Has FLOW ruined Alliance War?



  • JosephPoerioJosephPoerio Member Posts: 269 ★★

    Without getting involved in the whole "You don't play there." argument, I'll look at it objectively. On the surface, it's a Node. It can be removed or changed, so it hasn't ruined War as a whole. It's just challenging. Also, it's in Tiers 1-5, and they are logically meant to be hard. Otherwise, War isn't really a challenging competition at all. Just repetitive motions for guaranteed Rewards. Another point that occurs to me is people have been complaining that Allies which "don't belong there" have been in higher Ranks. Seems to me that tougher Nodes will curve that, no? Change means different strategies, and Tiers 1-5 mean you're going to have less options. Not just be able to deal with it with most of your Roster and average skills. Otherwise, what's the point of having more Rewards for the same degree of difficulty?

    You make some great points and I agree with most of them. Tiers 1-5 should be more difficult, they should cost more items, they should have less counters, and there should be more deaths. I think the real question (and the reason for my post) is how much is too much? At what point is it TOO difficult? TOO few counters? TOO many deaths? After all this IS a game, it should be fun. If people in higher tiers aren’t having fun anymore shouldn’t a change be considered?
    I understand. I suppose it depends on what they find at the end of this Season. There's been a great deal of feedback on it. I guess we will have to wait and see when they reevaluate it.
    Again, I agree. I believe we will most likely not see a change until next season. Would be nice to at least get some feedback/reassurance from the game team on this topic though.
  • Agent_X_zzzAgent_X_zzz Member Posts: 4,498 ★★★★★
    Yes it is broken not alot of champions can counter flow, esp champs like Magik on Flow is really broken
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,940 ★★★★★

    Plantesan said:

    Without getting involved in the whole "You don't play there." argument, I'll look at it objectively. On the surface, it's a Node. It can be removed or changed, so it hasn't ruined War as a whole. It's just challenging. Also, it's in Tiers 1-5, and they are logically meant to be hard. Otherwise, War isn't really a challenging competition at all. Just repetitive motions for guaranteed Rewards. Another point that occurs to me is people have been complaining that Allies which "don't belong there" have been in higher Ranks. Seems to me that tougher Nodes will curve that, no? Change means different strategies, and Tiers 1-5 mean you're going to have less options. Not just be able to deal with it with most of your Roster and average skills. Otherwise, what's the point of having more Rewards for the same degree of difficulty?

    ( Yes/no answer) have you played in a high-tiered match with that global node on yet?
    That's not a rebuttal to the points I made. Not once did I say it was based on my own experience. That's just a way to bypass what someone is saying by calling out their experience.
    Would you take tax advice from a kindergartener? Of course not! Wanna know why?
    Experience is 100% relevant to a person's argument. 🤓
    Experience is relevant when discussing based on experience. Anyone can have an understanding of knowledge and logic. That archaic ideal that only people who are of a certain Tier should be able to discuss topics is as old as my presence on here.
    Agree to disagree then.
    I personally have never participated in Tier 1-5. (I plateaued at Tier 6 before taking a more casual approach to AW).
    It is my personally belief that having an opinion on a FLOW mechanic I've never experienced should
    1) Carry as much weight as a feather, and
    2) Border on being disingenuous. I prefer to be informed before I state a position on this forum.

    But that's me. To each his own. 🤷‍♂️
    People are free to share that belief. When they start calling others out based on that, conversations turn unproductive and become negative. We're all free to take or leave what someone says as we see fit.
  • SeraphionSeraphion Member Posts: 1,496 ★★★★

    My personal advice is learn to ghost instead of using wasp and good synergy otherwise you will always be screwed.You have to bring specific counters for specific champion.You can't just use one champion and bring synergies for the entire war.Things have changed just because you haven't ranked up specific champions that doesn't means it's Kabam fault

    So if I dont have the any of the 3 counters
    to flow what do I do then?
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  • AleorAleor Member Posts: 3,144 ★★★★★
    Ruined means nobody plays it? Then probably not
    People still spend to be in top tier to get those season rewards and regular war rewards. Do they spend more? Probably. But that's what kabam needs. If top alliances members stopped care about aw, stopped spending, kabam would've probably remove those nodes. Pretty simple.
    So if you personally think flow is too much, vote with your money - just stop using boosts, potions and revives in wars and just play as good as you can. But you than may only end up in lower tier with flow staying up there
  • pseudosanepseudosane Member, Guardian Posts: 4,063 Guardian

    T4 war, can see the power gain fun. Without Invul boost ( which is incredibly limited) no way to solo.
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  • buffajrbuffajr Member Posts: 424 ★★
    Pretty much all content with extreme instances of power gain is my least favorite content.
  • 007md92007md92 Member Posts: 1,381 ★★★★
    For me the entire month long season ruined the war &

    that scary "have to be with your alliance unless u don't get the season rewards" there are incidents where actually players got kicked accidentally.
    For butter fingers.
    saw many post on forum. Leader or officer making mistakes.
  • TheInfintyTheInfinty Member Posts: 1,495 ★★★★★
    Let’s be honest has war ever actually been enjoyable? Not really war is a difficult game mode even before flow came into the game lots of people still hated war I’m only voting no It didn’t ruin war because war was already a game mode most people didn’t like
  • ege999menege999men Member Posts: 391 ★★
    Mauled said:

    If flow was an active buff, with a cool down it wouldn’t be quite so bad.

    As it acts as a passive, the only counter to it is a power lock/drain/burn if it’s a stun immune node, and if it’s debuff immune, there is no counter outside of Crossbones or Guillotine 2099 or Quake. If you have even an average tier champion there’s a high chance that you’re going to crit 2-3 times in a single combo and by time your combo completes you’ve got about 2 seconds to bait a special, and then another immediately after or it’s curtains.

    It’s taken a mode of play that has pretty average rewards at best, even at the top of the tree, to being counterintuitive to even push for.

    AW just isn’t fun right now, which, last time I checked, was the point in games.

    I think this sums it up
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