Alliance War ending issues [Merged Thread; Title edited for clarity]



  • Canrdboy36Canrdboy36 Member Posts: 79
    Dannyt90 said:

    From all the reports I’ve seen, this is only happening for alliances in tiers 6+. I haven’t seen any reports from alliances in tiers 1-5. The difference there is whether or not there is a global modifier for the war. For our war in tier four, the following was displayed when the global modifier was selected. If I had to guess, this threw something off for alliance wars that don’t set modifiers. So I find it unlikely they will end the entire war season when the top alliances appear to be unaffected. But what they might do is just end it for alliances tier 6+ and let the top alliances battle it out for the rest of the season.

    We are tier 9
  • Canrdboy36Canrdboy36 Member Posts: 79

  • JadedJaded Member Posts: 5,477 ★★★★★

  • OrdalcaOrdalca Member Posts: 543 ★★★
    Regarding this war not counting score-wise, will it count towards the 5 wars for season rewards? Also, will war rating be affected or is this to be treated as an off-season war?
  • Kabam MiikeKabam Miike Moderator Posts: 8,268
    Hey everybody,

    We've sent a message in-game. This is not an ideal situation, but we're going to call this War a wash. No, we are not ending the season, but the fairest way to handle this is to not count this war at all. If your Alliance was affected by the issue, you don't have to worry. If your Alliance matched, as the message said, it will not count.
  • SummonerNRSummonerNR Member, Guardian Posts: 13,834 Guardian
    edited March 2020
    (won't go into “short AW” problem itself here, BUT ...)

    New OBJECTIVES came out last Monday, one Weekly Objective was “AW FIGHTING”, win fights in an AW.

    For those in casual ally's running short of 3 BG Wars, nobody knew on Sunday Defense that new Objective would start on Monday needing them to participate in War Fights.

    Tues/Wed there is no AW Attack (per design).

    Wed/Thurs there was a war, but people knew there would also be 1 more war they could do (Fri/Sat) and so some skipped Wed/Thur War.

    NOW, WE HAVE A BUG Fri/Sat War which may result in cancellation of this day’s War ??? (or potentially longer ??)

    And no other war will be in time to get WAR FIGHTS OBJECTIVE.

    *** So if people skipped just one War (Wed/Thurs) after Objective was announced, they may have forfeited the ENTIRE WEEK LONG OBJECTIVE for AW Fighting.

    Kabam, as part of WAR Resolution, can this OBJECTIVE be included when determining any potential compensation or adjustment for tonight's War Mixup ??
  • Kabam MiikeKabam Miike Moderator Posts: 8,268
    Ordalca said:

    Regarding this war not counting score-wise, will it count towards the 5 wars for season rewards? Also, will war rating be affected or is this to be treated as an off-season war?

    War rating will still be affected, and it will count towards the 5 Wars that you need to complete.
  • Canrdboy36Canrdboy36 Member Posts: 79

    Hey everybody,

    We've sent a message in-game. This is not an ideal situation, but we're going to call this War a wash. No, we are not ending the season, but the fairest way to handle this is to not count this war at all. If your Alliance was affected by the issue, you don't have to worry. If your Alliance matched, as the message said, it will not count.

    Thank you for the update.
  • NathankindheartNathankindheart Member Posts: 11
    Hi kabam we recently had a mess up with war I am happy you are not counting the war that lasted 5 mins but because of this war only having 5 mins to enlist we will now miss the next war as we are not enlisted what are you going to do about this as I know we are not the only ally that is not enlisted in the next war because of this thanks
  • SummonerNRSummonerNR Member, Guardian Posts: 13,834 Guardian
    edited March 2020
    So if we are able to actually do this War (even though it will NOT count towards points), we can still do it to get OBJECTIVE for War Fights ??

    But what about people who needed this war for Objective, and whose War was one of those cut short due to problem ?
  • NathankindheartNathankindheart Member Posts: 11
    We are trying to climb the ranks in war and missing a war will be too much off a loss to be able to do this we will lose out on 150k points at least and that will really affect us
  • -sixate--sixate- Member Posts: 1,532 ★★★★★
    This is a sorry excuse and flat lazy. You must cancel this season. This has and will effect final ranking no matter what you say. Another huge screw up and we get hosed again
  • AATTAATT Member Posts: 525 ★★★
    If this war doesn't count. I want my items back!!!!
  • JadedJaded Member Posts: 5,477 ★★★★★
    Loveshack said:

    If war rating will still be affected then how does the war not count!? We are in Plat 3 right now. We win we move into tier 3 from tier 4. We lose we fall lower back into tier 4. Not to mention that but how are we gauranteed it’s not going to “count” what if we lose and then our placement shows Plat 4. Which is what would happen if we lost a war that really counted. Why can’t you just cancel matchmaking all together and have the next phase begin Sunday night like it usually would.

    This exactly. Too many variables across all tiers of alliances to predict that this war won’t “count”. Sure the points can be removed. But war rating is equal to importance.
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,477 Guardian
    nienienie said:

    Same issue - my alliance lost a war that it never got a chance to join...

    I just noticed that some of the wars being posted, completely separate from the timer bug, seem to have wildly differing war ratings. I'm not sure if that is part of the bug or a separate issue. @Kabam Miike was the bug something that could have affected the actual matches themselves? The alliance I'm quoting was, before the rating change for that war, a 1496 matching against a 1652. That seems completely wrong. And this war: seems to be a 1784 matching against a 1861. Around that rating value there should have been plenty of nearby matches of comparable rating. How did those disparate matches happen?
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,477 Guardian
    AATT said:

    If this war doesn't count. I want my items back!!!!

