Let's talk about Canadian Difficulty



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  • Monk1Monk1 Member Posts: 762 ★★★★
    Haji_Saab said:

    I am just starting to realize that we might never get the Act 6 kind of challenging content ... :\

    However, holding detailed judgement until the end of the month. It will be a loss if the unchanged Act 6 is the last piece of good tough content that we remember.

    100% with you. I was expecting act 6.3/6.4 style content (Is in current form, not the upcoming baby attack version ) and we are left with huge grind of what feels like act 5.

    I get some people Are struggling, can’t read nodes and Want to be able to get hit 20 times and not die, but that can be epic content!!
  • BulmktBulmkt Member Posts: 1,707 ★★★★

    I feel that Canadian Difficulty is just way too easy. At this point, it could be considered Uncollected. However, I do like how the linked nodes add to the difficulty, while not making it impossible (except for one–I'm looking at you, Buffed Up). That being said, more nodes, whether they be Linked, Local, or Global would amp up the difficulty to that "Canadian" difficulty level. Increased health and maybe increased attack would help too, but I don't want it to become another Act 6-esque situation where the attack values are too high. Maybe 30k minimum defenders?


    Being ambushed by The 50k Sasquatch is BS.

    The rest of the Canadian difficultly is fairly manageable with the right team.

    I wouldn’t want the future events to get harder than this
  • GamerGamer Member Posts: 11,488 ★★★★★
    Bulmkt said:

    I feel that Canadian Difficulty is just way too easy. At this point, it could be considered Uncollected. However, I do like how the linked nodes add to the difficulty, while not making it impossible (except for one–I'm looking at you, Buffed Up). That being said, more nodes, whether they be Linked, Local, or Global would amp up the difficulty to that "Canadian" difficulty level. Increased health and maybe increased attack would help too, but I don't want it to become another Act 6-esque situation where the attack values are too high. Maybe 30k minimum defenders?


    Being ambushed by The 50k Sasquatch is BS.

    The rest of the Canadian difficultly is fairly manageable with the right team.

    I wouldn’t want the future events to get harder than this
    It not even hard so personally it shuld be harder and then hav a esay Part so cavalier ect can get fx more rank5 but that what kabam like to do it so relixes it shuld be a bit harder for a side event in find this fine
  • Andyball270Andyball270 Member Posts: 303 ★★★
    Monk1 said:

    This is exactly how we end up with a Cavalier that looks like Act 7.

    What? Seriously, please explain your thought process here.

    What we have right now doesn't even feel like act 6.
    It's Week 1 and they're obviously increasing it slowly so they can assess for Cavalier Difficulty. It will get harder. With people saying, "It's too easy! It's too easy!", what we'll end up with is something hellishly difficult and people complaining they overshot.
    The problem is a lots of us did not think Act 6 was that over tuned.. other that a a coupLe of odd fights, which had bad node mixes, now Kabam need 75% attack rating cause so much moaning
    But the rewards are completley different in Act 6. Its this simple......the degree of difficulty should be parrarel to the level of rewards. The harder it is the more you should be rewarded. And i certainly dont think act 6 difficulty and effort is warranted for the current level of rewards
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  • CoatHang3rCoatHang3r Member Posts: 4,965 ★★★★★
    @LeNoirFaineant If you look at people streaming Moleman expeditions the champions did increase in rank/level over the weeks as the rewards increased. It is however fairly minor from week 1 to week 4 as shown on the bosses.

    To me the question is will the “summoner favorable” globals like Breakthrough be present throughout or will they also change to be more difficult.

    P.S. I’ll take that bet. 150 gifting units if it increases (does not remain flat) as weeks go on.
  • Captain_NietschCaptain_Nietsch Member Posts: 481 ★★

    Impossible as in impossible without a proper counter. Nodes such as "Attacker cannot deal damage unless ______" shouldn't really be used.

