What small changes would you make to non god tier champions to make them more usable?



  • Mirage_TurtleMirage_Turtle Member Posts: 1,868 ★★★★
    L1 adds 1 soul to Guillotine's count and refreshes the expiration timer of the existing souls.

    Currently, Guillotine's L1 does absolutely nothing. Her whole kit is based on souls. She needs 2 to place a phantasm debuff and she uses all of them to inflict 2% damage/soul with her L3. Like her Champion Spotlight states, she's adept at fighting enemies slightly stronger than her but can struggle maintaining souls when the enemy is vastly stronger than her. By making this change, Guillotine can now fight aggressively and spam L1 to build up souls to unleash a devastating L3 on enemies when they're much stronger than she is.
  • Mirage_TurtleMirage_Turtle Member Posts: 1,868 ★★★★
    Rocket Raccoon:
    His signature ability now adds additional attack rating on top of the Critical Rating for every 10 consecutive combo hits.

    Rocket was hit hard by 12.0. Diminishing returns killed his damage output. For those that remember, after 30 or 40 hits, pretty much every hit was a Crit before 12.0. Diminishing returns was designed specifically to prevent champs (like Scarlet Witch) from every being able to Crit on every hit. Rocket has not seen a buff since.

    The rate of growth for the attack rating should be less than Star Lord. I'm thinking something close to the level of growth of Winter Soldier with the Killmonger synergy, but don't cap it. Rocket has a very low health pool. This would return him to his true "glass cannon" status.
  • Mirage_TurtleMirage_Turtle Member Posts: 1,868 ★★★★
    It's unfortunate this thread was moved out of General Discussions. This thread wasn't about suggestions. This thread was about what simple changes players would make to champs to make them interesting to that particular player again.

    As this area gets way less traffic than General, this fun thread will see a quiet death.
  • LunaeLunae Member Posts: 371 ★★★
    For Mysterio I think taking the cap off his gases would be amazing or atleast giving him a synergy that increases it and/or speeds up the rate at which he gets them.

    Hawkeye, a BWCV mechanic for switching the utility on his arrows, while still maintains his powerdrain through them all of course so maybe bleed switch to poison with light attack then etc etc. could work for Starlord too.

    Increase damage on Cyclops specials with combo meter.

    Silver Surfer heavys phase shrugs debuffs off, could even convert them into regeneration.

    Killmongers bleed should be uncapped or increase possibly though synergy.

    Archangel and Cull Obsidian could have better block making them more viable against stun immune or limber.

    Gulk face me should activate on all debuffs with his crowd excitement lasting longer and having less ramp up time.

    IMIWs high tech space age nanonite suit should prevent more debuffs like poison, shocks (I mean against Thors lighting he was supercharged lol), incinerate, etc, etc.

    Ebony Maws degen should exceeds Voids in the players control, should match damage potential of Corvus, Proxima and Cull possibly though synergy.

    Phoenix needs an enervate, a power drain/burn, a taunt or power reduction/lock against enemies, something to prevent ops sp3s from interrupting her ramp up and damage cycle. Same with Thor Rag.

    Bishop needs that self damage mechanic taken away along with being totally useless against tech champs. Blade like regen would be amazing too possibly though synergy.

    Of Black Widow and Doctor Strange De-nerfed with Thor given more armor breaks through synergy with Beta Ray Bill lol

    Magneto Blade like danger sense against metal ops along with an evade against metal attacks possible through synergy.

    Mister Fantasic better heavy attack with more range and heavy wall spam capabilities.

    Sentrys abilities should trigger 100% easy possible through synergy like Dark Avengers.

    Juggernaut way reduced damage received when unstoppable as well as becoming unblockable with a huge damage boost. Maybe his unstoppable cancels out nullifies other unstoppables cause you know hes the Juggernaut... lol :D
  • Marvel2289Marvel2289 Member Posts: 1,008 ★★★
    Increase effectiveness powers
  • EtjamaEtjama Member Posts: 7,981 ★★★★★
    Red Skull has some base utility, the man just REALLY needs some damage. Something like +15% attack rating for each armor up could be nice. It would be nice even to have that as a synergy with Colossus.
  • BigPoppaCBONEBigPoppaCBONE Member Posts: 2,443 ★★★★★
    An easy fix for old champs would be to flip their abilities so they proc buffs and passives on attack rather than stupidly only getting benefits when they get hit.
  • EthanGamerEthanGamer Member Posts: 357
    Etjama said:

    Red Skull has some base utility, the man just REALLY needs some damage. Something like +15% attack rating for each armor up could be nice. It would be nice even to have that as a synergy with Colossus.

    Another thing you could add is parries don’t remove an armor up
  • Lvernon15Lvernon15 Member Posts: 11,599 ★★★★★
    Nebula: have access to a pre fight where you can select to apply shock on heavy rather than parry, that way you don’t have to avoid parry while you build up

    Green goblin: make his sp1 power drains guaranteed and double the potency if his dot

    Star lord: pre fight for element gun

    Stark spidey: remove the small evade chance

    Diablo: no limit on potions and potency increased by 75%
  • EdeuinkEdeuink Member Posts: 1,263 ★★★★
    Nightcrawler: Passive cruelties increase attack rating, don’t fall off when critting, and stack up to 10. Cruelties can be detonated into instant bleeds when using sp2.
  • RoyalistRoyalist Member Posts: 33
    edited June 2020
    Not sure if anybody discussed this already but:
    Sentry (awakened ability)
    • Remove text: "At the start of a fight, if Health is above x%, Reality Warps persist with Sentry from the previous fight".
    It is an unnecessary cost for the champion's full potential. Champs like Stark Enhanced Spider-man has a similar Health cost, but it's a better mechanism that help's the champion. In the case of Stark Spidey, when he is above 50% he gets increased crits and taunt duration (Great Power) and below 50% better evade chances and increased block proficiency (Great Responsibility). Also champs like ÆGON who has persistence charges that carry over fight do not have this restriction. So why should Sentry?
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