    You spent items on a broken war that only lasted five minutes?
  • Doomsfist79Doomsfist79 Member Posts: 922 ★★★

    Hey everybody,

    We've sent a message in-game. This is not an ideal situation, but we're going to call this War a wash. No, we are not ending the season, but the fairest way to handle this is to not count this war at all. If your Alliance was affected by the issue, you don't have to worry. If your Alliance matched, as the message said, it will not count.

    Hey there.. just a suggestion.. the last time this happened people called for the season to end.. Kabam decided not to do that and things got worse.. People are now calling for the season to end again as this current situation seems problematic. It might be best to heed the warning from the community and end the season now..
  • Lestat2499Lestat2499 Member Posts: 310 ★★★

    Hey everybody,

    We've sent a message in-game. This is not an ideal situation, but we're going to call this War a wash. No, we are not ending the season, but the fairest way to handle this is to not count this war at all. If your Alliance was affected by the issue, you don't have to worry. If your Alliance matched, as the message said, it will not count.

    That’s very far from ideal. How will this affect war rating. People’s ability to get into 5 wars for season rewards. Items used. Seriously for a game this successful and having a community that continues to put up with this type of. Oh well. It’s just not cool. Not at all
  • Finalflash8Finalflash8 Member Posts: 72
    edited March 2020
    Thought it affected last war. My bad. Unfortunate but at least it got caught before the fight started.
  • WorknprogressWorknprogress Member Posts: 7,233 ★★★★★
    Loveshack said:

    If war rating will still be affected then how does the war not count!? We are in Plat 3 right now. We win we move into tier 3 from tier 4. We lose we fall lower back into tier 4. Not to mention that but how are we gauranteed it’s not going to “count” what if we lose and then our placement shows Plat 4. Which is what would happen if we lost a war that really counted. Why can’t you just cancel matchmaking all together and have the next phase begin Sunday night like it usually would.

    You cant drop rank if the season points dont count. The worst that could happen is you lose and drop a tier so start your next war a tier lower.
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  • SandPounderSandPounder Member Posts: 361 ★★★

    Hey everybody,

    We've sent a message in-game. This is not an ideal situation, but we're going to call this War a wash. No, we are not ending the season, but the fairest way to handle this is to not count this war at all. If your Alliance was affected by the issue, you don't have to worry. If your Alliance matched, as the message said, it will not count.

    What happens to the alliances who “lost” and dropped a tier? Now our multiplier has dropped .2%. This goes a long way to final standings (especially considering the “winners” may have increased a tier)
  • BHARGAVkrishnaBHARGAVkrishna Member Posts: 2
    6hours back we won one alliance war over night I got one more notification(2hours back)saying that's we lost one war even before enlistment

  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,477 Guardian
    edited March 2020

    Ordalca said:

    Regarding this war not counting score-wise, will it count towards the 5 wars for season rewards? Also, will war rating be affected or is this to be treated as an off-season war?

    War rating will still be affected, and it will count towards the 5 Wars that you need to complete.
    @Kabam Miike I think you need to strongly suggest to the devs to reverse that decision quickly. If the war isn't going to count, it has to be a ratings frozen war so both sides can choose to fight or not fight as they see fit as if it was an off season war. If rating counts you will force all alliances currently unaffected by the bug to fight as hard as possible to preserve rating, including spending items, even though the points themselves won't count.

    It is fine if the war counts for participation, that's the reasonable move to make. But if it doesn't score points within the season, you have to let those alliances off the hook to not fight at maximum effort. Otherwise, in effect all the alliances not affected by the bug will have a significant disadvantage: they will have to spend to not lose, but that victory won't count towards the season points.

    In my opinion the devs need to reverse this decision quickly, and notify the players of it before attack phase starts. Once attack phase starts and alliances start to spend on that war, you're going to have problems difficult to reverse.

    Edit: it goes without saying that all ratings changes affecting alliances that were hit by the bug should also be reversed.
  • RogerRabsRogerRabs Member Posts: 548 ★★★★

    Thought it affected last war. My bad. Unfortunate but at least it got caught before the fight started.

    I don’t think that’s what happened. This bug causes placement for today’s war to end prematurely and then the War attack phase which was supposed to start tomorrow, also ended early. They will wipe this war from the standings so the final season totals will be based off 11 wars.
  • HoliolioHoliolio Member Posts: 27
    At least my alliance ended in a tie. Nobody got it in.
  • JadedJaded Member Posts: 5,477 ★★★★★

    Loveshack said:

    If war rating will still be affected then how does the war not count!? We are in Plat 3 right now. We win we move into tier 3 from tier 4. We lose we fall lower back into tier 4. Not to mention that but how are we gauranteed it’s not going to “count” what if we lose and then our placement shows Plat 4. Which is what would happen if we lost a war that really counted. Why can’t you just cancel matchmaking all together and have the next phase begin Sunday night like it usually would.

    You cant drop rank if the season points dont count. The worst that could happen is you lose and drop a tier so start your next war a tier lower.
    It could change their multipler. That is his concern. As it is with many that juggle up and down “war rating tiers & multiplers”.
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  • QuikPikQuikPik Member Posts: 826 ★★★★
    What about the war rankings that have been impacted by the 5 minute war? We all know come Sunday this is going to happen again.
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