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  • RebornMVPRebornMVP Member Posts: 50
    So lets say that i use the tier 4 rift and tier 4 chronometer, then i go to the rift quest, so i can choose ANYTHING in the tier 4 rift ? So if i want i can choose the awakening gem if i get the tier 4 chronometer and the tier 4 rift or is it like an option between 3 items like a nexus crystal and i choose one of them
  • ButtehrsButtehrs Member Posts: 7,131 ★★★★★
    RebornMVP said:

    So lets say that i use the tier 4 rift and tier 4 chronometer, then i go to the rift quest, so i can choose ANYTHING in the tier 4 rift ? So if i want i can choose the awakening gem if i get the tier 4 chronometer and the tier 4 rift or is it like an option between 3 items like a nexus crystal and i choose one of them

    From what we understand it's you get to choose exactly the one you want.
  • OkaythenOkaythen Member Posts: 590 ★★★
    I’m so glad 100 6 shards only have a >10% chance
    Who knows how much progression it provides for players
  • A_corruptor13290A_corruptor13290 Member Posts: 17
    So literally one of them gives a path while other gives whole reward.It will be fun as I haven't used my 2 star for a while
  • hawk34hawk34 Member Posts: 41
    Quick question, I'm currently 2 quests away from Uncollected. Can I save up all the intel I get to, say the end of the month where I become uncollected and then buy T4 detectors and chronometers? Or am I going to be stuck with t3 throughout the quest because I started it being under UC.
  • Dragon_SlayerND13Dragon_SlayerND13 Member Posts: 112
    So the dimensional chronometer can only be purchased in the bundle you said in the post or can we buy it separately? Which I am guessing, that even if that's the case, it will cost more to buy seperately a chronometer and a rift detector, right?
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  • Thicco_ModeThicco_Mode Member Posts: 8,852 ★★★★★
    Would this work:
    Say I need a mutant ag. You buy the rift ticket thing (no selector) and you enter the rift. If there is a mutant ag, could I then buy the package with the selector and another rift ticket to chose my path? If there isn't, I just go random and leave it to chance and repeat the process for my next rift. This way, I'll only spend the extra currency if I know I can get the item I want? Is this a viable strategy?
  • PolygonPolygon Member Posts: 5,139 ★★★★★
    Event is cool and all but the fact they’ve restricted it to only 2*’s makes me think it’s probably going to be difficult to even finish the missions...
  • Arham1Arham1 Member Posts: 435 ★★

    If we can only use 2*, I assume the difficulties will be differentiated with harder nodes? Significantly higher PI? Without the ability to back out/in, it would be nice to not go into these without doing some recon first.

    I think the 2* are only for intel obtaining quests which we will use to unlock rifts and not 2* for the rift itself right?
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  • phillgreenphillgreen Member Posts: 4,336 ★★★★★
    I am easily confused, do I need a whole team of 2* to gather intel or just one to defeat the target on the path?

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  • FreeToPlay_21FreeToPlay_21 Member Posts: 1,594 ★★★★

    I don't think @Buttehrs and @UmbertoDelRio are looking at the bigger picture. Do the players who sold their 1* Champions deserve to be screwed over? Absolutely, no arguments there.

    But the newer players these days are progressing so quickly, that they're running out of the bracket in which they can get 1* Champions very fast. I'm just gonna show what I mean.

    I started my account in April last year, I remember getting Act 4 completion in the first week and this is my 1* roster.

    As you can see, I only have 4 1* Champions, fortunately I did manage to get a 1* Hulk but others might not be so lucky. What I'm saying is, in a way players are getting punished for being too good at the game. It's entirely possible that a player never sold any Champions and still doesn't have a 1* Hulk.

    Players looking up guides and rushing through content is out of kabams control. And I'm simply going to assume that's how you did it to some degree, since the actual average time from starting out to becoming uncollected is longer in my experience. Also looking at the view counts on most mcoc beginner content it also not far fetched that this is essentially the norm nowadays.

    You can get free 1* champs until you get uncollected iirc. No one is being punished for being too good, that's just a ridiculous assessment.

    Kabam can only control the natural progression in this game, so if anything all the known comtent creators are responsible for putting up variant 4 disclaimers in their videos.
    Seriously? So looking up guides and making quick progress is something that shouldn't be done? I understand that this isn't something that Kabam can directly influence, but there can still be ways in which this 1* drought can be solved. Plus, it took me 3-4 months to get Uncollected and in that time I could only collect 4 1* champions.

    What you're suggesting is that players should simply wait around lower levels until they get a 1* Hulk, even if they have Champions who are strong enough to get some progress done. With how easy it is to get 4* Champions these days for beginners, I don't think waiting around should be the ideal strategy for something like this.

    Also keep in mind that there are players (including myself) who had no idea that there would be a piece of content released that would specifically require 1* Champions, hence we didn't know that we should've waited to get the desired 1* Champions before moving ahead. For these players there's no way to get Variant 4 exploration done without spending a truckload of revives on that one path in the final chapter, or whale out on that 20% 1* drop rate crystals for that 1* Hulk.

