Abyss GG options?

Ok so with the news of the abyss rewards update I figured I might as well try and knock out the remaining two paths left in abyss before the 25th.
Green Goblin.. what options are out there for him or what have people had success with?
I know fury is great but sadly I only have a 6* unduped fury.
Currently taking in the following team for the path:
5* Aegon r5
5* Torch r5
5* Doom r5
Those 3 are pretty much covering the rest of the path so 2 spots available.
Was thinking of bringing Mr Fantastic to give Doom an armour break on his heavy to help with GG, anyone tried and had success with this?
Green Goblin.. what options are out there for him or what have people had success with?
I know fury is great but sadly I only have a 6* unduped fury.
Currently taking in the following team for the path:
5* Aegon r5
5* Torch r5
5* Doom r5
Those 3 are pretty much covering the rest of the path so 2 spots available.
Was thinking of bringing Mr Fantastic to give Doom an armour break on his heavy to help with GG, anyone tried and had success with this?
Heavies armour break and refresh plasmas.
Unfortunately no void higher than a 4*.
Was thinking of just r3 6* fury anyway as I plan on using the generic on him so could potentially still put in some work unduped (lmd bleeds still tick for 2k+).
For GG, VtD’s sp2 hurts... a lot. The issue is the buffs that you’ll need to bank to run it.
CptIW with Cosmic synergy. Ideally, if you can squeeze in another tech champ in your team, it should help to deal with GG’s regen as well.
Have VtD at r4 and CptIW at r5 so could potentially bring both in so there's the cosmic for CptIW, don't think I can squeeze a tech in anywhere.
With VtD what buffs are required to bank for him to work?
Might take a few revives but given his regen, you’ll be able to get away with free 20% ones instead of 40%.
Might try and record some of the fight as I haven't found any of this matchup out there so far and would be good to see.
All the best! 👍🏻
Best setup for Venom in this fight is you should atleast have 3 precisions and atleast 2 Furies and rest doesn't matter too much.Having e precision and w furies are enough.Don't throw any specials just combos MLLLM.