Ægon not as useful as I thought.

I honestly love the animation, damage, and more with Ægon but playing him more (in my opinion) makes me see he isn't exactly as good as I thought he may do lots of damage but that's only if you can stack the hits over time honestly in my eyes he is only a more controllable starlord that brings part of his combo to the next fight I also cant see his ramp up in damage in the first fight it doesnt show more damage unless the fight lasts a while and you are playing several matches with him if I had the choice of Starlord and Ægon I would go for the starlord as he can show his attacks ramping up in the first 25 hits but others may see Ægon as the better choice as if you have better skill in the game and maximize the amount of hits in one match without getting hit you can bring out the utility in him but the way I see it he has to be max signature ability to bring out the maximum amount of damage while starlord doesnt this is just a opinion not saying he isnt good I'm just saying I would recommend having to restart your hit
streak every time and show more ramp up damage than having to do several fights to show the ramp up
streak every time and show more ramp up damage than having to do several fights to show the ramp up
Fortunately, I pulled him yesterday.
and SL should be better? Just unreasonable ...
Dr. Zola
More ot; I have both at rank 5 & max sig, I used SL for Labyrinth, Æegon for Abyss completion run. I enjoy using both, though SL has been collecting dust from the moment I started exploring act 6.
Also, someone else claimed he’s only useful in abyss or labyrinth, which is just crazy talk. He can clear most paths of map 6 or lower in AQ. He is insanely useful in Act 6 where the health pools are very large. And his ability to crit through blocks to bait out specials instead of having to parry and take the chip damage from opponents with crazy attack ratings is a huge plus. The only place I can think of where he’s not very useful is in AW or Legend speed runs bc of his ramp up time.
There are only a handful of other champs useful in almost every game mode, he’s certainly one of them.