    Yeah that node especially is making it Canadian for me... ;) With Canadian meaning impossible in this case.
    That being said... how difficult is Canadian really? Canadians seem to be quite easy going, not so difficult.
  • BendyBendy Member Posts: 8,783 ★★★★★
    Only fight that to me was challenging was sasquach and i do hope the challenge increases weekly but the paths i want more health and attack like health pools should be 120k and boss with 200k only health and attack that seems right is the sasquach of 300k health and 10k attack so on week 4 id rather see 200k health and 10k fights with 400-600k boss health and sasquach at least in mil as that be quite interesting of a fight and a real challenge
  • Timone147Timone147 Member Posts: 1,276 ★★★★
    Ok did anyone look at the rewards on these paths.

    If the difficulty here was like 6.3/6.4 on these paths it would be way overtuned. Challenge for the sake of challenge is not at all the feedback we have given. Difficulty to reward balance is what you should be evaluating.

    Also they have stated the goal of cavalier difficulty when we get there is to have it able to have paths varying of difficulty through the content to allow something that some cav players would be able to only do one pass through completion and more developed roster or skilled player would be able to 100% with some challenge(though I don’t want a revive sink type of challenge myself).

    Everybody who is asking for it to be harder let’s see where it goes. I don’t think it’s going to be 6.4 attack value hard though as we said we don’t want that type of challenge. I think it will challenge depth of roster and have some trickier nodes and high health polls like the Sasquatch ambush. It’s side event though not a special boss rush or special challenge content meant to be punishing. Keep that in mind. It’s supposed to be casually playable But challenging every month to some extent for those who meet the “height” requirement (skill/roster).

    For those that wanted 6.4 or act 7...People hated Act 6. They are retuning it as a result. Glad you didn’t but you are the few comparatively in the community and therefore to balance content that way isn’t really good for the overall direction. The challenge content is meant to be like that. We may get some paths or part of this that feels like that(which would be good) with the t5cc on it. But it’s good it’s not the whole thing end to end.

    Everybody who is saying its to hard already then unfortunately the bad news is you arent going to meet the “height” requirements for this content unless you improve. The 50k Sasquatch is chunky but easy. The nodes are basic. This chapter is the base “height” requirement of the ride and if you can’t get through with 0 to minimal deaths(with infinite tries) then I think this ride over the next 4 weeks is going to be rough. Practice with the infinite energy and look for help/coaching. It’s a good place to learn and develop at 0 energy.
  • BerjibsBerjibs Member Posts: 1,541 ★★★★
    I would have expected at least a variant level of difficulty, this is a joke, I literally thought I was doing epic before trying to enter Canadian and seeing that was what I was doing. Let’s see what the rest of the month brings but this is just a sidestep from uncollected eq so far and it’s not even that hard.
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  • Monk1Monk1 Member Posts: 762 ★★★★
    Cavalier is post 6.1 content.... I.e 6.2 minimum. I know a lot of people can’t handle 6.2 but want the title and rewards that go with it.

    Also it’s free energy so not excuse not to be able practice and complete ot

  • Notsavage19Notsavage19 Member Posts: 2,817 ★★★★★

    Wow, the elitist jerks are out in force on this thread.

    To all the "too easy" mob; some people did the last my symbiote difficulty with normal champs.

    Swedeah does uncollected with only max 4*s every month.

    If you want harder content, it's there for you. But if you want to use your 3/45 6* Domino, CMM or Aegon?!

    Monthly EQ is supposed to have a level challenging for your progress. If you've completed act 6 and abyss, I'm sorry, but cavalier difficulty is incredibly unlikely to be challenging for you. The last level will likely make you think, but you'll probably still be able to steamroll it.

    Most cavaliers, just like with UC when it came out will be able to get the first two levels down, but are likely to really struggle with the last 2.

    This is week 1 of 4. It's the equivalent of 1.1 and 1.2 in UC, for uncollected players.

    The tiny number of cavaliers that have act 6 and abyss in the bag, have the summer of pain as challenging content. Cavalier is not going to be it.

