Character Wishlist Thread 3.0



  • IamAwakeIamAwake Member Posts: 1

    Captain Ultra



  • NanandaimeanarutoNanandaimeanaruto Member Posts: 517 ★★

    Vincent Stegron (Earth-616)
    Vincent Stegron
    The Dinosaur Man,[1] Steggy[2]


    Dinosaur Physiology: After injected himself with a formula similar to the Connors Formula, only with dinosaur DNA, Stegron transformed into an orange semi-humanoid Stegosaurus-like creature.

    Superhuman Strength: Stegron possesses superhuman strength, allowing him to lift up to 20-25 Tons.
    Superhuman Speed: Stegron possesses superhuman speed, he can run and move at speeds greater than that of the finest human athlete.
    Superhuman Agility: Stegron's agility, balance, and bodily coordination are enhanced to levels that are beyond the natural physical limits of even the finest human athlete.
    Superhuman Stamina: Stegron's advanced musculature produces considerably less fatigue toxins during physical activity than the musculature of an ordinary human. He can physically exert himself at peak capacity for about 24 hours before fatigue begins to impair him.
    Superhuman Durability: Stegron's skin is very durable and is virtually bulletproof.
    Superhuman Reflexes: Stegron's reflexes are enhanced and are superior to those of the finest human athlete.
    Tail: Stegron has the tail of a Stegosaurus, complete with thagomizers, which he can use as a weapon or to grasp items.
    Claws: Stegron's fingers are each tipped with razor sharp claws that, combined with his natural strength, are able to cut most conventional materials including flesh, bone, wood, stone, and some types of metals.
    Psionics: Stegron also has the mental ability to control or manipulate any dinosaur in an unknown area around him. Recently he has exhibited the power to control or manipulate the reptilian part of the brain in any life form.
    Life-Force Absorption: in recent years Vincent has displayed a new ability to absorb the biological vitality within other beings similar to Sauron, though his capacity remains defined by tactile proximity to his target.
    Considering he was Dr. Conner's assistant and was able to modify the Lizard Formula, it's likely he has similar intellect to his superior.

    Like most reptiles, Stegron’s metabolism is slowed by cold, and will weaken him. In severe cold his body will, even involuntarily to him, shut itself down and go into a hibernating state until he can thaw up again; this can even take several months without damaging him or he will change back into a human.

    Stegron never learned how to swim.[16][17]
  • Jhonny5000Jhonny5000 Member Posts: 208 ★★
    Iron Samurai

  • Jhonny5000Jhonny5000 Member Posts: 208 ★★
    edited December 2022
  • Jhonny5000Jhonny5000 Member Posts: 208 ★★
    Thanos Samurai
  • Jhonny5000Jhonny5000 Member Posts: 208 ★★
  • Jhonny5000Jhonny5000 Member Posts: 208 ★★
    Spider-Armor Class:(Skill)
  • MillenniumMillennium Member Posts: 1
    Probable class: mutant





    Probable class: tech

    Doom 2099

    Death’s Head 2

    Recorder 451

    Ulysses Klaw

    Magus (Technarch)
    Probable class: Skill

    Mister X

    Sliver Sable


    Black knight

    Probable class: mystic

    Jack O’ Lantern


    Deacon frost


    Probably class: Cosmic

    Lady sif

    Tyr Odinson


    Superior carnage

    Probable class: Science


    Iceberg (Jack Pierce)


    Inferno (Dante Pertuz)

  • NanandaimeanarutoNanandaimeanaruto Member Posts: 517 ★★

    Protégé (Earth-691)

    Power Mimicry: The ability to duplicate the powers of other entities. Protégé's ability was so powerful that he was able to duplicate the powers of the Living Tribunal.

