Alliance War ending issues [Merged Thread; Title edited for clarity]



  • Canrdboy36Canrdboy36 Member Posts: 79
    WATCHED said:

    So what happens if a rewards email is sent and people claim it, I havent seen it yet but it could happen. What happens to those who claim it.

    It did happen, my alliance already got them
  • SundayRed85SundayRed85 Member Posts: 19

    Happened to my alliance as well. We just lost a war match with an alliance we were never even matched with.
  • Olo66Olo66 Member Posts: 14

  • Nicoluc24Nicoluc24 Member Posts: 34
    Shortest war in history. Now missed next enlistment. At least ‘won’ the 5min war
  • Robmpaul90Robmpaul90 Member Posts: 15
    How did we just finish a war 4 hours ago but another started and we lost just that quick??? That's not right something really messed up happen here.
  • Olo66Olo66 Member Posts: 14
    Guys something just happened.could you explain me what is going on? ...
  • KristianoRaeKristianoRae Member Posts: 20
    edited March 2020
    Literally 30mins ago we were waiting for matchmaking to begin, when all of a sudden a war was found, 2 minutes later it begun then 2 minutes later ended. Not sure on exact times but it all happened pretty quick. We got a loss and lost 100 positions in G2 tier. In Alliance Quest my first fight booted me from the game. Logged in with 25% HP. Third fight same happened. Please fix this issue and we would like and deserve compensation and the 60 war points we lost for the glitchy defeat. Also some AQ pots to compensate for all the deaths the game has caused would be really nice.
  • KristianoRaeKristianoRae Member Posts: 20
  • jtnave23jtnave23 Member Posts: 55
    Same for us as well.
  • KristianoRaeKristianoRae Member Posts: 20

  • HieitakuHieitaku Member Posts: 1,377 ★★★★★

    Happened to my alliance as well. We just lost a war match with an alliance we were never even matched with.

    Have you been unenlisted in the next war matchmaking as well?
  • KristianoRaeKristianoRae Member Posts: 20

  • KristianoRaeKristianoRae Member Posts: 20

  • Bugmat78Bugmat78 Member Posts: 2,491 ★★★★★
    Same for my alliance. 5 minute placement phase and 3 minutes attack. Instant defeat!

    Also noticed earlier the 3-day item use read as "2-day" and the 7-day SA read as "6-day". Seems to be a glitch with the server clocks!
  • DevenderDevender Member Posts: 4


    Happened with us as well. But we won
  • KristianoRaeKristianoRae Member Posts: 20

  • Bugmat78Bugmat78 Member Posts: 2,491 ★★★★★
    Same for my alliance. 5 minute placement phase and 3 minutes attack. Instant defeat!

    Also noticed earlier the 3-day item use read as "2-day" and the 7-day SA read as "6-day". Seems to be a glitch with the server clocks!?!
  • FurrymoosenFurrymoosen Member Posts: 5,485 ★★★★★
    edited March 2020
    Keep in mind guys that you haven't missed the "next enlistment." The matchmaking phase for this war takes 4 hours, the bug just circled those effected back into that matchmaking phase (which still has 2.5 hours left) but since we "completed" a war we are no longer enlisted for this one. It isn't affecting the next one because we are still several hours way from the enlistment period for it. Either way hopefully none of this will matter because they should shut the season down. Last time they shut it down the game was down for 12 hours. This is essentially a 48 hour war shutdown.
  • KarolinensBönKarolinensBön Member Posts: 1
    Yeah we got the same thing in my alliance too. We lost the war even one of us did not participate the war . Guess this is some kind of bug that needs to be fixed
  • OldMan73OldMan73 Member Posts: 20
    We won but didn’t get any rewards
  • RonD9RonD9 Member Posts: 232
    edited March 2020
    that stinks....
  • Nicademuz84Nicademuz84 Member Posts: 3

    Another Season Gone Wrong... End it while you aren't too invested time wise. Speed up the reward delivery this time around. Roll back to end of last season ranking, and just give those tier rewards. Start up another in a week, problem solved. @Kabam Miike

    Forget that... We were gold 3 last season and worked our way to gold 2 so far this season. Just end the season where everyone was at the end of the war that was supposed to end today.
  • JVoorheesJVoorhees Member Posts: 53
    edited March 2020
    I thought I was seeing things as well. I was running some EQ then Placement popped up for 3 thing you know it was the Attack Phase. I hopped in w/2 star champs & won :D
    - Also got rewards*
  • Brutus2099Brutus2099 Member Posts: 52

    Keep in mind guys that you haven't missed the "next enlistment." The matchmaking phase for this war takes 4 hours, the bug just circled those effected back into that matchmaking phase (which still has 2.5 hours left) but since we "completed" a war we are no longer enlisted for this one. It isn't affecting the next one because we are still several hours way from the enlistment period for it. Either way hopefully none of this will matter because they should shut the season down. Last time they shut it down the game was down for 12 hours. This is essentially a 48 hour war shutdown.

    While that is technically true, the effected alliances will miss out on a substantial amount of points which in turn effects overall leaderboard
  • Brizzley_34Brizzley_34 Member Posts: 15
    This is just insane
  • BigBoiKillaBigBoiKilla Member Posts: 5

  • Baseballs14dBaseballs14d Member Posts: 39

    Keep in mind guys that you haven't missed the "next enlistment." The matchmaking phase for this war takes 4 hours, the bug just circled those effected back into that matchmaking phase (which still has 2.5 hours left) but since we "completed" a war we are no longer enlisted for this one. It isn't affecting the next one because we are still several hours way from the enlistment period for it. Either way hopefully none of this will matter because they should shut the season down. Last time they shut it down the game was down for 12 hours. This is essentially a 48 hour war shutdown.

    My other alliance was not effected, and will run war regularly. The problem is while they get full season points for war this round, my other alliance will only get a fraction of the season points. Even losing we would’ve gotten 5-600k more points for this day of war.

  • DrkaraDrkara Member Posts: 79
    My alliance also affected
  • Fantasy_91Fantasy_91 Member Posts: 243
    Guess the question is... is everybody getting this error? So basically if nobody placed defenders or explored they got a tie and lost out on all pts from the war towards the season (not even getting the 50k for the win bonus. While those that were quick enough to place or attack...half of those won getting 50k+ while the other half lost with no or little season pts. That would be more than 50% at a disadvantage for the season. And the bigger question, has it been fixed so those that will be matched later during the matchmaking window still get a full AW to steamroll over the alliances that had the glitch?

    The only saving grace from not being put back into enlistment during the rest of matchmaking is that any bugged ally cant win multiple AWs during this messed up matchmaking period.
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