    And if you want cavalier difficulty tuned to those who have completed act6 and abyss, ask yourself why? Many cavaliers can auto fight the first two levels of uncollected EQ with the right set up, but most cavaliers I would guess have not made it past the champion. So why the desire for content aimed at a tiny fraction of cavaliers who have 30+ 6 stars?

    You have it if you want it and have the imagination to fight it. Cavalier difficulty is not going to be it.

    This isn't an EQ, though. This is a Side Quest. Traditionally, the Side Quests are more challenging, meaning that they're more on par with the last chapter of Uncollected EQ.

    Since this Side Quest is structurally modeled somewhat off of the MME, one could assume that the progression through the weeks would be the same as MME. That being said, the MME only saw a slight increase in difficulty throughout its course, about 20%. If we take that 20% increase and apply it onto the 27k PI boss, we could expect the final boss to be around 32k PI. 32k PI is not a challenge. Hell, the last boss in Act 5 was more than 32k PI. Last month's Epic Side Quest had greater opponents. This new difficulty is supposed to challenge all players. How is an Act 5.4 boss going to challenge players who have completed and explored Act 6?
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  • Notsavage19Notsavage19 Member Posts: 2,817 ★★★★★
    Monk1 said:

    Cavalier is post 6.1 content.... I.e 6.2 minimum. I know a lot of people can’t handle 6.2 but want the title and rewards that go with it.

    Also it’s free energy so not excuse not to be able practice and complete ot

    Thank you.

    The thing that bothers me the most is that even the first week isn't on par with what it takes to become Cavalier. 18k opponents? Are we still in Act 5?
  • Notsavage19Notsavage19 Member Posts: 2,817 ★★★★★

    Wow, the elitist jerks are out in force on this thread.

    To all the "too easy" mob; some people did the last my symbiote difficulty with normal champs.

    Swedeah does uncollected with only max 4*s every month.

    If you want harder content, it's there for you. But if you want to use your 3/45 6* Domino, CMM or Aegon?!

    Monthly EQ is supposed to have a level challenging for your progress. If you've completed act 6 and abyss, I'm sorry, but cavalier difficulty is incredibly unlikely to be challenging for you. The last level will likely make you think, but you'll probably still be able to steamroll it.

    Most cavaliers, just like with UC when it came out will be able to get the first two levels down, but are likely to really struggle with the last 2.

    This is week 1 of 4. It's the equivalent of 1.1 and 1.2 in UC, for uncollected players.

    The tiny number of cavaliers that have act 6 and abyss in the bag, have the summer of pain as challenging content. Cavalier is not going to be it.

    And if you want cavalier difficulty tuned to those who have completed act6 and abyss, ask yourself why? Many cavaliers can auto fight the first two levels of uncollected EQ with the right set up, but most cavaliers I would guess have not made it past the champion. So why the desire for content aimed at a tiny fraction of cavaliers who have 30+ 6 stars?

    You have it if you want it and have the imagination to fight it. Cavalier difficulty is not going to be it.

    Cavalier eq (exploration) was literally officially announced to be a challenge to those who completed act 6. So you are actually the one with flawed expectations.

    Also, are you seriously suggesting it's our own fault that the content is too easy? You do understand that the reason why people do stuff like "master eq with only 3* champs" or "uc eq with only 4* champs" exactly because they lack an actual challenge in the monthly eq, right?
    Err... Please point to where in here they say it will be challenging to those who have completed act 6?


    It doesn't.

    They state that they need to try cater to the whole breadth of cavaliers.
    "They state that they need to try cater to the whole breadth of cavaliers."

    And how else would they cater content to higher levels if they're not making it challenging for top-tier players?

