Let's talk about Canadian Difficulty



  • SupremeWarlordSupremeWarlord Member Posts: 293

    Menkent said:

    The git-gud crowd seems to have forgotten that cavalier has been out for a year. That title isn't the top 1% anymore. If this random side quest is too easy to hold your attention either skip it or use weaker champs. It cracks me up that the same guys who were trolling up the feedback threads telling people they just weren't ready for act6 or war if hard and needed to get better rosters and more skill if they thought it was too hard are now whining that their rosters are too deep and they're too good at the game. I'm not going to complain about free loot, personally. It's just a monthly side quest.

    The purpose of the side quest is to gather data to create the Cavalier difficulty. This isn't about git-gud, holding our attention, or whether or not it's a side quest. I can't imagine that this side quest is challenging for any Cavalier player, let alone the top 1%.
    Quoted wrong comment by accident.
  • PulyamanPulyaman Member Posts: 2,365 ★★★★★
    Ah..if kabam takes feedback from this thread, it's going to be act 6 again. Jack up the difficulty..cue the outrage..nerf the difficulty again. I am not someone to start eq immediately after it releases or any content for that matter. But, from what I am hearing, the quests seems easy for someone who has been cavalier for some time. For people who have completed and explored act 6, this will be easy. Saying that people who just became cavalier should not be able to complete this difficulty is nonsense. What is the point of opening this to that title then? Keep it at throne breaker title and tune the difficulty to that title. For cavalier, the difficulty will not be much greater than this. I was expecting the 6.1, 6.2 nodes to make it to the side event because that is where the preparing people for act 6 completion comes in. Managing nodes and attack values could make this a great addition to the game.
  • BulmktBulmkt Member Posts: 1,707 ★★★★
    being ambushed by a 50,000 PI Sasquatch is unnecessary BS IMO.
  • WorknprogressWorknprogress Member Posts: 7,233 ★★★★★
    Pulyaman said:

    Ah..if kabam takes feedback from this thread, it's going to be act 6 again. Jack up the difficulty..cue the outrage..nerf the difficulty again. I am not someone to start eq immediately after it releases or any content for that matter. But, from what I am hearing, the quests seems easy for someone who has been cavalier for some time. For people who have completed and explored act 6, this will be easy. Saying that people who just became cavalier should not be able to complete this difficulty is nonsense. What is the point of opening this to that title then? Keep it at throne breaker title and tune the difficulty to that title. For cavalier, the difficulty will not be much greater than this. I was expecting the 6.1, 6.2 nodes to make it to the side event because that is where the preparing people for act 6 completion comes in. Managing nodes and attack values could make this a great addition to the game.

    Being able to enter something doesn't mean that you have a right to finish it
  • Monk1Monk1 Member Posts: 762 ★★★★
    The simple way to Make this more interesting is restricting item.. say a max 5 items.

    This will push people to be ‘good enough’ as even the sash fight can be powered through with items if you can’t beat him.

    Personally, I like Act 6.. loved the challenge of using different champs, longer fights and being punished if I made a
    Mistake. I am a much better player having explored it, and feel a bit sorry for people who rather than grow and snowy develop into it just moaned so we now losing that content.
  • PulyamanPulyaman Member Posts: 2,365 ★★★★★

    Pulyaman said:

    Ah..if kabam takes feedback from this thread, it's going to be act 6 again. Jack up the difficulty..cue the outrage..nerf the difficulty again. I am not someone to start eq immediately after it releases or any content for that matter. But, from what I am hearing, the quests seems easy for someone who has been cavalier for some time. For people who have completed and explored act 6, this will be easy. Saying that people who just became cavalier should not be able to complete this difficulty is nonsense. What is the point of opening this to that title then? Keep it at throne breaker title and tune the difficulty to that title. For cavalier, the difficulty will not be much greater than this. I was expecting the 6.1, 6.2 nodes to make it to the side event because that is where the preparing people for act 6 completion comes in. Managing nodes and attack values could make this a great addition to the game.

    Being able to enter something doesn't mean that you have a right to finish it
    It's not about the right to do something. I am saying that if you gate something for cavalier players and put content for throne breaker players, people are going to cry foul. That is exactly what happened with act 6. You make everyone who finished act 5 enter it, but tune the difficulty to 5 times, people will get annoyed. If you are designing for people who are bored? Label it throne breaker difficulty and give 6.4 attack values and nodes.
    Difficulty should not increase just because some people threw money at the content and completed it and are now bored. See? I can make random statements insulting others too.
  • BigPoppaCBONEBigPoppaCBONE Member Posts: 2,445 ★★★★★
    I'm torn about Canadian leading to Cavalier difficulty.

    On one hand, I liked the Sasquatch ambush fight. I brought 5-65 Fury & Thing, 4-55 HT. I was a little annoyed that I slipped up in the beginning of the fight thinking I was out of his range and got HT killed immediately. Then Thing patiently put his foot up that ace with no problem. On the other hand, a path full of noded Sasquatch-level fights would suck and I wouldn't want to play that content. Kabam's got a tough road ahead of them getting this right.

