Gold Crisis



  • DrZolaDrZola Member Posts: 9,452 ★★★★★
    edited May 2020
    Speeds80 said:

    @DrZola one of the few regs here with his head screwed on straight, thing is those are all steps I’ve always done, they used to be suffice, they no longer are, I guess my next step maybe to leave my 6* unlevelled but they are so good for arena once levelled, I’ve top 10% the Sunday arena most weeks, I usually run about 5m every 6* arena and 1m in every 4* arena... ever, this is good I’m loving the convo and it takes the stirrers to argue to keep this alive, I remember campaigning for months In forums when t1as were the bottleneck, sheesh this month I may have to sell mine, r2ing mediocre 5*s is a thi g of the past. I keep ranking my champs that I plan to use to not let cats expire, then They all get to sit al level 1 cos gold broke, pulling a dr doom and taking him from r1 to r5 was a shock to the system how much it actually cost, that combined with the rankup materials from act 6 clear, maybe it’ll level out in a few more months but the actual gold you need to use those rewards from act 6 is well into the 8 figures

    It is a shock to the system. R1 to R5 is crushing.

    And if you aren’t grinding at a steady clip, getting lucky and pulling a few top champs in a row can clean you out.

    I’m trying to remember what pushed me back into the 5M+ gold range. Maybe it was a Variant explore? That and incursions at Zone 6/7 has kept me regularly in the 4-5M range even with 6* pulls and getting a few decent champs and rankups (CapIW to R5, R1 to R3 CV 5*, shiny new useless 6* Classic Spidey). All that’s been in the past two weeks.

    I did hit the Goldpool quest when we had free Sigil. Sold an enormous wad of Class T5 Iso.
    Let myself get suckered in a few Cav Daily Specials which I think has a small gold amount. Other than that, I haven’t really hit anything else hard.

    But I do have a game suggestion: make the Pittance mastery give +25% on all gold awards. Players could then add and remove as they needed gold. It would cost units to tweak, but not so many you couldn’t get them from F2P.

    Dr. Zola
  • WorknprogressWorknprogress Member Posts: 7,233 ★★★★★
    r_ama said:

    xNig said:

    About 3 months back (I think) when 6.4 was released, I was sitting at 91m gold. There’s the screenshot somewhere in the forums.

    Fast forward 3 months or so, after exploring A6 100%, spending all the rank up materials obtained from A6 + regular glory purchases + 780k Gold weekly donations, I’m back at 92m.

    Is there a gold problem? Lol

    How many Cavs do you buy on average and how many greater gifting did you buy? You have to be spending to have that kind of gold. Clearly it's not an issue for everyone, especially those spending a lot of money on the game.

    However, F2P, especially newer accounts who have not been around since the beginning don't get all the dupes to sell iso and can't grow gold quick enough to keep up with the cost of 6* and higher level 5* that were getting.

    I've got 49 x 5* and 4 x 6*. Only 9 of my 5* are duped but 4 I used AG's on so 5 natural dupes (10% of my roster and a drop in the bucket for the total pool of champ's). 4* shards don't come in as much as they used to as cavalier and 5* dupes are rare for me. Not a big spender so I have to work with what I get.

    Max arena gold is 120,000 if you hit all gold milestones in the arenas and that takes a lot of time with people who don't have every champ to throw at it or units to refresh. So let's call it 250k a week if you're doing a lot of arena and hitting all gold milestones twice a week, plus what you get from arena crystals.

    It takes about 1.2m to go from R4 to R5 so you're looking at least a month to r4 or R5 one champ and benching everyone else for rankups in the process (new 6* or other potentials to R4 or even start with R1 and bring up). That is not a lot of fun and neither is having to spend to get more crystal dupes just to be able to use the rewards from variant to bring up some champ's that don't need anything other than gold and iso.
    I'm pretty sure he's a light spender at most if even that these days. Certainly not spending enough to be getting most of his gold from it.

    If newer accounts are flying through content faster than is intended then that's on them really. People playing for 4+ years already before act 6 was even released had a long time building up a roster of particularly 4* champs as that's where the vast majority of your iso will come from. 5* dupes are more of a bonus for most players I would think. With a flushed 4* roster you get plenty of iso even from phcs let alone the actual 4* crystals you get from phcs 3*s.

    There is gold and iso in the game. If you're trying to go too far too fast and not doing the available things to get more gold and iso, that's definitely a you thing
    This just shows that old players shouldn't really be speaking on these kind of issues.

