Please be aware, there is a known issue with Saga badging when observing the AW map.
The team have found the source of the issue and will be updating with our next build.
We apologize for the inconvenience.

Character Wishlist Thread 3.0



  • Options
    BartekTymoczkoBartekTymoczko Posts: 307 ★★
    F16 said:

    Surtur (MCU or Classic)

    Cosmic or Mystic

    Tbh I would prefer to see Mystic Surtur looking like this:

  • Options
    RecrutadorOmegaRecrutadorOmega Posts: 1,077 ★★★★



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    RecrutadorOmegaRecrutadorOmega Posts: 1,077 ★★★★

    Old Man Halkeye


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    RecrutadorOmegaRecrutadorOmega Posts: 1,077 ★★★★



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    RecrutadorOmegaRecrutadorOmega Posts: 1,077 ★★★★



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    RecrutadorOmegaRecrutadorOmega Posts: 1,077 ★★★★

    Old Man Spider

    Superior Octopus

  • Options
    RecrutadorOmegaRecrutadorOmega Posts: 1,077 ★★★★

    Nova Frankie Raye


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    Zeus0206Zeus0206 Posts: 42

    Supreme Strange


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    Zeus0206Zeus0206 Posts: 42

    The Watcher


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    Zeus0206Zeus0206 Posts: 42


    Baron Blood

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    Zeus0206Zeus0206 Posts: 42

    Boom Boom


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    Zeus0206Zeus0206 Posts: 42



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    ButtehrsButtehrs Posts: 5,014 ★★★★★
    @RecrutadorOmega you ain't fooling anyone with your alt account Zeus lol. No need to spam the suggestions man. Besides half the stuff you keep posting you've already posted and the other half are redskins of what we have. Talon? That's darkhawk man.
  • Options
    Zeus0206Zeus0206 Posts: 42



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    Zeus0206Zeus0206 Posts: 42



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    BartekTymoczkoBartekTymoczko Posts: 307 ★★
    Buttehrs said:

    @RecrutadorOmega you ain't fooling anyone with your alt account Zeus lol. No need to spam the suggestions man. Besides half the stuff you keep posting you've already posted and the other half are redskins of what we have. Talon? That's darkhawk man.

    Honestly, I'm starting to think that this may be the most ordinary bot in the world. He ignores people, he doesn't stop spamming with suggestions, and above all, how on earth is this guy able to post over 100 characters in 1-2 hours without a break? That's kinda suspicious...
  • Options
    RecrutadorOmegaRecrutadorOmega Posts: 1,077 ★★★★
    My nephew had logged into my account so he could repost spam of ready-made new characters that I had posted here last year, don't get him wrong, so the large amount in a short time, he's a big fan of Marvel and the game, including the another account is his, I just came here and saw that it caused some inconvenience, so I'm sorry to everyone.
  • Options
    BartekTymoczkoBartekTymoczko Posts: 307 ★★

    My nephew had logged into my account so he could repost spam of ready-made new characters that I had posted here last year, don't get him wrong, so the large amount in a short time, he's a big fan of Marvel and the game, including the another account is his, I just came here and saw that it caused some inconvenience, so I'm sorry to everyone.

    Ooooooohhhh...okay. Alright then, that explains a lot. Sorry for the judgments about being a bot, but on the one hand, there were so many posts within a few days that it became a real mess. I hope everything is fine and I didn't offend you too much with this text about the bot. Once again, sorry.
  • Options
    ButtehrsButtehrs Posts: 5,014 ★★★★★

    My nephew had logged into my account so he could repost spam of ready-made new characters that I had posted here last year, don't get him wrong, so the large amount in a short time, he's a big fan of Marvel and the game, including the another account is his, I just came here and saw that it caused some inconvenience, so I'm sorry to everyone.

