Character Wishlist Thread 3.0



  • F16F16 Member Posts: 15
    edited August 2023
    Hello :)

    Man-Spider (Mutant)

    N’Kantu the living mummy (Mystic)

    Surtur (Cosmic)

    Max Raxton / Molten Man (Science)

  • Jhonny5000Jhonny5000 Member Posts: 208 ★★


    Spy Master

    Living Laser

    Ghost (Classic)




    Crimson Dynamo

    Titanium Man
  • ProwlerSymbioteProwlerSymbiote Member Posts: 526 ★★
    Characters they should add together:

    Rescue (Tech)

    Madame Masque (Skill)
  • KingTritonKingTriton Member Posts: 1


    Union Jack


    Vindicator (Heather Hudson)

    Agent 13 (Sharon Carter)


  • starsilverwitchstarsilverwitch Member Posts: 3
    Please PLEASE make Everett Ross a character!!

    At least an agent pack or something like that consists of Agent Phil Coulson, Agent Everett Ross, Agent Maria Hill, Agent Melinda May, Agent Sharon Carter, and maybe an updated version of Hawkeye (Clint Barton) please take this into consideration if you do see this <33
  • WinterwarriorWinterwarrior Member Posts: 1


    Red Shift

    Nova (Frankie Raye)


    Fallen One
  • Thi101Thi101 Member Posts: 807 ★★★


    Signature Ability - Perfect Impersonating

    Increases the chance to copy opponents buffs to 75%. It can no longer be reduced by Ability Accuracy Reductions of any kind.
    All copied buffs have a fixed duration of 15 seconds.
    Upon successfully copying a buff already active on Mystique, it is converted into a permanent buff instead. If the buff is already in permanent state, another one is stacked on top of it, up to a max of 5 stacks of each buff.
    Unstoppable, Unblockable, Immortality and Indestructible buffs cannot become permanent and only last 7 seconds instead.
    If a buff is nullified on Mystique, the opponent also loses one buff of the same kind if they have one.

    Passive - Critical Shift

    Mystique’s ability to shift her internal organs as she desires allows her to avoid most critical hits.
    Non-damaging debuffs on Mystique have their duration decreased by 50%.

    Passive - Copycat

    When the opponent gains a buff, Mystique has a 50% chance of copying it on herself. If the buff was permanent, its copy lasts 7 seconds.
    Buff timers are paused during special attacks.

    Special Attacks have 5% increased Critical Hit Chance and Critical Damage for each current buff active on Mystique.

    Special Attack 1

    Has a 50% chance to Stun for 5 seconds.
    Each hit with a gunshot has 30% chance to inflict a Bleed debuff.

    Special Attack 2

    Copies all current buffs active on the opponent. If there are any permanent ones, their copies last 10 seconds.
    Each hit has 50% chance to inflict an Armor Break.

    Special Attack 3

    100% chance to inflict a Stun.
    70% chance to inflict Bleed.
    50% chance to inflict Armor Break.
    Refreshes the duration of all active buffs.
  • Jhonny5000Jhonny5000 Member Posts: 208 ★★

    Iron Monger

    Count Nefaria


    Madame Masque




    Spy Master

    Living Lazer

    Ghost (Classic)




    Justine Hammer





    Ezekiel Stane

    Sasha Hammer

    Detroit Steel

    Fin Fang Foom


    Crimson Dynamo

    Titanium Man
  • Thi101Thi101 Member Posts: 807 ★★★


    Base Stats

    (Based on a 5-star Rank 5/65)

    Attack: 2673
    Health: 29132

    Signature Ability - Perfect Shapeshift

    Increases the Copycat’s chance of copying buffs to 60-75% and increase their duration to 10-15s. It is no longer affected by Ability Accuracy Reductions of any kind.
    Upon successfully copying a buff already active, it becomes permanent instead.
    Successfully copying a buff already in permanent state adds one stack. Each unique buff can stack up to 5 times.
    • Unstoppable, Unblockable, Indestructible and Immortal buffs cannot become permanent and last 7 seconds when copied.
    If a buff is Nullified on Mystique, the opponent loses one buff of the same kind, if possible.

    Passive - Copycat

    Every time the opponent gains a buff, for any reason other than this ability, Mystique has a 50% chance of copying it.
    Copied buffs last 7 seconds.
    Copying a buff already active on Mystique refreshes the currently active one instead of adding another stack.
    • Unstoppable, Unblockable, Indestructible and Immortal buffs cannot be refreshed.

    Passive - Critical Shift

    Mystique’s ability to shift her internal organs as she pleases makes her less likely to be hit with critical damage.
    All attacks that would be critical, have a 70% chance to deal regular damage instead.
    Non-damaging debuffs on Mystique have their durations reduced by 40%.

    Special Attacks

    Special Attacks have 5% increased Critical Strike Chance and Critical Damage for each buff currently active on Mystique.

    Special Attack 1

    Mystique pulls out her pistol and fire 2 shots forward before advancing on the opponent and striking with a Roundhouse Kick.
    Each gunshot has 35% chance to inflict a Bleed. The final kick has a 50% chance to Stun for 4 seconds.

