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  • SparkAlotSparkAlot Member Posts: 957 ★★★★
    For the solo event, Kabam said there isn't supposed to be anything on Sunday since "he needs his rest", that means from June 3rd to July 1st is 25 days excluding all Sundays. 25 days * 36 coins is 900 coins.

    Epic gives 1800 coins, 13 Contracts is 260 coins, then 25 Solo is 900 more for a total of 2960. Kabam said 3024, that leaves 64 short, where do those come from?
  • TerraTerra Member Posts: 8,293 ★★★★★
    SparkAlot said:

    For the solo event, Kabam said there isn't supposed to be anything on Sunday since "he needs his rest", that means from June 3rd to July 1st is 25 days excluding all Sundays. 25 days * 36 coins is 900 coins.

    Epic gives 1800 coins, 13 Contracts is 260 coins, then 25 Solo is 900 more for a total of 2960. Kabam said 3024, that leaves 64 short, where do those come from?

    In-game deals with real money id recon
  • JinKarterJinKarter Member Posts: 4
    Bad event, put more ways to get coins, 4 alphas grade 2 is 1500 coins
  • PatientZeroPatientZero Member Posts: 20
    I need to agree with the compassionate. Even compared to last months event, this one is underwhelming. I'm a long time player and rarely miss a day. This event really has no interest and I've not even been bothering with them on most days.
  • WerewrymWerewrym Member Posts: 2,830 ★★★★★

    Well, at least I made the most of it either way.

    Nice! You got that from the awakening gem crystal? That's lucky.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,488 ★★★★★
    Werewrym said:

    Well, at least I made the most of it either way.

    Nice! You got that from the awakening gem crystal? That's lucky.
    Yeah. Very lucky. Doom was the same. Pulled a Mystic the next day.
  • KanoooKanooo Member Posts: 121
    I’ve changed my style now. I play Epic and master alternatively. Because Epic begin to get painful starting from day 2 (for me).
  • GAMEOVERJamesGAMEOVERJames Member Posts: 905 ★★★
    Could we have more ways to earn gold coins?

    You updated the MODOK Hotel in the first week of this month by adding more items (particularly, 15k 5*shards and T5B fragments) in the inventory. But we can still get the same amounts of gold coins as before, meaning that we are losing chances to buy some good items in the store if we decided to use the gold coins to buy these 15k 5*shards and T5B.

    Please make the updates “parallel”, not just updates the store but keep the same total amount of gold coins we could earn.
  • benshbbenshb Member Posts: 810 ★★★★
    Can we have the remaining coins converted into units? Prettyplease
  • K1lltasticK1lltastic Member Posts: 674 ★★★
    I played two daily events, and this entire side quest is just a waste of time. The PI vs reward is so unbalanced.

    Worst monthly side event in my history playing this game from the beginning, and the sole time I have just taken a hard pass.

    Hopefully next month is worth playing.
  • one_punch_girlone_punch_girl Member Posts: 24
    edited June 2020
    I agree with those who said you need the right champions to do epic. I have no problem doing it, but that's only because I have 5*r5 Corvus and Doom and 5*r4 AA. I do the tech path with Corvus and can do most bosses with AA and most times I have Doom left as backup. But I don't think it's a fair event because not everyone has been as lucky with their pulls.
  • arsjumarsjum Member Posts: 412 ★★★
    gsil6374 said:

    I'm VERY luck in terms of Cosmic. I was one of the first people to get 5 star corvus (got him within 60 seconds of release), got Angela as 6 star the day 6 stars came out (I only had enough for one crystal). Also have Hyperion, Captain Marvel, and Medusa at 5/65 along with 6 star Cull. Yes, the Kabam gods blessed me with Cosmic over the other 5 classes. The tech path is obviously the one I'm doing and I do struggle sometimes. But doing it every day for these little rewards aren't even worth it for me. I imagine its harder for those who are not as fortunate as I've been. Maybe next month. Maybe

    You have 5/65 Medusa, Hyperion, and Cap Marvel and still struggling with the tech path?
  • Iron_vertexIron_vertex Member Posts: 1
    Modok hotel rewards are not even compatible to barons war and rifts such a shame rewards
  • SHUGENJASHUGENJA Member Posts: 37
    edited June 2020
    I never complain. This is your game and you can put out whatever content you want. I have never posted a reaction of any kind on these boards but this is literally the worst monthly event you have ever put out since I have been playing. It isn’t fun. I can complete the master difficulty with one champion and have half of the health left when I am done but can’t finish epic consistently with all 5 guys boosted to the max. Only my 5 top champs can clear it on epic and they are in AQ or AW most of the time. The difference in difficulty is absurd to me. The store is disappointing. The content is disappointing. I see why so many people have just skipped it altogether. Just thought I would add that comment.