    New players are not flying through content "faster than intended". They are going through content at the pace the game lets them go at, which is WAY too fast. I've played in 2015, quit for a few years, then came back in 2019 with a new account, so other than knowing how to parry and dex, I didn't really understand what was happening. 4 stars are so accessible for new players now that it's a massive problem. I got a 4 star Medusa while I was in Act 1. Is it my fault that she destroyed Acts 1-4 and stayed relevant all the way until act 5.4? No.

    I didn't rush anything, and just played the game the way it was intended to be played, and yet I apparently still "progressed too fast". So fast, in fact, that I still don't have a 1 star Hulk to do Variant 4 with, despite not selling any champions. Again, am I meant to know that I should've waited until I got a 1 star Hulk before beating Maestro? No.

    You can't expect new players to stay at lower progression levels to "build their roster" and collect gold when they are given every incentive to go as far as possible with the rank 1/2 4 stars that they got within the first 6 hours of gameplay, as the difficulty of the acts hardly changes to require rank ups early on. This is not rushing through, this is just how the game has been set up, and punishing players for playing the game in the way they've been allowed to is just bad design.

    The gold problem comes into play when you reach Act 5, as even though you are beginning to get 5 stars and max out your 4 stars, the availability of gold literally doesn't change. The game stays at a constant progression curve until you reach Act 5, them significantly increases in difficulty and he amount of resources needed, but the amount of gold you can get doesn't follow this curve. And it gets even worse once you begin to take your 5 stars to rank 4.

    Of course old players don't experience this, since you lot had years to save up gold. Not to mention that you didn't have any 4 stars until exploring Act 3, anyway (In my case). But for new players this gold problem is definitely real, and for Kabam to fix it they need to adjust the difficulty curve of earlier Acts to encourage players to actually build their roster before progressing, instead of allowing us to beat Maestro within our first month of playing.
    All of this is definitely true but I think a lot of it has to do with the potency of champs available today for newer players as well. They're getting to explore acts 4 and 5 with 4* corvus, ghost, Domino, etc...

    When the collector fight was new the best options at the time were 4* OGV and DD classic. The difference between them and newer meta champs is night and day honestly.

    While it may not be completely the players fault they're able to roll through earlier game content so easily it certainly is in some instances. I see plenty of posts of people going for cavalier after only having done a completion run through all of the Act 5 quests. That's definitely wanting to run before you can walk. I think it would still be an issue but not as large of an issue if players were fully exploring all the story content from acts 1-5 before trying to dive head first into things like Act 6
  • WorknprogressWorknprogress Member Posts: 7,233 ★★★★★
    Just because you can do something doesn't mean you should
  • TheTalentsTheTalents Member Posts: 2,254 ★★★★★

    Just because you can do something doesn't mean you should

    If the game team was smart they should be rewarded with more rankups for being able to fly through the content and become Cavalier in months. That is the issue with MCOC now is that you need to arbitrarily hold yourself back when you have the skill to move forward, being held back isn't fun.
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  • Oesername123Oesername123 Member Posts: 253 ★★★
    edited May 2020
    Not sure where the gold shortage is coming from. I'm not an "arena grinder", but I do play arena every week just to achieve a few milestones. No more than 30 minutes a day in total, roughly 20-30 streak over 3 days. I'm way too lazy to do more than the bare minimum.

    It helps that I don't play higher AQ maps that requires gold donation and also that I'm constantly overflowing in ISO from dupes and that I end up selling a lot of them in return for gold. But I do participate in every level up event to get to the last milestone and then stop.

    From day 1 the in-game currency (gold and units) are easily accessible for free to play players and all the game requires in exchange is the additional investment of time in the game. If not, you can pay. If you refuse to do both then I don't know what to tell you.
  • AlphA101AlphA101 Member Posts: 285 ★★★
    xNig said:

    Tiger360 said:

    xNig said:

    About 3 months back (I think) when 6.4 was released, I was sitting at 91m gold. There’s the screenshot somewhere in the forums.

    Fast forward 3 months or so, after exploring A6 100%, spending all the rank up materials obtained from A6 + regular glory purchases + 780k Gold weekly donations, I’m back at 92m.

    Is there a gold problem? Lol

    You must grind arena a lot or spend a lot, if you say no your simply lying
    I half grind arena once a day, and do one full run of my 5*R4s and above at night when watching television. It’s my nightly wind-down activity of about 1.5-2hrs so even on days without arena, it’s time spent.