    Just tell him to chill if that's true lol. We all want all the characters eventually. Spamming the thread also causes kabam to miss most of the suggestions.
  • Options
    Timekeeper12Timekeeper12 Posts: 1

    Black tarantula



    Weapon H
  • Options
    GonzaaaGonzaaa Posts: 2
    Quasar Iron Spider Blob Outlaw A-Bomb Dracula
    Lockjaw Deathlock Pyro Hellcat Nuke Kaecilius
    Tyrant Skurge Northstar Stick Skaar Gao
    Korvac Shiker Mystique Ka-Zar Spider Cloack
    Hellfire Tinkerer Fang Mockinbird Blackout Dagger
    Hive Maverick Mimic Imhotep Spider Punk Hellstorm
    Deathbird Kraglin Cannonball Nakia Klaw Killgrave
    Blue Marvel Loctus Firestar Ares Lizard Karnilla
    Starbrand Hobglobin Hellion Walrus Fredzilla Shiklah
    Nightmask James Ariel Synapse Whizzer Mandarin
    Triton Rescue Thunderbird Prowler Goliath Talisman
    Gorgon Blizzard Banshee Maniak Purple Man Enchantress
    Beta Ray Bill Beetle Graymalkin Mockingbird Living Laser Merlin
    Miek Whirlwind Magma Scalphunter Paragon Umar
    Shaman Seeker Nekra Blindspot Solara Wendigp
    Thundra Firepower Riptide Destroyer Lider Malekith
    Blur Rescue Romulus Warstrike Wave Anubis
    Supergiant Holocaust Tarot Scourge Stingray Blackheart
    Galactus Warstar Siryn Miek Spinerette Zom
    Zarek Supernaut Sabra Batroc Sunstreak Cleo
    Torrin Mauler Vanisher Montana Bloodlust Nightmare
    Inferno Mindblast Theia Swordsman Knockout Clear
    Mar-Vel Lancelot Shade Sin- Eater Devastator Argus
    Beyonder Galahad Squirrel girl Sin Saber Bloodwraith
    Korath Gawain Morph Conan Grizly Daytripper
    Stardust Percival Manifold Zabu Gwenom Lorelei
    Krugarr Bonebreaker Fantomex 8- Ball Orca Wichfire
    Wraith Force Forge Krang Tigershark Genis Vell
    Poseidon Shockwave Vance Astro Paladin Stinger Phyla Vell
    Wonder M Force Sunfire Big-Man Hulkpool Vengeance
    Balder Grasshoper Armor Marionette Graviton Grimreaper
    Hogun Hammerhead Yukio Mustang Jewel Spitfire
    Neutron Wizard Kamal Squaweye Carrion U- Man
    Captain U Arcade Katu Punfisher Silk Vector
    Cyttorak Bonebreak Zero Lord Byrrah Spineret Lancer
    Roit Folkiller Zeistgeist Kull Puma Threkker
    Lash Porcupine Rancor Lady Dorma Tombstone Venus
    Singularity Solo Marrow Black knight Plantman Poseidon
    Martyr Danger Avalanche Nakia Mettle Wildpride
    Sprite Bi-Beast Nitro Tarantula Aquarian Moonglow
    Raina Bluebird Boomerang Trickshot Batwing Man-Ape
    Druig Scorpia Daken Lady Dorma Owl Topaz
    Gordon Discord Pixie Jarella Squid Minotaur
    Phastos Lockdown Warpath Puma Superia Wentigra
    Runner Ringmaster Dreadknight Nightbird Vermin Knightblade
    Magniton Immortus Speed D Chord Kaine Hellhound
    Thena Quasimodo Silver S Zaran Sandmanatee Terror
    Lyja Firebrand Arclight Andromeda Quicksand Hoggoth