    The rest of the paths other than ambushes were boring, typical Kabam "hard" fights with some of the annoying "Defender" champs. I've never been a fan of nodes on nodes, and if I wanted an extreme challenge I'd use weaker champs or ones that suck. I was able to get through the path with no items, but it wasn't fun. Fury savaged everything else in "Sigh Let's get this over with" mode.
  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,689 ★★★★★
    Pulyaman said:

    Ah..if kabam takes feedback from this thread, it's going to be act 6 again. Jack up the difficulty..cue the outrage..nerf the difficulty again. I am not someone to start eq immediately after it releases or any content for that matter. But, from what I am hearing, the quests seems easy for someone who has been cavalier for some time. For people who have completed and explored act 6, this will be easy. Saying that people who just became cavalier should not be able to complete this difficulty is nonsense. What is the point of opening this to that title then? Keep it at throne breaker title and tune the difficulty to that title. For cavalier, the difficulty will not be much greater than this. I was expecting the 6.1, 6.2 nodes to make it to the side event because that is where the preparing people for act 6 completion comes in. Managing nodes and attack values could make this a great addition to the game.

    Uncollected was not easy to explore for newly uncollected players. Cavalier has been out for a year. The Cavalier difficulty shouldn't be tuned to newly Cavalier players. Uncollected has been really easy for a long time. We don't need another easy difficulty. Might as well just buff the Uncollected rewards and call it a day if that's what they are going to do.
  • hungryhungrybbqhungryhungrybbq Member Posts: 2,287 ★★★★★
    edited July 2020

    I feel that Canadian Difficulty is just way too easy. At this point, it could be considered Uncollected. However, I do like how the linked nodes add to the difficulty, while not making it impossible (except for one–I'm looking at you, Buffed Up). That being said, more nodes, whether they be Linked, Local, or Global would amp up the difficulty to that "Canadian" difficulty level. Increased health and maybe increased attack would help too, but I don't want it to become another Act 6-esque situation where the attack values are too high. Maybe 30k minimum defenders?


    I haven't read the whole thread, but it's week one. And, it's a side quest. Also, remember the devs have already said that they will need to find a balance between tuning for end game players and tuning for those freshly eligible for this content. For those craving the highest difficulty, they are working on the Summer of Pain event for example. The monthly content will not just be for end game players though. It will have to be tuned for the entire bracket that it's available to. A good balance would be for the lower end of the bracket to be able to do initial completion (of the EQ itself), but struggle to explore and for the upper end of the bracket to be able to explore without any great difficulty, but maybe actually lose a couple champs here and there? Or at least have to focus up and pay attention to champ selection for each lane. And actually read the boss nodes and new champ abilities:)

    I don't want it to be painful, but I do think if it makes me think about who I'm bringing and actually read the nodes and abilities (which I haven't done in UC for quite some time) that it will at least keep me engaged. I'd be happy with that.
  • PulyamanPulyaman Member Posts: 2,365 ★★★★★

    Pulyaman said:

    Ah..if kabam takes feedback from this thread, it's going to be act 6 again. Jack up the difficulty..cue the outrage..nerf the difficulty again. I am not someone to start eq immediately after it releases or any content for that matter. But, from what I am hearing, the quests seems easy for someone who has been cavalier for some time. For people who have completed and explored act 6, this will be easy. Saying that people who just became cavalier should not be able to complete this difficulty is nonsense. What is the point of opening this to that title then? Keep it at throne breaker title and tune the difficulty to that title. For cavalier, the difficulty will not be much greater than this. I was expecting the 6.1, 6.2 nodes to make it to the side event because that is where the preparing people for act 6 completion comes in. Managing nodes and attack values could make this a great addition to the game.

    Uncollected was not easy to explore for newly uncollected players. Cavalier has been out for a year. The Cavalier difficulty shouldn't be tuned to newly Cavalier players. Uncollected has been really easy for a long time. We don't need another easy difficulty. Might as well just buff the Uncollected rewards and call it a day if that's what they are going to do.
    I agree, it should not be easy for new cavalier players to explore. It should not be impossible for them to explore too. But, how will you increase the difficulty? More health and attack? That is what got act 6 nerfed. I am asking for them to introduce the act 6 nodes one by one into the difficulty so that the fresh cavaliers can get used to it. What I am reading is difficulty equal to 6.4 which is not feasible. You want them to complete it with some resources. 6.4 was not possible to complete with only some resources.
    You also need to remember the rewards for completing this first chapter. The rewards seem to be increasing with each chapter. I would assume the difficulty also will increase at the same rate. Asking content not equal to rewards will just frustrate players.
  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,689 ★★★★★
    Pulyaman said:

    Pulyaman said:

    Ah..if kabam takes feedback from this thread, it's going to be act 6 again. Jack up the difficulty..cue the outrage..nerf the difficulty again. I am not someone to start eq immediately after it releases or any content for that matter. But, from what I am hearing, the quests seems easy for someone who has been cavalier for some time. For people who have completed and explored act 6, this will be easy. Saying that people who just became cavalier should not be able to complete this difficulty is nonsense. What is the point of opening this to that title then? Keep it at throne breaker title and tune the difficulty to that title. For cavalier, the difficulty will not be much greater than this. I was expecting the 6.1, 6.2 nodes to make it to the side event because that is where the preparing people for act 6 completion comes in. Managing nodes and attack values could make this a great addition to the game.

