New Concepts/Content Megathread

While the General game feedback is a great discussion point, I wanted to make a separate discussion for new content ideas, such as those @ESF proposed, and any others that add a generally large change to content.
1. It proposes a new game mode
2. It proposes a new node
3. It proposes a twist or major change on a current mode
Your post DOES NOT belong here if:
1. You give a problem with no solution
2. Your solution or change is minimal, such as increasing rewards or toning down attack rating
3. It is a complaint in general
4. You propose a new champion, unless said champion is directly tied to the new concept you propose
div class="Spoiler">Your message here </div
But add starting and closing greater than/ less than signs to the two lines
Let’s follow the aforementioned rules to keep this post organized, so Kabam can hear us clearly and won’t have to sift through massive amounts of comments to find good bits. Excited to hear what we can come up with!
Before posting, check out what belongs here and what belongs in the general game feedback thread:
Your post belongs here if:1. It proposes a new game mode
2. It proposes a new node
3. It proposes a twist or major change on a current mode
Your post DOES NOT belong here if:
1. You give a problem with no solution
2. Your solution or change is minimal, such as increasing rewards or toning down attack rating
3. It is a complaint in general
4. You propose a new champion, unless said champion is directly tied to the new concept you propose
For replying to a concept
Because concept posts can be very long, quoting them clogs up the discussion and overshadows any smaller concepts. If you wish to reply to a concept, simply tag the creator of the concept OR put the quote in a spoiler bracket so it doesn’t clog up the discussion. If you don’t know how to do a spoiler, tap the paragraph drop down next to Bold and italics, and select spoiler. Or type the following outdiv class="Spoiler">Your message here </div
But add starting and closing greater than/ less than signs to the two lines
Let’s follow the aforementioned rules to keep this post organized, so Kabam can hear us clearly and won’t have to sift through massive amounts of comments to find good bits. Excited to hear what we can come up with!
Arenas are currently the only reliable way to get a specific champion, but that is harmed by the fact that more progressed players who do it for the shards/sig levels or whatever have so many more 6* than someone who is a little smaller and can’t keep up the grind, so to the not grinder, it is a fools errand (I know this isn’t the only case, but it’s the general idea/problem with arenas. That and bots.)
I feel like a decent alternate for champ acquisition are solo quests with the champ in question. So like, instead of a 5* Omega Red arena, we would get a OR gauntlet quest where we need to take down a quest made around Omega red and his skills and weaknesses. So in my mind it would have two paths, one highlighting his skills and the other his weaknesses, so on one side it would be Electro, masochism and Morningstar/biohazard, but on the other side it would be robots and other Omega Reds. If you can finish both paths, you get that champ. It would obviously need to be hard enough to where it’s not just a faceroll, but not so hard that it requires perfect intercept and impossible scenarios (like putting a non-immune against biohazard unless they have a shrug off).
2) Content enjoyment: better nodes
#1 might help with this. Also more fun nodes like April Pools thing with the QuickDraw node, the stop hitting yourself node, etc. Stuff that makes the game funky but not hard. Another idea for a node is both champions are unstoppable and unblockable and those cannot be removed, and each fighter has X amount of indestructible charges and once all are removed, they gain death touch (so fast combos and ability stuns are good)
Here are my two big ideas, one a new game mode and another a handful of nodes.
Thank you! Post away!
"Pleaae post all suggestions on our suggestions and requests page" lol
If Kabam wanted to find a way to turn it into a more active part of the game, they could create objectives for doing fights under certain conditions, but it would probably be easier to just create quests for those rather than have the player base make them individually every time.
Gluttony: Whenever the Attacker has more than 2 bars of power, the Defenders power steals all of the Attacker's power over 10 seconds.
Greed: The Defender steals any buff the Attacker triggers. The potency of these buffs are increased by 100%.
Lust: The Attacker cannot gain power normally. When the Attacker is near the opponent, gain 1 bar of power every 10 seconds. When the Attacker is far away from the opponent, they are power drained, 1 bar of power every 7 seconds.
Sloth: Whenever the Defender activates a special attack, the Attacker is inflicted with a passive Slow and Heal Reverse. These are removed when the Attacker intercepts the Defender.
Wrath: The Defender gains +500% base attack, but every time the Defender uses a special attack, they recoil 5% of their max health.
Envy: Whenever the Attacker triggers a buff, the Defender increases their Ability Accuracy by 10% for each second the buff lasts.
Pride: If the Defender has more power than the Attacker, the Defender gains +20% Ability Accuracy and base attack while the defender suffers -20% Ability Accuracy and base attack.
Each month, there is a quest. It’s zero energy, and it’s like the Golden Circle except you start one tile away from the boss. It’s only available to those Level 45 or above, kinda like the Boss Rush.
