MCOC Community Champions Trade Day

Hello fellow community summoners. I say we suggest to make our valuable time and money 💰 more interesting. What if we had a monthly or quarterly “TRADE A CHAMPION” day or week? We the community get to trade any champ/champs from our roster with each other. Within our Alliance, friends list, or the community. We get to negotiate our own deals. Whether it be 4* for a 4*, a 5* for a 5*, or a combination of multiple class star champions for a higher star champion. For example, two or three 4* champs for a 5* champs. You guys get the idea, I’m sure. PLEASE SUPPORT THIS SUGGESTION... If you agree. Thanks Community! 😊
Then I’ll send over my 5* R4 Hyperion for my Iron Patriot and my 5* wasp for Captain America classic.
This is a totally balanced idea, right?