Welcome to the Island of Doctor M.O.D.O.K.



  • Panda504337Panda504337 Member Posts: 77

    Hey everybody,

    Thank you all for your patience as we worked to address your feedback on the rewards for this event. We recognize that this store does not feature the rewards that our end-game players are looking for. Rewards reflect the difficulty, and the progression level we aim for, which in this case has not been our end game players. '

    Originally, our intention was to have Book 2 Act 1 starting this month, or soon after, which would have given our most experienced Summoners something to dig in to, but as you know, we've pushed that back.

    We will also have more content aimed at our endgame players next month. We'll have more information on that for you before the end of the week, so please keep an eye out on the forums for more on how we'll be starting on our playable road to the Cavalier Difficulty level. (No, that doesn't mean Cavalier difficulty is coming next month...)

    For this event, we're going to add a few more things to the store that our players have requested (though, not everything requested... We've got to save some stuff for the higher difficulty level!). Special shout out once again to our CCP and the members of the community that shared their thoughts with us on this subject constructively and eloquently.

    For Cavalier Players, we will be adding the following options to the Store:
    - 5-Star Generic Signature Stones (Limit 20, 16 Coins)
    - 1000 5-Star Shards (Limit 15, 20 Coins)

    Additionally, we're increasing the Maximum T5B Catalyst Fragments from 3 to 5.

    This will be live in-game tomorrow. We don't have a definite time yet, and the prices are still subject to change, but we wanted to let you all know as soon as possible.

    This really didn’t address half of the issues.

    I don’t understand why adjust the rewards for just cav players

    The issue when you reroll buffs but get the same ones

    What’s up with the greater solo crystal shards

    Look at the original rewards for cavalier players. Each level had 5+ exclusive items within their store, cavalier, the hardest and highest level in the game had 2, which could only brought twice. Yes, rewards are lacking - but at least they are more balanced now.
    Did you read any of the other issues I put. They are ignoring some of the other obvious issues. The rewards didn’t need to be balanced, they needed to be reworked.

    Have they addressed the re rolling issue in any forum

    And the greater solo crystal shards??? What
  • TeaguearinoTeaguearino Member Posts: 25
    all these rewards should just be doubled
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  • Addy0_0StarkAddy0_0Stark Member Posts: 9
    Mayis said:

    @Kabam Miike, thanks for this solution, it will help Cavalier players I guess.

    But we have 20 pages of posts here, and the majority of concerns arent adressed in your response:

    -Uncollected players still have only 20 RANDOM sig stones available and cant buy 5 star shards. If u dont know, it is what they need, because in act 6 ONLY 5 STARS ALLOWED

    -Epic difficulty is very hard for players who just became uncollected, the quest is designed for those who have well developed 5*-6* rosters, but its very stressfull for the ones with 4* and couple of r3 5 star champs. I can push it if I need to do it once per week or month, but not every day, sorry. ImO the game should be fun, not stressfull.

    - u can say "if epic is difficult, do master" — Id agree, if master was offering normal rewards. I mean, 200 4 star shards and 150 5* shards, really??

    - Rerolls are not helping. I spent 8-10 rerolls in two runs, and I was still getting rage, masochism and spite. Whats the point of rerolls, if they give the same nodes all the time?

    I had almost 10k 5 star shards, so I went to secont run today. I spent 3 revives bc the nodes were insane and rerolls didnt help, plus the boss has 10-11 k attack for some reason. I will not enter this labs again. Not while I have only 2 r4 5 stars.

    I totally agree with you. I also became Uncollected recently and I was waiting to take advantage for all the struggle I did for becoming Uncollected. But this event seems to be worthless . 150 5star shards, are they kidding?

    I need some more good 5 star characters to continue my story progress . I also saved up Awakening gems ,gold ,iso and catalysts so that I could use them on any good 5 stars If I get any this month. But all that seems to be going in vain as I will not be getting any 5 star this month .