The boss can be whoever Kabam chooses, like Maestro and Collector, or someone like OG Iron Man. The boss resets every month, and each has a node or two that suits them. The boss has a massive amount of Health. We’re talking like bigger-than-Abyss health pool.
Once a week, you get too bring in one champ to this quest. Your objective is to literally do as much damage as possible, by any means possible. You have no revives or items, just your skill and your champion of choice. You get points based on how much damage you do, one point being equal to 1 hp of damage.
At the end of the month, your highest score is put into the leaderboard along with everyone else. You get rewards based on your placement in the leaderboard.
Don’t know what good rewards could be, but I’d say top 10 get a Five star Nexus, top 3 get two, and the best one gets three and maybe 30,000 six star shards.
Feel free to let me know what you think!
This is a great idea, like just purely based on skill and how well you know the champion you're using. You could also even out the playing field by just having a selection of 6* R2 champs that are available to everyone in the quest. Like that Thanos fight at Comic-con where there was only a selection of R4 5*s.
@Moosetiptronic , hello! I totally appreciate your kind words, and trust me, i always think about how Kabam could profit because you are correct: That has to happen.
I also try to use existing i said before, they have already built this platform. I think they should let it work for them more, work less hard but make it more fun.
So, with that, here is an idea that people should read to the end, because it addresses basically everything.
Idea: The Squadron Supreme Project
Basic Implementation: Each month on the first of the month, the Sigil subscription resets. All sigil holders who have the Sigil subscription for the entire month get one 5-star member of the Squadron Supreme -- hang on, F2P players! Don't lose your minds yet. Just let me finish.
These characters would NOT be exceptional characters -- actually, the whole point is for Kabam to make them perfectly average in the game. Attack rating, block proficiency, crit rate, crit damage...all perfectly average. Only one offensive effect AND one defensive effect, each. So for instance, Nighthawk might have Bleed and a Passive Evade. Amphibian might have Fury and Bleed Immunity. Power Princess might have Cruelty and Armor Up.
Again: The whole point is that they are SIMPLE. For them to be in the Sigil subscription, they are not going to be earth-shattering...alone.
But each character has the Squadron Supreme Synergy Package that ONLY works with other members of the Squadron Supreme.
Each synergy package is EXACTLY THE SAME.
It is:
+4 percent Attack
+3 percent Perfect Block
+3 percent Crit Rate
+2 percent Crit Damage
+2 percent Special Attack Damage
Therefore, if you collect any five members of the Squadron Supreme and run them as a team, you are getting...
+20 percent Attack
+15 percent Perfect Block
+15 percent Crit Rate
+10 percent Crit Damage
+10 percent Special Attack Damage
Again: Those synergies only work for the Squadron Supreme. Period. They cannot get any Synergy help from anyone else. Just them.
Why? That increases their value as a Sigil subscription.
Since the characters were all perfectly average, running them as a team and activating the Synergy Package takes them up maybe a level to solidly above average, making them viable in Uncollected level content. Not Endgame content -- we want the characters to be useful and fun, not gamebreaking.
OK, F2P players. Here is where you come in.
Two months after the release of the Squadron Supreme character in that month's Sigil subscription, you or anyone else can purchase this same 5-star character for 1,250 units.
So if a Sigil subscriber bought it, they get the awakened power. F2P get the base character and could either use it unawakened or use an AG on it.
You can purchase the character for units for two weeks...and then it's gone forever. No reruns, no Arenas, nothing. Get it then, or not at all.
So by doing this, Kabam increases the value of the Sigil and likely gets more subscribers. The subscribers get the characters first. F2P still gets the chance to get the characters by doing nothing more than grinding units.
Everyone wins
I posted on this a few months ago and it was taken down, so I'll try again....
The gifting event was eye opening as was @Seatin 's summary of his spend on this game. Now to think in the gifting event something in the region of 1,000 players spent maybe as much as 10m, possibly more. Q4 2019 revenue from mcoc was around 80m, annual around 317m.
That's the kind of revenue mcoc needs to generate from the players. If there are 4m players, that's $79 each. If there are only 1.5m players (think that may be right), that's $200 a head per annum.
What content can kabam introduce that is fun enough for people to pay to play, or gives such an advantage to higher than average spend, that higher spend is encouraged and that those spending over $200, say $1000 upwards, believe they are getting enough advantage?
That's what will keep the game running and in good health.
Suggestions that give a lot more content, shards, rank up materials and challenge/fun all need to have this objective in mind.
As that is the only lense that kabam can legitimately view it through. They are a business.
How will it work?
