding feats of strength, such as uprooting the entire Baxter Building while fighting the Fantastic Four,[10] shattering entire planets with the force of his blows,[54] defeating Colossus with relative ease, knocking out the Thing in two blows, blunting the punches of Hyperion with his open palm and by severe effort knocking him unconscious by breaking his back, and even carving one of Vulcan's eyes out and beating the Omega-level mutant unconscious.[55] Kallark was also described as powerful enough to shift planets from their orbit and collapse stars,[56] was compared to the Hulk in physical might,[57] and his son Kubark even remarked that he once saw Gladiator tearing apart black holes.[58] He was even able to contain an explosion powerful enough to wipe out half the solar system.[10] Since Gladiator contained the explosion, instead of merely withstanding the blast, it indicates he exerted his strength to perform the feat.
    Superhuman Speed: Gladiator is capable of running and moving at speeds vastly greater than even the finest human athlete. He is able to move at supersonic speeds, meaning several times swifter than the speed of sound, which is roughly 760 miles per hour.[59] He has performed feats such as hitting some Starjammers and Guardians of the Galaxy in super-speed before they could react,[60] and hitting the Human Torch before he could even notice his attack.[10]
    Superhuman Stamina: Gladiator possesses extraordinary physical stamina. His muscles generate considerably less fatigue toxins then the musculature of human beings or most other known beings for that matter. Gladiator is able to exert himself at peak capacity for at least several days before the buildup of fatigue toxins in his blood begins to impair him. During his battle with Hyperion, when the opponents knocked each other out with their respective eye beams, it was Gladiator who got up on his feet faster than Hyperion, who was just rising up.
    Invulnerability:[10] Gladiator's entire body is far more durable than that of a normal human's and is virtually impervious to all physical damage. He can withstand high caliber bullets, powerful concussive blasts, falls from tremendous heights and blows from powerful super-humans. Gladiator can also survive in the vacuum of space unaided and withstand exposure to extreme temperatures, particularly intense heat. He has shown himself to be capable of flying through stars completely unharmed, and has actually withstood the explosive power of a supernova-like event.[10] Gladiator's invulnerability also makes him immune to all diseases, infections, contaminations, corrosives and radiation (with the exception of a rare radiation that drains his powers and vitality).[61] However the level of his durability depends on his confidence, so if he is not feeling confident his invulnerability will weaken.
    Superhuman Agility: Gladiator's natural balance, agility, and body coordination are enhanced to levels that are beyond the natural physical limits of even the finest human athlete.
    Superhuman Reflexes: Gladiator's reflexes are similarly heightened and are superior to those of the finest human athlete. Kallark has been able to catch a bullet fired by a highly powerful gun right before it could hit the mutant Vulcan,[3] react in a matter of nanoseconds to block a punch from Hyperion,[62] and even dodge a point blank photonic blast from Galactus himself.[63] Also, Gladiator's perception and processing speed is so developed that he was able to count about ten billion micro-sentinels inside a body in mere seconds.[64] In fact, Gladiator's combat speed is so impressive that he was able to cross entire galaxies and land a blow on Heimdall before he could even notice.[30]
    Flight: By harnessing and manipulating anti-gravitons, Gladiator is able to defy gravity which enables him to fly. Gladiator's flight speed rivals those of the fastest known starships and can achieve faster than light speeds in hyperspace. Reed Richards once measured his speed as a hundred times the speed of light.[10]
    Heat Beams: Gladiator is capable of projecting highly concentrated beams of energy from his eyes. These beams are capable of reaching extremely high temperatures. The maximum temperature his beams can reach is unknown, but they can reach temperatures hotter than that of stars as they were shown able to burn through Hulk's skin. These beams were also able to cancel out Hyperion's atomic vision, creating a huge explosion which temporarily incapacitated both opponents. The temperature level of his heat beams depends on his confidence.
    Microscopic Vision: Gladiator possesses the ability to see extremely small objects and images beyond subatomic level.
    Super Breath: Thanks to his incredible lung capacity, Gladiator is also able to draw in large amounts of air and then expel it all to create gale and hurricane force winds. He can also chill his breath to freeze targets.
    Psionic Resistance: Gladiator is capable of causing a counterforce against telepathic assaults and probes. However, telepaths of sufficient power are capable of penetrating his psionic defenses to an extent.
    Accelerated Healing Factor[13][3]: If injured Gladiator's accelerated healing factor can heal him to a certain degree. His healing factor enables him to repair cells, body tissues and bones that have been damaged regardless of severity with much greater speed and efficiency than an ordinary human. His healing factor can even regenerate cells and body tissues that have been destroyed but is limited in the sense that it cannot regenerate missing organs or limbs. When Champion defeated him using the Power Gem, he had to spend some time recuperating from his injuries. Gladiator's healing factor also keeps him in optimal health and decreases the rate of his aging by a high degree granting him a life span that is several millennia long.
    Advanced Longevity: Gladiator has survived for centuries with little sign of aging.[3]

