Most of the older champs need a revamp and i feel Ifs too much to revamp said champion then add a unique synergy to make them more useful for later content
An ability similar to Blades Danger sense. Passive ability to increase attack rating where metal is present. Miss mechanic to avoid attacks with metal projectiles (bullets)
An ability similar to Blades Danger sense. Passive ability to increase attack rating where metal is present. Miss mechanic to avoid attacks with metal projectiles (bullets)
The problem magneto has is that as a mutant is he is disadvantaged to tech, which contain a very large portion of the metal champions. Even if Kabam decided to fully rework him I have no idea what they would do to make him work. Magneto having an advantage agienst metal champions is a very cool idea but with the way classes work Im not sure how they would do it.
Yup. It's hard to find a way to make Magneto more powerful, while still keeping classes relevant.
An ability similar to Blades Danger sense. Passive ability to increase attack rating where metal is present. Miss mechanic to avoid attacks with metal projectiles (bullets)
The problem magneto has is that as a mutant is he is disadvantaged to tech, which contain a very large portion of the metal champions. Even if Kabam decided to fully rework him I have no idea what they would do to make him work. Magneto having an advantage agienst metal champions is a very cool idea but with the way classes work Im not sure how they would do it.
I agree. His character is based around using metal to his advantage, which is essentially the tech class. Maybe he could have a similar ability to Medusa in which when robots are magnetized, they suffer 100% ability accuracy reduction and 0% power gain.
MORDO Faster charging furies on heavy or evade the first hit while charging heavy (similar to quake). MS MARVEL KAMALA KHAN Faster charging furies on heavy and inscrease max stacks. On sp3 100% chance for a permanent fury buff. ROGUE +100% stolen buff duration (her current timer isn’t enough to keep them more than couple of combos and that if the opponent AI is cooperative). Steal the remaining health of the opponent if life steal is the finishing blow (wtf this is a clear bug). DIABLO On sp3 recovers all his potions. BLACK PANTHER 100% to inflict bleed on critical hits. Increased critical rating (he is a feline he should be amongst the most precise champs). PROXIMA MIDNIGHT Her missions persist from fight to fight. ELSA BLOODSTONE A percentage of bleed resistance similar to OML. GROOT Pacifism buffs build at higher rate. Sp1 inflict a permanent armor break if 5 or more buffs are active on groot (can stack up to 3). Sp2 regen 10% of total health. ULTRON +30% bleed potency (his bleeds are only descent when he has class advantage otherwise they can’t mitigate even willpower mastery health recover). Recover to his pre v.12 critical rating. 🤞a mod read these and pass it to the game team
Elsa doesn’t need a buff.
Also, Kamala’s sp3 already gives a 100% chance at a permanent fury
An ability similar to Blades Danger sense. Passive ability to increase attack rating where metal is present. Miss mechanic to avoid attacks with metal projectiles (bullets)
The problem magneto has is that as a mutant is he is disadvantaged to tech, which contain a very large portion of the metal champions. Even if Kabam decided to fully rework him I have no idea what they would do to make him work. Magneto having an advantage agienst metal champions is a very cool idea but with the way classes work Im not sure how they would do it.
I agree. His character is based around using metal to his advantage, which is essentially the tech class. Maybe he could have a similar ability to Medusa in which when robots are magnetized, they suffer 100% ability accuracy reduction and 0% power gain.
But then that would essentially be throwing the class system out the window, since it only affects robots (Tech).
Increase attack by 30% per unique debuff on the opponent. If the opponent has 3 Unique debuffs or more, Ultron gains True Accuracy until one of the debuffs expire.
Inflicting a Bleed has 40% to refresh all active bleeds on the opponent. Cauterising an opponent refreshes all Incinerate and Heal Block debuffs on the opponent.
Cauterising the opponent inflicts an Incinerate debuff dealing 20% of Ultron's attack as energy damage over 12 seconds per bleed cauterised, inflict a Heal Block lasting 12 seconds if the Incinerate exceeds 100% of Ultron's Attack.
Bleeds last 50% longer.
Striking an Incinerated opponent doesn't generate any power in the opponent.
Absorption spreads to all sources of energy damage
There we go, Power Control, Evade Counter and Damage
Also, Kamala’s sp3 already gives a 100% chance at a permanent fury
Elsa’s ability to degen the opponent when she bleeds it’s useless outside of AW defense (if suicides are on). A bleed resistance would make her useful for nodes like biohazard etc. Giving her that ability won’t make her op by any mean. She would still be just a good fun to play champ. Also Kamala’s sp3 has a 90% (not 100%) at a permanent fury 😉
Beast: Eliminate the cooldown on the Chain Combo ability.
If you successfully pull off a combo, no more cooldown. This increases his damage output and regen capabilities. I like using Beast, but his damage output is so poor that he's unusable in most scenarios.
