Claire Voyant not getting fury buff from Warlock and Ultron synergy

I just tried using my Claire Voyant together with Warlock and Ultron. The Warlock and Ultron synergy grants all teammates a fury buff when they receive a debuff they are immune to. I have both the Liquid Courage and Double Edge masteries. When I start a fight with Warlock or Ultron I start with the expected fury buff as they are robots and immune to bleed and poison. However, when I start a fight with Claire Voyant, i do not get the expected fury buff. Claire Voyant always starts with the bleed curse which makes her immune to bleed so I am expecting to get the fury buff at the start of the fight. Also, when I change to the poison curse I should get the fury buff again as Claire Voyant becomes immune to poison.
Kabam, is there a reason for this or is this a bug?
Kabam, is there a reason for this or is this a bug?
Could it be that the champ has to be “Naturally Immune” ? And not just has an immunity at times due to buffs or periodic abilities ?
Similar to Corvus, which is not naturally bleed immune, but just doesn’t take any damage from bleed.
Or that her immunity from bleed during curse does not actually start until the beginning of the fight, after which the Suicides have already been applied before her Curse starts. Unlike Robots, Hulk, etc, whose natural immunity is inherently from the very beginning, so the fury's would be activated for them.
Since she’s not naturally immune to bleed at her base
You can prove this by having NF healing synergy where he purifies the debuff at the start of the fright
Claire can get immune to the effect mid battle, while Corvus isn't immune to the effect itself, but rather immune to the damage of the debuff.
I believe Claire isn't getting the fury because is not a natural immunity, but an immunity gained from an ability that you get mid fight
Read the section about Strenghts -> Immunities.
And since the initial Bleed/Poison are active right from the very beginning, she doesn’t actually receive the debuff “during” the fight, so won’t get the Fury.
Her own abilities are different in that she will Purify an “existing” debuff, which is how she purifies the Bleed/Poison. When the fight starts, her ability to purify the bleed happens because the bleed was first, then the purify.
Purify is completely different to immunity
Using this logic domino is 50% immune
Red hulk has no immunity just the ability to convert debuffs to passive effects
This can be reduced and blocked
Rulk will also take damage against mephisto AOi
She purifies prexisting effects but is immune to any that are applied during the phase
So she purified the bleed
To further check this if you bring in NF heal synergy she will get the heal since she did purify the bleed debuff
No other natural bleed immune champ can do this
As you cAn see in the pic double edge triggered first
Then she got the power gain from purifying the bleed (under her health bar where you see effects trigger)
Newer effects that are triggered are added to the bottom of the screen
To probe this: If you take venom in you will only be able to reroll the newest buff which is the one listed towards the bottom of the order
She is not naturally immune so that’s why double edge does not trigger the fury she triggers her immunity durin the fight that’s why things like caltrops and biohazard trigger it