Every day in the daily quests tab a new quest will appear. This is how it will work;
Monday- Tech
Tuesday- Mutant
Wednesday- Skill
Thursday- Science
Friday- Mystic
Saturday- Cosmic
Sunday- Random.
Each day there are 4 difficulties;
3* (PI around 4K)
4* (PI around 10K)
5* (PI around 20K)
6* (PI around 30K)
For each difficulty you are only allowed to bring in champions of the quests rarity (like V4). This means that you can only really enter the quest based on what sig stones you actually need.
The layout and energy requirements of the quest will be exactly the same as the current class catalyst daily quests.
For each of the quests the rewards are based on the * level of the quest you take on
On Monday to Saturdays quests the rewards will be set out like this
Path 1 (completion)- 1X +5 sig stone of the rotating class
Path 2 (exploration)- 1X +5 sig stone of the rotating class
Chests: Lower level- 2X +1 sig stone of the rotating class
Higher level- 1X +5 sig stone of the rotating class
On Sunday the rewards are as follows
Path 1- 5X +1 sig stone crystals
Path 2- 5X +1 sig stone crystals
Chests: Lower level- 2X +1 sig stone crystals
Higher level- 5X +1 sig stone crystals.
This would be a great way to slowly buff up the sig level of a specific champion. I think the quest should only give class based stones because if it gave generics then it would take 6 days to max out a 3/4* sig level and 12 to max out a 5/6* sig level, which I don’t feel is long enough (especially with the 6* stones). Instead it’s about 17 sigs of a class a week (or more depending on Sunday luck)
I think that this is the solution to the f2p 6* sig stone issue, where it is impossible for a f2p player to actually get 6* sig stones other than from the abyss. But even then P2W players would still have that natural advantage needed for kabam a buissness model to survive (with this system it takes around 11 weeks to max out a 5/6* sig level, for 5*s that’s fine bc you can get the sigs from other sources and it works for 6*s because it should take a long time to max out a 6*)
I have a few ideas/thoughts, maybe a gameplay/act where you have thru the ages;
There are two ways you can do this
1)What I mean by that one chapter has 4 missions, 2 missions are skill for example and 2 mutant. What makes it thru the ages and includes all your squad is that you have to have one champion from 2015,2016,2017,2018,2019 etc one slot for each year.
2) you could make each chapter a different year so chapter 1, missions 1-2 champs of only 2015, missions 3-4 champions of just 2016 or you could do 2015 and 2016.
With these game play tweaks, you can tailor nodes to fit that classes or champions of that year and gives you the chances to have wider nodes, with even some nodes tailored to older champions.
For example if you had science you can have a node that is tailored to needing a good block proficiency suitable to captain America (any three) or class group tech which rewards you for having a robot champion. If going off years you can have ones suited more to nodes that don’t rely on huge Crit numbers.
This would mean you have to dust off old champs and use them or use newer champions if still wanted.
I don’t know if this is a doable game play but is an idea to make older champs relevant, and making making nodes able to be tailored
But you wouldn’t know who the boss is the first time.
On the champions tab we currently have the buttons: upgrade; use items; and view info.
I would love to see a duel button added here so we can challenge any rarity of that champion with the added option of selecting a War node for practice.
I like that concept tho
There are two possible variations that Kabam could do for this.
The first one is just it starts with one stars and it ranks in terms of pi and star level as you go on, and eventually you’re just fighting 5/65 max sig six stars.
Or, they could do it my preferred way.
There is one difficulty: But the fights are structured like this:
Fights 1-5: Quest 1, Chapter 1 of Beginner eq difficulty
Fights 6-15: Quest 2, Chapter 1 of Normal eq difficulty
Fights 16-30: Quest 1, Chapter 2 of Heroic eq difficulty
Fights 31-50: Quest 2, Chapter 2 of Master eq difficulty
Fights 51-75: Quest 1, Chapter 3 of Uncollected eq difficulty
Fights 76+: Quest 2, Chapter 3 of a Cavalier eq difficulty level.
Arguments can be made for shortening how many fights per difficulty, but I have my reasons.
The opponents you face are random, and will change every time you enter the quest anew.
You bring in a full team of five, and you cannot use boosts, revives, potions, or items of any kind. It’s zero energy per tile, and once a champion is knocked out they are knocked out until you end the gauntlet.
There are rewards on the path, and they get better as you go on and are suited to the difficulty level you are currently at in the quest.
Once your entire team is knocked out, you exit the quest, taking all of the rewards you collected along the path with you.
This is just a fun, skill based challenge for everyone, as the better your skills and roster get, the farther you can go and the better rewards you will acquire.
As a note, certain fights will have nodes to counter cheesing fights with champions like Quake, Ghost, Corvus, etc.
This idea can be fleshed out, feel free to expand upon it.
Have a good one!