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Alliance War Season 19: Updates to Path Identities and New Nodes! [ June 30]



  • hungryhungrybbqhungryhungrybbq Member Posts: 2,199 ★★★★★
    edited June 2020
    Thanks for fixing the matching system. That's great news. It will have a significant impact on my alliances decision on whether to return to competitive war or not. Looking forward to seeing what the rewards update entails. Now, to read the nodes and view the map:)
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,520 ★★★★★
    Either way, I'm upset because I'm concerned but I'll still keep an open mind and wait to see. I'm just not comfortable with people having to face Losses that they can't win just so the system can "balance" itself, and I'm definitely not comfortable going back to something that was being abused without some kind of preventative measures. I've been involved in War since they started, and my concerns aren't necessarily for myself alone. It's the fairness of the system I'm worried about. I would have no issue at all with using War Rating alone if the other problems weren't present. Unfortunately you have people using the system with Tanking and Shells in a way that makes it absolutely unfair for others, and the entire thing runs amok. Everyone's Season matters. Not just the upper crust. That's about all I'm going to say on it. I'll wait and see how things go.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,520 ★★★★★
    Also worth pointing out that if every Alliance is reduced by 50%, that won't help anything because everyone is affected the same way. Season 19 is going to be a massacre.
  • KnightZeroKnightZero Member Posts: 1,437 ★★★★★
    @DNA3000 very well said. Literally highlighted all the issues with war in a single post. Just by looking at the nodes, players have already come up with quite a few nasty combinations. With defender tactics, it'll get really messy. Looks like they're trying to really make it that people don't 100% the Map. Or make us test the map and die for a season before they change it.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,520 ★★★★★
    qartweli said:

    I think cutting the points would bring zero because somebody has to be in t1 2 etc
    U cut the points and the same alliamces will be in the same leagues only with half points
    I dot understand that

    That's exactly my point. Cutting the WRP in half for everyone doesn't do anything because everyone will still experience the same grossly overpowered Matches. Season 19 is just going to be sacrificed for people so the system can balance. It's going to be an unfair bloodbath.
  • joke1004joke1004 Member Posts: 258 ★★★
    @Kabam Miike thx for the fix. Almost done :)
    Lanes 1-3 in section 2 still have wrong node numbers. The rest looks fine now.
  • Sensei_MaatSensei_Maat Member Posts: 396 ★★★

    PirateJon said:

    Just get rid of the hidden nodes. Now multiple players have to run scouter lense

    I don't personally mind hidden nodes, the hidden path on the current map was one of the easiest lanes if you brought in a utility team - CaptIW, Domino and someone for the minis like SS, helped if I found someone like annihalus too
    i ran hidden path with beardo also cus he is very versatile, not many champs get one up on him and he takes care of some annoying defender like Annihalus just as you said. solo'd the path almost every war with minimal headaches. korg was my biggest issue if i saw him.
  • LordSmasherLordSmasher Member Posts: 1,547 ★★★★★

    qartweli said:

    I think cutting the points would bring zero because somebody has to be in t1 2 etc
    U cut the points and the same alliamces will be in the same leagues only with half points
    I dot understand that

    That's exactly my point. Cutting the WRP in half for everyone doesn't do anything because everyone will still experience the same grossly overpowered Matches. Season 19 is just going to be sacrificed for people so the system can balance. It's going to be an unfair bloodbath.
    Just want to point out only half the alliances will have grossly overpowered matches. Half will be the opposite.
    My alliance only runs 1BG and when we realized prestige makes a difference we got another 6 accounts. Still only 19 in the alliance but it made a big difference to get our win/loss ratio to 10/2.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,520 ★★★★★
    edited June 2020

    qartweli said:

    I think cutting the points would bring zero because somebody has to be in t1 2 etc
    U cut the points and the same alliamces will be in the same leagues only with half points
    I dot understand that

    That's exactly my point. Cutting the WRP in half for everyone doesn't do anything because everyone will still experience the same grossly overpowered Matches. Season 19 is just going to be sacrificed for people so the system can balance. It's going to be an unfair bloodbath.
    it needs to happen.
    10mil rating alliances do not deserve to be above 30mil alliances becuase in no world would the 10 mil aalliance ever win if they fought each other.
    the system that has allowed small allies to leapfrog larger allies because they never fight is an unfair handicapped system and has no place in a system where everyone is fighting for the same ppol of rewards.

