Aq 30 min timer

How nice it's been or be able to do other events/arena with not having to worry about checking the Aq map every hour, I honestly can't see any reason for kabam putting it back to 1 hour and plenty to gain by keeping it at 30 mins.
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The timer has absolutely no affect on the difficulty, except for different schedules and time zones. Keeping 30 minute timers makes perfect sense.
You're the one player miike referred to when he said 30 min timers punish players. Lol. Yes, you get energy faster, it doesn't necessarily mean it has to be used right as you get it. It gives more freedom.
There are more than just one. The word "punish" has been stretched to death. People are in different Time Zones. Some don't log on as much as we do. Some can't even log on until daytime where they are, which is nighttime where we are. Which means, depending on the Map they run, they could miss the entire AQ because it's completed before they come on.
In any case, they have no plans to change it permanently at the moment. It's for all Players, in all areas, and 1-Hour Timers are designed to allow for completion with coordination and planning, within 24 hours, for all ranges of situations.
By all means, those of you who are the VAST minority preferring 1 hour timers to 30 min timers, please tell us about how these past few weeks have been so awful for you.
Fyi, dude said player
you can do the same thing with 30 min timers. i dont get the "makes me feel rushed" argument at all. the common denominator is that aq runs 24 hours. each ally can still finish at their own rate with 30 min or 1 hour timers. if a player misses an entire aq series, they can find an ally more in tune with their time zone or if the their ally mates dont care, take the free rewards. no one gets anything extra for individual scores anyway.
I personally love being able to go to work or do things with the family and not needing to sneak off periodically to make sure linked nodes are down for other players. 30 minute timers allow people to play when they are available.
If MCOC's goal is only for the short term, then I can see why they would revert back to 60 minute timers. But most players will not be able to sustain this kind of lifestyle, so it would be wise to keep it to 30 minutes so that players with lives can continue to play this game over the long haul.
That's not how the game works. People are open to join each other regardless of where they're from. It's Global. We can't expect people to separate based on their region just because some want to finish faster. People want to play. They don't just want Rewards. Especially those that are growing. They need that experience. It's designed for 1-Hour Timers. The debate always comes up, but the fact is, some can't see how it's a problem because they enjoy speeding it up when it occasionally comes around.
With 1 hour timers and the links setup the way they are in maps 5 and 6, you essentially have very specific times to be online in order to nail exploration.
30 min timers let us log in with more flexibility. If my energy fills up, there is no harm in not moving. You don't have to keep the timers running all day.
stater of the obvious, of course people want to play. if they didnt, they wouldnt have downloaded the game. i never said that i expect them to seperate based on region, i said they could join an ally more in tune with their time zone. i also never said anything about wanting to finish aq faster.
30 min timers do not cause the rush issue, their peers do. you keep stating "its designed for 1 hour timers" but the design is for allies to complete the map with in 24 hours, thats really the only timer that matters. if timing is an issue, do the unthinkable and delay the start of aq.
anyway, call it how you want. the game doesnt work just one way. 30 min....1 hr.....i dont care either way. there are so many ways to go about getting from A to Z.
usually i agree with your posts, this is just one we wont see eye to eye on!
Until now in AW you were able to boost and complete a full path with it (most paths).
Personally speaking, I don't care about the boost.. they can find another way to eliminate this if they really want.
The "cordination" issue is **** because no matter how you coordinate you can't complete map6 if you can't play during the morning, which lead to account sharing or putting pressure over players to play during work or school.
Endless requests from the team to reduce the timer or schedule the quests to 12 hours but they just don't want to. Exactly like a drug dealer, they care more about the money stream than the players.
By the same token, if you feel your alliance is rushing you with 30 minute timers, you too are free to switch to one where there is no rush.
I don't know why you think the maps are designed for 1 hour timers. If anything, the maps do not take into account emergencies, be it arising from players' real life, or from Kabam's servers outage. If the designs do consider these emergencies, then there is no need for Kabam to move to 30 minute timers whenever there is a server outage. Or is it a case where Kabam just simply do not care about players' well being?
From a players point of view 30 minute timers are better and give you more flexibility.
So we're not going to get the timer that helps us as it's designed around earning money
They are designed for 1-Hour Timers. That is from the Mods themselves. My Ally is not the issue. The issue is people who are in different areas of the world and those who can't log on as often as some of us who are on most of the day.
If they are designed for 1 hour timers, then the design does not take into consideration the possibility of real life emergencies, including server outages and players' real world circumstances.
Some folks just gotta dribble. They simply can't help it...
It is obvious to me that the company cares little about your life outside the game. They'll tell you to scale down to the next map below if you are not comfortably completing whatever map you're on. My advice is to tell them you wont spend $ until 30 min timers are permanent, and follow through.
lol i really failed to understood how 1 hour will give them more experience?
It's websnatcher, he'll argue with anyone and take kabam's side.
Ahhh thanks for the info bud.
If they come on when the Map is already complete because they live on the other side of the world, they don't get any experience at all.
i think he is talking about players doing map1 or map2 lol. I don't think we (veteran) players doing map5 or map6 need and 30 min extra experience. And i also don't understand the logic behind when people say 30 min timer forces them to check in frequently. Say i have i have a convertible car that doesn't mean i have to keep the roof down event if it is raining.