Game - last straw? Maybe not?

LucianoDelHoyaLucianoDelHoya Member Posts: 1,458 ★★★
Hello summoners!

Think we all know why we are here, where probably bored got nothing better to do.

Anyways. 3 of my ally/ex Ally friends have left in the past week. They all have something in common.

This game is more or less for the Whales i said more or less, doesn't include the super grinders who grind down the game.

Also they feel the 6* meta is totally unacceptable, one of them was looking for a 6*/5* HT or NF so he could do Abys of Legends. He pulled nothing but trash, he decided to go for the hourly Feature Cav Spent in the region of around 9k Units again nothing but Trash. He decided to Mod inform Kabam support and he got Banned because he decided enough is enough. He was vowing for a 6* Nexus Crystal to get added as the 6* Meta as we know is trash. Your chance of pulling anything decent is very very slim. I've pulled nothing but trash from my last 1mil 6* Shards! It's not easy getting 1mil 6* Shards. I have i would say 3-5 very good to good 6* champs out of 30 6* champions bare in mind i have a few trash Dupes.

The other 2 decided to Leave for Similar reasons, they feel the Game will be beyond them and they would rather Spend there time else where.

Im on the crossroad my self. I've gone from Plat 1/ Map 6 ally to a Silver 2 / map 4 ally ain't got no time to stress over some flow War or BS paths in Map 6 anymore. Im slowly coming to a halt. I feel that many are on the same boat.

No Harm in adding a 5* and 6* Nexus to the game for the same price as a Feature. The champion Meta is to big. It wasn't what it was a year or two ago. So Kabam you should evolve for the general community.

Dr Luciano


  • RichiesDad79RichiesDad79 Member Posts: 1,017 ★★★
    I pulled a 6* ghost on my 2nd 6* crystal. The only **** 6* I've gotten was dpxf, but the others were at least slightly to way above usuable bordering on excellent. It is truly the luck of the draw.
  • AlphA101AlphA101 Member Posts: 285 ★★★
    1m 6* shards and no joy ? Damn , I wouldn’t feel bad the day I quit
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  • OdachiOdachi Member Posts: 1,146 ★★★★
    This, like a lot of other comments in the proper thread is just a devolved way of trying to twist the original issues of mechanics into a cry post of 'I want more stuff'. You should consider joining your ex-ally mates if you're main issue is that you aren't getting your way with your crystal pulls.
  • edited May 2020
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  • winterthurwinterthur Member Posts: 8,325 ★★★★★
    Still wondering whether this news is reliable.

    2019's Black Friday marked a record year for mobile game spending, with Marvel's Contest of Champions topping the charts for dollars earned, according to The Hollywood Reporter.

    Across both Google Play and Apple's App Store, Black Friday, November 29 - set a record mobile game spending in a single day, taking in a combined $55.8 million for the medium. That $55.8m accounts for a 25% increase in Black Friday mobile game spending over 2018.

    Apple's App Store accounted for $42.1m of that figure, with Contest of Champions earning $2.7m overall.

    Countless Summoners are still happily spending money to keep the game going.
  • FR33_HUG5FR33_HUG5 Member Posts: 1,196 ★★★★

    If your feeling frustrated with the current state of the game; then take a break. Walk away from it for a few days.
  • AlphA101AlphA101 Member Posts: 285 ★★★

    Still wondering whether this news is reliable.

    2019's Black Friday marked a record year for mobile game spending, with Marvel's Contest of Champions topping the charts for dollars earned, according to The Hollywood Reporter.

    Across both Google Play and Apple's App Store, Black Friday, November 29 - set a record mobile game spending in a single day, taking in a combined $55.8 million for the medium. That $55.8m accounts for a 25% increase in Black Friday mobile game spending over 2018.

    Apple's App Store accounted for $42.1m of that figure, with Contest of Champions earning $2.7m overall.

    Countless Summoners are still happily spending money to keep the game going.

    I’ll wager it won’t be anywhere close to high this year !

    Sentiment has gone real south side since last year

  • WayntosWayntos Member Posts: 624 ★★★
    The big issue with these crystals, the offer of a featured crystal. You save up extra to get this "special" featured crystal but still has the trash in it the Groot, KK and so many more. Its like whats to point if I'm going to spend extra they should remove the garbage. Spending 15k to get Groot WTF. Yes you have a choice and thats why I'll never buy the feature crystal. It's offers like this that make kabam look bad! like some of the nodes which we seen post about the nodes 7% chance to evade which should say 7% not to evade or 93% to evade.
  • Doctorwho13Doctorwho13 Member Posts: 600 ★★★
    I don’t know. In regard to fun and fun alone, if it’s not fun, don’t play. You’re just punishing yourself. If you still find it fun play the parts that give the most joy.

    I do understand the frustration though. Part of the fun is “winning.” I don’t think many - if any - would play just to constantly lose fights

    So. In order to win at hard fights the higher you go the better stuff you need. Skill only goes so far. It’s true that at a certain level you need champs or the ability to rank champs. That means more winning.

    If you’re not winning, it can certainly not be fun.
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  • KingyakoopaKingyakoopa Member Posts: 203
    It's basically the same way when 5 stars came out. I was against the whole idea of starting over with 6 stars. But just like the 5 stars became easier to get. We were getting like one a month. At some point by next year they will increase the rewards to give us more 6 stars. Look at the deals now for 6 star bundles. It's basically the same method they used for 5 stars. At some point people will get good 6 stars. But obviously some will be ahead of others. I noticed with my 6 stars pulls, I get like 5 to 6 trash in a row and then I get a God tier. Eventually they will come and I understand being disappointed now. But just keep focusing on 5 stars until the game changes again.
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  • GinjabredMonstaGinjabredMonsta Member, Guardian Posts: 6,494 Guardian
    Gmonkey said:

    This is the vhs, DVD, bluray problem recollecting all the same champs at highe levels sucks. I pulled and duped vision arkus as a 5 star took him to rank 4 was going to take to rank 5 then got the six star same with killmonger. Took void to r5 just recently got him as 6 star got science awakening and t5cc science so have him as aan r5 and r3 6 star. Giving up on taking 5 stars up any more

    I miss VHS
  • Feeney234Feeney234 Member Posts: 1,253 ★★★★
    Ive pulled my fair share of trash champs. But also pulled some really good ones. Just keep playing and your luck will turn around. Also, your boy is a fool for blowing 9k units on crystals. Those units could have been used to explore unfinished content.
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  • Mcord11758Mcord11758 Member Posts: 1,249 ★★★★
    I don’t need to keep up with the spenders and I am fine with being average. My bigger issue is the void of content between monthly uc and act 6. I gave up on getting good pulls and when it happens ok. For someone who just wants some challenging fun there is little content available anymore imo. Hopefully a new variant soon. Going back to main subject, you can’t play this game harping on pulls, you will be let down more than you hit big
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