    This could be very easily fixed by just adding a 1* Champion crystal in the store or adding a chance to drop 1* champions in the regular quest crystals, the possibilities are endless.
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  • Arham1Arham1 Member Posts: 435 ★★

    Haji_Saab said:

    I don't think @Buttehrs and @UmbertoDelRio are looking at the bigger picture. Do the players who sold their 1* Champions deserve to be screwed over? Absolutely, no arguments there.

    But the newer players these days are progressing so quickly, that they're running out of the bracket in which they can get 1* Champions very fast. I'm just gonna show what I mean.

    I started my account in April last year, I remember getting Act 4 completion in the first week and this is my 1* roster.

    As you can see, I only have 4 1* Champions, fortunately I did manage to get a 1* Hulk but others might not be so lucky. What I'm saying is, in a way players are getting punished for being too good at the game. It's entirely possible that a player never sold any Champions and still doesn't have a 1* Hulk.

    Players looking up guides and rushing through content is out of kabams control. And I'm simply going to assume that's how you did it to some degree, since the actual average time from starting out to becoming uncollected is longer in my experience. Also looking at the view counts on most mcoc beginner content it also not far fetched that this is essentially the norm nowadays.

    You can get free 1* champs until you get uncollected iirc. No one is being punished for being too good, that's just a ridiculous assessment.

    Kabam can only control the natural progression in this game, so if anything all the known comtent creators are responsible for putting up variant 4 disclaimers in their videos.

    You can actually progress fast enough to miss out on a 1* Hulk. The new champs even at 4* level are too powerful for earlier content. You need months of that daily crystal to land that Hulk. Bear in mind that there are other things in that daily crystal and the chance to get that Hulk is very low. So you need quite a handful to get him.

    But how did we get to that discussion in this thread?! :D
    Powerful champ =/= game knowledge =/= skills

    There's a lot to this, most of which isn't subject to rng, but needs to be developed. Pulling a 4* ghost out of your very first crystal does not immediately make you uncollected, you still need to learn how to use her. And that is connected to factors uncontrolled by kabam.
    I was not uncollected for 1 year of me playing the game. Still I only have 1 star IM, Spidey, Vision (both) and BP. I don't know how I'll do v4, but sure enough, I'll just wait and keep spending the units on the crystals.
  • FreeToPlay_21FreeToPlay_21 Member Posts: 1,594 ★★★★

    I don't think @Buttehrs and @UmbertoDelRio are looking at the bigger picture. Do the players who sold their 1* Champions deserve to be screwed over? Absolutely, no arguments there.

    But the newer players these days are progressing so quickly, that they're running out of the bracket in which they can get 1* Champions very fast. I'm just gonna show what I mean.

    I started my account in April last year, I remember getting Act 4 completion in the first week and this is my 1* roster.

    As you can see, I only have 4 1* Champions, fortunately I did manage to get a 1* Hulk but others might not be so lucky. What I'm saying is, in a way players are getting punished for being too good at the game. It's entirely possible that a player never sold any Champions and still doesn't have a 1* Hulk.

    Players looking up guides and rushing through content is out of kabams control. And I'm simply going to assume that's how you did it to some degree, since the actual average time from starting out to becoming uncollected is longer in my experience. Also looking at the view counts on most mcoc beginner content it also not far fetched that this is essentially the norm nowadays.

    You can get free 1* champs until you get uncollected iirc. No one is being punished for being too good, that's just a ridiculous assessment.

    Kabam can only control the natural progression in this game, so if anything all the known comtent creators are responsible for putting up variant 4 disclaimers in their videos.
    Seriously? So looking up guides and making quick progress is something that shouldn't be done? I understand that this isn't something that Kabam can directly influence, but there can still be ways in which this 1* drought can be solved. Plus, it took me 3-4 months to get Uncollected and in that time I could only collect 4 1* champions.

    What you're suggesting is that players should simply wait around lower levels until they get a 1* Hulk, even if they have Champions who are strong enough to get some progress done. With how easy it is to get 4* Champions these days for beginners, I don't think waiting around should be the ideal strategy for something like this.

    Also keep in mind that there are players (including myself) who had no idea that there would be a piece of content released that would specifically require 1* Champions, hence we didn't know that we should've waited to get the desired 1* Champions before moving ahead. For these players there's no way to get Variant 4 exploration done without spending a truckload of revives on that one path in the final chapter, or whale out on that 20% 1* drop rate crystals for that 1* Hulk.

    This could be very easily fixed by just adding a 1* Champion crystal in the store or adding a chance to drop 1* champions in the regular quest crystals, the possibilities are endless.
    That's not even what I said. Either read and comprehend my comments properly or stop trying to engage in a conversation.

    You claimed players are getting screwed over. By what? By whom? By the game? By kabam? Progressing too fast is neither the games nor kabams fault.

