Easy way for Kabam to buff old champions as part of the roadmap towards (hopefully) saving this game

I know there are so many issues that Kabam must address in their roadmap (and they haven’t done themselves any favors by stalling) but here’s one easy solution to buffing old champions that shouldn’t take that much time.
Use champion specific buff/debuff stacking on par with Hyperion/Nick Fury. Such a simple fix (instead of whole champion reworks like Colosus) but it would make the game so much more fun with these older champs (think Incursions).
For example:
Abomination/Diablo/etcetera: Stacks Poison Debuffs
Cyclops/Gambit/etcetera: Stacks Incinerate Debuffs
Daredevil/Moon Knight/Classic Ironman/etcetera: Stacks Precision Buffs
Electro/Storm/Jane Foster/Thor/etcetera: Stacks Electrical Debuffs
And so on and so on...
This wouldn’t take a long time (all the animations could remain the same) but it would absolutely make any champion with this type of dynamic instantly more relevant and enjoyable for the game.
Lighting Fists and Pyrotechnics are the greatest novel aspect of Incursions and it would be so easy to put into place with champions in regular gameplay.
Use champion specific buff/debuff stacking on par with Hyperion/Nick Fury. Such a simple fix (instead of whole champion reworks like Colosus) but it would make the game so much more fun with these older champs (think Incursions).
For example:
Abomination/Diablo/etcetera: Stacks Poison Debuffs
Cyclops/Gambit/etcetera: Stacks Incinerate Debuffs
Daredevil/Moon Knight/Classic Ironman/etcetera: Stacks Precision Buffs
Electro/Storm/Jane Foster/Thor/etcetera: Stacks Electrical Debuffs
And so on and so on...
This wouldn’t take a long time (all the animations could remain the same) but it would absolutely make any champion with this type of dynamic instantly more relevant and enjoyable for the game.
Lighting Fists and Pyrotechnics are the greatest novel aspect of Incursions and it would be so easy to put into place with champions in regular gameplay.
(I have proof for this, fight me)
For Grandmaster, CCP member Karate Mike:
here ya go @Mathgeek
How does Incinerate make sense for Gambit, a mutant who can charge things with Kinetic Energy? Although fire has Kinetic Energy, it doesn't make sense either way for his attacks to burn his enemies.
Regardless, this is getting off the point. The point is simply that there’s an easy way to buff the worst champions in the game to make them more relevant and increase the overall enjoyment of the game.
ding something like this would please the whole player base, especially those who pulled an OG 6* Iron man from their first crystal and are going for Cavalier, Now if Kabam would lift the restriction so they can bring in their 4* thor