Can you help me figure out my intel numbers?

I haven’t bought a chronometer.
I haven’t bought any specials with intel in them.
I’ve thought that I have acquired intel every day. I currently have 41 intel, two entries remaining.
At 258 (?) intel a day, and Sunday, Monday, Tuesday remaining that leaves me with 815 intel, 185 short of a final rift entry.
What am I missing?
I haven’t bought any specials with intel in them.
I’ve thought that I have acquired intel every day. I currently have 41 intel, two entries remaining.
At 258 (?) intel a day, and Sunday, Monday, Tuesday remaining that leaves me with 815 intel, 185 short of a final rift entry.
What am I missing?
Are you sure you’ve claimed all the Target Objectives to date (thru Saturday) ?
Or used any Intel to buy other lesser items in the Store ?
How many Rift Entries are still showing in Store as possible to buy ? (if it says 2, then yes, you are short somehow)
Keep in mind, since max Intel is 9030, you’re actually 215 short of what you should be (could be) instead of just 185 short of the Entries.
I haven’t bought any other items besides tier 4 rift detectors (all other items show full purchase limits)
It says there are two more t4 rift detectors available.
215 is a weird number to be short by. I did contact support.
According to the store, the 2* crystals cost units, but I didn’t buy any either way.
I have 256 now, so 256 - 258 + 43 = 41.
There should be 3 remaining instead of 2.
Probably ran first RedOPS without changing the default Difficulty level from Normal to Epic.