    Uncollected was not easy to explore for newly uncollected players. Cavalier has been out for a year. The Cavalier difficulty shouldn't be tuned to newly Cavalier players. Uncollected has been really easy for a long time. We don't need another easy difficulty. Might as well just buff the Uncollected rewards and call it a day if that's what they are going to do.
    I agree, it should not be easy for new cavalier players to explore. It should not be impossible for them to explore too. But, how will you increase the difficulty? More health and attack? That is what got act 6 nerfed. I am asking for them to introduce the act 6 nodes one by one into the difficulty so that the fresh cavaliers can get used to it. What I am reading is difficulty equal to 6.4 which is not feasible. You want them to complete it with some resources. 6.4 was not possible to complete with only some resources.
    You also need to remember the rewards for completing this first chapter. The rewards seem to be increasing with each chapter. I would assume the difficulty also will increase at the same rate. Asking content not equal to rewards will just frustrate players.
    That's the problem. It's easy to boost the attack and health and call it a day. It's easy to slap on a bunch of nodes that will make it almost impossible for all but a few champs or synergies. It's much harder to make creative difficulty that requires skill and planning. Then you think you have the perfect fight but there are so many champs and synergies out there that someone figures out an easy mode cheese counter lol. I don't know what the answer is but I hope they find it.
  • Mr_PlatypusMr_Platypus Member Posts: 2,779 ★★★★★
    Pulyaman said:

    Pulyaman said:

    Ah..if kabam takes feedback from this thread, it's going to be act 6 again. Jack up the difficulty..cue the outrage..nerf the difficulty again. I am not someone to start eq immediately after it releases or any content for that matter. But, from what I am hearing, the quests seems easy for someone who has been cavalier for some time. For people who have completed and explored act 6, this will be easy. Saying that people who just became cavalier should not be able to complete this difficulty is nonsense. What is the point of opening this to that title then? Keep it at throne breaker title and tune the difficulty to that title. For cavalier, the difficulty will not be much greater than this. I was expecting the 6.1, 6.2 nodes to make it to the side event because that is where the preparing people for act 6 completion comes in. Managing nodes and attack values could make this a great addition to the game.

    Uncollected was not easy to explore for newly uncollected players. Cavalier has been out for a year. The Cavalier difficulty shouldn't be tuned to newly Cavalier players. Uncollected has been really easy for a long time. We don't need another easy difficulty. Might as well just buff the Uncollected rewards and call it a day if that's what they are going to do.
    I agree, it should not be easy for new cavalier players to explore. It should not be impossible for them to explore too. But, how will you increase the difficulty? More health and attack? That is what got act 6 nerfed. I am asking for them to introduce the act 6 nodes one by one into the difficulty so that the fresh cavaliers can get used to it. What I am reading is difficulty equal to 6.4 which is not feasible. You want them to complete it with some resources. 6.4 was not possible to complete with only some resources.
    You also need to remember the rewards for completing this first chapter. The rewards seem to be increasing with each chapter. I would assume the difficulty also will increase at the same rate. Asking content not equal to rewards will just frustrate players.
    Nodes and encounters that push you to use different champs within your roster should be how you get tested within the cavalier difficulty imo, there’s plenty of room to up the HP values and a bit of room for the attack values too.
    This way will test Everyone as they can’t just blitz it with ghost or Corvus. This would likely roadblock many that just pulled a 5* corvus then rushed straight from act 4 to act 6, but it would teach them that they’ll need to start ranking some more champs if they want to push further in act 6.
  • xNigxNig Member Posts: 7,336 ★★★★★

    Pulyaman said:

    Pulyaman said:

    Ah..if kabam takes feedback from this thread, it's going to be act 6 again. Jack up the difficulty..cue the outrage..nerf the difficulty again. I am not someone to start eq immediately after it releases or any content for that matter. But, from what I am hearing, the quests seems easy for someone who has been cavalier for some time. For people who have completed and explored act 6, this will be easy. Saying that people who just became cavalier should not be able to complete this difficulty is nonsense. What is the point of opening this to that title then? Keep it at throne breaker title and tune the difficulty to that title. For cavalier, the difficulty will not be much greater than this. I was expecting the 6.1, 6.2 nodes to make it to the side event because that is where the preparing people for act 6 completion comes in. Managing nodes and attack values could make this a great addition to the game.