    Gladiator is highly skilled in the combat arts of the Shi'ar, personally trained by Deathbird.

    Gladiator is vulnerable to a certain specific wavelength of radiation. A significant portion of Gladiator's powers, especially his strength, stamina, and resistance to physical injury, are affected by his level of confidence. If his confidence in himself wavers, he has been known to weaken substantially.

    Also, should he lose confidence in his abilities, he becomes vulnerable to much weaker opponents (Such as his defeat at the hands of the X-Man Cannonball).

    Strontians are vulnerable to magic.[3]

  • NanandaimeanarutoNanandaimeanaruto Member Posts: 517 ★★

    Thane (Earth-616)
    Healer, Phoenix

    Inhuman: Thane inherited Inhuman genes from his mother. When he underwent Terrigenesis he developed the following powers;
    Death Touch: Thane's left hand had the ability to instantly change the very economics of existence. He lacked control of his power, thus everyone within a certain radius of him was killed.[5]
    Amber Encasement: Thane's right hand projected an amber construct which trapped everyone within a certain radius of him and left them in a state of "living death."[6]
    Black Vortex Empowerment: As a result of the cosmic power of the corrupting Black Vortex, Thane's cosmic potential was unleashed, vastly improving on all of his previous abilities and bestowing additional ones. He has used his cosmically enhanced power to encase the entirety of Spartax in an amber construct.[11]

    Phoenix Force: After becoming a host of the Phoenix Force, Thane was granted the great powers of the Phoenix. Thane has only displayed cosmic teleportation, but as an avatar, he would presumably possess the following abilities as well:

    Interstellar Travel
    Cosmic Pyrokinesis
    Temporal Manipulation
    Unless he had on the containment suit created by Ebony Maw, his powers were unstable, which unfortunately resulted in people in range of his powers getting hurt or killed.

  • NanandaimeanarutoNanandaimeanaruto Member Posts: 517 ★★

    James Madrox (Earth-616)

    James Arthur "Jamie" Madrox
    Multiple Man
    Carbon Copy,[2] Duplicate Man,[3]
    John Maddox[4]
    Other Aliases:
    Dr. Madrox,[5] He-Whose-Bodies-Are-As-Many-As-The-Leaves-On-A-Tree,[6] Jamie Prime,[7] Legion,[8] Maddy,[9] Madrox Prime,[10] Multitask,[11] Prime Madrox,[12] Schizoid Man[13]


    Madrox is a Changeling, the genetic predecessors of mutants whose powers manifest at birth instead of during puberty. Madrox's powers include:

    James Madrox (Earth-616) from X-Men Messiah Complex Vol 1 1 001.jpg
    The Multiple Man in action
    Kinetic Duplication: Jamie Madrox creates identical physical duplicates of himself upon physical impact. This process is spontaneous and cannot be prevented by Madrox. Although he can create multiple duplicates, and the duplicates themselves can also replicate, each is only able to create one duplicate at a time; he used to have an upper limit of 40 dupes, but that is no longer the case.[68] The duplicates think, feel, and act independently, and each tends to manifest one aspect of Madrox's personality.[69]
    Duplication Experience Transference: When Madrox merges back, he retains memories, knowledge, and experiences of the dupe. At first, his absorbed memories would feel like "watching TV",[18] however, at some point Jamie's powers became defective[29] and he could no longer distinguish his memories from that of his dupes.[30][7] In addition to that, whenever one of his new dupes died, he would immediately inherit his memories without having to absorb them.[29] After coming back to life, it appears he's lost this ability.[5][67]
    Duplication Healing: Absorbing an injured dupe formerly resulted in the prime Madrox suffering an injury half as severe, but he currently suffers no injury whatsoever.[68]

