Alliance War Matchmaking unfair [Merged Threads]



  • Patchie93Patchie93 Member Posts: 1,898 ★★★★
    If war rating is close then its working as intended
  • AhitlawAhitlaw Member Posts: 2,123 ★★★★

    Alliance Wars are not solely based on any one factor, but you will be matched with Alliances near your War Rating. This is a performance-based rating that changes with your Alliance's wins and losses. Alliance Rating can be manipulated, so is not a good matchmaking comparison.

    We are continuing to work to improve our matchmaking parameters with every Season and even in between. Some Wars will be more difficult than others, but if you want to climb to the top, you're going to have to earn your spot!

    Just want to say that you are doing the right thing and keep up with that don't let cry babies affect to your decisions.
    Addyos said:

    Ahitlaw said:

    If your prestige is so great anyway why aren’t you higher ranked? Oh. Because you are AQ focused, so us. War focused on getting better. Wiping everything in our path. Gets paired with an over powered ally that should be higher than where their at. So therefore, you not caring about war. Screws over people who do care. Yeah that’s fair

    Have you taken a path and had to fight mostly r5 5*s or r2 6*s. And not just any 5* or 6*, but top defenders like Annihilus, Doom, Domino, Mojo, Thing and so forth on a regular basis. With insane health pools and difficult nodes. And don’t even start with the stupid modifiers like Flow and Siphon. That’s how war is when your alliance prestige is 10.5k and above.

    AW rewards aren’t as game-changing as they used to be. It is far more worthwhile to devote resources into AQ (which requires far less effort than AW) and clearing story content, than in AW. Which is the main reason high-prestige alliances would prioritize AQ over AW. They have the skill to compete, but not the desire to expend resources that can be better utilized elsewhere.

    So before you run your mouth again on things you apparently weren’t aware of, be thankful of the many seasons Kabam gave a ‘bligh’ or chance on lower-rated alliances to reap top rewards in AW because many higher-prestige alliances saw AW as too much of a cash grab to fully focus on it.
    Yes. I have and continue to them them on my path(aegis and inverted control) daily. Even against this alliance I not struggling my friend. I’ll run my mouth cause I can back it up. This ally I’m in bought their way through stuff and their accounts and have no skill to compete with tougher ally’s so they are facing us, an ally that’s up and coming and destroying everything. Mismatch all it was. Oh, I 1shot them as minis and bosses too. Shh kid
  • AhitlawAhitlaw Member Posts: 2,123 ★★★★
    Btw modifiers r an amazing addition. If u can’t adjust to them it’s cause you suck.
  • TrubluMateTrubluMate Member Posts: 379 ★★★
    For demonstrative purposes: if you had 4 alliances in a bracket, 2 strong, 2 weak, would it be fair to have the two strong ally’s face each other? That would cause a strong ally to drop below the weak ally. But if you have the strong ally face the weak, the weak will drop into a lower bracket that is more where they are suited.
    That is why occasionally you get the mismatch, because the stronger alliance and weak alliance don’t belong in the same bracket.
  • AhitlawAhitlaw Member Posts: 2,123 ★★★★
    Ahitlaw said:

    Alliance Wars are not solely based on any one factor, but you will be matched with Alliances near your War Rating. This is a performance-based rating that changes with your Alliance's wins and losses. Alliance Rating can be manipulated, so is not a good matchmaking comparison.

    We are continuing to work to improve our matchmaking parameters with every Season and even in between. Some Wars will be more difficult than others, but if you want to climb to the top, you're going to have to earn your spot!

    Just want to say that you are doing the right thing and keep up with that don't let cry babies affect to your decisions.
    Addyos said:

    Ahitlaw said:

    If your prestige is so great anyway why aren’t you higher ranked? Oh. Because you are AQ focused, so us. War focused on getting better. Wiping everything in our path. Gets paired with an over powered ally that should be higher than where their at. So therefore, you not caring about war. Screws over people who do care. Yeah that’s fair

    Have you taken a path and had to fight mostly r5 5*s or r2 6*s. And not just any 5* or 6*, but top defenders like Annihilus, Doom, Domino, Mojo, Thing and so forth on a regular basis. With insane health pools and difficult nodes. And don’t even start with the stupid modifiers like Flow and Siphon. That’s how war is when your alliance prestige is 10.5k and above.

