The debate. Who’s the better cosmic?



  • Repto23Repto23 Member Posts: 845 ★★★
    @DalBot whats that sparkles needs other champs to be good? Huh i thought we were talking about 1 champ 🤷🏻‍♂️
    Also Hyperion can handle thorns by either spamming sp1 or sp3, doesnt need to use physical contact (basic combo or sp2)
  • PsyLifePsyLife Member Posts: 399 ★★
    Venom the duck.
    Thinking bout it now I think my list will be

    Venom the duck
    Silver surfer
    Corvus Glaive
  • Colinwhitworth69Colinwhitworth69 Member Posts: 7,470 ★★★★★
    I love all three but Hype would be the one I voted for. Every one of his attacks hits hard, he applies armor break and stun, he can regen, his power gain is huge, he's a tank, and he's poison immune. I also find him a blast to play.

    CMM is amazing, too. If you're good then staying at the top of her damage output is easy enough, and she obliterates paths.

    That being said, my second fave cosmic champ is VTD. Poor RNG can sometimes ruin his ramp up, but most of the time I manage to turn him into "beyond god tier" or whatever you wanna call it. Not saying he's better than CMM. But he's way more fun to play, for me.
  • Aomine_Daiki10Aomine_Daiki10 Member Posts: 1,656 ★★★★★
    Corvus Glaive
    Corvus for me is the best, he ends fight quickly and has good immunities that can come in handy.
  • Hammerbro_64Hammerbro_64 Member Posts: 7,463 ★★★★★
    Toot tooooot! All aboard the Hype train!
  • Colinwhitworth69Colinwhitworth69 Member Posts: 7,470 ★★★★★
    Kerneas said:

    Reliable regen, true strike, spiderverse bane. Imo the best one

    I agree he is awesome. So many great cosmic champs, really. Venom is fun to play, as well.
  • PintzzPintzz Member Posts: 297 ★★
    I have all 3 at r5 (Corvus, hype, CMM) and find they all have their equal uses everywhere. CMM helped me in a lot of Abyss fights, Corvus has been great for 6.1/6.2. Hype helped me in variants.

    Corvus has grown a lot on me as he was my most recent r5 cosmic.
  • NEO_mr_AndersonNEO_mr_Anderson Member Posts: 1,075 ★★★
    Captain Marvel(movie)
    I have chosen CMM, by a slight advantage, but, they have different usage.

    1-CMM : Is such a killer, She's my main attacker. I get her 25 charges very early, 1-2 fights. After that, it's only a
    question of maintaining them. She is good on short, medium and long fights. She can purify debuff, and
    become indestructible and, she can tank a sp3 (the reason why I've put her first).
    2-Hype : Is one of the most reliable champ. Can do some bad@ass damage. Can regen if needed. The only reson why
    I put him behind CMM, is, on an all or nothing node, he can be badly hurt. Hype's fury buff are not persistants
    charges, like CMM's binary. You have to ramp him up in each fight.
    3-Corvus : Hellish damage, permanent charges, temporary immunity, but, when the charges are over, he hit like KK.
    You can't bring him in RoL, LoL or AoL. He's the master of EQ/AQ/AW.
    4-VtD : Equal to Corvus in terms of value. Persistants charges make him a tank with a hell of a regen, after a few
    fights. Very resilient.

    5-Cull, 6-Medusa, 7-Venom, 8-Carnage, 9-Silver Surfer, and, finally, 10-Hela.

    This my personal top 10, and, my opinion. But, Nova, is THE best (failure of Kabam in 2020).

    'nuff said.
  • DalBotDalBot Member Posts: 1,632 ★★★★★
    Captain Marvel(movie)
    Repto23 said:

    @DalBot whats that sparkles needs other champs to be good? Huh i thought we were talking about 1 champ 🤷🏻‍♂️
    Also Hyperion can handle thorns by either spamming sp1 or sp3, doesnt need to use physical contact (basic combo or sp2)

    Tell us more about how you just take one champ in to every quest, AQ or AW 🤷🏻‍♂️

    I'll take a champ that gets even better with other great champs over one who is moderately better with useless partners.

    Also CMM shines in stun immune situations or other times where getting a heavy off isn't a pre-requisite. She shines in so many more situations than Hyp.

    So many people here have had Hyp for years and either don't have CMM or don't have her at a high rarity/rank/sig.
  • TheToxicCactusTheToxicCactus Member Posts: 368 ★★

    I have all 3 but i gotta say i love hyperion since my nooby playstyle allows me to back into the corner and fire specials. He has by far the best power gain in the game which imo puts him at the highest
    Its highly debatable but hyperion might be able to outdamage both cmm and corvus since his furies have no limit although it is much faster and easier to get insane damage from corvus and cmm (also takes some time to build 25 charges)
    Arguably, utility is more important than outright damage and even tho i voted hyperion as the best cosmic, cmm and corvus have slightly more utility. In this scenario, corvus has by far the most utility out of these 3 since he places armor break from well timed blocks. This is extremely useful especially in aw against kms, icemans, emma frosts, etc. Cmm also has armor breaks but has to land hits which places her 2nd. Hyperion only has an armor break off his sp2 which puts him at the bottom. Based off immunities, Corvus trumps all of them as well since he has more immunities than both cmm and hype.
    So really imo, I’d say Hype>/=Cmm>/=corvus for damage
    For utility Corvus>cmm>hype

