Which champs to awaken?

_ASDF__ASDF_ Member Posts: 1,807 ★★★★
edited September 2017 in Strategy and Tips
I have 30 cosmic and 45 mystic stones. Don't have an awakened champ of either class. Please state your reason for your vote. Thank you!

Which champs to awaken? 44 votes

Alfa_PigeonAEG93Fireballs5AfridItay1234212weavileTheMaskNomarigerolDave_the_destroyerTheMageHunterDarkrider051haunted_memoryDean9300450ImranandreacesaMasterYoda493silverdevil000 17 votes
VavasourTBJ1118Vossler77Stark78AlfaSuskanutAlterEgo 6 votes
naimsaufy28 1 vote
TulvenJaffacakedHaji_SaabNoob_2yrsTheLazyKingStefffNickhammerYellsomeSerialJank39Danicb94MrLalowSpeedbumpF4k3_GaM3rJim0172BUNGALNGALSummonerB2AshburnD_Ace_71Spitfire17583 20 votes
Punisher 2099


  • TheMageHunterTheMageHunter Member Posts: 711 ★★
    Magik well because shes magik
    Archangel as a close second because his nerotoxins have great ultility
    And if you dont like either of them then go with ghost rider more judgements allow more potential
  • The_OneThe_One Member Posts: 2,936 ★★★★
    GR and AA for me.
  • andreacesaandreacesa Member Posts: 12
    I think magic. But I like punisher a lot.
  • TBJ1118TBJ1118 Member Posts: 228
    I'd say archangel if you have to deal with the most challenging areas of the game, LOL and act 5. But from what you say it doesn't look like you are there yet, so I strongly suggest GR. I do all AQ6 and AQ5 with him finishing at full health. Awakening him allows you to almost double his attack at 40 ability, with fury given from MLLLM. Look for tutorials on YouTube for how to use him at his best, but his regen is just the sickest in the game, allowing you to get him back to full health in 1 fight from like 1000 hp left. Plus power control, fate seal, etc...
  • AfridAfrid Member Posts: 529 ★★
    Rest of them are also good choice but magik's power lock is insane
  • Dave_the_destroyerDave_the_destroyer Member Posts: 981 ★★
    edited September 2017
    Magik will get you through so much content mate. I have her R5 sig 99 and she is just unbeatable

    Her s2 will win most fights for you (and power lock), but then you also have her limbo which basically destroys your opponent without even having to hit them!
  • D_Ace_71D_Ace_71 Member Posts: 158
    Archangel becomes a much, much better champion once awakened...toxins on toxins on toxins! :)
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  • Stark78AlfaStark78Alfa Member Posts: 502
    edited September 2017
    Magik or Archangel. They are better when awaken.

    Ghost Rider is good even if not awaken.

    Please ignore my vote at the poll.
  • AfridAfrid Member Posts: 529 ★★
    F4k3_GaM3r wrote: »
    Why do people vote for magik over AA ? AA needs a dupe to be good.. magik is already dope without signing ability

    True but her duped ability makes her incredible
  • weavileweavile Member Posts: 288
    it's a toss up between Magik, GR and AA, but I choose Magik because her sig will allow you to cover your mistake
  • ImranImran Member Posts: 587 ★★★
    I voted for magic. She is great after awakened And my 2nd vote goes for archangel.
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