What Brought You to MCOC and MARVEL

For me, the thing that brought me towards mcoc was that my brother had the game. I watched him play it. Thought that he was pathetic. Had a go for myself and got addicted. The thing the brought me towards MARVEL is (surprise) SPIDER-MAN!!! The Tobey Maguire version. I always found them fun, entertaining and loved the Sam Raimi portrayal of him.


  • Stevenfan2Stevenfan2 Member Posts: 91
    edited February 2020
    I am big fan of science-fiction from a very long time. First movie i watched was 'The Amazing Spider Man'. I started watching marvel movies from 2018 march. From April to June there were my summer vacation that time I met my elder brother who himself was a big fan of marvel. He was having almost all movies of marvel in his computer. Then you can guess what would have happened next. And till the end of June I became a big fan of MCU.
    Last year in April I joined MCOC community just because it is connected with Marvel. I didn't found it good enough therefore i deleted it in April itself. But i don't know why but I reinstalled it in July and that time I liked it a lot and got addicted to it.

    That's all
  • E_N_D__G_A_M_EE_N_D__G_A_M_E Member Posts: 98

    I am big fan of science-fiction from a very long time. First movie i watched was 'The Amazing Spider Man'. I started watching marvel movies from 2018 march. From April to June there were my summer vacation that time I met my elder brother who himself was a big fan of marvel. He was having almost all movies of marvel in his computer. Then you can guess what would have happened next. And till the end of June I became a big fan of MCU.
    Last year in April I joined MCOC community just because it is connected with Marvel.

    That's all

    The thing that brought me to the MCU was the Age of Ultron trailer. Because my mum said no to go and watch it at the cinema, I decided to watch the Avengers. Completely loved it. In 2018, my mum took me to watch Infinity War, and last year, my dad said I can go watch Endgame, because I got a good grade in English. I am so thankful that I got the cinema experience for Endgame
  • NEO_mr_AndersonNEO_mr_Anderson Member Posts: 1,075 ★★★
    Been born in the 60's, red a lot of my dad's comic books, Sup/Batman. in the 70's, I was a big fan of Doctor Strange. I liked the multiverse stories. In the 80-90's, spent hundreds of $ in collecting Marvel. Stop collecting when you had to buy 3-5 different cover of the same book to own the collection. (X-Men, X-Force, etc...). Had the whole She-Hulk collection, and, anything related to Nova (Rich Rider).
    I was playing computer games, a lot, but, never liked the fighting games until I got my hands on MCOC.
    Top 3 movies series...
    The Matrix, The Terminator, and, all Marvel universe.
  • Stevenfan2Stevenfan2 Member Posts: 91

    I got a good grade in English.
    Are you from India? I too watched captain marvel and Endgame in cinemas.

  • E_N_D__G_A_M_EE_N_D__G_A_M_E Member Posts: 98

    I got a good grade in English.
    Are you from India? I too watched captain marvel and Endgame in cinemas.

    No, I am in Australia. It's just that we have to do English as a subject, were we analyse texts like songs, poetry books etc.
  • DRTODRTO Member Posts: 1,689 ★★★★★
    As a kid I watched the spiderman and xmen shows all the time, really loved the spiderman show it was such a great story. I got this game probably a day after it was released, saw it was marvel and said cool looks fun lol. I did stop playing for about a year and a half but picked it back up late 2016 and have been hooked ever since.
  • Rerun_9Rerun_9 Member Posts: 109
    I was at my Nana’s house. My dad said me and my brother could either get risk or MCOC. We chose mcoc
  • Austin555555Austin555555 Member Posts: 3,051 ★★★★★
    When I found this game. I was in middle school getting into the MCU and wanted to see if there were any marvel games on the App Store and I stumbled upon this game. This was back when Age of Ultron was coming out in theaters. I haven’t stopped playing this game (willingly) since.

    Don’t ask why willing, I know no one cares.
  • ZuroZuro Member Posts: 2,934 ★★★★★
    I played a lot of marvel games when I was younger although I still am young I would play things like the original spider man games, ultimate alliance 1 and 2 and even some of the super hero squad games so it eventally led to me looking for more games and I found this
  • Rerun_9Rerun_9 Member Posts: 109
    Dude yes Ultimate Alliance was a great game!
  • Fred_JoeityFred_Joeity Member Posts: 1,170 ★★★
    I got into Marvel because of a Spider-Man cartoon (can’t remember which one: Either Spectacular or Ultimate), and I believe I got into MCOC when I was looking for a Spider-Man game in the App Store and stumbled upon this. Now I’m mildly to seriously addicted to this game and probably should get help
  • Taiphoon_zeroTaiphoon_zero Member Posts: 110
    Freaking Instagram add
  • PerceptronPerceptron Member Posts: 169
    Graphics...! Facebook Add
  • Stevenfan2Stevenfan2 Member Posts: 91

    When I found this game. I was in middle school getting into the MCU and wanted to see if there were any marvel games on the App Store and I stumbled upon this game. This was back when Age of Ultron was coming out in theaters. I haven’t stopped playing this game (willingly) since.