    I half-grind my 6*s and 5* R5s on and off the day before 4pm so my 5*s cooldown refresh by 11 and I do the night grind then.

    I do about 9m 5*F / 4m 4*F / 1.5m 4*B based on the amount of grinding in the time that I can afford.

    The magical thing about arena, is that it gives units that allows me to occasionally splurge on crystals for champs that I don’t have. The most recent splurge of about 4-5k units was for Aegon. All units were grinded for and I didn’t have to spend a single cent for it.

    So no. I don’t grind a lot, nor spend a lot. Like I said, doing some arena solves Gold and unit issues, and gives shards for more chances at champs you want, which indirectly converts into ISOs, another issue people are facing.

    Do I have a life? Yes. I’m a forex trader, married and have 2 kids, aged 6 and 8. 😊
    Nice to hear that , I’m a forex trader as well :) , what’s your line id? Maybe we can discuss some trade setups ?

  • AlphA101AlphA101 Member Posts: 285 ★★★
    DrZola said:

    Speeds80 said:

    @DrZola one of the few regs here with his head screwed on straight, thing is those are all steps I’ve always done, they used to be suffice, they no longer are, I guess my next step maybe to leave my 6* unlevelled but they are so good for arena once levelled, I’ve top 10% the Sunday arena most weeks, I usually run about 5m every 6* arena and 1m in every 4* arena... ever, this is good I’m loving the convo and it takes the stirrers to argue to keep this alive, I remember campaigning for months In forums when t1as were the bottleneck, sheesh this month I may have to sell mine, r2ing mediocre 5*s is a thi g of the past. I keep ranking my champs that I plan to use to not let cats expire, then They all get to sit al level 1 cos gold broke, pulling a dr doom and taking him from r1 to r5 was a shock to the system how much it actually cost, that combined with the rankup materials from act 6 clear, maybe it’ll level out in a few more months but the actual gold you need to use those rewards from act 6 is well into the 8 figures

    It is a shock to the system. R1 to R5 is crushing.

    And if you aren’t grinding at a steady clip, getting lucky and pulling a few top champs in a row can clean you out.

    I’m trying to remember what pushed me back into the 5M+ gold range. Maybe it was a Variant explore? That and incursions at Zone 6/7 has kept me regularly in the 4-5M range even with 6* pulls and getting a few decent champs and rankups (CapIW to R5, R1 to R3 CV 5*, shiny new useless 6* Classic Spidey). All that’s been in the past two weeks.

    I did hit the Goldpool quest when we had free Sigil. Sold an enormous wad of Class T5 Iso.
    Let myself get suckered in a few Cav Daily Specials which I think has a small gold amount. Other than that, I haven’t really hit anything else hard.

    But I do have a game suggestion: make the Pittance mastery give +25% on all gold awards. Players could then add and remove as they needed gold. It would cost units to tweak, but not so many you couldn’t get them from F2P.

    Dr. Zola
    +25% is meagre , should be 400% atleast

  • r_amar_ama Member Posts: 6

    r_ama said:

    xNig said:

    About 3 months back (I think) when 6.4 was released, I was sitting at 91m gold. There’s the screenshot somewhere in the forums.

    Fast forward 3 months or so, after exploring A6 100%, spending all the rank up materials obtained from A6 + regular glory purchases + 780k Gold weekly donations, I’m back at 92m.

    Is there a gold problem? Lol

    How many Cavs do you buy on average and how many greater gifting did you buy? You have to be spending to have that kind of gold. Clearly it's not an issue for everyone, especially those spending a lot of money on the game.

    However, F2P, especially newer accounts who have not been around since the beginning don't get all the dupes to sell iso and can't grow gold quick enough to keep up with the cost of 6* and higher level 5* that were getting.

    I've got 49 x 5* and 4 x 6*. Only 9 of my 5* are duped but 4 I used AG's on so 5 natural dupes (10% of my roster and a drop in the bucket for the total pool of champ's). 4* shards don't come in as much as they used to as cavalier and 5* dupes are rare for me. Not a big spender so I have to work with what I get.

    Max arena gold is 120,000 if you hit all gold milestones in the arenas and that takes a lot of time with people who don't have every champ to throw at it or units to refresh. So let's call it 250k a week if you're doing a lot of arena and hitting all gold milestones twice a week, plus what you get from arena crystals.

