Although I wanted a 4*/5*/6* Heimdall for ages. Have all the other Ragnarok characters and needed him for synergies. Pulled him as a 6* today and realised I won't use him.
5* Aegon, I have 2 generic gems and 1 skill, still no sign of him and I don’t I’m pulling him anytime soon Also Gwenpool above 3*, been waiting for 3 years
Doom and warlock are pretty much the only 2 I really "want" currently. I'd be happy with 5 or 6 different champs but those are the only 2 that would make me super happy currently.
I’d love to have Corvus as a 5 or 6 star but at least I have him as a 3 and 4 star.
any *
Although I wanted a 4*/5*/6* Heimdall for ages. Have all the other Ragnarok characters and needed him for synergies. Pulled him as a 6* today and realised I won't use him.
Need him asa 4*
Pulled a gamora and a mysterio lol
Colossus, void, warlock, squirrel girl, vision aarkus, and Howard the Duck
The other is Domino. Can't seem to pull her at all.
I have cosmic t4 overflow
Have a 5star cosmic gem.
But my 5 star roster is lol.
Also Gwenpool above 3*, been waiting for 3 years