    Uncollected was not easy to explore for newly uncollected players. Cavalier has been out for a year. The Cavalier difficulty shouldn't be tuned to newly Cavalier players. Uncollected has been really easy for a long time. We don't need another easy difficulty. Might as well just buff the Uncollected rewards and call it a day if that's what they are going to do.
    I agree, it should not be easy for new cavalier players to explore. It should not be impossible for them to explore too. But, how will you increase the difficulty? More health and attack? That is what got act 6 nerfed. I am asking for them to introduce the act 6 nodes one by one into the difficulty so that the fresh cavaliers can get used to it. What I am reading is difficulty equal to 6.4 which is not feasible. You want them to complete it with some resources. 6.4 was not possible to complete with only some resources.
    You also need to remember the rewards for completing this first chapter. The rewards seem to be increasing with each chapter. I would assume the difficulty also will increase at the same rate. Asking content not equal to rewards will just frustrate players.
    That's the problem. It's easy to boost the attack and health and call it a day. It's easy to slap on a bunch of nodes that will make it almost impossible for all but a few champs or synergies. It's much harder to make creative difficulty that requires skill and planning. Then you think you have the perfect fight but there are so many champs and synergies out there that someone figures out an easy mode cheese counter lol. I don't know what the answer is but I hope they find it.
    I believe that there are only 2 solutions to the problem.

    1. Roster, which is what Kabam went for in A6. By narrowing down the champions that can clear the fight, difficulty is inflated and the fight becomes more niched. This also ensures that the players’ roster is of at least a certain depth.

    2. Skill. This seems to be the preferred way of the community to do it. But this is VERY VERY difficult to balance and to be creative about. You’re looking at 8 paths per week, that’s 32 different types of node combinations that shouldn’t gate roster. Even if they reduce it to 4 paths weekly, it’s still an insane 16 types of combinations a month that is insanely difficult to create. To add to that, the community is so entitled that when it gets too challenging, people are quick to complain without putting much thought into how a fight can be tackled. This also has a side issue of not requiring much roster depth.

    So tbh, I’d much rather they make fights that’s a combination of both. For example, this week’s Buffed Up path. Take that node, throw in an additional Aspect of War, then we’ve got an interesting fight.

    However, what’s VERY likely going to happen after that is, you get people complaining that there are no champions that fulfill The 3 Buffs + Slow criteria, and things get nerfed down to Parry MLLLM again.
  • Mr_PlatypusMr_Platypus Member Posts: 2,779 ★★★★★
    xNig said:

    Pulyaman said:

    Pulyaman said:

    Ah..if kabam takes feedback from this thread, it's going to be act 6 again. Jack up the difficulty..cue the outrage..nerf the difficulty again. I am not someone to start eq immediately after it releases or any content for that matter. But, from what I am hearing, the quests seems easy for someone who has been cavalier for some time. For people who have completed and explored act 6, this will be easy. Saying that people who just became cavalier should not be able to complete this difficulty is nonsense. What is the point of opening this to that title then? Keep it at throne breaker title and tune the difficulty to that title. For cavalier, the difficulty will not be much greater than this. I was expecting the 6.1, 6.2 nodes to make it to the side event because that is where the preparing people for act 6 completion comes in. Managing nodes and attack values could make this a great addition to the game.

    Uncollected was not easy to explore for newly uncollected players. Cavalier has been out for a year. The Cavalier difficulty shouldn't be tuned to newly Cavalier players. Uncollected has been really easy for a long time. We don't need another easy difficulty. Might as well just buff the Uncollected rewards and call it a day if that's what they are going to do.
    I agree, it should not be easy for new cavalier players to explore. It should not be impossible for them to explore too. But, how will you increase the difficulty? More health and attack? That is what got act 6 nerfed. I am asking for them to introduce the act 6 nodes one by one into the difficulty so that the fresh cavaliers can get used to it. What I am reading is difficulty equal to 6.4 which is not feasible. You want them to complete it with some resources. 6.4 was not possible to complete with only some resources.
    You also need to remember the rewards for completing this first chapter. The rewards seem to be increasing with each chapter. I would assume the difficulty also will increase at the same rate. Asking content not equal to rewards will just frustrate players.
    That's the problem. It's easy to boost the attack and health and call it a day. It's easy to slap on a bunch of nodes that will make it almost impossible for all but a few champs or synergies. It's much harder to make creative difficulty that requires skill and planning. Then you think you have the perfect fight but there are so many champs and synergies out there that someone figures out an easy mode cheese counter lol. I don't know what the answer is but I hope they find it.
    I believe that there are only 2 solutions to the problem.

    1. Roster, which is what Kabam went for in A6. By narrowing down the champions that can clear the fight, difficulty is inflated and the fight becomes more niched. This also ensures that the players’ roster is of at least a certain depth.

    2. Skill. This seems to be the preferred way of the community to do it. But this is VERY VERY difficult to balance and to be creative about. You’re looking at 8 paths per week, that’s 32 different types of node combinations that shouldn’t gate roster. Even if they reduce it to 4 paths weekly, it’s still an insane 16 types of combinations a month that is insanely difficult to create. To add to that, the community is so entitled that when it gets too challenging, people are quick to complain without putting much thought into how a fight can be tackled. This also has a side issue of not requiring much roster depth.