    It takes about 1.2m to go from R4 to R5 so you're looking at least a month to r4 or R5 one champ and benching everyone else for rankups in the process (new 6* or other potentials to R4 or even start with R1 and bring up). That is not a lot of fun and neither is having to spend to get more crystal dupes just to be able to use the rewards from variant to bring up some champ's that don't need anything other than gold and iso.
    I'm pretty sure he's a light spender at most if even that these days. Certainly not spending enough to be getting most of his gold from it.

    If newer accounts are flying through content faster than is intended then that's on them really. People playing for 4+ years already before act 6 was even released had a long time building up a roster of particularly 4* champs as that's where the vast majority of your iso will come from. 5* dupes are more of a bonus for most players I would think. With a flushed 4* roster you get plenty of iso even from phcs let alone the actual 4* crystals you get from phcs 3*s.

    There is gold and iso in the game. If you're trying to go too far too fast and not doing the available things to get more gold and iso, that's definitely a you thing
    This just shows that old players shouldn't really be speaking on these kind of issues.

    New players are not flying through content "faster than intended". They are going through content at the pace the game lets them go at, which is WAY too fast. I've played in 2015, quit for a few years, then came back in 2019 with a new account, so other than knowing how to parry and dex, I didn't really understand what was happening. 4 stars are so accessible for new players now that it's a massive problem. I got a 4 star Medusa while I was in Act 1. Is it my fault that she destroyed Acts 1-4 and stayed relevant all the way until act 5.4? No.

    I didn't rush anything, and just played the game the way it was intended to be played, and yet I apparently still "progressed too fast". So fast, in fact, that I still don't have a 1 star Hulk to do Variant 4 with, despite not selling any champions. Again, am I meant to know that I should've waited until I got a 1 star Hulk before beating Maestro? No.

    You can't expect new players to stay at lower progression levels to "build their roster" and collect gold when they are given every incentive to go as far as possible with the rank 1/2 4 stars that they got within the first 6 hours of gameplay, as the difficulty of the acts hardly changes to require rank ups early on. This is not rushing through, this is just how the game has been set up, and punishing players for playing the game in the way they've been allowed to is just bad design.

    The gold problem comes into play when you reach Act 5, as even though you are beginning to get 5 stars and max out your 4 stars, the availability of gold literally doesn't change. The game stays at a constant progression curve until you reach Act 5, them significantly increases in difficulty and he amount of resources needed, but the amount of gold you can get doesn't follow this curve. And it gets even worse once you begin to take your 5 stars to rank 4.

    Of course old players don't experience this, since you lot had years to save up gold. Not to mention that you didn't have any 4 stars until exploring Act 3, anyway (In my case). But for new players this gold problem is definitely real, and for Kabam to fix it they need to adjust the difficulty curve of earlier Acts to encourage players to actually build their roster before progressing, instead of allowing us to beat Maestro within our first month of playing.
    All of this is definitely true but I think a lot of it has to do with the potency of champs available today for newer players as well. They're getting to explore acts 4 and 5 with 4* corvus, ghost, Domino, etc...

    When the collector fight was new the best options at the time were 4* OGV and DD classic. The difference between them and newer meta champs is night and day honestly.

    While it may not be completely the players fault they're able to roll through earlier game content so easily it certainly is in some instances. I see plenty of posts of people going for cavalier after only having done a completion run through all of the Act 5 quests. That's definitely wanting to run before you can walk. I think it would still be an issue but not as large of an issue if players were fully exploring all the story content from acts 1-5 before trying to dive head first into things like Act 6
    Yeah I agree that the strength of the newer champions are crazy compared to the old ones, which definitely helps with progression. The Hulkbuster I got as my first 4 star on my 2015 account probably wouldn't have gotten me anywhere near Maestro.

    I personally disagree with your last point, though. As someone who recently got Cavalier before Elder's Bane, (I did explore act 4 before moving onto Act 5, by the way) I honestly believe that completing 6.1 is easier than exploring act 5, provided you have the right champions for it. My rank 4's were Quake, Warlock and Blade, which are champions I would've ranked up regardless of whether I was gonna push for Cavalier, and with rank 3 Mephisto, Emma and CMM, I only needed 11 revives for 6.1 and a few boosts. I used a lot more on the 5.4 Ultron boss alone when exploring 5.4, and I still can't be bothered to fight the collector again.

    Actually, part of the reason why I decided to go for Cavalier is because of the 500k gold at the end, whereas with Act 5 you don't get any gold, only more rank up resources that you can't use due to a lack of gold, so I don't think it would make any meaningful difference in a new player's gold, and if anything it's a better choice to become Cav before fully exploring Act 5 in regards to gold.