    AW rewards aren’t as game-changing as they used to be. It is far more worthwhile to devote resources into AQ (which requires far less effort than AW) and clearing story content, than in AW. Which is the main reason high-prestige alliances would prioritize AQ over AW. They have the skill to compete, but not the desire to expend resources that can be better utilized elsewhere.

    So before you run your mouth again on things you apparently weren’t aware of, be thankful of the many seasons Kabam gave a ‘bligh’ or chance on lower-rated alliances to reap top rewards in AW because many higher-prestige alliances saw AW as too much of a cash grab to fully focus on it.
    Yes. I have and continue to them them on my path(aegis and inverted control) daily. Even against this alliance I not struggling my friend. I’ll run my mouth cause I can back it up. This ally I’m in bought their way through stuff and their accounts and have no skill to compete with tougher ally’s so they are facing us, an ally that’s up and coming and destroying everything. Mismatch all it was. Oh, I 1shot them as minis and bosses too. Shh kid
    Sorry, ally I’m fighting. Not ally I’m in.
  • xNigxNig Member Posts: 7,329 ★★★★★
    Myradral said:

    xNig said:

    Nothing is wrong.

    Look at the war ratings. 2247 v 2242. It’s as close as you can get.

    Cuz war rating is the ONLY THING that matters in match-making, right?

    lol.... ok Dilbert.
    Yes it’s the ONLY THING that matters. Duh.
  • TwmRTwmR Member Posts: 662 ★★★
    War rating only 20 apart seems fair to me
  • Scopeotoe987Scopeotoe987 Member Posts: 1,552 ★★★★★
    edited April 2020
    Is war changing?
  • AddyosAddyos Member Posts: 1,090 ★★★★
    Ahitlaw said:

    Btw modifiers r an amazing addition. If u can’t adjust to them it’s cause you suck.

    Haha I’m no kid. I’m probably older than you. You speak like a kid does though. And I’m pretty good with Quake, who makes most AW fights and modifiers look like chumps. So I’m good there.

    As I said, some higher prestige alliances have the skill, but prefer not to spend a whole lot of resources boosting and healing to chase a few extra shards. You guys choose to do that, then great for you. Just try to enjoy the lean times not winning wars while AW normalizes itself :D .
  • AhitlawAhitlaw Member Posts: 2,123 ★★★★
    edited April 2020
    Addyos said:

    Ahitlaw said:

    Btw modifiers r an amazing addition. If u can’t adjust to them it’s cause you suck.

    Haha I’m no kid. I’m probably older than you. You speak like a kid does though. And I’m pretty good with Quake, who makes most AW fights and modifiers look like chumps. So I’m good there.

    As I said, some higher prestige alliances have the skill, but prefer not to spend a whole lot of resources boosting and healing to chase a few extra shards. You guys choose to do that, then great for you. Just try to enjoy the lean times not winning wars while AW normalizes itself :D .
    I enjoy not winning fair wars. Fool. That’s what the issue is.
    Losin part of the fun. But not when they put u up against an impossible wall.
  • AddyosAddyos Member Posts: 1,090 ★★★★
    Ahitlaw said:

    Addyos said:

    Ahitlaw said:

    Btw modifiers r an amazing addition. If u can’t adjust to them it’s cause you suck.

    Haha I’m no kid. I’m probably older than you. You speak like a kid does though. And I’m pretty good with Quake, who makes most AW fights and modifiers look like chumps. So I’m good there.

    As I said, some higher prestige alliances have the skill, but prefer not to spend a whole lot of resources boosting and healing to chase a few extra shards. You guys choose to do that, then great for you. Just try to enjoy the lean times not winning wars while AW normalizes itself :D .
    I enjoy not winning fair wars. Fool. That’s what the issue is.
    Losin part of the fun. But not when they put u up against an impossible wall.
    The name-calling again *rolls eyes*. And the impossible wall should not have existed in the first place. If you think getting matched up against another ally with a similar rating is “not fair”, then that clearly shows that Kabam is on the right track. Matchmaking using prestige has skewed Season results in an unbalanced manner for far too long.

    If this was a sports league, you’re supposed to be competitive with other teams around you in the standings table, not with other teams of similar size. You play in Plat 1, you fight Plat 1 alliances and not get “free rides” against Gold 1 teams.
  • TwmRTwmR Member Posts: 662 ★★★
    Charnutz said:

    There is no way a 6k prestige 12 mil alliance should have 2260 war rating. Great job kabam!