    I disagree with you slightly about your utility comparison. I would argue that hyperion's power gain and ability to go the entire fight only using specials is valuable utility in itself
    Thats what I meant by my nooby playstyle of just dashing back and firing sps all day lol. I guess that’s why he’s the best
  • CaptainPollCaptainPoll Member Posts: 901 ★★★
    Ahitlaw said:

    Where is kamala ?
  • edited February 2020
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  • MoNsTeR_804MoNsTeR_804 Member Posts: 726 ★★★
    Hyperion is the best hands down. Got thru heaps of content with me. Yeah sucked in CAPTAIN SPARKLES!!! But at the end of the day, its everyone's own opinion!
  • AhitlawAhitlaw Member Posts: 2,123 ★★★★
    Captain Marvel(movie)
    Apparently y’all forgot who the beast champ Sparkles synergizes with as well 🤷‍♂️ Sparkles,Quake,Nick Fury one of the top attack teams out there.
  • ArondightArondight Member Posts: 125
    Corvus Glaive
    Corvus with suicides, hyperion without
  • FeroX_the_fat_heringFeroX_the_fat_hering Member Posts: 311 ★★
    Captain Marvel(movie)
    For me a champ is ‘better’ with the fun factor included, not only based on damage output or utilities.

    Cull is still hilarious, I don’t have nova, but he looks amazing. For some people carnage will be the best option.

    Having said that, Captain Marvel obviously rules :)
  • Hector_1475Hector_1475 Member Posts: 1,794 ★★★★★
    Fun Fact: Hyperion gets massively benefited by the synergy between NF and CMM. If you add DPX, he gets extremely suicide friendly too!

    As an Owner of an R5 Corvus, R4 duped Hype, R4 duped CMM and 6* R1 CMM, I say that it's a tie between Corvus and Hype. However, CMM's ability to shrug-off everything once she goes into Binary, is invaluable. It's not only about burst damage, it's about survival-ability and utility too.
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  • Mcord11758Mcord11758 Member Posts: 1,249 ★★★★
    Corvus Glaive
    Really close second to hyperion
  • NinjaTucNinjaTuc Member Posts: 58
    edited February 2020
    Hype hands down so much he can do on his own no special masteries to make him insaine don't need the dupe but helps and when duped only needs minimal sigs to be crazy strat out the packet god
  • SentryPillowSentryPillow Member Posts: 307 ★★★
    @Ahitlaw Hyperion was released in 2016, and still holds up as one of the best cosmic champs in the game after 4 years. I have both at rank 5, hype on my alt, and cap marvel on my main. Run her with nick and she destroys. However, I was single handedly able to power though most of act 6 chapter 1 with Hyperion destroying most fights. Calling Hyperion “rng dependant” is stupid, since he has a chance to gain 5 furies off his heavies and usually gains 2-3 off of one heavy. This is not a ramp up. Using a couple heavies are the start takes a couple seconds. His massive power gain keeps him going even at 1% through special intercepts, and his sp2 and sp1 spam melts opponents. His incinerates work great with despair (similar to cap marvels armor breaks) and melts opponents if you have a couple easy to ramp up furies. His sp2 can stun and armor break, allowing an easy chain on. His special 3 further grant him even more attack. His regeneration is also super underrated. If you get the opponent to about 5%, and then trigger the regeneration, he gains about 35% of his health back. I’ve ended fights where hype started at 10%, and 2 fights later was at 90%. His easy power gain and sustainability make him insane. Cap marvel is great too, but I’ve personally seen more use from Hyperion. Can’t speak for corvus. Stop forcing your opinion into others
  • SentryPillowSentryPillow Member Posts: 307 ★★★
    Also if you bothered to check your disagrees and poll results, you’ll see what everyone is talking about
  • SentryPillowSentryPillow Member Posts: 307 ★★★
    Your whole philosophy is “I know what you’re saying, but I still believe that I am correct no matter what” even when the facts are clearly presented
  • AhitlawAhitlaw Member Posts: 2,123 ★★★★
    Captain Marvel(movie)

    Your whole philosophy is “I know what you’re saying, but I still believe that I am correct no matter what” even when the facts are clearly presented

    What facts were presented? I presented facts about sparkles and still have yet to be convinced she’s not better than the rest..
  • SentryPillowSentryPillow Member Posts: 307 ★★★
    @Ahitlaw i just typed an entire paragraph about Hyperion....
  • SentryPillowSentryPillow Member Posts: 307 ★★★
    Cap marvel is clearly still losing on your poll. I’ll let that speak for itself
  • AhitlawAhitlaw Member Posts: 2,123 ★★★★
    Captain Marvel(movie)

    Cap marvel is clearly still losing on your poll. I’ll let that speak for itself

    Of course, most of these are popularity votes. Btw hype is MORE rng dependant, not completelRNG dependant. Give it more time, sparkles value will go up much higher as time goes on.
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