    Mother Crossfire
    Cyber Kid Omega
    Bedlam Aneka
    Plundered Vibraxas
    Adva Agamotto
    Laufey Unicorn Skids Boomslang Presence Wrecker
    Phage Guardsman Thorn Cocachwhip Vormund Thunderball
    Ares Iron-Lad Leech Ferdelanche Atlas Piledrive
    Toxin Cammi Ricot Coachwhip Spidercide Bulldozer
    Cosmo Menace Vanisher Songbird The Ox Greithoth
    Orrgo Raza Unus Jovian Cyclone Nerkkod
    Requiem Machinesmith Icarus Entrophy Malice Mokk
    Magus Acroyear Amazon Ahab Carnom Kuurth
    Xemnu Nightshade Aurora Aspid Armadillo Nul
    Ultragirl Smasher Cerebra Languria Nomad Skadi
    Triathlon Bushwaker Legion Jillian Battlestar Angrir
    Hepzibah Biotron Sharp Catseye Swarm Skirn
    Thrr Turbo Proteus Kaluu Brainchild Merlyn
    Deathcry Controller Vulcun Genesis Marrina Roma
    Serpent Pod Exodus Hellstrom Killpower Kobik
    Ch´od Gauntlet Feral Korvack Silence Fautista
    Huntarr Pigeon Sluggo Buri Lightnin Calypso
    Goddess Hobbglober Deathstorm Abyss Hardball Wreckingball
    Torunn Recluse Powderker Hrimhari Anaconda Thorbuster
    Aron Roch Depthcharge Rictor Komodo Silhouette
    Blastaar Spymaster Shatterstar Grotesk Veranke Set
    Broo Red-Raven Frenzy Sphinx Bling Zombie
    Zuras Sidewinder Surge Phanta Validator Baron Blood
    Starfox Chameleon Chamber Lorna Torpid Power Man
    Ahura Jester Firefist Madman Seraph Thunderstrike
    Toro Torpedo Bolt Victorius Offer Goose Rider
    Titan Tyranuss Mirage Darkstar Nezarr Malefactor
    Hiroim Cardiac Silverfox Thane Nayra Badger
    Wundarr Melter Flatman Hyperstorm Meranno Croak
    Sif Egghead Mavick Arishem Mousie Hallow
    Moonstone Flipside Skein Hazmat Kili Satannish
    Mastodon Cottonmouth Micromax Zanda Kallark Pildriver
    Glitter Silvermane Bloodhawk Tusk Hippo Demogoblin
    Titus Terminatrix Glorian Iska Elinore Reptil
    Hyperbrand Foolkiller Threnody Genevieve Akihiro Morlum
    Firebird Titaniun Man Mentallo Birdy Zayla Brix
    Taserface Fury Forearm Tyros Momakase Ghost spider
    Inbetweener Rocket Racer Wildslide Gaea Vadhaka Lilith
    Ajak Scorcher Skullfire Gilpert Morrat Blazing Skull
    Magnitron Motormouth Husk Entity Molto Kamilla
    Slingshot Pretty Boy Shard Stature Kuthu Mordred
    Lightspeed Rattler Bluestreak Arachnight Kubark Adversary
    Morg Clash Kylun Grendal Karn Bast
    Eitri Talonar Fitzroy Krona Bellona Deathrider
    Dark Angel Arsenal Doorman Muramasa Acari Poison
    Ringtoss Protector Basilisk Scorn Ngara Shamrock
    Manta I.S.A.A.C. Anarchist Margali Locust Kubick
    Gatecrasher Defensor Vivirsector Harpia Lifeform Korrek
    Volcana Mandroid Senyaka Misille Lascivious Kamran

