When are we going to get rid of this rifts?

Putting the same effort as anybody else and end up with sig stones... When are we going to get rid of this rifts its so annoying and making me loose my will to play this game.
And sign stones should be like 10
That would be more rewarding imo
You just have to wait 6 days to buy it.
Personally I’m a fan of these rifts
What I don't understand is why players are puzzled why Kabam sometimes makes content they like and sometimes makes content they don't like, when they could just keep making content they like. As if no one else exists that like what they don't like and vice versa.
There were people complaining about the last several events going back months. I see no evidence that more people are complaining about Rifts than past events.
Can we go back to just getting rift shards from EQ difficulties, please😚
If you are complaining about this then you are either not patient enough or you are not good at saving (for the chronometer),so anyone that decided to go for a run instead of saving for the chronometer and got a 5* SIG stone and think because of that they will start calling the event trash should pull up their big boy pants and keep their opinion to their self