    Infinite omnipotence: Eternity stated it does not matter how many times he mimics -- Protégé will gain infinite omnipotence by himself in a certain amount of time.
  • NanandaimeanarutoNanandaimeanaruto Member Posts: 517 ★★

    Gideon (Earth-616)
    Gideon (last name)[1]

    Immortal: As an External, Gideon is effectively immortal and since becoming active after his first death he no longer ages. So despite being more than 500 years of age, he retained the appearance and vigor of a man in his physical prime.[3][51] Though Gideon can be put out of commission or seemingly destroyed for various periods of time, he can not be permanently killed.[55][56]

    Rapid Healing: As part of his own natural genetic mutation, Gideon is ability to endure injuries (within unknown limits) without lasting harm or seemingly feeling much pain[24], he could apparently regenerate injured or missing cells from even near-fatal injuries.[57][24] However, Gideon could fully regenerated such tissue by temporarily absorbing the abilities of a being that possessed a sufficiently developed healing factor.
    Resurrection: As an immortal, Gideon has shown to be able to resurrect himself from death.[49][58]
    Psychic-Link: As an Extertal, he shares a telepathic-link with his fellow Externals that allows them to not only sense each other and where, but can call on each other at will from great distances.[53] He is also able to sense when one rises from their first death and when one is killed by another External.[4][3][2][51][56]

    Power Mimicry: Gideon possess the ability of Super Human Enhancement Assimilation: the power to temporarily endow himself with the super powers of any beings in his proximity, whether they are a superhuman, android, or mechanical battlesuit. He scans and replicates his target's energy signatures and genetic templates, granting him a full understanding of the potential applications of the powers he acquires and enabling him to overwhelm an opponent with a superior mastery of their own powers.[13][24]

    While he assumed the powers of others, he doesn't take on any aspect of their appearance (for instance, he duplicated Speedball's Kinetic Energy Field without needing to increase his height or mass as Speedball needed).[24]
    Gideon has also shown not only to mimic the advanced skills, talents and powers of a subject but that of three subjects at once so far.[24][59]
    Gideon was an excellent combatant and had extensive training in multiple forms of armed and unarmed combat.

    Gideon can only be killed by having his life-force drained or heart eaten from a fellow External, but if the External fails to do the same to the other Externals he'll come back again.[60][61]
  • NanandaimeanarutoNanandaimeanaruto Member Posts: 517 ★★

    Everett Thomas (Earth-616)

    Everett Thomas[1]


    Synchronistic Power Replication: He possesses an aura that allows him to be "in synch" with other superhumans in his immediate vicinity, thereby gaining any powers they possess.[14] The powers Everett "synchs" will fade if the superhuman he is "in synch" with leaves the vicinity.[4] When Synch uses his powers, a multi-colored aura appears around his body. The aura is caused by the energies he is absorbing splitting the ambient light around him, which causes the described effect.[citation needed] Synch doesn't need just a physical person to copy powers. Tissue samples from superhumans are enough for him to copy their powers.[3]

    In a number of cases his manifestation of their powers may be more powerful or versatile, such as flight while synched with Chamber[19][20] or his aura becoming a protective shield while syncing Penance.[2]

    After being resurrected by Krakoa's the Five, Synch's baseline powers were amplified and he can now retain a limited "memory" of the people he was in synch with. This put Synch up for consideration for being an Omega mutant.[21]

    Aura Tracking: He was able to track other mutants by allowing his aura to lock on to a mutant's biosignature, and the aura extends in the general direction in which the mutant is located.[22]
    With his recent resurrection on Krakoa, he has seemingly transcended his past limitations. He has grown in power, and moved on from only absorbing mutant powers, but to all beings' powers. Everett has also synched his powers with others without having his aura visible.[14]

    Although Synch can now "sync" with people out of range from "memory," doing so shortens his lifespan and causes him to age rapidly.[25]
  • NanandaimeanarutoNanandaimeanaruto Member Posts: 517 ★★

    Hope Summers (Earth-616)

    Powers and Abilities


    Hope draws on the powers of Pixie, Transonic, Rockslide, Magneto and Gentle to face Kuurth

    Power Manipulation: Hope is an Omega level mutant[79][75] with ability to manipulate powers of other mutants in her close proximity,[75] but only mutants.[80]