    so this needs to happen and should have happened a long time ago.
    No. It does not "need" to happen. Those Alliances fight their own fair Matches and earn their own way to wherever they are. They Match, and fight, and put every bit of effort in they can. A month's worth of Wars to work towards the end goal. The fact that a fair fight is a foreign concept to some is ridiculous to me, but the truth is they didn't leapfrog anywhere. They earned it through the Points they earned in their own Matches. Now people are bitter that they can't peck them off. There are other solutions and it absolutely does not need to happen. Those people played the system fairly and earned what they earned based on their own performance.
    It does not need to happen. Those Alliances represent many people who put every effort they can into Seasons. Forcing them to do Wars that they absolutely cannot win as something that "has to happen" is totally disrespectful and caters to one demographic alone. The demographic that can't get past their Ego because Allies smaller than them are earning big Rewards. There would have been other options. Making them fight Wars they literally can't win and ruining their Season when they're working just as hard as anyone else is just flat-out cruel. Everything makes a difference during the Season. Every Alliance you do that to has 30 people putting in their best efforts and what you're talking about is Wars that no matter how hard they try, they can't win. I mean literally can't. Numerically can't. You're talking to the wrong person if you're trying to sell the idea that this kind of mistreatment is necessary. Yes, I use the word mistreatment without any kind of dramatics. The people working their butts off to earn Rewards in Season are being mistreated because people complained about who else was getting what. It's altogether unfair. If you don't care about the efforts that hundreds if not thousands of people put into a Season, that's your shortcoming. I do.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,520 ★★★★★
    Setting people up to fail just to balance a system is sadistic. Period.
  • NmbghjjuNmbghjju Member Posts: 22
    Hey guys, do you know what is "Cold Turkey" buff?
  • BassanioBassanio Member Posts: 162

    joke1004 said:

    How do the links interact?
    What are they?
    Do we have to take some fights linked?
    Is there a hidden lane?

    On the Easy and Normal Maps:
    Nodes 13 and 14 Link to 19, 15 and 16 link to 20, 17 and 18 link to 21, 38 and 39 link to 44, 40 and 41 link to 45, and 42 and 43 link to 46. Finally, 48, 51, and 52 Link to the Boss.

    On the Intermediate, Hard, Challenger, and Expert Maps:
    Nodes 10,11,12 link to 19, Nodes 13,14,15 link to 20, Nodes 16,17,18 link to 21, 36,37,38 link to 45, 39,40,41 link to 46, 42,43,44 link to 47, and 49,52,53 Link to the Boss.

    You do not have to take any fights linked this time.

    There is no hidden path anymore, but Nodes 19,20,21,45,46,47 are hidden.
    19,20,21 and "39",46,47??
  • BassanioBassanio Member Posts: 162
    reduce all incoming damage by 90%.........Is debuff damage included?
    @Kabam Miike
  • Sensei_MaatSensei_Maat Member Posts: 396 ★★★
    given it a season or two and alliances will balance out and fit in war ratings where they belong and there will not the the amount of "unfair" matches we will see.
    the unfair matches we will see will only be "unfair" due to the shortcomings of the poor matchmaking system that has been in place.
    alliances will balance back into positions on the leaderboard where they belong.
    a 10million rated alliance has no place with a 2500 WR they will only get these unfair matches while the kinks of the old system work themselves out
  • FeuerschwerFeuerschwer Member Posts: 362 ★★★
    The thing with matchmaking is that there’s no way to go from “some people are too big rated and some are too low” directly to “perfect fair matchmaking” with any sane amount of existing data. Cutting the war rating in half means that wins and losses will balance the field faster than they would have before; because the relative change is greater. It sucks that it has to level out like this and some alliances will end up eating losses or getting easy wins but there’s no reasonable way to get to a balanced war rating system without fighting wars; this plan probably hurts fewer alliances than just zeroing out everyone’s war rating and having chaos for the first few rounds before people can separate out.
  • Sensei_MaatSensei_Maat Member Posts: 396 ★★★
    edited June 2020
    qartweli said:

    u say it needs to happen


    3100-3500 are t1
    2900-3100 are t2
    2700-2900 are t3 for example

    that t1 2 3 will not stay empty

    u cut the points and

    t1 will be 1550-1750
    t2 will be 1450-1550
    t3 will be 1350-1450

    please tell me what has changed here

    i would understand if everybody goes below T6 and start there to climb high

    only thing what happens now is that the gap has been narrowed and more alliances can be matched because of the new war matchmaking system. this doesnt benefit us...this only makes possible the new matchmaking system to function at all

    not saying the half war rating part needs to happen.
    but the matchmaking overhaul.
    with War Rating being the primary factor and not alliance rating or prestige.