    "At launch, there will be a wide range of Cavalier players trying out this new difficulty, from someone that has recently achieved the milestone, to a Summoner that has countlessly beaten the Grandmaster, the power and skill level can vary wildly. Our challenge is building a Quest that can appeal to them all."
    This first week is extremely unappealing in terms of difficulty for many post-Cav players, which means that Kabam needs to make it more challenging to fit the needs of the post-Cav players.
  • WorknprogressWorknprogress Member Posts: 7,233 ★★★★★

    Wow, the elitist jerks are out in force on this thread.

    To all the "too easy" mob; some people did the last my symbiote difficulty with normal champs.

    Swedeah does uncollected with only max 4*s every month.

    If you want harder content, it's there for you. But if you want to use your 3/45 6* Domino, CMM or Aegon?!

    Monthly EQ is supposed to have a level challenging for your progress. If you've completed act 6 and abyss, I'm sorry, but cavalier difficulty is incredibly unlikely to be challenging for you. The last level will likely make you think, but you'll probably still be able to steamroll it.

    Most cavaliers, just like with UC when it came out will be able to get the first two levels down, but are likely to really struggle with the last 2.

    This is week 1 of 4. It's the equivalent of 1.1 and 1.2 in UC, for uncollected players.

    The tiny number of cavaliers that have act 6 and abyss in the bag, have the summer of pain as challenging content. Cavalier is not going to be it.

    And if you want cavalier difficulty tuned to those who have completed act6 and abyss, ask yourself why? Many cavaliers can auto fight the first two levels of uncollected EQ with the right set up, but most cavaliers I would guess have not made it past the champion. So why the desire for content aimed at a tiny fraction of cavaliers who have 30+ 6 stars?

    You have it if you want it and have the imagination to fight it. Cavalier difficulty is not going to be it.

    Cavalier eq (exploration) was literally officially announced to be a challenge to those who completed act 6. So you are actually the one with flawed expectations.

    Also, are you seriously suggesting it's our own fault that the content is too easy? You do understand that the reason why people do stuff like "master eq with only 3* champs" or "uc eq with only 4* champs" exactly because they lack an actual challenge in the monthly eq, right?
    Err... Please point to where in here they say it will be challenging to those who have completed act 6?


    It doesn't.

    They state that they need to try cater to the whole breadth of cavaliers.
    "They state that they need to try cater to the whole breadth of cavaliers."

    And how else would they cater content to higher levels if they're not making it challenging for top-tier players?

    "At launch, there will be a wide range of Cavalier players trying out this new difficulty, from someone that has recently achieved the milestone, to a Summoner that has countlessly beaten the Grandmaster, the power and skill level can vary wildly. Our challenge is building a Quest that can appeal to them all."
    This first week is extremely unappealing in terms of difficulty for many post-Cav players, which means that Kabam needs to make it more challenging to fit the needs of the post-Cav players.
    Why? Why does it need to "challenge" people that have completed act 6 in its current form and abyss? If they build progression content for only a few thousand people, then they may as well turn off the lights and kiss the game goodbye.

    Because if you want progression content akin to *current* act 6.3 and 6.4, then you are ignoring the reasons why they are re-tuning act 6 in the first place.

    Catering what is supposed to be broad appeal, progression content to a hard core elite, does not a fun game make. It's also, clearly, not profitable.

    Otherwise they would be leaving act 6 untouched.

    As I've said, if you find act 6 in its current format trivial, or unchallenging, there are ways of making content challenging. And challenging content is coming, in the summer of pain.

    Cavalier difficulty should not be it and most likely will not be it, given their act 6 statements. To ignore this and start asking for difficulty tuned to current act 6.3/4 is being facetious.
    EQ isn't "progression content". That was the whole argument for slapping the training wheels on story content. You can't keep calling everything progression content bc you want it to be boring. EQ changes every month. It's not a requirement to finish every month to move forward.

    UC was actually hard for people when it first released. Most people needed items for it and plenty of people couldn't even complete it let alone explore it. That's what we expect for the new EQ difficulty. It will still be there once you're ready for it. Until then, do what you can and then go do UC.
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