Can Abyss Be 100% Without Human Torch or With A 4 Star Torch?

Pretty much what the title asks. Can the Abyss be done 100% without Human Torch or with Human Torch as a 4 star r5? I know he is most useful for the Mephisto and Deadpool fights, but do they have other counters? I used an unduped six star r1 Void on my initial clear, but that sucked. I will soon have an 6r3 Havok that I could use too. Any help is appreciated.
The key is keep feeding him with sp1 otherwise you can't stop the healing. I used several revives to understand that.
My first run was with a 4/55 Void since I don’t have HT. So you can definitely use Void
Got the job done. Wish it was a 5/65 for that Mephisto fight but didn’t want to R5 a champ just for one fight. As good as Void is I don’t really wanna R5 him. Concentrating more on 6*s at the moment
OP specifically says “Mephisto and Deadpool”.
And u quota a guys in the first place ther was talking abut Deadpool to so that’s why. We two having this conversation now but now ikow u meant Mephisto because that’s I’m aware he can do
CLAIRE can do mephisto and torch.With Petrify mastery and Max despair.You are good to go.