Book 2 looks to be the worst Content drop in years.

The beta footage concerning Act 7 looks absolutely unbearable, the champion requirements are niche and look to be even worse than act 6.
The node combinations are straight from the depths of hell and are only there to make you cry. Tone down the attack values!
Book 2 Should be a New Start. force us to use 2 stars and 3 stars. There’s a reason that Variant 4 was so enjoyable, it forced us to delve deep into our roster to use champs we’d never touch otherwise.
Kabam don’t make this another act 6, you’ve already lost the Interest of your biggest content creator. Act 5 was fun, 6.1 was fun, the rest were dire. Please take action Kabam!
The node combinations are straight from the depths of hell and are only there to make you cry. Tone down the attack values!
Book 2 Should be a New Start. force us to use 2 stars and 3 stars. There’s a reason that Variant 4 was so enjoyable, it forced us to delve deep into our roster to use champs we’d never touch otherwise.
Kabam don’t make this another act 6, you’ve already lost the Interest of your biggest content creator. Act 5 was fun, 6.1 was fun, the rest were dire. Please take action Kabam!
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End game act content shouldn’t be designed with that mentality in mind.
What this Beta is proving so far, however, is that it is Act 7 and not, in fact, Book 2. It is more of the same, but toned up to 1000, with lanes looking like they're being targeted at single champions - unsurprisingly 2020 champions - I mean that Sabretooth fight looks horrific, and more than that, I'd love to see someone within Kabam's game team showcase a couple of takedowns of it inside a team revive, let alone a solo.
On a different note, the other game that I play is OS RuneScape - I dare say many people have heard of it (chuckle away). One of the best things that they do, which keeps the community engaged, is weekly live Q&A streams with a lot of the game creators/community leaders, discussing upcoming content/general questions about different aspects of the game. When stuff is badly received for whatever reason, they will go back to the drawing board and look to see what is wrong with it - overtuned/powered/effort vs reward not there - because ultimately, RuneScape, as with MCoC is very much a community based game, and a happy community is a community more willing to invest time, emotion and money into it.
Surely something like this wouldn't be too hard to set up and it would make Kabam feel so much less distant and aloof.
Now compare it to act 6. I'm almost done act 6 100% and the amount of stuff I have had to quake is unbelievable. Sometimes I look at fights and wonder, 'how do people do this without her?' The attack values are ridiculous, the node combinations are absurd and the champion restrictions are suffocating. I've enjoyed parts of the quests, but the final hurdle of 6.4 100% is an absolute slog.
Why are there so many roadblock fights with a handful of counters? One thinks of 6.3.3 mysterio or 6.4.2 king groot. Why can so many paths be run by only one or two champions in my roster? The only champ in my roster that had a chance of doing anything on 6.4.1 gimme path was magik. Act 5 never had these problems, it was just bring who you like using and enjoy yourself.
Now we come to act 7. Act 7 has got to be the worst content design I've ever seen. You would have thought they learned their mistakes from act 6 and brought back the act 5/variant feel of gameplay.
Instead we get absolutely rubbish nodes like pressure gauge, mercy and combinations like bleed and inverted immunity. The sabertooth fight in 7.1.2 was ridiculous, forcing you to parry whilst at the same time making the opponent unblockable off a node that was created to reward intercepting. And it's not like this is a one off fight, you have to go through this every time you clear a path.
In my opinion, the current act 7 should be complelty scrapped. It is awful, awful design and needs to be heavily rethought. The game is not yet ready for another garbage content drop so quickly after the end of act 6, and I would prefer kabam to go back and redo act 7, even if it takes another few months. The suggestions in this thread should maybe be taken on board when designing this content.
It could be like Variant 4.
You could mix and match tiers so that a path has a gate that requires 5 2*s, but only contains 4* fights, while another path requires 3 2*s and has 6* fights. This way all tiers are used.
Maybe have fights that restrict your roster in terms of tiers. Have a 4000 PI fight only using 2*s and then the next fight is a 45000 using 6*s, then the boss is a 18000 fight using 3*s. Imagine all the combinations and the importance of building a well-rounded team.
Introduce nodes like the Colorblind one from Incursions. Maybe make a node where 1*s are have a higher attack rating than 6*s, but without changing the champion's health so that the players have to perfect their intercepts because taking too many blocked hits with a 1* would mean death. So much could be added, but choosing to just up the attack and health pools really ain't it.
Ignore the fact that V2-4 are relatively easy for end game players, they’re fun. They don’t force you to use a specific champion - they guide you to use certain types of champions, all of which can be worked around if you don’t have any who fit the bill perfectly. End result - fun. Variant 2 was awesome ripping things to pieces with Venom on 2x bleed nodes, Variant 3 was awesome for turning Sentinel into the Terminaltor. Variant 4 let me plat champions I haven’t touched outside of arena in 6 months.
The grandmaster - the ultimate test - soloable on any path, by any champion in the entire game. Obviously there are better options and if you had the choice, your ramped up Aegon is going in ahead of your er, Groot. But the way that fight it set up, Groot can do it. That’s what high end content should be about, taking literally the worst champions, in the game, with no utility, damage or real uses, and being able to solo the hardest fight there is. Not because that champion is the perfect counter in the description, but because you, the player is the perfect counter for the Grandmaster.
We'll still be working on collecting data from players for analysis to see what further changes could be made, and will continue to do so after the beta ends, so if you're in the beta, make sure to give it a try with those new changes and provide your feedback in the beta forum.