    Power Mimicry: Hope's primary power allows her to copy the powers of any nearby mutant. Unlike other mutants with similar abilities, such as Rogue, Hope does not need to make physical contact and the person who's powers are copied suffers no ill effects. Hope seems to be subconsciously aware of any power she copies and is able to utilize it immediately, without any need to learn how to use them or even to see them in action first.[18][42] The powers she copies are at their full capacity[79] and she has full control over them[40] (regardless of how much the original wielder controls them and how well developed their powers are). Hope does not have any known limit on how many powers she can copy at the same time, but wielding multiple powers simultaneously is taxing on her.[52] The powers she duplicate fade away due to time, distance and usage.[81][82]
    Power Absorption Immunity: Hope herself is immune to power absorption abilities, as demonstrated when Rogue's power had no effect on her.[22][79]
    Power Regulation: Hope can stabilize the powers of other mutants and bring them to their most optimal state. Hope first used this ability to help the Lights, whose powers were unstable after activation.[83][47][84] Later on it became crucial to her role in The Five, as she continuously supported other members to keep their powers in peak condition, so that every resurrection was performed perfectly.[19] She also assisted two other Omega Level Mutants — Vulcan and Proteus — by supplying them with enough energy for completion of their part of Mars's terraformation.[78]
    Power Augmentation: Hope has the ability to aid mutants by temporarily unlocking the full potential of their powers and augmenting them.[19][78]
    Power Synergizing: Hope has demonstrated the ability to aid other mutants in using their powers in synergy. One of her roles among the Five is to synchronize their powers and to help them operate in unison.[19]
    Power Tracking: Hope can track down a mutant by sensing their power. She used this ability to find and catch Velocidad, when he himself wasn't able to control his powers, and when telepaths were unable to pinpoint his exact location. It is unknown whether this applied only to the Lights, or if Hope can use this ability to track any mutant.[20]
    Power Bestowment: First shown when she activated the Five Lights.[18] Hope later used this power — greatly augmented by the Phoenix Force — to activate a multitude of new mutants all around the world.[14]
    Psychic Energy and Undetectability: It is also notable that after Hope's initial detection at birth, Cerebra blew up.[85] After repairs were made the Three-in-One tried to search for her because she had been kidnapped by the Marauders yet she somehow became undetectable by mutant-detecting equipment. It is possible, however, that she was merely being shielded by Cable, as he was with her from the time she left the hospital until he left to stop the Nimrod-Series Sentinels.[86] Hope was again able to disguise her signal when both the X-Men and Avengers were looking across the globe for her, through the use of a device Cable taught her to build.[87]

    Lights' Influence and Bonding: Soon after Hope's return to the present day, five new X-Genes manifested across the globe. Besides her own birth, these were the first new manifestations of mutant powers since M-Day.[18] More new mutants have continued to manifest, but at a slower rate than the original five.[88] The Lights were shown to be linked to each other and to the new activations, with Hope able to exert a degree of control over them. Hope has exhibited both subconscious low level of persuasion or manipulation over the lights, and when pushed, the ability to take control over them entirely.[49][89][90] All the Lights were also affected by the suicide of Zeeshan.[50] That situation was witnessed by Laurie and Kenji,[49] and later by Kate Pryde.[91] Also, when the Sixth Light activated, all of the Lights were able to sense it.[88]

    The Five later developed a similar bond; they became an inseparable unit and preferred to always stay together. It is unknown if this was caused by Hope or was simply a result of them bonding through the shared use of their powers.[19]

    Former Powers
    Hope has learned to fight from Cable by observing him. Hope was further tutored in survival techniques, various hand-held firearms and blades, stealth, CPR, combat first-aid, warfare strategy, and some gymnastics.

    Physical Strength
    Possesses the strength of a normal girl her age, height, and build who engages in extreme regular exercise (although this can vary, depending on what powers she has access to)

    Lack Of Control: Hope's mutant powers are not fully under control and generates power levels that are potentially dangerous to people and environments around her.
    Power Limitation: Hope's ability to mimic superpowers is limited to mutants only.[80] Therefore, she cannot duplicate the abilities of non-mutant superpowered beings (i.e. Spider-Man, Luke Cage, or the Fantastic Four). Her duplicated powers do fade due to time, distance, and usage.[81][82] However, there were instances of Hope wielding powers from non-mutants. Such as the Scarlet Witch (who was believed to be a mutant at the time) and Shou-Lao the Undying (a mystical, immortal dragon).[63]
    Various firearms
  • NanandaimeanarutoNanandaimeanaruto Member Posts: 517 ★★

    Snot (Earth-616)

    Superhuman mucus generation and sneezing: Snot generates enormous amounts of mucus with different properties, and can project it by sneezing:

    Sticky mucus: Snot's mucus can be used to stick, or to immobilize a target.
    His mucus may have more offensive properties, as he is said to have killed a walrus the day his powers manifested.[1]
    Siege Perilous enhancement
    After passing through the Siege Perilous, he was granted a more muscular physique, with a higher strength level, possibly superhuman.