    So tbh, I’d much rather they make fights that’s a combination of both. For example, this week’s Buffed Up path. Take that node, throw in an additional Aspect of War, then we’ve got an interesting fight.

    However, what’s VERY likely going to happen after that is, you get people complaining that there are no champions that fulfill The 3 Buffs + Slow criteria, and things get nerfed down to Parry MLLLM again.
    The example you gave then is the difficulty I was hoping for, even if I do still find aspect of war irritating (I always found my intercepts to not be intercept-y enough to remove the unstoppable), there’s plenty of nodes they could stick together that provide a challenge in some way or another, though the example I thought of is far easier than yours, mine being buffed up+vigor, meaning you can go for heal block (red skull, civil warrior, etc) or try and out damage by playing very aggressively (Angela, hyperion, etc).
  • xNigxNig Member Posts: 7,336 ★★★★★
    edited July 2020
    Yeah that’s a probable node combination for the easy path IMO.

    The idea of 1 easy completion path is to give fresh Cavs a feeling of how Cav difficulty is like and easy combinations like this should be used. 👍🏻

    Another easy example I can think of is Rage + Power Shield. Nothing too fancy or hard.
  • PulyamanPulyaman Member Posts: 2,365 ★★★★★
    xNig said:

    Pulyaman said:

    Pulyaman said:

    Ah..if kabam takes feedback from this thread, it's going to be act 6 again. Jack up the difficulty..cue the outrage..nerf the difficulty again. I am not someone to start eq immediately after it releases or any content for that matter. But, from what I am hearing, the quests seems easy for someone who has been cavalier for some time. For people who have completed and explored act 6, this will be easy. Saying that people who just became cavalier should not be able to complete this difficulty is nonsense. What is the point of opening this to that title then? Keep it at throne breaker title and tune the difficulty to that title. For cavalier, the difficulty will not be much greater than this. I was expecting the 6.1, 6.2 nodes to make it to the side event because that is where the preparing people for act 6 completion comes in. Managing nodes and attack values could make this a great addition to the game.

    Uncollected was not easy to explore for newly uncollected players. Cavalier has been out for a year. The Cavalier difficulty shouldn't be tuned to newly Cavalier players. Uncollected has been really easy for a long time. We don't need another easy difficulty. Might as well just buff the Uncollected rewards and call it a day if that's what they are going to do.
    I agree, it should not be easy for new cavalier players to explore. It should not be impossible for them to explore too. But, how will you increase the difficulty? More health and attack? That is what got act 6 nerfed. I am asking for them to introduce the act 6 nodes one by one into the difficulty so that the fresh cavaliers can get used to it. What I am reading is difficulty equal to 6.4 which is not feasible. You want them to complete it with some resources. 6.4 was not possible to complete with only some resources.
    You also need to remember the rewards for completing this first chapter. The rewards seem to be increasing with each chapter. I would assume the difficulty also will increase at the same rate. Asking content not equal to rewards will just frustrate players.
    That's the problem. It's easy to boost the attack and health and call it a day. It's easy to slap on a bunch of nodes that will make it almost impossible for all but a few champs or synergies. It's much harder to make creative difficulty that requires skill and planning. Then you think you have the perfect fight but there are so many champs and synergies out there that someone figures out an easy mode cheese counter lol. I don't know what the answer is but I hope they find it.
    I believe that there are only 2 solutions to the problem.

    1. Roster, which is what Kabam went for in A6. By narrowing down the champions that can clear the fight, difficulty is inflated and the fight becomes more niched. This also ensures that the players’ roster is of at least a certain depth.

    2. Skill. This seems to be the preferred way of the community to do it. But this is VERY VERY difficult to balance and to be creative about. You’re looking at 8 paths per week, that’s 32 different types of node combinations that shouldn’t gate roster. Even if they reduce it to 4 paths weekly, it’s still an insane 16 types of combinations a month that is insanely difficult to create. To add to that, the community is so entitled that when it gets too challenging, people are quick to complain without putting much thought into how a fight can be tackled. This also has a side issue of not requiring much roster depth.

    So tbh, I’d much rather they make fights that’s a combination of both. For example, this week’s Buffed Up path. Take that node, throw in an additional Aspect of War, then we’ve got an interesting fight.

    However, what’s VERY likely going to happen after that is, you get people complaining that there are no champions that fulfill The 3 Buffs + Slow criteria, and things get nerfed down to Parry MLLLM again.
    But, that is the problem with asking people to bring specific counters. There is interesting and then there is simply a definite KO. I can think of several counters for that fight and I have only 1 of them. If you are going to make fights roster dependent, you need to increase access to all champs, which is what they are doing by introducing class crystals.
  • xNigxNig Member Posts: 7,336 ★★★★★
    edited July 2020
    Pulyaman said:

    xNig said:

    Pulyaman said:

    Pulyaman said:

    Ah..if kabam takes feedback from this thread, it's going to be act 6 again. Jack up the difficulty..cue the outrage..nerf the difficulty again. I am not someone to start eq immediately after it releases or any content for that matter. But, from what I am hearing, the quests seems easy for someone who has been cavalier for some time. For people who have completed and explored act 6, this will be easy. Saying that people who just became cavalier should not be able to complete this difficulty is nonsense. What is the point of opening this to that title then? Keep it at throne breaker title and tune the difficulty to that title. For cavalier, the difficulty will not be much greater than this. I was expecting the 6.1, 6.2 nodes to make it to the side event because that is where the preparing people for act 6 completion comes in. Managing nodes and attack values could make this a great addition to the game.