    The problem is that it's too easy for players to get through the first 4 Acts with the champion they got on their first day, so they don't have the gold reserves, hence the gold problem when 5 stars come into the conversation. Even though I 100% cleared acts 1-4 before becoming uncollected, I still struggled with finding gold to rank up my 5 stars. But you can't blame new players for doing content "too quickly" when the game gives us all the resources to do the content when perhaps we shouldn't.

    But who are we to know this would happen? It's easy to say in hindsight that I should've gotten a 1 star Hulk before beating Maestro, or I should've saved more gold before I became uncollected, but the game gives you 5 stars and catalysts quicker than it gives you the gold to rank them up, even before you become uncollected, which is a big problem.

  • TitoBandito187TitoBandito187 Member Posts: 2,072 ★★★★
    36k gold for monthly eq 💯 is abysmal when you need 1.2m to take a 5* from R4 to R5. I do arena 1-2 hours a day (which is utterly ridiculous for the payoff) getting all gold milestones possible and completing all but the 5* featured. That's about 120k twice a week plus whatever arena crystals add on top. So between 💯 UC and master and clear all other EQ and 10 hours average a week in arena (sheesh that's a lot of fun), that's a little less than 1mil. Barely enough to take someone to R4, not enough for R5. I add extra gold in doing incursions, variant and story quest but still not enough. I don't dupe a tin since I only have 80 5* and don't get a lot of 4* shards anymore. I don't rank up everyone... I have 20 5* not even leveled at all and at least 20 4* the same way. I'm not a new player and didn't rush content as I only became cavalier and elders bane last month. Ranking 6* and finally getting some R5 5* is a huge gold requirement that is not being filled unless you can dupe a lot and sell a lot of iso consistently and grind away.

    The alternative is save gold for 2 months and not rank anyone which is pure garbage for fun, especially when T4B and T4 class cats are sitting in overflow and can't use any of the rankup gems from variant since it's such a slow process to accumulate.

    I bet it, some of you are flush with gold. Some of us are not. We're not all squandering it away in senseless reankups or being "lazy" in arena. The gold incoming simply isn't adequate enough for the resources that also come in and having to wait 2 months for a single rankup is nauseating just because of gold. I wish I got more dupes where I had iso to sell off, but that's not happening either. Whether this is a problem for you or not, it is a problem many are facing and fixing is out of our control... Unless you want to play for months with no fun or rankups to get there and then start the waiting game all over.

    Why would it kill kabam to make getting gold more in line with the resources available so players can have more fun with the game?. They don't have to give it away, but let's make obtaining it more realistic regardless of your progress and make the game funner in the process. If they're trying to get rid of players so they can focus on the new game and let this one die out, they're on the right path.
  • xNigxNig Member Posts: 7,336 ★★★★★
    AlphA101 said:

    xNig said:

    Tiger360 said:

    xNig said:

    About 3 months back (I think) when 6.4 was released, I was sitting at 91m gold. There’s the screenshot somewhere in the forums.

    Fast forward 3 months or so, after exploring A6 100%, spending all the rank up materials obtained from A6 + regular glory purchases + 780k Gold weekly donations, I’m back at 92m.

    Is there a gold problem? Lol

    You must grind arena a lot or spend a lot, if you say no your simply lying
    I half grind arena once a day, and do one full run of my 5*R4s and above at night when watching television. It’s my nightly wind-down activity of about 1.5-2hrs so even on days without arena, it’s time spent.

    I half-grind my 6*s and 5* R5s on and off the day before 4pm so my 5*s cooldown refresh by 11 and I do the night grind then.

    I do about 9m 5*F / 4m 4*F / 1.5m 4*B based on the amount of grinding in the time that I can afford.

    The magical thing about arena, is that it gives units that allows me to occasionally splurge on crystals for champs that I don’t have. The most recent splurge of about 4-5k units was for Aegon. All units were grinded for and I didn’t have to spend a single cent for it.

    So no. I don’t grind a lot, nor spend a lot. Like I said, doing some arena solves Gold and unit issues, and gives shards for more chances at champs you want, which indirectly converts into ISOs, another issue people are facing.

    Do I have a life? Yes. I’m a forex trader, married and have 2 kids, aged 6 and 8. 😊
    Nice to hear that , I’m a forex trader as well :) , what’s your line id? Maybe we can discuss some trade setups ?

    Same as my ign and forum name bro. 😊

    Looking forward to it.
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