    Skybreaker Sirym Ceiera Overmind Tutinax Norm
    Astra Vostok Blockbuster Scorch Lacuna Jolen
    Flashfire Copperhead Game M Golddiger Amir Belial
    Electron Starling Sunder Gigantus Amshed Gravemoss
    Starbolt Tiboro Synch Gibborim Ardvarkt Belathauzer
    Fascination Torg War Ghaur Ardwolf Daemon
    Kro Supercharger Justice Gazelle Arcus Eegro
    Athena Ritcher Famine Gavel Abadon Leigon
    Talos Missy Reaper Ganymede Aban Jinn
    Tarna Rartak Aguila Gaia Abarac Firefall
    Uranian Fetish Asp Freya Abahia Molek
    Keeyah Literbug Diamond Lill Friday Abbot LIan
    M´Lanz Spiderling Morrigan Friction Abdi Hellhawk
    Sky Haechi Puff Adder Foxfire Abdol Pyronanos
    Virtue Trinary Rock Phyton Ferret Abelard Kratar
    Hermes Hardcase Hurricane Feron Abena Moltar
    Hildegarde Solarr Hunstman Ferocia Abeni Pyron
    Meteorite Perun Hoder Firearm Abercombie Svarozvich
    Terraxia Nastrirh Hindsight Fasaud Abigor Jutta
    Sire-Hate Kirigi Hildegoun Equinox Abigar Raskk
    Ransak Naga Hildegrade Ectokid Abrogate Relur
    Epoch Kubic Hephaestus Dreadnough Abstract Sonfire
    Kronos Korreck Hellrazor Darter Absynthe Thog
    Pagon Kaatu Harriet Damballah Abwama Typhon
    Nur Infectia Hardriver Astronomer Acba Whatchfire
    Lunatik Ikthalon Hardshell Aala Acolon Zon
    Starlight Idunn Gosamyr Aliyah Achebe Infinaut
    Acitua Aculdi Adad Adahm Adai Hello
    Adamantine Aenetus Aglodr Airdale Alfrig Magnet
    Adena Aentaros Agmarr Aiero Algrim Alioth
    Adi Aera Agnar Airhead Alhambra Height
    Adoma Aeric Agogin Ajaxis Allatou Snowguard
    Adonai Aeristron Agon Ajna Allehk Brain
    Adoro Aeroika Agonistes Ajonga Luminor Okoye
    Adramaelec Aeroelite Agor Ajort Phantazia Maker
    Adriel Aeshma Agrat Ajujo Radius Grogg
    Adirenne Aesklos Agrom Ajysyt Black Mamba Anole
    Adron Aethra Agron Aka Quill Hornet
    Adulaysha Afterburner Aguja Akagi Morass Ringer
    Adur Aftermath Ahalgana Akage Slipwalker Animax
    Adula Aftershock Ahalpuh Akaman Oddball Tosin
    Adwoma Agamemnom Ahaltocob Akar Haywire Asteroth
    Aegus Agamodin Ahirom Akatora Boar Chasm
    Aegialues Agarn Ahmbra Alaric Vostox Mikhail
    Aegis Agathon Ahmyor Alaris Shelob Ikon
    Aegisthus Agidist Ahna Albakor Drang Bastion
    Aeish Agelaus Ahglau Alberich Gravedigger Patriot
    Aelfric Aggamon Ahriman Aleph Zaladane Nighmare
    Aelfyre Aggregate Aiko Alesky Razorsharp Kori
    Aeltri Aghane Alima Surtur Strabe Meruda
    Aeneas Agitator Airborne Comet Buzzer Missile
    Shepherd Octessence Arioch Scrier Desak Huntsman
    Blowhard Bliss Healer Hump Pester Bertam
    Scaleface Marilou MeMe Litertbug Bison Bombshell
    Bomblast Bereet Battleaxe Bor Bova Brutacus
    Bullwalk Barrage Caber Cancer Libra Chewie
    Capricorn Barbarus Cardinal Chaka Charon Arachknight
    Mammomax Riddle Alistro Alkebulan Alkemist Alkhema
    Allanson Allmour Allo Allura Allure Alpo
    Alriac Althea Amaunet Kahhori Kid Colt Cosmo
    Megalocks Militant Ravonna Herbie Trauma Amalgam
    Alflyse Andromeda Andro Amp Crosta Dashak
    Deathcharge Flare Genesis Helblindi Zaffer Ziran
    Askani Brutus Byleister Guslaug Arcadian Beleth
    Bodolf Buel Nephri Auric Ape X Nemesis
    Marilla Hotshot Prossessor Genocide Stallior Screech
    Annex Spyder Headmistres Cannibal Wildheart Kala
    Reaver Pearla Chrome Jailbait Sapna Base
    Vesper Hummingbird Nazé Ratatoskr Thumbelina Slab
    Lectronn Chandu Sluice Guardian Cancer Legba
    Devlor Ultimus Selim Kelpie Sphinxor Lobe
    Flambé Psyklop Cynosure Gorani Cleopatra Tarianna