    Uncollected was not easy to explore for newly uncollected players. Cavalier has been out for a year. The Cavalier difficulty shouldn't be tuned to newly Cavalier players. Uncollected has been really easy for a long time. We don't need another easy difficulty. Might as well just buff the Uncollected rewards and call it a day if that's what they are going to do.
    I agree, it should not be easy for new cavalier players to explore. It should not be impossible for them to explore too. But, how will you increase the difficulty? More health and attack? That is what got act 6 nerfed. I am asking for them to introduce the act 6 nodes one by one into the difficulty so that the fresh cavaliers can get used to it. What I am reading is difficulty equal to 6.4 which is not feasible. You want them to complete it with some resources. 6.4 was not possible to complete with only some resources.
    You also need to remember the rewards for completing this first chapter. The rewards seem to be increasing with each chapter. I would assume the difficulty also will increase at the same rate. Asking content not equal to rewards will just frustrate players.
    That's the problem. It's easy to boost the attack and health and call it a day. It's easy to slap on a bunch of nodes that will make it almost impossible for all but a few champs or synergies. It's much harder to make creative difficulty that requires skill and planning. Then you think you have the perfect fight but there are so many champs and synergies out there that someone figures out an easy mode cheese counter lol. I don't know what the answer is but I hope they find it.
    I believe that there are only 2 solutions to the problem.

    1. Roster, which is what Kabam went for in A6. By narrowing down the champions that can clear the fight, difficulty is inflated and the fight becomes more niched. This also ensures that the players’ roster is of at least a certain depth.

    2. Skill. This seems to be the preferred way of the community to do it. But this is VERY VERY difficult to balance and to be creative about. You’re looking at 8 paths per week, that’s 32 different types of node combinations that shouldn’t gate roster. Even if they reduce it to 4 paths weekly, it’s still an insane 16 types of combinations a month that is insanely difficult to create. To add to that, the community is so entitled that when it gets too challenging, people are quick to complain without putting much thought into how a fight can be tackled. This also has a side issue of not requiring much roster depth.

    So tbh, I’d much rather they make fights that’s a combination of both. For example, this week’s Buffed Up path. Take that node, throw in an additional Aspect of War, then we’ve got an interesting fight.

    However, what’s VERY likely going to happen after that is, you get people complaining that there are no champions that fulfill The 3 Buffs + Slow criteria, and things get nerfed down to Parry MLLLM again.
    But, that is the problem with asking people to bring specific counters. There is interesting and then there is simply a definite KO. I can think of several counters for that fight and I have only 1 of them. If you are going to make fights roster dependent, you need to increase access to all champs, which is what they are doing by introducing class crystals.
    You actually don’t need any champ that doesn’t fulfill the buffed up requirement as AoW can be cleared by intercepting, ie the skill component of it.

    Will it be hard and challenging? Yes. That’s the point right?
  • Mr_PlatypusMr_Platypus Member Posts: 2,779 ★★★★★
    edited July 2020
    Yeah it is a simple example I gave but it’s also enough to stop all the people that just got a 5* corvus and skipped exploration of everything between act 3 and 6.1.

    And just to be clear, I’m not calling for a harder difficulty to spite anyone that hasn’t explored act 6, I’ve done an initial pass of the whole act and explored 6.1 so to me, for them to nail the difficulty I should be able to get through 1 pass of cavalier with relative ease and then likely be able to explore chapters 1 and possibly 2 with a little effort, but chapter 3 exploration should be a serious challenge. I just hope it’s a challenge in the node combinations rather than being a dull uninteresting fight that’s only a challenge because of the attack values.
  • xNigxNig Member Posts: 7,336 ★★★★★

    Yeah it is a simple example I gave but it’s also enough to stop all the people that just got a 5* corvus and skipped exploration of everything between act 3 and 6.1

    Yeah. That will be the most ideal case scenario lol.
  • gohard123gohard123 Member Posts: 1,017 ★★★
    xNig said:

    Pulyaman said:

    Pulyaman said:

    Ah..if kabam takes feedback from this thread, it's going to be act 6 again. Jack up the difficulty..cue the outrage..nerf the difficulty again. I am not someone to start eq immediately after it releases or any content for that matter. But, from what I am hearing, the quests seems easy for someone who has been cavalier for some time. For people who have completed and explored act 6, this will be easy. Saying that people who just became cavalier should not be able to complete this difficulty is nonsense. What is the point of opening this to that title then? Keep it at throne breaker title and tune the difficulty to that title. For cavalier, the difficulty will not be much greater than this. I was expecting the 6.1, 6.2 nodes to make it to the side event because that is where the preparing people for act 6 completion comes in. Managing nodes and attack values could make this a great addition to the game.