    That is ridiculous that they got to such a high war rating
  • WorknprogressWorknprogress Member Posts: 7,233 ★★★★★
    If anything, all this does is show how badly broken matching has been and for how long. I imagine it took a long time and a lot of wars for some of these G1 maybe P4 alliances to get their ratings up to T1/T2. For alliances that lowly rated to have won that many wars at that rating is crazy
  • AhitlawAhitlaw Member Posts: 2,123 ★★★★
    I failed n died haha
  • SpaddictedSpaddicted Member Posts: 222 ★★
    edited April 2020
    Ahitlaw said:

    Addyos said:

    Ahitlaw said:

    Btw modifiers r an amazing addition. If u can’t adjust to them it’s cause you suck.

    Haha I’m no kid. I’m probably older than you. You speak like a kid does though. And I’m pretty good with Quake, who makes most AW fights and modifiers look like chumps. So I’m good there.

    As I said, some higher prestige alliances have the skill, but prefer not to spend a whole lot of resources boosting and healing to chase a few extra shards. You guys choose to do that, then great for you. Just try to enjoy the lean times not winning wars while AW normalizes itself :D .
    I enjoy not winning fair wars. Fool. That’s what the issue is.
    Losin part of the fun. But not when they put u up against an impossible wall.
    Being nice when thing fits your agenda and being rude when it doesn't right?

    Get good.
  • SpaddictedSpaddicted Member Posts: 222 ★★

    2 words for everyone in a froth:

    weight. class.

    i wrestled at 285 weight class in high school, so it definitely didn't make sense to spar with my buddies in the 160 class, regardless of similar rankings. (i was 240 and not about to drop 21 lbs. suffice to say 240 v 284 isn't all that competitive either.)

    weight class boils down to prestige or, for arguments sake, average pi based on top 10 champs of all members. wanna get granular? average defensive strength of last war factors in, as to discourage "gaming" the system.

    keep the rating, as it's a useful multiplier.

    seems easy and straightforward enough.

    Fundamentally wrong. Let's say you are small and you belong to lightweight while others fight in heavyweight. It's separated and so was rewards.

    But in this case alliances are not separated and they aim to same rewards. With old system lightweight only fought lightweight to get heavyweight rewards.

    It's bs and flaw to the core.
  • AhitlawAhitlaw Member Posts: 2,123 ★★★★

    2 words for everyone in a froth:

    weight. class.

    i wrestled at 285 weight class in high school, so it definitely didn't make sense to spar with my buddies in the 160 class, regardless of similar rankings. (i was 240 and not about to drop 21 lbs. suffice to say 240 v 284 isn't all that competitive either.)

    weight class boils down to prestige or, for arguments sake, average pi based on top 10 champs of all members. wanna get granular? average defensive strength of last war factors in, as to discourage "gaming" the system.

    keep the rating, as it's a useful multiplier.

    seems easy and straightforward enough.

    Fundamentally wrong. Let's say you are small and you belong to lightweight while others fight in heavyweight. It's separated and so was rewards.

    But in this case alliances are not separated and they aim to same rewards. With old system lightweight only fought lightweight to get heavyweight rewards.

    It's bs and flaw to the core.
    Don’t dodge my challenge pansy
  • UltimateBatJokeUltimateBatJoke Member Posts: 221
    If you look in other chats, Kabam Miike has sent the same exact message, it is intended so adapt
  • Agentk100Agentk100 Member Posts: 35
    Ahitlaw said:

    Addyos said:

    Ahitlaw said:

    Btw modifiers r an amazing addition. If u can’t adjust to them it’s cause you suck.

    Haha I’m no kid. I’m probably older than you. You speak like a kid does though. And I’m pretty good with Quake, who makes most AW fights and modifiers look like chumps. So I’m good there.

    As I said, some higher prestige alliances have the skill, but prefer not to spend a whole lot of resources boosting and healing to chase a few extra shards. You guys choose to do that, then great for you. Just try to enjoy the lean times not winning wars while AW normalizes itself :D .
    I enjoy not winning fair wars. Fool. That’s what the issue is.
    Losin part of the fun. But not when they put u up against an impossible wall.
    Your going against an ally with the same war rating seems extremely fair to me
    I think a good anology would be being promoted to the premier league from the efl and then the team complaining they have to face tougher opponents
  • SpaddictedSpaddicted Member Posts: 222 ★★
    Ahitlaw said:

    2 words for everyone in a froth:

    weight. class.

    i wrestled at 285 weight class in high school, so it definitely didn't make sense to spar with my buddies in the 160 class, regardless of similar rankings. (i was 240 and not about to drop 21 lbs. suffice to say 240 v 284 isn't all that competitive either.)

    weight class boils down to prestige or, for arguments sake, average pi based on top 10 champs of all members. wanna get granular? average defensive strength of last war factors in, as to discourage "gaming" the system.

    keep the rating, as it's a useful multiplier.

    seems easy and straightforward enough.