    Praeter Zemu Sleipnir Omnibus Manslaught Pave
    Brutal Steen Lightbright Gaunt Killerwatt Canis
    Ladyhawk Mountjoy Daimyo Akio Daiki Shimada
    Hideo Shino Namiko Senkichi Solus Monark
    Everyman Ezekiel Finesse Fire- Eater Firelord Freakshow
    Freebooter Frenchie Frigga Grindhouse Grinder Greystone
    Harsdhell Hermod Hitman Hildegund Krestrel Khonshu
    Klaatu Kleinstocks Krylar Murmur Mustafa Junkpile
    Disruptor Porlock Matamorph Syntheziser Warskrull Visimajoris
    Vishanti Tomazooma Humbug Snowblind Neptune Crippler
    Xarus Norn Hellinger Jennix Garokk Sincro
    Gravity Goldbug Leftwinger Lifeguard Tarzan Tangerine
    Nineteenth Spider- Byte Weapon VIII Omen Spider- Boy Uranos
    Sommus Headlok Lockheed Jahf Shadowcat Paige Guthrie
    Phat Batrering Plazm La Nuit Windshear Looter
    Kaardum Wynd Lamprey Redstone Mink Skymax
    Skylark Amphibian Yahweh Remnant Leir Madrox
    Vanguard Answer Razorback Screwbeard Hugin Lava Man
    Puff Adder Avoe Aragorn Aquarius Apollo Blacklash
    Buzzard Butterball Buzz Carnivore Colonel Coldblood
    Carrie Evilhawk Commcast Perez Kindra Irae
    Asmoday Nada Blowback Deacon Plasma Faiza
    Infestation Axelle Leonus Taboo Jidenu Ohyaku
    Diamondba Fusion Wastrel Pood Demolisher Hellspawn
    Yrdisis Hákon Suumaro Karanthes Genii Highnote
    Moonstalker Threadneedle Eilif Centurius Hellhorse Sayge
    Midas Ogress Tantra Buldgeon Broker Hazard
    Cuckoo Hex Godseye Overseer Belter Xander
    Geiger Misfit Philo Spearhead Itsu Mongoose
    Negus Gemini Scorpio Thornn Vakume Quickfire
    Lasher Zatama Stargod Gorgilla Janus Hawkshaw
    Kristin Sidearm Annale Bounty Makeshift Shadowman
    Samurai Cornfed Bercilak Asmodeus Ziegler Patten
    Scimitar Muzha Jinzha Betilak Hellbride Mangler
    Cadget Sigyn Snot Zzutak Tanarus Nahrees
    Barbarius Karnak Aim Nikki Foxbat Psynapse
    Devo Flagman Tenpin Southpaw Varikk Skullbuster
    Slick Mowfus Junta Aradnea Highwayman Astrolabe
    Aerolite Colonizer Rittho Soulstriker Norio Hexadecimal
    Monstroid Pisces Fooh Iridia Motherboard Mendev
    Voroshilow Nina Cudgel Vetis Wildstreak D´kay
    Choir Thelius Frrdox Calamity Nosferata Morwen
    Vantage Harrier Goldfire Powersurge Anodyne Apeman
    Boxx Nelvanna Zeneeba Emissary Gudrum Tazza
    Madness Doghead Thomas Coronary Orto Roach
    Sandor Aphelion Arra Mazerot Sourfoot Rugokk
    Wrath Reject Calderak Firedrake Kerberos Spliny
    Molinary Falcona Badhand Rosamund Necromon Tagar
    Daito Superior Darkstrider Theseus Castor Madre
    Moomba Harvest Flubber Gomurr Mountain Kismet
    Designate Gullin Citizen Matador Topspin Timeshadow
    Philistine Feint Nazaka Jackpot Dove Justicar
    Raze Malheur Alchemist Utunaa Ishta Jason
    Deathbring Stalker Gaslamp Audumbia Brightsword Daydreamer
    Bachand Digitek Dusk Debrii Deadalus Futurist
    Flyer Fandral Gremlin Grass Golem Gladiator
    Geldoff Martinex Mania Makkari Random Scaredycat
    Smuggler Sleepwalker Skyhawk Shroud Shear Silencer
    Solarman Striker Svarog Thunderclap Telemetry Foundry
    Embyrre Caretaker Atrocity Metarchus Seer Rubach
    Regent Ranter Patriarch Truthsayer Semiramis Gnowee
    Daramulum Balame Altjira Marmoo Mamaragam Julunggul
    Fantomelle Culpepper Carnamor Orachinid Mephusa Icemaster
    Feuer Dragonwing Draconus Spiderx Cacus Sunpyre
    Tolomaq Scarecrow Green Skull Shocker Jentorra Ironclad
    Transonic Araki Fenris Karkas Veil Goldballs
    Midnight Vertigo Deathwatch Kangaroo Silverclaw Modred
    Gideon Brightwind Despair Toth Foreigner Darkchylde