    Don’t ask why willing, I know no one cares.

    I too searched from this game in same way
  • spaceoctopusspaceoctopus Member Posts: 1,111 ★★★
    Loved Marvel comics since I was a kid. Was a semi fan of the MCU. Then Deadpool came out and it fully reignited my love of Marvel and brought back my childhood. Right after its release I saw some kind of ad for this game and downloaded it and have been hooked ever since.
  • CaptainGameCaptainGame Member Posts: 369 ★★★
    Marvel because I was a fan of Spider-Man.

    MCOC because I’m an idiot with a gambling addiction.
  • RichTheManRichTheMan Member Posts: 204 ★★★
    XMEN Animated Series in the 90s , even though i had marvel comic books i was blown away with the various mutants on TV . Then when the game came around it seemed like there was sufficient call for a portable fighting Marvel game, something you could pick up and put down very easily.
  • Apollo107Apollo107 Member Posts: 104
    Big fan of the comics, the best series had to be the World War Hulk series, and my friend introduced me to the game, he quit, and I’ve had my soul taken by Morningstar and thus am still here.
  • KerneasKerneas Member Posts: 3,892 ★★★★★
    I have played Injustice before and started playing mcoc along, and I liked how skill based mcoc is unlike Injustice. Through the timw I found Marvel universe "better" than DC (as in entities etc.), but I love both up to date
  • AldacAldac Member Posts: 478 ★★★
    Been reading Marvel comics and watching the cartoons since I was about 7 years old so I still get a kick out playing my favourite characters.
  • HalleyHalley Member Posts: 578 ★★★
    edited February 2020
    I got kid 2 years ago and have no time to play Clash of Clans.

    So I find a game with 2 minutes playing and booom... spend more time than imaging 😄
  • PsyLifePsyLife Member Posts: 399 ★★
    My sister wanted to watch infinity war, so I did and spent the rest of the summer watching the MCu together.
  • doctorbdoctorb Member Posts: 1,940 ★★★★
    Got tired and bored with DC's Injustice Gods Among Us
  • lowlevelplayerlowlevelplayer Member Posts: 4,292 ★★★★★

    I got a good grade in English.
    Are you from India? I too watched captain marvel and Endgame in cinemas.

    No, I am in Australia. It's just that we have to do English as a subject, were we analyse texts like songs, poetry books etc.
    Haha we have english in america too LOL
    Apparently, according to some chinese friends, we are behind other countries in our own language
  • Aomine_Daiki10Aomine_Daiki10 Member Posts: 1,656 ★★★★★
    Mcoc brought me closer to marvel. I was a core anime lover but since I started playing mcoc I started going deeper into comics and marvel films. I can't remember when last I touched any of my anime.
  • Sundance_2099Sundance_2099 Member Posts: 3,644 ★★★★★
    I got into Marvel as a li'l kid in the early 1980s watching Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends (add Firestar already, Kabam!) and the Hulk TV show. Couldn't have been more than about 5. Some years later, I got a Top Trumps card game deck of Marvel Super Heroes and another of Villains (still got them in the loft somewhere) and this got me interested in other characters and then in 1992, I got an import of the X-Men comic from a newsagent (that I later worked in!) and got into that, and X-Force, before then getting into the X-Men cartoon and then the Spidey one.

    As for MCOC, I'd seen about it online somewhere and when I "inherited" my sister's old tablet when she upgraded, I downloaded it and got hooked. That was December 2015, not long after the 1st anniversary.
  • age_of_andycapage_of_andycap Member Posts: 95
    The amazing drop-rates. I love spending money to pull those sweet sweet 3*'s.
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,501 Guardian

    For me, the thing that brought me towards mcoc was that my brother had the game.

    That's actually how I got started: my brother recommended the game. He recommends lots of games, but he tends to play them for a while and get bored and move on, thus he plays tons of different games. Meanwhile I tend to get hooked on one of them, and then I'm playing it years later.
  • Lvernon15Lvernon15 Member Posts: 11,599 ★★★★★
    Back 5 years ago I saw an ad on tv, made an account, had no clue but I liked Spider-Man so I got the game, now 5 years later I haven’t missed a login day for nearly 2 full years and play way too much and need to break my addiction
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