    Thank you kabam !!
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  • IronStrangeIronStrange Member Posts: 103
    All my mates who are on the same level as me, got the Cavalier title one week ago. Which is great. One of them only pulling between beyond and high demigod, no trash champs (maybe every 2nd month) he has an r5 Doom, Aegon,Nick, Cmm, HT and many others. He pulled Iceman (and duped it) after completing Act 5. Of course it was easy for him. The other doesnt have this much luck, but he has many duped awesome champs...
    And here I am explored 5.4...duped my Howard! Great. Then I went for Variant 4 completion which I did with only 4 revives. What did I got? Classic Captain Marvel! I havent pull any usable champ for 6.1 in months!! How I am supposed to became Cavalier if I dont get the champs for it? My only chance to get 5* shards are from the EQ (I can explore UC EQ) and the side events (+war). And now only Cavalier players can get 5* shards? Thats so great. UC players need it more to get champs for 6.1, not the Cavaliers! Fresh cavalier are happy for it, but for the endgame players 15k 5* shards are useless basically. I really dont get it. I wont be a Cavalier for other 3 months I guess. :/
  • Markjv81Markjv81 Member Posts: 1,040 ★★★★

    Markjv81 said:

    Markjv81 said:

    DNA3000 said:

    Markjv81 said:

    Players.. “game has progressed to 6* champs, we need 6* stones and shards”
    Kabam... “here’s some 5* stones and shards”

    Is that what players are saying? I guess I missed that over the everyone else saying that the change doesn't benefit anyone lower than Cavalier. Or are you saying that everyone, from UC down to Proven, has progressed to 6* champs?

    The reasonable assumption here is that the next higher difficulty tier and content path to it haven't been finalized yet, so the rewards for them haven't been finalized yet, so they have to be cautious about rewards they add to content that was designed long ago and are changing literally on the spur of the moment to address feedback concerns.

    Plus, I've never understood the concept of the "meta" being that the game has progressed to 6* champs, so there's not enough supply of 6* champs and rank up materials. If there aren't enough ways to get them or rank them up, then having the "meta" be that everyone should focus on them seems illogical. If you're focusing on the thing you can't get enough of, that's a bad game decision.
    Makes a thread about act 6 being tuned for 8*, doesn’t believe game has progressed to 6*. It’s obvious I’m talking cav level players as that’s who the buffed rewards are available for.
    I don't think a lot of you actually understood what was said in that post. All you saw was 8*s and ran with it.

    Listing it being at a level that 8*s would be required for your "average" player meant basically what it would take to just brute force through it with no actual ability to counterplay anything by sheer force having realtively similar PI is what I gathered from it. Basically putting any game on easy mode and sleep walking through it.

    That doesn't mean someone with lower level champs shouldn't be able to beat it. And considering lots of people have finished all of it with mostly 5*s let alone 6*s I'd bet that the majority of players wouldn't have much issue at all with R3 6*s and even less so with R4s. This whole 8* song that people keep singing just isn't accurate for what I'd consider an actualaverage player that's gotten to that point so far in the game I don't think. I think average in that sense means far more bottom of the barrel.

    I absolutely understood what was written and that’s why I’m saying 6* shards/stones and not 8*. I want to beat the content as easily as possible and 6* will do that.
    Then wait and eventually you'll get them. I do not understand the playerbases urge to keep pushing 6*s. 5*s are still completely relevant and the faster more 6*s and rank up materials start rolling out all that happens is 7*s come sooner and you're starting all over
    In my eyes that’s a fundamental flaw in the game where a 5 year old, basically free to play account answer to beating story content is just to wait for the next power level of champ to be readily available or just get incredibly lucky with 5 or 6* champs. Story content imo shouldn’t progress past a point of easily attainable power level for an average account, but that’s a whole nother topic I guess.
  • RebeccaRose11RebeccaRose11 Member Posts: 3
    Epic is a Troll map.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,974 ★★★★★

    Hey everybody,

    Thank you all for your patience as we worked to address your feedback on the rewards for this event. We recognize that this store does not feature the rewards that our end-game players are looking for. Rewards reflect the difficulty, and the progression level we aim for, which in this case has not been our end game players. '

    Originally, our intention was to have Book 2 Act 1 starting this month, or soon after, which would have given our most experienced Summoners something to dig in to, but as you know, we've pushed that back.

    We will also have more content aimed at our endgame players next month. We'll have more information on that for you before the end of the week, so please keep an eye out on the forums for more on how we'll be starting on our playable road to the Cavalier Difficulty level. (No, that doesn't mean Cavalier difficulty is coming next month...)

    For this event, we're going to add a few more things to the store that our players have requested (though, not everything requested... We've got to save some stuff for the higher difficulty level!). Special shout out once again to our CCP and the members of the community that shared their thoughts with us on this subject constructively and eloquently.

    For Cavalier Players, we will be adding the following options to the Store:
    - 5-Star Generic Signature Stones (Limit 20, 16 Coins)
    - 1000 5-Star Shards (Limit 15, 20 Coins)

    Additionally, we're increasing the Maximum T5B Catalyst Fragments from 3 to 5.