    Anelle Revanche Walflower Lifebringer Voyager Tatterderma
    Legacy Crusader Kimura Poundcakes Valtrauta Alpha
    Angar Anaconda Arcanna Aries Arkon Ares
    Armadillo Armony Atalanta Ayesha Blackwing Blingi
    Bloodstorm Box Callisto Calypso Charcoal Chemistro
    Clea Chitauri Contoller Corruptot Weapon Dimitrios
    Ecstasy Timberius Timebroker Tonaja Thunderer Thunderbolt
    Sunturion Stiletto Sprocket Sputnick Speedball Snakes
    Stellaris Stoneface Subbie Deathead Hammer Akenathen
    Isbisa Ion Dreadface Dopinder Dritnap Dionysus
    Discus Dj Demiurge Delilah Darkoth Crusher
    Cuthroat Burglar Burner Bushwacker Buterball Brute
    Bruiser Bullet Bloodaxe Bloodbath Bloodscream Bloodshed
    Bloodstrike Blindfold Blitz Blitzkrieg Biri Beef
    Bela Bantam Balthazar Bakuto Bagheera Atum
    Auran Azzuri Andromeda Americop Anansi Aida
    Airstrike Walknar Sindr Sinifer Phantome Metoxo
    Meteor Maarika Lev Faltine Firepedes Llan
    Zsora Sag Firemonster Fireking Crystar Tawa
    Shamash Saule Quetzalcoalt Brodstroke Sunstroke Scuzz
    Scribe Scrambler Scramble Serafina Squoia Spulchre
    Meteoxo Fireball Wallop Strobe Leviathan Reignfire
    Aminedi Sirocco Psyclone Ouranos Arrowhead Spinner
    Firestryke Firebrick Firebomb Godzilla Chimera Agumon
    Fish Absalon Protocide Powerpax Death Valkin
    Hightail Harvestman Rossveissa Ikthon Native Coldheart
    Accuser Destoryer Nuklo Ikari Autolycus Speedfreek
    Nightwatch Romeo Kurse Raksor Crule Needle
    Warbringer Ramshot Oblivion Slipstream Sentry Starshine
    Stonewall Lightmaster Hijack Gladiatrix Tempest Her
    Mastermind Gimmick Daredevil Gentle Energizer Onome
    Titannus Apex Flosi Feedback Eshu Amulet
    Ultimatum Blackwulf Iceberg Cybelle Nereel Equilibrius
    Rossi Bobster Doka Ivan Genkotsu Entekil
    Warzone Battlescar Loop Feruze Rapier Neolithic
    Thakos Slime Tracer Regalia Rapskullion Zurry
    Betrayo Abdomina Biceptor Grunnt Legday Maiestar
    Phraug Sundown El Uno Pandara Bristle Schizo
    Coldfire Kottus Arges Teacher Monolith Cethlann
    Indech Dulb Tethra Gorn Elathan Anskar
    Lloigoroth Skinner Sponge Tartarus Shark Galadriel
    Gethrin Jaeger Lament Daap Desolation Dirge
    Glump Hound Ronal Eithys Bouncer Incendiary
    Hellverine Rhodan Marnie Analyzer Dixie Cauldron
    Nagala Piper Renansence Fieldstone Loblolly Fizgig
    Ingot Scarun Hoartfrost Hoopsnake Watchfire Fantasia
    Sputnik Concussion Draven Asylum Jakar Kartag
    Tompkins microtron Virako Gridlock Zobae Tribune
    Boss Queega Diabolique Zetora Sharrr Skelton
    Katman Watanable Doctorangu Mussaret Mama Limbo Black Talon
    Porcunius Sliggs Grak Bak Velanna Riglevio
    Steeljacket Flamingeaux Killshot Bonehead Desadia Devourer
    Zadkiel Lighting Fist Razor Wire Syrro Tanjaar Henkor
    Zarrko Zealot Zephyr Zeitgeist Woodgod Wysper
    Wither Witness Warcat Wasphunny Twilight Typeface
    Tyr Tyrak Tyrannus Tweedledp Tuck Tumbler
    Turbo Trapster Trash Trauma Thunders Thori
    Thousand Thang Therak Temugin Terminus Tenebrous
    Terraformer Sydren Sway Stryfe Stunner Stranger
    Stonecutter Steeplejack Star Spoor Spyke Spyne

  • Options
    TimethiefTimethief Posts: 1

    Black Knight




    Death’s Head

    Lady Death
  • Options
    Zeus0206Zeus0206 Posts: 42



  • Options
    RecrutadorOmegaRecrutadorOmega Posts: 1,077 ★★★★
    edited March 11


    Nomad (Ian Rogers)

  • Options
    NightwatcherNightwatcher Posts: 1

    Blue Marvel



    Hope Summers

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