    His codename "Snot" was given to him by the Hellfire Academy, but he had suggested Captain Awesome Face or Super Nose Kid.[1]

  • NanandaimeanarutoNanandaimeanaruto Member Posts: 517 ★★

    Snot (Earth-616)

    Superhuman mucus generation and sneezing: Snot generates enormous amounts of mucus with different properties, and can project it by sneezing:

    Sticky mucus: Snot's mucus can be used to stick, or to immobilize a target.
    His mucus may have more offensive properties, as he is said to have killed a walrus the day his powers manifested.[1]
    Siege Perilous enhancement
    After passing through the Siege Perilous, he was granted a more muscular physique, with a higher strength level, possibly superhuman.

    His codename "Snot" was given to him by the Hellfire Academy, but he had suggested Captain Awesome Face or Super Nose Kid.[1]

  • ElementbenderElementbender Member Posts: 1



    Maximus the mad

    The Marquis of Death

    Agent Anti-Venom
  • NanandaimeanarutoNanandaimeanaruto Member Posts: 517 ★★

    Forge (Earth-616)
    Unrevealed [1]
    Maker,[2] Skitch[3]


    Forge is a mutant and Tribal Shaman.

    He has been stated to be a High Threat by the O*N*E, while Nimrod inversely classified him at a Low Threat Level.[48]

    Mutant Powers
    Intuitive Genius: Superhuman intuitive talent for inventing mechanical devices. His mutant ability functions as perception, as he possesses the ability to visually perceive "mechanical energy" (the kinetic energy and potential energy present in the components of mechanical systems) in action. This power allows Forge to instinctively know and understand the potential and functional operations of any machine or technological device in his visual range, a skill that, combined with his natural intelligence, allows him to conceive, design, and build mechanical devices; and operate, modify, and disassemble existing technology or create countermeasures for it.[49] Forge's superhuman talent does not mean that he is a greater inventor than geniuses such as Reed Richards, Victor von Doom, or Anthony Stark, none of whom owe their talent for invention to mutation. But even a genius at invention must, for the most part, consciously work out the theoretical principles behind the invention and then design the invention itself through a series of logical steps. In Forge's case, however, many of these logical steps would be worked out by his subconscious mind. Hence, Forge himself might not be entirely aware of exactly how he figured out how to create an invention of his; he often has to take apart his own inventions to see how they work.[17] He has created fantastic futuristic devices including cybernetic systems, sophisticated holograms, and elaborate computer and fiber-optic systems.[7][50][15]

    Shaman Powers
    Sorcery: He also has a high mystical aptitude and has developed several magical spells, including a so-called "spirit sight," the ability to open portals to other dimensions, the ability to steal and use others' souls to enhance his mystical spells, and to separate his mind from his body and travel in a spirit form (similar to Professor's X Astral Form). For the most part, he has not used these abilities in years, and hence is out of practice in wielding them.[9]

    Forge is an accomplished athlete and trained soldier. Expertise in many areas of science and technology, extensive knowledge of Native American magic.

    Forge was mentally insane. Wolverine stated during the Manifest Destiny that he was crazy for about at least twenty years, according to a CIA agent. He was then approached by Cable who used his telepathy to create a scenario which portrayed Forge's mind as a machine which was repaired by Forge, curing himself of his insanity.

    Forge's right leg is cybernetic, a replacement he created for his original leg, which was lost during combat operations in Vietnam. It contains various devices which he has used in emergencies. He has also harvested it for parts.[51]

    Forge sometimes employs devices of his own invention. Most notable among these was his neutralizer gun that could suppress superhuman mutant abilities. The only known examples of this device have been destroyed.[8]

    Forge has constructed and piloted several aerial vehicles. He once stole a Ghost Box from mutants invaders from an alternate reality, intending to use it as a channel to his own invading troops.[32]
  • NanandaimeanarutoNanandaimeanaruto Member Posts: 517 ★★
    edited January 2023

    Eegro (Earth-616)
    Eegro the Unbreakable
    steroid Yoda[1]

    Eegro's origins are unknown, but he appears to possess a vast array of powers, including:

    Lava hands: Eegro's hands have the appearance of molten rock and, upon contact, seem capable of melting most materials.[1]
    Superhuman Strength: Eegro punched Víctor Álvarez with enough strength to send him flying through the roof of the Met.[1]
    Telepathy: Eegro possesses some degree of telepathy, allowing to counter Persuasion's psychic powers and later learning the English language.[1]
  • NanandaimeanarutoNanandaimeanaruto Member Posts: 517 ★★

    Gutsen Glory (Earth-616)
    Gutsen Glory

    Gutsen Glory is a cyborg with a mysterious past who was invited to join the Thunderbolts under Clint Barton's leadership after data suggested that having a "man of mystery" would do well with the public.[2]


    Gutsen Glory has been seen carrying all sorts of high tech weaponry, including a particle rupture laser, subdual grenades, capture grenades and also smaller handguns.[2]

    Gutsen Glory was described by his creator, Jim Zub, as being "intentionally a 90's throwback, at least on the surface" and a "cyber-soldier with a vast array of high-tech toys and a mysterious past".[3]
  • CountfreezeCountfreeze Member Posts: 1





    Death’s Head
  • Jhonny5000Jhonny5000 Member Posts: 208 ★★
    Iron Spider
  • Jhonny5000Jhonny5000 Member Posts: 208 ★★
    Captain Spider
  • Jhonny5000Jhonny5000 Member Posts: 208 ★★
    Captain America (Cosmic)
  • Jhonny5000Jhonny5000 Member Posts: 208 ★★
    Captain America (Bucky Barnes)
  • Jhonny5000Jhonny5000 Member Posts: 208 ★★
    Falcon (Classic)
  • Jhonny5000Jhonny5000 Member Posts: 208 ★★
    Iron Man (Mutant)
  • ProwlerSymbioteProwlerSymbiote Member Posts: 526 ★★
    Kylun (Mutant)

    Major Deadpool (Mutant)

    Mangaverse Wolverine (Mutant)

    Black Panther (Shuri) (Skill)

    Squid (Science)

    Set (Mystic)
  • TheTraveller1TheTraveller1 Member Posts: 1



    U.S. Agent (John Walker)


  • ProwlerSymbioteProwlerSymbiote Member Posts: 526 ★★
    Poison (Cosmic)

    Thrr (Cosmic)

    Blizzard (Tech)

    Pod (Tech)
  • Keil238YTKeil238YT Member Posts: 5
    So the boss idea is for the titan of time, Kronos. His main mechanic would be called “time-shift” and it’s where his abilities are determined by the attackers year tag.
    2014: “Old is gold” Every time you parry twice within a 5 second timer, he gains an indefinite golden guard passive granting +1000 armor, +10% physical and energy resistances, and +500 block proficiency.
    2015: “Second time of asking” Once every 10 seconds, 5% of your health is siphoned to Kronos. Every time this effect activates, The potency is increased by 5%. Special intercepts reset the timer.
    2016: “repetition is key” during Kronos’ special attacks, he places a passive root and petrify on the attacker. The potency of the petrify is 120%.
    2017: “New Beginnings” When Kronos is brought below the threshold of a bar of power, he instantly gains 2% of missing health. Gains immunity to ability accuracy reduction.
    2018: “Just As I Remembered”
    When the attacker uses a special attack, a ‘repeat offense’ effect is placed on them for 5 seconds, this effect detonates for 30% of the attackers Health if it expires. Intercept to remove this effect.
    2019: “My Time to Shine” Every time the attacker stuns Kronos, he gains stun immunity for 6 seconds. Stun effects that would be triggered in this span are reflected onto the attacker.
    2020: “Enough Waiting” After 60 seconds, a degen passive is placed on the attacker, dealing 100% of their health over 6 seconds
    2021: “Almost Over With” Kronos Gains +1000 attack, critical damage, and critical hit rating every 15 seconds. Heavy intercepting Kronos refreshes this timer.
    2022: “Armageddon”
    Hitting Kronos using the same type of attack twice in a row grants him +250 physical and energy resistance. Hitting Into his block using the same type of attack twice in a row places a resistance down passive on him, decreasing his physical and energy resistance by 250. These passives cannot bring Kronos below starting resistance.
    2023: “End of Days”
    Every 15 seconds, Kronos gains a passive power gain, granting 66% power over 3 seconds. Once this passive ends he gains an indefinite fury buff, granting +5% of base attack. Knocking Kronos down resets the 15 second timer.
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