    Uncollected was not easy to explore for newly uncollected players. Cavalier has been out for a year. The Cavalier difficulty shouldn't be tuned to newly Cavalier players. Uncollected has been really easy for a long time. We don't need another easy difficulty. Might as well just buff the Uncollected rewards and call it a day if that's what they are going to do.
    I agree, it should not be easy for new cavalier players to explore. It should not be impossible for them to explore too. But, how will you increase the difficulty? More health and attack? That is what got act 6 nerfed. I am asking for them to introduce the act 6 nodes one by one into the difficulty so that the fresh cavaliers can get used to it. What I am reading is difficulty equal to 6.4 which is not feasible. You want them to complete it with some resources. 6.4 was not possible to complete with only some resources.
    You also need to remember the rewards for completing this first chapter. The rewards seem to be increasing with each chapter. I would assume the difficulty also will increase at the same rate. Asking content not equal to rewards will just frustrate players.
    That's the problem. It's easy to boost the attack and health and call it a day. It's easy to slap on a bunch of nodes that will make it almost impossible for all but a few champs or synergies. It's much harder to make creative difficulty that requires skill and planning. Then you think you have the perfect fight but there are so many champs and synergies out there that someone figures out an easy mode cheese counter lol. I don't know what the answer is but I hope they find it.
    So tbh, I’d much rather they make fights that’s a combination of both. For example, this week’s Buffed Up path. Take that node, throw in an additional Aspect of War, then we’ve got an interesting fight.

    However, what’s VERY likely going to happen after that is, you get people complaining that there are no champions that fulfill The 3 Buffs + Slow criteria, and things get nerfed down to Parry MLLLM again.
    I agree but AoW is a tough node on its own. It would be better paired with something less restrictive than buffed up.
  • xNigxNig Member Posts: 7,336 ★★★★★
    gohard123 said:


    xNig said:

    Pulyaman said:

    Pulyaman said:

    Ah..if kabam takes feedback from this thread, it's going to be act 6 again. Jack up the difficulty..cue the outrage..nerf the difficulty again. I am not someone to start eq immediately after it releases or any content for that matter. But, from what I am hearing, the quests seems easy for someone who has been cavalier for some time. For people who have completed and explored act 6, this will be easy. Saying that people who just became cavalier should not be able to complete this difficulty is nonsense. What is the point of opening this to that title then? Keep it at throne breaker title and tune the difficulty to that title. For cavalier, the difficulty will not be much greater than this. I was expecting the 6.1, 6.2 nodes to make it to the side event because that is where the preparing people for act 6 completion comes in. Managing nodes and attack values could make this a great addition to the game.

    Uncollected was not easy to explore for newly uncollected players. Cavalier has been out for a year. The Cavalier difficulty shouldn't be tuned to newly Cavalier players. Uncollected has been really easy for a long time. We don't need another easy difficulty. Might as well just buff the Uncollected rewards and call it a day if that's what they are going to do.
    I agree, it should not be easy for new cavalier players to explore. It should not be impossible for them to explore too. But, how will you increase the difficulty? More health and attack? That is what got act 6 nerfed. I am asking for them to introduce the act 6 nodes one by one into the difficulty so that the fresh cavaliers can get used to it. What I am reading is difficulty equal to 6.4 which is not feasible. You want them to complete it with some resources. 6.4 was not possible to complete with only some resources.
    You also need to remember the rewards for completing this first chapter. The rewards seem to be increasing with each chapter. I would assume the difficulty also will increase at the same rate. Asking content not equal to rewards will just frustrate players.
    That's the problem. It's easy to boost the attack and health and call it a day. It's easy to slap on a bunch of nodes that will make it almost impossible for all but a few champs or synergies. It's much harder to make creative difficulty that requires skill and planning. Then you think you have the perfect fight but there are so many champs and synergies out there that someone figures out an easy mode cheese counter lol. I don't know what the answer is but I hope they find it.
    So tbh, I’d much rather they make fights that’s a combination of both. For example, this week’s Buffed Up path. Take that node, throw in an additional Aspect of War, then we’ve got an interesting fight.

    However, what’s VERY likely going to happen after that is, you get people complaining that there are no champions that fulfill The 3 Buffs + Slow criteria, and things get nerfed down to Parry MLLLM again.
    I agree but AoW is a tough node on its own. It would be better paired with something less restrictive than buffed up.
    Possible but people will be able to bring Stealth/SG/SH for it, thus removing the “skill component”, relegating it to an “easy combination”.
  • Mr_PlatypusMr_Platypus Member Posts: 2,779 ★★★★★
    Buffed up reduces damage by 100% without your 3 buffs so I don’t think any of those 3 would work tbf.
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  • WorknprogressWorknprogress Member Posts: 7,233 ★★★★★
    Haji_Saab said:

    They should also reduce the paths to 4 at maximum. Put Sasquatch in each of those 4 paths.

    I hate the grind of 8 and 12 paths.

