6 star colossus, am I missing something?

Pulled this guy from a cav yesterday
I heard he was really good for labyrinth so I took him in with a synergy team and was massively underwhelmed. I am running suicides, but I find my r5 guillotine is much better than this guy

I heard he was really good for labyrinth so I took him in with a synergy team and was massively underwhelmed. I am running suicides, but I find my r5 guillotine is much better than this guy
His dupe lets him retain the combo, so you don't have to rebuild it every time. Thats what makes him so good
-First of all remove suicides because you need to throw lots of specials.
-The ideal team for Colossus for LOL is Colossus+Omega Red+Juggernaut+Emma Frost and 1 free spot.
-Don't throw sp1's at all and only use sp2's from the beginning.
-The power gain due to Emma Frost synergy will help u a lot to use more sp2's and that will increase your attack rating.
-At some times you will have 40 Armor ups and you will gain 120% more attack due to synergies.
-My 5/65 Colossus hits like a truck in labyrinth. His mediums hit for 23k.
P.S. - You might as well use one sp3 bc that places a passive fatigue on the opponent and they won't be able to crit which will help a lot when you get screwed by the evade.
There's a video of Kt1 where he uses Colossus for LOL. You should see that. It will help you.