My first 6 star is Havok. How is he ?

Alyyan99Alyyan99 Member Posts: 11

My first 6 star is Havok. How is he ? 164 votes

SnakeEyes69PiviotJohn757SolotrixDjinWoogieboogieKalantakIdonthaveanameTup 9 votes
XxicylovexXChampioncriticİSTANBULChriissR210000 5 votes
AjavedBpn88855Osfan8HendrossDenzel116TehsigzorzLeoCruzgp87Ctfz35BarricadePrimesastomCloudwalkerlaxtheNinja12_1Cirdex 15 votes
Very good
DNA3000Vdh2008PantherusNZthetaman23Animejay70INTEGRALTrektSIlverProfessorMrLalowR_D_JrTerraAlex13369MagrailothosDarkrider05Jim0172NEO_mr_AndersonBlackPhoenix44Lvernon15SiddhantKwatraSavio444 135 votes


  • rvcubingrvcubing Member Posts: 140
    Very good
    idk much but Ive heard havoc is insane sometimes
  • StevieManWonderStevieManWonder Member Posts: 5,019 ★★★★★
    Very good
    Havok is a fantastic first six star, he's incinerate immune and has great damage. Plus his first and third medium (I think it's those ones) don't make contact so you can avoid the damage from Thorns, Electro, and Korg. He also has good energy resistance.
  • WhathappenedWhathappened Member Posts: 747 ★★★
    Very good
    I'd love to pull him as a 6*. Congrats. He's awesome.
  • MagrailothosMagrailothos Member Posts: 6,201 ★★★★★
    Very good
    He's great. I've got him Awakened as a 4/55, and keep finding more uses for him.

    Since he's not Awakened, look to his synergies to gain extra plasma charges. Synergies with Wasp, Captain America and Nightcrawler work well.

    Also, he's amazing against champs that (1) inflict Energy damage on basics, or (2) inflict small unavoidable bleeds (Morningstar, Clare Voyant, Squirrel Girl).
  • ReferenceReference Member Posts: 2,918 ★★★★★
    Very good
    Nothing to say other than congratulations.
  • SIlverProfessorSIlverProfessor Member Posts: 520 ★★
    Very good
    Kalantak said:

    so u have reached 6* in game and u havent faced havok, or have 4* or 3* havok? or u werent playing game when havok was released just 10 months ago?

    I mean that's not really an accurate measure of knowing how to play with a champ though. I've been here for 4.5 years and still don't have a 5* or 6* Corvus. I do have a 4* but got him so late he's sitting at r3 and I never play with him. When/if I get him I'll be watching videos or asking for tips on how to use him efficiently.
  • Crazy_JamieCrazy_Jamie Member Posts: 345 ★★
    Very good
    Kalantak said:

    so u have reached 6* in game and u havent faced havok, or have 4* or 3* havok? or u werent playing game when havok was released just 10 months ago?

    If fighting against a champ was reflective at all of how good that champ is as an attacker, Ghost would be meme tier.

  • PolygonPolygon Member Posts: 5,151 ★★★★★
    @Hammerbro_64 the prowess from the l3 is temporary tho
  • PlinkoPlinko Member Posts: 173 ★★
    Very good
    If we are strictly talking mutants, then not quite as good as magneto.
  • Colonaut123Colonaut123 Member Posts: 3,091 ★★★★★
    This is just a brag post concealed as a poll.🙅
  • ThehereticTheheretic Member Posts: 110
    Very good
    Insane damage but it is all energy so if the target is immune to energy attacks then not so good. Also sucks against Cyclops- they are immune to each other's special attacks and cyclops hits harder.
  • lowlevelplayerlowlevelplayer Member Posts: 4,292 ★★★★★
    Very good
    he's a god in damage but ignore these guys their turning it into a troll
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