    Fundamentally wrong. Let's say you are small and you belong to lightweight while others fight in heavyweight. It's separated and so was rewards.

    But in this case alliances are not separated and they aim to same rewards. With old system lightweight only fought lightweight to get heavyweight rewards.

    It's bs and flaw to the core.
    Don’t dodge my challenge pansy
    Lol is it you @Demonzfyre?
  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 21,794 ★★★★★

    Ahitlaw said:

    2 words for everyone in a froth:

    weight. class.

    i wrestled at 285 weight class in high school, so it definitely didn't make sense to spar with my buddies in the 160 class, regardless of similar rankings. (i was 240 and not about to drop 21 lbs. suffice to say 240 v 284 isn't all that competitive either.)

    weight class boils down to prestige or, for arguments sake, average pi based on top 10 champs of all members. wanna get granular? average defensive strength of last war factors in, as to discourage "gaming" the system.

    keep the rating, as it's a useful multiplier.

    seems easy and straightforward enough.

    Fundamentally wrong. Let's say you are small and you belong to lightweight while others fight in heavyweight. It's separated and so was rewards.

    But in this case alliances are not separated and they aim to same rewards. With old system lightweight only fought lightweight to get heavyweight rewards.

    It's bs and flaw to the core.
    Don’t dodge my challenge pansy
    Lol is it you @Demonzfyre?
  • Roqueter1Roqueter1 Member Posts: 2
    This happened becuase KENOB. We have the same problem in our aliance. Is just unfare, I demand a compensation, because this happen in a mid season.
  • AhitlawAhitlaw Member Posts: 2,123 ★★★★
    Agentk100 said:

    Ahitlaw said:

    Addyos said:

    Ahitlaw said:

    Btw modifiers r an amazing addition. If u can’t adjust to them it’s cause you suck.

    Haha I’m no kid. I’m probably older than you. You speak like a kid does though. And I’m pretty good with Quake, who makes most AW fights and modifiers look like chumps. So I’m good there.

    As I said, some higher prestige alliances have the skill, but prefer not to spend a whole lot of resources boosting and healing to chase a few extra shards. You guys choose to do that, then great for you. Just try to enjoy the lean times not winning wars while AW normalizes itself :D .
    I enjoy not winning fair wars. Fool. That’s what the issue is.
    Losin part of the fun. But not when they put u up against an impossible wall.
    Your going against an ally with the same war rating seems extremely fair to me
    I think a good anology would be being promoted to the premier league from the efl and then the team complaining they have to face tougher opponents
    I’ve explained this scroll back. No time for repeating myself
  • LmaoLmao Member Posts: 859 ★★★
    Well, our six million alliance really just got matched with a 28 million alliance for war. Thank you Kabam, for your fair matchmaking in war.
  • momoney2381momoney2381 Member Posts: 11

    This is EXACTLY what is needed to fix this!! Tell me how this alliance we are matched with had the same war rating.. WorknProgress is so right. Gonna be a bumpy ride for many alliances that were screwed over by Kabam's matchmaking for the last however long. Shortly it will all even out to where everyone should be. This alliance can't even make it out of section one in one BG, and can't get to minis in other BG's.. glad this is fixed.
  • Heman_2Heman_2 Member Posts: 3
    We are also facing the same issue..we have a average member rating of 4 Lac and we got an opponent of 1.2 million average member rating. This ain’t any match. We need some rectification.
  • QuikPikQuikPik Member Posts: 811 ★★★★
    I created a test alliance to prove how broken the system is. That alliance is only 2800 prestige but is in tier 6 with 2117 war rating. This alliance should not have a higher war rating than so many other alliances out there.
  • QuikPikQuikPik Member Posts: 811 ★★★★
    What is people whining Alex
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,498 ★★★★★
    6 Million to 28? People feel the need to gloat about this? Not cool. Not at all.
This discussion has been closed.