    I hate this event build as well. I know some others love the grindy ones though so I just enjoy the versions I like (labs, rifts, etc...) and ride out the terrible ones like these
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  • WerewrymWerewrym Member Posts: 2,830 ★★★★★
    Yeah the grindy events like this one are a bit of a bore, I’ll be grabbing the Canadian difficulty rewards, but no way I can do the other difficulties. I’d rather have less paths, more fights, and higher difficulty.
  • the_eradicatorthe_eradicator Member Posts: 414 ★★★
    You guys do know that Kabam will have data on how many cavalier players were able to finish this "Canadian" difficulty and if they used little or more items or no items. The minority of you shouting for nodes that show no mercy and stuff like that. If you want such nodes then Kabam better increase the rewards. For the current rewards , heck no way am I indulging in that level of difficulty. They will make the final decision based on the data they get at the end of the month. So keep your peace and have fun for now.
    Also if you want ridiculous nodes and attack values, that is reserved for special events I thought. Not for an event that is available monthly.
    @xNig you want an Abyss equivalent with Act 6 nodes for ya , each month ? Lol? Sometimes the community creates their own downfall .
    I do agree there should be more challenge as how it is right now in the first week, but its only the first week so yeah chill out till the ending comes.
    I also suggest instead of making cavalier difficulty ridiculously hard , create a quest that lasts for 2 months and has like the 50k-60k pi opponents or even 100k like the Maze or something , that will create challenge and something that does not need to appeal to every one , its just for the best of the best .
    Making cavalier difficulty too hard will mean that the cavalier players will be missing out of some rewards that must have been there as an added bonus over uncollected , cos remember there was nothing extra for cav players until now. That gap will be filled by cavalier difficulty .Something that new cav players can complete but not necessarily explore fully.

  • WorknprogressWorknprogress Member Posts: 7,233 ★★★★★

    You guys do know that Kabam will have data on how many cavalier players were able to finish this "Canadian" difficulty and if they used little or more items or no items. The minority of you shouting for nodes that show no mercy and stuff like that. If you want such nodes then Kabam better increase the rewards. For the current rewards , heck no way am I indulging in that level of difficulty. They will make the final decision based on the data they get at the end of the month. So keep your peace and have fun for now.
    Also if you want ridiculous nodes and attack values, that is reserved for special events I thought. Not for an event that is available monthly.
    @xNig you want an Abyss equivalent with Act 6 nodes for ya , each month ? Lol? Sometimes the community creates their own downfall .
    I do agree there should be more challenge as how it is right now in the first week, but its only the first week so yeah chill out till the ending comes.
    I also suggest instead of making cavalier difficulty ridiculously hard , create a quest that lasts for 2 months and has like the 50k-60k pi opponents or even 100k like the Maze or something , that will create challenge and something that does not need to appeal to every one , its just for the best of the best .
    Making cavalier difficulty too hard will mean that the cavalier players will be missing out of some rewards that must have been there as an added bonus over uncollected , cos remember there was nothing extra for cav players until now. That gap will be filled by cavalier difficulty .Something that new cav players can complete but not necessarily explore fully.

    Oh I forgot you're only supposed to provide feedback here when complaining about things being too hard
  • WorknprogressWorknprogress Member Posts: 7,233 ★★★★★
    Plenty of people missed out on UC rewards when it was new. Know why? Bc it was actually hard for newly UC players. Time for round 2 hopefully
  • xNigxNig Member Posts: 7,336 ★★★★★

    You guys do know that Kabam will have data on how many cavalier players were able to finish this "Canadian" difficulty and if they used little or more items or no items. The minority of you shouting for nodes that show no mercy and stuff like that. If you want such nodes then Kabam better increase the rewards. For the current rewards , heck no way am I indulging in that level of difficulty. They will make the final decision based on the data they get at the end of the month. So keep your peace and have fun for now.
    Also if you want ridiculous nodes and attack values, that is reserved for special events I thought. Not for an event that is available monthly.
    @xNig you want an Abyss equivalent with Act 6 nodes for ya , each month ? Lol? Sometimes the community creates their own downfall .
    I do agree there should be more challenge as how it is right now in the first week, but its only the first week so yeah chill out till the ending comes.
    I also suggest instead of making cavalier difficulty ridiculously hard , create a quest that lasts for 2 months and has like the 50k-60k pi opponents or even 100k like the Maze or something , that will create challenge and something that does not need to appeal to every one , its just for the best of the best .
    Making cavalier difficulty too hard will mean that the cavalier players will be missing out of some rewards that must have been there as an added bonus over uncollected , cos remember there was nothing extra for cav players until now. That gap will be filled by cavalier difficulty .Something that new cav players can complete but not necessarily explore fully.

    Yeah. The rewards are called “Completion” rewards, like you said. Read my post.

    I said that new Cav players should be able to complete it, and ideally with some item use for completion. But for exploration, it should be near impossible for new Cav players.

    Yes they should make some really incredibly hard quests with awesome rewards. But then again, entitled Cav players will just jump in and say it’s too hard and they’re missing the rewards. Lol
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