    but halving the war rating brings everyone closer together and speads up the process people will seperate into where they belong. otherwise higher allies may have too far to fall and lower ones too high to climb
  • PulyamanPulyaman Member Posts: 2,365 ★★★★★
    edited June 2020
    qartweli said:

    on poisone and fire path...either have red hulk or die

    because everybody will place there blade against mephisto or maybe morningstar which adds bleed as extra on top of it

    Iceman covers all immunity brackets, but I get your point. If they place MS, bring blade with stark and problem solved. If they place blade, bring Domino. Its not that there is no counter. The counters are less. Its going to be a challenge for sure.Also, if you bring someone like CAIW with skill synergy , he can shrug off all debuffs. Same with Aegon with a 50 or so combo. A niche counter could be rogue. Shrug off quickly and heal up with sp1. We need to think a little and depending on the defender, we can manage I think.
  • GiomeGiome Member Posts: 170 ★★
    The new map and node combination look worst and even more roster specific. The fact that hidden nodes are spread over the map forces more people to use the scouter lens. If the goal was to make AW more enjoyable you already seemed to have failed, at least on paper. I hope I'm wrong but that is really not a good start in my opinion. So many people are retiring already and war is one of the main reason. I really hoped the new AW would make things better.
  • Sensei_MaatSensei_Maat Member Posts: 396 ★★★
    edited June 2020

    Viclap said:

    Icejr said:

    Icejr said:

    Sorry I am Not interested anymore Alliance war,
    Just left ally and i am fine without alliance war.
    It no More fun to me.
    Its takes My whole day to finish 100% That i do not have anymore.

    Note : I am not new Player in mcoc , its 5 years I am with Mcoc and played with Various Master Bracket Alliances.

    Demon , Zdoom , EXDO Etc ...

    Sorry for mention That ,Before you click Disagree button ,

    Do you guys Calculated How Much Energy you need to fully explorer the map per Player ?

    Where is stress less ?

    Won't be an issue. It just looks bigger. War will still take the same amount of time for Attack either way.
    Do you actually play this game?

    I doubt it.
    Absolutely. You think Tanking is isolated to top Tiers? Hate to break it to you, but Alliances have been doing it below as well. It's been a tactic long enough that word has spread in spades. The lower guys do what the larger guys have been doing. We encounter at least a few in the off-season.
    Also, "It's going to happen anyway." is about as much of a justification as it gets. One that has never been valid in my books. Breaking the system to appease larger Allies who have no issues steamrolling whoever they want "cause hard knocks and stuff" is not a better system. That's not the least bit fair to anyone, regardless of who believes people don't deserve to compete higher up. A viable solution would prevent either problem. Not trade one for the other.
    as far as tanking goes i dunno what tier you are in, but.

    there is no reason for an alliance to tank in lower tiers there is nothing to gain really.
    some alliance just use the off season to have more fun, not intentionally tanking but to have fun and try stupid defenses like all groots and stuff like that.
    maybe there is some tanking but i fail to see how any alliance at say t10 would in anyway benefit from it. wars are easy down there you really wanna be pushing to climb at that point.
    but, whatever.

    i can say at t6 an off season loss will only lose you like 6 WR so even if you lost every off season war you would still be in T6.
    the only potential benefit is to drop low into t6 to avoid climbing into t5 during season but even then the amount of war rating you can lose will be negated after only a few wins in season. so you really can't tank at that level anymore thats for sure.
  • Destroy4589Destroy4589 Member Posts: 261 ★★★
    There were literally 100s of feedback in the general game issues thread regarding some of the overtly specific and BS nodes in act 6 and 7. You claimed to have understood our feedback but put similar BS nodes in AW now? How do I do ebb and flow against super tricky defenders some of whom I can't parry reliably or activate some form of their toolkit when knocked down. You are also only giving me 6 secs to do ONLY 40% of my damage and then revert back to intercepting/heavy. This is not even taking into consideration the whole aspect of defense tactics. Idk how this is considered fun and enjoyable. The only positive thing from this is the better matchmaking. I'll pass on war, thanks Kabam!
  • TP33TP33 Member Posts: 1,677 ★★★★★
    Most of it seems fine. That last new node looks savage though. Counters are literally BWCV, Iceman, Rulk
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