    This will be live in-game tomorrow. We don't have a definite time yet, and the prices are still subject to change, but we wanted to let you all know as soon as possible.

    This really didn’t address half of the issues.

    I don’t understand why adjust the rewards for just cav players

    The issue when you reroll buffs but get the same ones

    What’s up with the greater solo crystal shards

    Look at the original rewards for cavalier players. Each level had 5+ exclusive items within their store, cavalier, the hardest and highest level in the game had 2, which could only brought twice. Yes, rewards are lacking - but at least they are more balanced now.
    For Cavalier Players.
    Yes, for cavalier players. Who despite completing the most content received the least rewards. As I said, the rewards are still far from great.. but they are more balanced now at least.
    I'm sorry but this Event is not just for Cavalier Players. That's the point that was made. Completing the most content is moot concerning this Event.
  • Elsa21Elsa21 Member Posts: 13
    Can u pls add 6*and 5* shards to the list. cavalier sud be given more 6* shards. And we need more sig stone. And why does the epic mordok look like variant. I just got uc and still don't have alot of 5*r4 or max out 4*
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  • Markjv81Markjv81 Member Posts: 1,040 ★★★★

    Here is my issue. Epic is for all intents and purposes for anyone Uncollected and up. In reality, for anyone capable of it, but the majority have been people capable of Uncollected. Most of the time the difficulty of it is within consistent range. Especially for something that needs to be done once a day. People do it month after month because they need said Rewards to develop their Accounts. Not just because they want to. Not just because they "can always pass or do lower", or "get better". They know they're fully capable of Epic because they've done it month after month.
    Then a month comes that the amount of difficulty is jacked up because "What about the End-Game Players?". They say they're bored and want it harder and harder. Only they scarcely need the extra 5* and 1k 6* Shards. So what you end up doing is making a Difficulty noticeably harder for a very large number of people compared to the number that are bored and not challenged by it at all, all so they aren't satisfied with the Rewards. Meanwhile, the rest of the people not in that small number are left with discouragement and frustration for an entire month, and having to settle for Rewards that barely suit them. Then they're told they're just not skilled enough. Git gud.
    I've made this point repeatedly, and I will make it everytime it comes up. Taking Epic and jacking it up just to make End-Game people happy is a huge flaw. Add something else for Cavalier only if that's the case. Even if the EQ isn't out yet. There are far more people being left with a sour taste in their mouth all month long than those who are whizzes. It's disappointing to be able to complete one aspect consistently and depend on those Resources, only to be told now and then "Not this month. Maybe next.".

    Is this month genuinely considered to be harder? I breezed through my runs but I’m using a team of r5 5*. It’s easy to forget that uncollected is essentially 2 years ago for me and that fact that I am put into the same category as a player I have that much advantage over is absurd.

    Is it the combination of nodes, is it just simply attack and health values?
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,974 ★★★★★

    Hey everybody,

    Thank you all for your patience as we worked to address your feedback on the rewards for this event. We recognize that this store does not feature the rewards that our end-game players are looking for. Rewards reflect the difficulty, and the progression level we aim for, which in this case has not been our end game players. '

    Originally, our intention was to have Book 2 Act 1 starting this month, or soon after, which would have given our most experienced Summoners something to dig in to, but as you know, we've pushed that back.

    We will also have more content aimed at our endgame players next month. We'll have more information on that for you before the end of the week, so please keep an eye out on the forums for more on how we'll be starting on our playable road to the Cavalier Difficulty level. (No, that doesn't mean Cavalier difficulty is coming next month...)

    For this event, we're going to add a few more things to the store that our players have requested (though, not everything requested... We've got to save some stuff for the higher difficulty level!). Special shout out once again to our CCP and the members of the community that shared their thoughts with us on this subject constructively and eloquently.

    For Cavalier Players, we will be adding the following options to the Store:
    - 5-Star Generic Signature Stones (Limit 20, 16 Coins)
    - 1000 5-Star Shards (Limit 15, 20 Coins)

    Additionally, we're increasing the Maximum T5B Catalyst Fragments from 3 to 5.

    This will be live in-game tomorrow. We don't have a definite time yet, and the prices are still subject to change, but we wanted to let you all know as soon as possible.

    This really didn’t address half of the issues.