I know you probably haven't been caught up with the recent synergies and all... but Beast does hit pretty decent considering his utility.
MORDO Faster charging furies on heavy or evade the first hit while charging heavy (similar to quake). MS MARVEL KAMALA KHAN Faster charging furies on heavy and inscrease max stacks. On sp3 100% chance for a permanent fury buff. ROGUE +100% stolen buff duration (her current timer isn’t enough to keep them more than couple of combos and that if the opponent AI is cooperative). Steal the remaining health of the opponent if life steal is the finishing blow (wtf this is a clear bug). DIABLO On sp3 recovers all his potions. BLACK PANTHER 100% to inflict bleed on critical hits. Increased critical rating (he is a feline he should be amongst the most precise champs). PROXIMA MIDNIGHT Her missions persist from fight to fight. ELSA BLOODSTONE A percentage of bleed resistance similar to OML. GROOT Pacifism buffs build at higher rate. Sp1 inflict a permanent armor break if 5 or more buffs are active on groot (can stack up to 3). Sp2 regen 10% of total health. ULTRON +30% bleed potency (his bleeds are only descent when he has class advantage otherwise they can’t mitigate even willpower mastery health recover). Recover to his pre v.12 critical rating. 🤞a mod read these and pass it to the game team
Sounds like you want proxima midnight to be broken. Btw Mordo has that evade thing already with the Terrax synergy but it has a cooldown.
An ability similar to Blades Danger sense. Passive ability to increase attack rating where metal is present. Miss mechanic to avoid attacks with metal projectiles (bullets)
The problem magneto has is that as a mutant is he is disadvantaged to tech, which contain a very large portion of the metal champions. Even if Kabam decided to fully rework him I have no idea what they would do to make him work. Magneto having an advantage agienst metal champions is a very cool idea but with the way classes work Im not sure how they would do it.
I agree. His character is based around using metal to his advantage, which is essentially the tech class. Maybe he could have a similar ability to Medusa in which when robots are magnetized, they suffer 100% ability accuracy reduction and 0% power gain.
But then that would essentially be throwing the class system out the window, since it only affects robots (Tech).
Maybe he could have a unique "role reversal" ability where he has a class advantage against all champions? This would be the first time this ability would ever have been seen, and it's interesting to think about.
An ability similar to Blades Danger sense. Passive ability to increase attack rating where metal is present. Miss mechanic to avoid attacks with metal projectiles (bullets)
The problem magneto has is that as a mutant is he is disadvantaged to tech, which contain a very large portion of the metal champions. Even if Kabam decided to fully rework him I have no idea what they would do to make him work. Magneto having an advantage agienst metal champions is a very cool idea but with the way classes work Im not sure how they would do it.
I agree. His character is based around using metal to his advantage, which is essentially the tech class. Maybe he could have a similar ability to Medusa in which when robots are magnetized, they suffer 100% ability accuracy reduction and 0% power gain.
But then that would essentially be throwing the class system out the window, since it only affects robots (Tech).
Maybe he could have a unique "role reversal" ability where he has a class advantage against all champions? This would be the first time this ability would ever have been seen, and it's interesting to think about.
I'm down with a role reversal, but you have to make it fair. So Magneto has an advantage against Tech, but a Disadvantage against Skill.
Nebula: change her heavy & parry stances. Heavy attacks should transfer shock , parties should put a single shock. This way u can parry the opponent without losing ur charges & build up charges while they are stunned, don't have to take chunk of block damage while charging.
Vulture: signature ability also allows for power burn while opponents are incinerated; raptor strikes place a power lock with a duration that scales with Sig level
An ability similar to Blades Danger sense. Passive ability to increase attack rating where metal is present. Miss mechanic to avoid attacks with metal projectiles (bullets)
The problem magneto has is that as a mutant is he is disadvantaged to tech, which contain a very large portion of the metal champions. Even if Kabam decided to fully rework him I have no idea what they would do to make him work. Magneto having an advantage agienst metal champions is a very cool idea but with the way classes work Im not sure how they would do it.
I agree. His character is based around using metal to his advantage, which is essentially the tech class. Maybe he could have a similar ability to Medusa in which when robots are magnetized, they suffer 100% ability accuracy reduction and 0% power gain.
But then that would essentially be throwing the class system out the window, since it only affects robots (Tech).
The class system isn't crazy important for every champ and shouldn't be. He should have a very strong advantage against #metal champs. There's a good spread of them across the classes, even if most are tech.
Im curious to see what easy changes people would make to their favorite non god tier characters to make them more usable. Personally, I have 2 in mind: Sabretooth: Remove his persistant charge system entirely For some reason, Kabam decided that he shouldn't be able to keep his furies for more than a few fights, dispite the fact that he already has a max number of passive furies he can have as well as a max number of furies he can convert per fight. The number of fights is completely random as well, which is frustrating. Its not as if his damage potential needs to be limited, in good matchups she-hulk can reach 15 furies in one fight, and aegon exists.