    And 3-4 months for becoming uncollected is exactly what I'm talking about. You watched guides, you knew what you were doing. That's nothing kabam can control. I never suggested players should wait, again read and comprehend, I said there's a natural expected progression.
    I literally agreed with your statement about Kabam not being able to directly influence this, that's not my point. Under their control or not, the reality is that there are players without a 1* Hulk who never sold any Champions. Sure, it wasn't Kabam's intention to create this small group of players, but they DO exist and they have no way of getting Variant 4 exploration wihout spending 7-10 revives per fight on that one path.

    Players progressing too quickly is not something Kabam can control. But what Kabam CAN control is the fact that in some way or another, this small group of players gets their 1* Hulk, or at least a fair chance at getting a 1* Hulk, they deserve it because they never did anything wrong.

    It's really simple. By ignoring this small group of players who never did anything wrong by progressing too quickly, Kabam are screwing them over. They're screwing them over by not giving them a good alternative to spending an insane amount of units. It's a very real problem, masking it behind excuses like 'oH kAbAm CaN't CoTrOl ThAt' is straight up ignorant in my opinion.
    Ah apologies. Then I agree with everything minus the screwing over part of it.

    That's way too active of an accusation in my eyes.

    The thing is, I don't say they shouldn't help those players. But everything I can think off that would help those players would also willy nilly help those that simply decided to sell their champs and frankly I don't think those deserve any help of that kind.

    It's a harsh situation, but then again V4 is optional content. And by that I don't mean "you don't have to do it lul", but rather that it's for example not comparable to having 1* gates in story content.
    By that I also mean that the content isn't running away from anyone, so you can take your time grinding units and occasionally going for those 1-2* crystals. That is not ideal please don't get me wrong, but it's not like there is absolutely nothing players in that situation can do.

    What kabam was going for with V4 was a fun and unique piece of content that demands us to use our full rosters. I'm pretty sure the 1-2* crystals got introduced after the first people complained they lacked 1* champs, so it's not apparent to me that kabam somehow planned this. And I know this isn't what you said, I don't want to misrepresent you here, no worries. But that's why I'm not really okay with the screwing over part.
    Kabam did a thing and then another thing happened/became apparent.

    I mean, sure kabam could simply go ahead and give every single player, even newly started accounts, the full set of all available 1* champs. At this point however this would actually screw people over, namely those that already spent a lot of units on the 1-2* crystals.

    They could have also done that instead of introducing those crystals, then they would have screwed those over that already did it with non-ideal 1* champs.

    I think if anything we can accuse kabam of poor planning. I don't think that is far fetched. And through that poor planning certain groups of players are somewhat screwed now, in that they have limited options on how to go about this.

    But they do have options. And I don't see kabam as actively and intentionally causing this problem in that sense.

    And by that I don't want to say "kabam good". But variant 4 is good. That's an amazing piece of content. Incredibly well designed and incredibly fun with appropriate endgamey difficulty.

    I don't want them to get discouraged to do something similar in the future, so rather then accusing them I'd like to appeal to them to get the community a bit more involved into the planning of such content in the future.
    Thanks for being a good sport about this argument, mate! I get what you mean, I've heard so much praise for Variant 4, as you said it's an amazing piece of content and most players would love to see something like it being brought to the game again.

    It's just a pet peeve of sorts, I guess? Everything about Variant 4 is so perfect except this one thing. It just rubs me the wrong way. Spending my hard earned units on a single Champion out of a rarity which has a 20% drop rate and someone who I'm never going to use again except for that one path, I don't know man, just doesn't feel right.

    You also brought up a good point, it's difficult to give the deserving players a shot at 1* Hulk without giving a chance to the people who sold the Champion, I don't think they deserve any compensation.

    I just hope there was an easy way out of this, all we can do is blame it on the poor planning. Let's just hope Kabam considers everything the next time they do an event like Variant 4. Have a good day @UmbertoDelRio!
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  • Vampi007Vampi007 Member Posts: 91
    This is so confusing man . ...🤔
  • ArkhamButcherArkhamButcher Member Posts: 132
    First target is potentially Drax
  • JessieSJessieS Member Posts: 1,613 ★★★★★
    Those rewards are kind of crappy . I guess I got spoiled with the great last rewards. Still pretty nice
  • Saint_007Saint_007 Member Posts: 26
    Honestly these rewards are outdated our level what is the use of 5* awakening gem..have 4-5 in inventory....we need a t5 class fragements or more of 6* shards now.
    6* AG will b wonderful
  • Thicco_ModeThicco_Mode Member Posts: 8,852 ★★★★★
    Saint_007 said:

    Honestly these rewards are outdated our level what is the use of 5* awakening gem..have 4-5 in inventory....we need a t5 class fragements or more of 6* shards now.
    6* AG will b wonderful

    I understand where you're coming from, but for other players, these rewards are pretty good. But, I do see what you mean
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