    I don’t understand why adjust the rewards for just cav players

    The issue when you reroll buffs but get the same ones

    What’s up with the greater solo crystal shards

    Look at the original rewards for cavalier players. Each level had 5+ exclusive items within their store, cavalier, the hardest and highest level in the game had 2, which could only brought twice. Yes, rewards are lacking - but at least they are more balanced now.
    For Cavalier Players.
    Yes, for cavalier players. Who despite completing the most content received the least rewards. As I said, the rewards are still far from great.. but they are more balanced now at least.
    I'm sorry but this Event is not just for Cavalier Players. That's the point that was made. Completing the most content is moot concerning this Event.
    Where did I say it's just about Cavalier? Rewards suck for everyone. But just look at the amount of rewards specific to cavalier.

    14 for the contender, 7 for proven, 6 for uncollected and 2 for cavalier. So yes. Giving us the ability to purchase a couple more items does make sense. It's not like the couple extra store items they're giving cavalier is gamebreaking. Rewards could and should be better. But cavaliers really needed a couple extra bits in there, which they've given out.

    At no point have I said the rewards are amazing because they're really not.

    Here is my issue. Epic is for all intents and purposes for anyone Uncollected and up. In reality, for anyone capable of it, but the majority have been people capable of Uncollected. Most of the time the difficulty of it is within consistent range. Especially for something that needs to be done once a day. People do it month after month because they need said Rewards to develop their Accounts. Not just because they want to. Not just because they "can always pass or do lower", or "get better". They know they're fully capable of Epic because they've done it month after month.
    Then a month comes that the amount of difficulty is jacked up because "What about the End-Game Players?". They say they're bored and want it harder and harder. Only they scarcely need the extra 5* and 1k 6* Shards. So what you end up doing is making a Difficulty noticeably harder for a very large number of people compared to the number that are bored and not challenged by it at all, all so they aren't satisfied with the Rewards. Meanwhile, the rest of the people not in that small number are left with discouragement and frustration for an entire month, and having to settle for Rewards that barely suit them. Then they're told they're just not skilled enough. Git gud.
    I've made this point repeatedly, and I will make it everytime it comes up. Taking Epic and jacking it up just to make End-Game people happy is a huge flaw. Add something else for Cavalier only if that's the case. Even if the EQ isn't out yet. There are far more people being left with a sour taste in their mouth all month long than those who are whizzes. It's disappointing to be able to complete one aspect consistently and depend on those Resources, only to be told now and then "Not this month. Maybe next.".

    Go back and read any of my comments on any thread. I've been saying we need cavalier difficulty for ages. You've got new uncollected players going up against content which kabam is trying to juggle between us and them. In the end its boring us and giving us nothing, then destroying the experience for new uncollected players.

    Go back a few pages.. have a look before you start saying im for cavalier only. Find a comment where I'm cavalier only. I want us to get harder content with better rewards so we can have fun, which means kabam doesn't have to give uncollected players watered down cavalier content for uncollected rewards.

    And they're going to give us the harder difficulty soon, which will lower UC / Epic. Sadly its not this month or next.
    That last paragraph wasn't even directed at you. Also, Cavalier Players don't just have access to 2 Items in the Store.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,974 ★★★★★
    edited June 2020
    Markjv81 said:

    Here is my issue. Epic is for all intents and purposes for anyone Uncollected and up. In reality, for anyone capable of it, but the majority have been people capable of Uncollected. Most of the time the difficulty of it is within consistent range. Especially for something that needs to be done once a day. People do it month after month because they need said Rewards to develop their Accounts. Not just because they want to. Not just because they "can always pass or do lower", or "get better". They know they're fully capable of Epic because they've done it month after month.
    Then a month comes that the amount of difficulty is jacked up because "What about the End-Game Players?". They say they're bored and want it harder and harder. Only they scarcely need the extra 5* and 1k 6* Shards. So what you end up doing is making a Difficulty noticeably harder for a very large number of people compared to the number that are bored and not challenged by it at all, all so they aren't satisfied with the Rewards. Meanwhile, the rest of the people not in that small number are left with discouragement and frustration for an entire month, and having to settle for Rewards that barely suit them. Then they're told they're just not skilled enough. Git gud.
    I've made this point repeatedly, and I will make it everytime it comes up. Taking Epic and jacking it up just to make End-Game people happy is a huge flaw. Add something else for Cavalier only if that's the case. Even if the EQ isn't out yet. There are far more people being left with a sour taste in their mouth all month long than those who are whizzes. It's disappointing to be able to complete one aspect consistently and depend on those Resources, only to be told now and then "Not this month. Maybe next.".

    Is this month genuinely considered to be harder? I breezed through my runs but I’m using a team of r5 5*. It’s easy to forget that uncollected is essentially 2 years ago for me and that fact that I am put into the same category as a player I have that much advantage over is absurd.