Mysterio: Switch the gas effects on special 1 and 2, and regenerate 150% health from reflection gas instead. The main issue Mysterio has is that he has to choose between damage or utility. The best way to deal damage on Mysterio is to use his special 3 for the bonus damage, which means that he isn't able to use his other gas effects. My idea is to have the power drain gas of his first special attack. While the effects are still restricted to his specials, he now has much better access to his power drain. The other idea I had was to turn the special 2 into a regen ability. It would be balanced because of the risk associated with letting your champion take damage in order to heal, and makes the reflection gas a more useful utility.
Many champs could be aided by getting a combo count attack increase a la Starlord. For example, Iron Fist would be really fun this way.
The Incursion hacks point to a lot of what must be relatively easy changes. For example, hacks easily add shock and incinerate to attacks, boost fury potency and duration, etc., so it should be easy enough to add these as champion abilities for Cyclops, Iron Patriot, etc.
Imagine the good will Kabam would create with the player base if suddenly Iron First and Iron Patriot were usable/desirable champs? Seems like an easy win. Don't need to redo the champs for a buff every time, with beta testing and such.
Phoenix: For each Incinerate on the Opponent, their Regeneration Rate is reduced by 20%. Phoenix should also be incinerate immune.
The first part is taken word-for-word from a line in Human Torch's abilities. Phoenix wouldn't adopt his temperature/smolder system or his Nova abilities, but I think giving her this possibility for Healing reduction/reversal would make her way more useful than she is right now. The incinerate immunity would make sense in the scope of the game and would give her a little more utility.
An ability similar to Blades Danger sense. Passive ability to increase attack rating where metal is present. Miss mechanic to avoid attacks with metal projectiles (bullets)
The problem magneto has is that as a mutant is he is disadvantaged to tech, which contain a very large portion of the metal champions. Even if Kabam decided to fully rework him I have no idea what they would do to make him work. Magneto having an advantage agienst metal champions is a very cool idea but with the way classes work Im not sure how they would do it.
I agree. His character is based around using metal to his advantage, which is essentially the tech class. Maybe he could have a similar ability to Medusa in which when robots are magnetized, they suffer 100% ability accuracy reduction and 0% power gain.
But then that would essentially be throwing the class system out the window, since it only affects robots (Tech).
The class system isn't crazy important for every champ and shouldn't be. He should have a very strong advantage against #metal champs. There's a good spread of them across the classes, even if most are tech.
That's why I suggested that he could have an advantage to Tech, but a disadvantage to Skill.
An ability similar to Blades Danger sense. Passive ability to increase attack rating where metal is present. Miss mechanic to avoid attacks with metal projectiles (bullets)
Also, Kamala’s sp3 already gives a 100% chance at a permanent fury
Increase attack by 30% per unique debuff on the opponent. If the opponent has 3 Unique debuffs or more, Ultron gains True Accuracy until one of the debuffs expire.
Inflicting a Bleed has 40% to refresh all active bleeds on the opponent. Cauterising an opponent refreshes all Incinerate and Heal Block debuffs on the opponent.
Cauterising the opponent inflicts an Incinerate debuff dealing 20% of Ultron's attack as energy damage over 12 seconds per bleed cauterised, inflict a Heal Block lasting 12 seconds if the Incinerate exceeds 100% of Ultron's Attack.
Bleeds last 50% longer.
Striking an Incinerated opponent doesn't generate any power in the opponent.
Absorption spreads to all sources of energy damage
There we go, Power Control, Evade Counter and Damage
Also Kamala’s sp3 has a 90% (not 100%) at a permanent fury 😉
This way u can parry the opponent without losing ur charges & build up charges while they are stunned, don't have to take chunk of block damage while charging.
The Incursion hacks point to a lot of what must be relatively easy changes. For example, hacks easily add shock and incinerate to attacks, boost fury potency and duration, etc., so it should be easy enough to add these as champion abilities for Cyclops, Iron Patriot, etc.
Imagine the good will Kabam would create with the player base if suddenly Iron First and Iron Patriot were usable/desirable champs? Seems like an easy win. Don't need to redo the champs for a buff every time, with beta testing and such.
For each Incinerate on the Opponent, their Regeneration Rate is reduced by 20%. Phoenix should also be incinerate immune.
The first part is taken word-for-word from a line in Human Torch's abilities. Phoenix wouldn't adopt his temperature/smolder system or his Nova abilities, but I think giving her this possibility for Healing reduction/reversal would make her way more useful than she is right now. The incinerate immunity would make sense in the scope of the game and would give her a little more utility.
Increase damage output
Just get rid of the cap on fury stacks.