Update Rewards

The rewards for Act1 is has been updated. I think Kabam should also update rewards for Realm of Legends, RTL and Labyrinth of Legends.
Realm of Legends require a lot of patience and time it consumes a lot of revive and health potions especially for new players.
Realm of Legends require a lot of patience and time it consumes a lot of revive and health potions especially for new players.
And RoL / RTL/ LoL is old content, but the rewards are still worth it. Updating it would require reimbursement to those who already cleared it.
This game isn't gonna be friendly to new players forever, you have to earn and fight for rewards to come, not having them handed on silver platter.
It’s also probably one of the easiest places inexperienced players can practice holding a long combo against champions that have huge health pools and minimal attack, which in and of itself is quite useful.
In terms of rewards, no it’s not great - Rhino blows, so too does Cyclops.
Ronan on the other hand, when awakened has proven himself to be extremely useful in MEQ periodically throughout the year, being able to cheese various nodes by stun locking opponents. If you’ve got a Cosmic gem he’s well worth investing in, frankly I’d say there’s almost an argument that you could give him a generic (4*) as you’ll outgrow your need to actively awaken 4*s as access to shards, and therefore dupes, is massively increasing at the moment. Guaranteed counter to maybe ¼ of the bosses in MEQ? Not bad tbh.