  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,672 ★★★★★
    SHUGENJA said:

    I never complain. This is your game and you can put out whatever content you want. I have never posted a reaction of any kind on these boards but this is literally the worst monthly event you have ever put out since I have been playing. It isn’t fun. I can complete the master difficulty with one champion and have half of the health left when I am done but can’t finish epic consistently with all 5 guys boosted to the max. Only my 5 top champs can clear it on epic and they are in AQ or AW most of the time. The difference in difficulty is absurd to me. The store is disappointing. The content is disappointing. I see why so many people have just skipped it altogether. Just thought I would add that comment.

    I complete the mutant path every day with just my Star Lord unless I do some fights with whatever R1 6* fits MODOK's daily class quest. Haven't used any boosts and don't even look at the nodes anymore if the PI is low. Haven't bought any randomizers and have them in stash. Not a brag post. I'm far from the most skilled and genuinely don't understand the difficulty complaints.
  • AwesomoChaosAwesomoChaos Member Posts: 78
    This side quest is stressful and ridiculous that the randomizers only have limited value because same nodes pop up over and over again. As others said, in the future make quest easier and/or give better rewards.
  • Lion101Lion101 Member Posts: 161
    I was able to do barons war epic, with some difficulty, I have done uncollected and was able to do the epic red rifts really easily but epic for this event, I find almost impossible, I have managed it once out of eight tries
  • NojokejaymNojokejaym Member Posts: 4,106 ★★★★★
    Lion101 said:

    I was able to do barons war epic, with some difficulty, I have done uncollected and was able to do the epic red rifts really easily but epic for this event, I find almost impossible, I have managed it once out of eight tries

    I’ve done all epic it ain’t difficult
  • pseudosanepseudosane Member, Guardian Posts: 3,945 Guardian
    just need a couple counters for every path...
    Mystic= Blade, capiw,torch
    Skill= Omega Colo
    Science= Blade trinity/fury
    Tech= Corvus/CMM/Hype
    COsmic= doom/sym/claire/voodoo
    Mutant= any good tech, really.

    One of two of these champs can faceroll the path.
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Member Posts: 0
    The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • arsjumarsjum Member Posts: 412 ★★★
    Y_T said:

    arsjum said:

    As I said earlier in this discussion thread, the event can be cleared with 4*s for which unsurprisingly I got mostly disagree buttons. Since then I've read others claiming the event is too difficult, too champion specific, and in one case allegedly being not worth the effort even if you have a fleet of powerful 5/65 attackers. Honestly, all these comments I just find baffling, to say the least.

    I am leaving links below to six different runs I've done with 4*s only. All classes cleared. No boosts, no health potions, no revives. Just some randomizers, mainly on bosses. My Youtube channel is not monetized, so I am not gunning for views here. I just did it for fun and for proof.

    This does bring me back to the point I already made. With your teams o r4 and even r5 5* attackers, you guys really should not have any issues with this quest.


    nice but you got a bit lucky with the bosses imho

    plus you reroll so many times which i guess it is fine if you got gold
    That's why I waited until I did all six paths. You can say I was lucky once or twice but I did it six times. Besides, some players complained about the Darkhawk boss and I faced him twice. So, I think what I faced in boss fights is representative of what you get on average.

    As for re-rolling, I am only using 4*s with average to decent skills. I am so restricting myself from using other items. Players don't have to do that!

    I am pleasantly surprised though you watched my videos. :)
  • Thanks_D19Thanks_D19 Member Posts: 1,480 ★★★★

    wow, people are still complaining about this even with all the advice that is given.

    i am far from the best player, very far from it.
    and i just for the life of me cant understand it.

    its super easy right team right path.
    yes i have easy mode i take corvus and medusa on the tech path every day, and then even when i hit an annoying boss those, Beardo, AA, Fury will easily destroy whatever is there.

    it makes me think that the people complaining about the difficulty are just trying to do a level above what they should be at.

    i feel maybe the game is handing out champs so easy people are developing rosters without any skillz and also that people are just entitled and feel because they are uncollected they should be able to breeze through the highest difficulty.

    i remember the days when i couldn't do the top difficulty. did i complain? NO, i said ****, i am not strong enough i need to get stronger so next time i can do the top level. i worked at it got better, grew my teem and BAMN here i am.

    i dunno disagree whatever, i just see it as easy side even't average rewards but the rewards match the difficulty as far as i am concerened.

    Not everyone has an insane roster like that, for people with only a couple of r4 5*’s these are pretty much impossible on epic difficulty without units
  • arsjumarsjum Member Posts: 412 ★★★

    People saying they have no issues with it doesn't take away from the feedback people are giving. They're speaking for their own experiences.

    That's true but in this situation I am arguing that "their own experiences" is the issue, not the content.
  • AmbjonyAmbjony Member Posts: 206 ★★
    This discussion is a clear example of why epic shouldn’t exist and they should split uncollected vs cavalier as two different difficulty modes.

    Epic is either too difficult for uncollected or too easy for cavaliers. In this particular side quest, difficulty is higher than usual but nothing outrageous.
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