    Special Attack 2

    Mystique throws a single punch, briefly shapeshifts into the opponent, and performs a small punch-punch-kick combo before returning to normal.
    Upon shapeshifting, Mystique places a Disorient debuff on the opponent for 6 seconds.
    If the opponent is Disoriented, each hit of the final combo has a 25% chance to apply an Armor Break for 4 seconds, reducing the opponent’s Armor Rating by 30% each.

    Special Attack 3

    Mystique delivers a series of punches before reaching for her gun and firing 3 times and reaching for one final kick.
    Has 55% chance to inflict a Bleed and 60% chance to inflict an Armor Break.
    Mystique copies all currently active buffs on the opponent (respecting the rules of Copycat and Perfect Shapeshift)


    (Not including the basic stats synergies like “Teammates”)

    The mutant cause:

    Unique Synergy: Does not stack with duplicate synergies

    Mystique: While hitting on blocking opponents, if a strike would crit if they weren’t blocking, gain 5% chance to crit through the block for each buff currently active.
    Magneto: Reduce the Unstoppable cooldown by 50%
    Professor X: *Something cool here*


    (With Storm, Rogue, Jubilee and Kitty Pryde)

    Female teammates have 10% increased attack against Male opponents.
  • Jack2634Jack2634 Member Posts: 1,017 ★★★
    FPC3 said:

    Mr. Sinster (Science)

    Apocalypse (Cosmic, Tech, Mutant)

    Stryfe (Mutant)

    Sabretooth (Mutant)

    Jubilee (Mutant)

    Havok (Mutant)

    Polaris (Mutant)

    Quicksilver (Mutant)

    Lady Deathstrike (Tech)

    Omega Red (Science)

    Blade (Mystic)

    Bullseye (Skill)

    Carnage (Cosmic)

    Dr. Octopus (Science)

    Green Goblin (Tech, Science)

    Kingpin (Skill)

    Kraven the Hunter (Skill)

    the Lizard (Science)

    Mysterio (Tech)

    Vulture (Tech)

    woa you are insane my dude !
  • TimemakerTimemaker Member Posts: 1

    Wonder man




  • BartekTymoczkoBartekTymoczko Member Posts: 309 ★★
    Magus - Mystic

    High Evolutionary - Tech

  • BartekTymoczkoBartekTymoczko Member Posts: 309 ★★
    Night Spider - Mystic

    Hunter-Spider - Skill/Mystic

  • BartekTymoczkoBartekTymoczko Member Posts: 309 ★★
    Carrion - Science

    Shriek - Mutant

  • BartekTymoczkoBartekTymoczko Member Posts: 309 ★★
    Iron Man Supreme - Mystic

    Detroit Steel - Tech

  • BartekTymoczkoBartekTymoczko Member Posts: 309 ★★
    Mandarin (Wenwu) - Mystic/Skill

    Fin Fang Foom - Cosmic

  • BartekTymoczkoBartekTymoczko Member Posts: 309 ★★
    edited August 2023
    Freak - Science

    Nightwatch - Skill

  • WesternFlameWesternFlame Member Posts: 1

    Typhoid Mary

    Wraith (Zak-del)



  • Thi101Thi101 Member Posts: 807 ★★★
    edited August 2023

    Champion design for Blink

  • Thi101Thi101 Member Posts: 807 ★★★


  • BartekTymoczkoBartekTymoczko Member Posts: 309 ★★
    Thi101 said:


    Whole concept is SICK, but I would add to the Spider-Verse synergy the Spidey 2099, but that's all 😉. Again, concept is SICK!!!
  • BartekTymoczkoBartekTymoczko Member Posts: 309 ★★

    Thi101 said:


    Whole concept is SICK, but I would add to the Spider-Verse synergy the Spidey 2099, but that's all 😉. Again, concept is SICK!!!
    Maybe...Physical Vulnerability and Wither debuffs gets +10% potency?
  • Thi101Thi101 Member Posts: 807 ★★★

    Maybe...Physical Vulnerability and Wither debuffs gets +10% potency?

    I think that having the synergy affect her Physical Vulnerability is weird, since she only applies those with her Signature ability.
    Having a synergy that is only useful for her if she’s awakened feels weird tbh
  • ProwlerSymbioteProwlerSymbiote Member Posts: 526 ★★
    Ellisiv (Cosmic)

    Starbrand Kid (Cosmic)

    Blade 2099 (Skill)

    Coachwhip (Skill)

    Screwball (Skill)

    Dansen Macabre (Mystic)

    Ghost Ronin (Mystic)

    Chat (Mutant)

    Spider-Queen (Science)

    Victorious (Cosmic)
  • WiseoracleWiseoracle Member Posts: 1

    N’Kantu the Living Mummy

    Blue marvel




    god emperor doom

  • CryptkeeperCryptkeeper Member Posts: 5





    Iron maiden
  • BartekTymoczkoBartekTymoczko Member Posts: 309 ★★
    Fantomex - Mutant

    Ajax - Tech

  • BartekTymoczkoBartekTymoczko Member Posts: 309 ★★
    Blue Marvel - Science

    Anti-Man - Cosmic

  • BartekTymoczkoBartekTymoczko Member Posts: 309 ★★
    Bloodscream - Mystic

    Razor-Fist - Skill

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