    Is it the combination of nodes, is it just simply attack and health values?
    Is it that much harder? Than the previous Epic months that people have been doing, yes. Noticeably. It's essentially a Boss Rush a day, with scaling Bosses like UC, with the addition of a 7th. You can choose your Class Path, but you have rotating Buff combinations that make it increasingly more difficult, and little results in rerolls. Is it not doable for me? No. I can if I choose to. Just stressful everyday. It's a vast difference from previous Epics. Which is my entire point. You can't exclude people every 5 or 6 months because they need the Rewards the most, and they've been working on it every month. There's a huge number doing Epic-level Side Quests, and the majority aren't at the higher end and not challenged at all. I don't have any issues with making harder content. What is detrimental is lumping it in and changing it. If they want to make Epic hard as hell, that's fine with me. Just do it consistently. That way people come to know and depend on what level they're capable of, and can grow in that. You can't have it reasonable most of the time and throw in a more difficult one without it being unfair. It's confusing and frustrating.
  • phillgreenphillgreen Member Posts: 4,344 ★★★★★
    Epic difficulty is surely a troll after last month. I dislike the MODOK events anyway but this time around has convinced me not to bother.

    I'll be giving it a miss.
  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,689 ★★★★★

    Markjv81 said:

    Here is my issue. Epic is for all intents and purposes for anyone Uncollected and up. In reality, for anyone capable of it, but the majority have been people capable of Uncollected. Most of the time the difficulty of it is within consistent range. Especially for something that needs to be done once a day. People do it month after month because they need said Rewards to develop their Accounts. Not just because they want to. Not just because they "can always pass or do lower", or "get better". They know they're fully capable of Epic because they've done it month after month.
    Then a month comes that the amount of difficulty is jacked up because "What about the End-Game Players?". They say they're bored and want it harder and harder. Only they scarcely need the extra 5* and 1k 6* Shards. So what you end up doing is making a Difficulty noticeably harder for a very large number of people compared to the number that are bored and not challenged by it at all, all so they aren't satisfied with the Rewards. Meanwhile, the rest of the people not in that small number are left with discouragement and frustration for an entire month, and having to settle for Rewards that barely suit them. Then they're told they're just not skilled enough. Git gud.
    I've made this point repeatedly, and I will make it everytime it comes up. Taking Epic and jacking it up just to make End-Game people happy is a huge flaw. Add something else for Cavalier only if that's the case. Even if the EQ isn't out yet. There are far more people being left with a sour taste in their mouth all month long than those who are whizzes. It's disappointing to be able to complete one aspect consistently and depend on those Resources, only to be told now and then "Not this month. Maybe next.".

    Is this month genuinely considered to be harder? I breezed through my runs but I’m using a team of r5 5*. It’s easy to forget that uncollected is essentially 2 years ago for me and that fact that I am put into the same category as a player I have that much advantage over is absurd.

    Is it the combination of nodes, is it just simply attack and health values?
    Is it that much harder? Than the previous Epic months that people have been doing, yes. Noticeably. It's essentially a Boss Rush a day, with scaling Bosses like UC, with the addition of a 7th. You can choose your Class Path, but you have rotating Buff combinations that make it increasingly more difficult, and little results in rerolls. Is it not doable for me? No. I can if I choose to. Just stressful everyday. It's a vast difference from previous Epics. Which is my entire point. You can't exclude people every 5 or 6 months because they need the Rewards the most, and they've been working on it every month. There's a huge number doing Epic-level Side Quests, and the majority aren't at the higher end and not challenged at all. I don't have any issues with making harder content. What is detrimental is lumping it in and changing it. If they want to make Epic hard as hell, that's fine with me. Just do it consistently. That way people come to know and depend on what level they're capable of, and can grow in that. You can't have it reasonable most of the time and throw in a more difficult one without it being unfair. It's confusing and frustrating.
    I wouldn't describe this as "hard as hell." And I also disagree that they should be consistent. It's nice to have harder side quests sometimes. I enjoyed my runs today. It was fun to think about the nodes and decide whether I could play around them and not re-roll. Only re-rolled a couple times and didn't delete any. My only complaint was the rewards and even if the buff wasn't everything people wanted I'm good.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,974 ★★★★★

    Markjv81 said:

    Here is my issue. Epic is for all intents and purposes for anyone Uncollected and up. In reality, for anyone capable of it, but the majority have been people capable of Uncollected. Most of the time the difficulty of it is within consistent range. Especially for something that needs to be done once a day. People do it month after month because they need said Rewards to develop their Accounts. Not just because they want to. Not just because they "can always pass or do lower", or "get better". They know they're fully capable of Epic because they've done it month after month.
    Then a month comes that the amount of difficulty is jacked up because "What about the End-Game Players?". They say they're bored and want it harder and harder. Only they scarcely need the extra 5* and 1k 6* Shards. So what you end up doing is making a Difficulty noticeably harder for a very large number of people compared to the number that are bored and not challenged by it at all, all so they aren't satisfied with the Rewards. Meanwhile, the rest of the people not in that small number are left with discouragement and frustration for an entire month, and having to settle for Rewards that barely suit them. Then they're told they're just not skilled enough. Git gud.
    I've made this point repeatedly, and I will make it everytime it comes up. Taking Epic and jacking it up just to make End-Game people happy is a huge flaw. Add something else for Cavalier only if that's the case. Even if the EQ isn't out yet. There are far more people being left with a sour taste in their mouth all month long than those who are whizzes. It's disappointing to be able to complete one aspect consistently and depend on those Resources, only to be told now and then "Not this month. Maybe next.".

    Is this month genuinely considered to be harder? I breezed through my runs but I’m using a team of r5 5*. It’s easy to forget that uncollected is essentially 2 years ago for me and that fact that I am put into the same category as a player I have that much advantage over is absurd.

    Is it the combination of nodes, is it just simply attack and health values?
    Is it that much harder? Than the previous Epic months that people have been doing, yes. Noticeably. It's essentially a Boss Rush a day, with scaling Bosses like UC, with the addition of a 7th. You can choose your Class Path, but you have rotating Buff combinations that make it increasingly more difficult, and little results in rerolls. Is it not doable for me? No. I can if I choose to. Just stressful everyday. It's a vast difference from previous Epics. Which is my entire point. You can't exclude people every 5 or 6 months because they need the Rewards the most, and they've been working on it every month. There's a huge number doing Epic-level Side Quests, and the majority aren't at the higher end and not challenged at all. I don't have any issues with making harder content. What is detrimental is lumping it in and changing it. If they want to make Epic hard as hell, that's fine with me. Just do it consistently. That way people come to know and depend on what level they're capable of, and can grow in that. You can't have it reasonable most of the time and throw in a more difficult one without it being unfair. It's confusing and frustrating.
    I wouldn't describe this as "hard as hell." And I also disagree that they should be consistent. It's nice to have harder side quests sometimes. I enjoyed my runs today. It was fun to think about the nodes and decide whether I could play around them and not re-roll. Only re-rolled a couple times and didn't delete any. My only complaint was the rewards and even if the buff wasn't everything people wanted I'm good.
    I meant if they wanted to. Lol. I was exaggerating.
  • MasterpuffMasterpuff Member Posts: 6,478 ★★★★★

    Hey everybody,

    Thank you all for your patience as we worked to address your feedback on the rewards for this event. We recognize that this store does not feature the rewards that our end-game players are looking for. Rewards reflect the difficulty, and the progression level we aim for, which in this case has not been our end game players. '

    Originally, our intention was to have Book 2 Act 1 starting this month, or soon after, which would have given our most experienced Summoners something to dig in to, but as you know, we've pushed that back.

    We will also have more content aimed at our endgame players next month. We'll have more information on that for you before the end of the week, so please keep an eye out on the forums for more on how we'll be starting on our playable road to the Cavalier Difficulty level. (No, that doesn't mean Cavalier difficulty is coming next month...)

    For this event, we're going to add a few more things to the store that our players have requested (though, not everything requested... We've got to save some stuff for the higher difficulty level!). Special shout out once again to our CCP and the members of the community that shared their thoughts with us on this subject constructively and eloquently.

    For Cavalier Players, we will be adding the following options to the Store:
    - 5-Star Generic Signature Stones (Limit 20, 16 Coins)
    - 1000 5-Star Shards (Limit 15, 20 Coins)

    Additionally, we're increasing the Maximum T5B Catalyst Fragments from 3 to 5.

    This will be live in-game tomorrow. We don't have a definite time yet, and the prices are still subject to change, but we wanted to let you all know as soon as possible.

    Thanks Miike for your effort to make this better but the rewards are still abysmal. If only there was no cap for those stones. If only...
  • Markjv81Markjv81 Member Posts: 1,040 ★★★★
    The game does progress, otherwise 4* champs would be useable in act 6.
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