6* Annoucement - please read

When I think about 6*'s coming into this game, it really disappoints me and I know a ton of other high profile players that feel the exact way.
I do love playing this game and have done so since the beginning. One thought that I had was to make it possible to take your 5* champs to 6*. After you get them to 5/65, the next upgrade would be 6* rank 1. You can't say it's not hugely disappointing to get some amazing 5* champs and then have to get them again at 6* and start over. This game can't continue like that. It only makes sense from a progression view to do this. It gives people something to look forward to. What your doing does the exact opposite. Why not?
I do love playing this game and have done so since the beginning. One thought that I had was to make it possible to take your 5* champs to 6*. After you get them to 5/65, the next upgrade would be 6* rank 1. You can't say it's not hugely disappointing to get some amazing 5* champs and then have to get them again at 6* and start over. This game can't continue like that. It only makes sense from a progression view to do this. It gives people something to look forward to. What your doing does the exact opposite. Why not?
Think most of us feel this way but kabam won't respond to it. If they actually allowed us to turn out 5's into 6*'s, the player base would be extremely happy. That's progression and gives everyone something to look forward to. I also agree that I can't continue with this game if they go 6* cause where will it ever end. Total money ploy.
Let us turn our 5* 5/65 into 6* rank 1's. If they say no, then we all know it's a pure money grab. Kabam Miike, adora, someone please respond.
I think it should be a combo. Roll out 6* like they plan to, but also add the option for each account to advance at least a couple champs to 6*. This takes care of those without great 5* and also those that do have great 5*.
Need to start to the new tier fresh!
Maybe the game needs a change. The introduction of DR and CR changed the game for Kabam, this could be a way to change the game for the players. I'm sure the advancement cats could be made extremely rare/expensive (like T2a now). The only people that would complain would be the ones who have had poor luck with 5* champs and have nobody worth advancing. I'd be much more willing to start again with 6* if I knew I would be able to advance my 5* at some point.
This. It's counterintuitive to how the game is now. They will most likely be introduced separately. Adding the ability to Upgrade Stars at this point is not feasible in my mind. It goes against the grain of the game with acquiring Resources to form and Rank 6*'s.
And then think about the fact that you want to dupe the six star champ. Extremely low probability anyone will. Now you have a brand new unduped six star champ, which will take away resources from the five star champ you already have and need them for, and it will sit there for months waiting for the mega exclusive six star Awakening Gem
Read it and say something: "Hey, read this pure skill post, know it's frustrating but we don't have any info yet. Soon as we have something we will share it with you guys. Thx for your patience. ". Something!!!
Plus, in this game, there is an overlap between where a 4* is as effective as a 5* (roughly, 4* r5 and 5* r3). Starting over at the higher level would cost a lot of money, cats, and iso, to have a worse champ.
It just makes more sense to me to add an extra level to the champs we already have to keep them relevant instead of having to start over with a 6* that will surely need to be sig 500 to match the sig of a 5* even.
Kabam honestly does not have a clue what the community wants. They said they did this for top tier players so they have more content. Bullsh@t!!!
No top tier or even mid tier player wants this. It's all about the $$ to kabam. I worked 2 .5 years to get my roster of 4*'s and now 5's. It's so frustrating but even more frustrating is never getting a response from kabam on this topic.
First fix your game, then being new content. 6* champs are not new content, it's a money grab
You just prove my point dude. You don't even have one 5/50 yet. Lol. Don't speak to things you have no clue about. When you reach mid to top tier, then talk. Right now, try getting one 5/50.
6* is of course, at its core a money grab. Anything that they change in the game will be to the benefit of them in some way, shape, or form. Same thing 5* were when they came out. It's a money grab because it'll make certain content easier and give the high tier more prestige to chase leading to more $$ spent overall.
That being said, the biggest reason this game continues to succeed for non-high spenders, is some people will spend $1,000 trying to get a champ, someone will not spend a dime and get that champ. In a way that levels the playing field. 6* resets the "They already have the best champ." and puts everyone on the same field again. I can see why that would be frustrating to some, and it is frustrating to a point for me, but I do like that structure.
There may be a small percentage of players that want this as you say, doesn't mean they have to grant it. You can ask, they can say no
And to be honest
1- Most dont want this
2- Kabam will not do this, ever
So you get to decide who has the right to have an opinion on something that changes the game now do you? This is a forum (look it up) means other people have different opinions than you and are allowed to state them
You wont ever get this, so ask away, but no need to be a **** about it
For the record, I am saying most players want the ability to take their 5*'s to 6*. And I agree bro, kabam will Never do it. All I'm asking for is a response.
Most seem to NOT want it imo, and Kabams response is no as you already know, so why ask?
This is why I hate posting here. Doucebags like you who are no where close to being a top player has to get his dumb thoughts added here. I'm talking to the top 50 alliances. Who are you talking to? Bottom 50? Keep your comments to yourself bro.