    Madrox has acquired extensive knowledge and skills via his duplicates' experiences, such as human anatomy,[72] speaking Russian,[68] and Shaolin monk stealth techniques.[70] Madrox is also a certified lawyer.[76]

    James Madrox (Earth-616) from X-Men Annual Vol 1 15 002.jpg
    Multiple Man's special suit
    Kinetic Dampening Suit: Madrox once wore a suit that damped kinetic impacts so that he wouldn't duplicate from accidental impacts.
  • Jhonny5000Jhonny5000 Member Posts: 208 ★★
    Brother Mutant (Earth-127)
  • Jhonny5000Jhonny5000 Member Posts: 208 ★★
    Fusion of Wolverine and Cyclops
  • Jhonny5000Jhonny5000 Member Posts: 208 ★★
    Fusion of Thor and Spider-Man = Spider-Thor Class: (Cosmic)
  • SantashelperSantashelper Member Posts: 1


    Hydra BoB



    Desert Ghost

    Instant Karma
  • RecrutadorOmegaRecrutadorOmega Member Posts: 1,089 ★★★★


    Dylan Brock

  • RecrutadorOmegaRecrutadorOmega Member Posts: 1,089 ★★★★
    edited December 2022


    Molecule Man

  • NanandaimeanarutoNanandaimeanaruto Member Posts: 517 ★★

    Uatu (Earth-616)
    The Watcher
    Uatu the Watcher[2]

    The Watcher possesses vast mental, physical, and energy-manipulating powers:

    Telepathy: The Watcher is telepathic, able to read the minds of virtually every known form of sentient life and to project his thoughts into any mind.
    Invisibility (Telepathic): The Watcher may render himself and others effectively invisible and completely undetectable (by the normal senses) to others' minds.
    Illusion Generation: The Watcher can alter his appearance at will assuming any guise he chooses. This is apparently a mental/psionic capacity not a physical shape-shifting ability like that of the alien Skrulls.[citation needed]
    Energy Manipulation: Uatu can manipulate cosmic energy, compared to divine levels. He has cosmic energy so powerful that it can almost rival Galactus.[46]
    Teleportation: The Watcher can convert his body into a form of energy in order to "teleport" through space at hyper-light speeds (It is likely that he traverses warp space to do so).[64]
    Time Travel: Uatu can travel through time. He can take himself and others to any time, past or future.[23]
    Force Field Generation: The Watcher can generate and manipulate Force Fields constructed of Cosmic Energy for a variety of effects:
    Containment: The Watcher can project Force Fields around opponents, containing them and preventing their use of physical and energy powers.[citation needed]
    Flight: Uatu can fly using psionic energies. He may also fly into hyperspace.[citation needed]
    Cosmic Conscience: Uatu has very sharp cosmic senses.[citation needed]

    Immortality: Watchers are seemingly immortal (although degrees of maturity are evident), having bolstered the limits of their life forces with "delta-rays." Presumably, an explosion that dispersed all of his bodily molecules across thousands of miles would prove fatal.[65]
    Size Alteration: Uatu was able to assume human proportion.[66]
    The Watcher holds power at least equal to that of the Collector (as the latter claimed that Uatu could stop his collecting if he so desired) and superior to that of the Silver Surfer at his original cosmic power levels (for he believed even his power was lesser to any of the Elders of the Universe). A Watcher is also described as possessing the power to shatter worlds and set galaxies shaking. Eon claims the Watchers are "vastly powerful" and "near-omniscient."

    Uatu was said to be the "most powerful being in the galaxy."[67] The Watchers were said capable of making their very errant wishes reality -- Watchers can die simply by choosing to, yet are still capable of coming back to life by choosing not to be dead anymore.[68] Uatu has been proven able to block the telepathic probes of Galactus.[citation needed] Uatu is also believed to possess unbelievable immunity to physical damage, as even a weakened Uatu proved more than capable of withstanding the combined force of the full-force strikes of the Invisible Woman, the Human Torch, and a blast from a molecular disruptor designed by Doctor Doom himself.[citation needed]

    Matter Mobilizer: A device that Uatu used to hide the Earth from the Silver Surfer.[27]
    Extradimensional Portal: Uatu uses a portal to watch other realities in the Multiverse.[69] This portal also allows travel to those other realities. It was given to him by the Time-Keepers.[70]

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