Let's talk about Canadian Difficulty



  • ThedancingkidThedancingkid Member Posts: 274 ★★
    Shamir51 said:

    Anyone having difficulties with missing rewards? Specifically gold? Last 2 times, I’ve not gotten the gold reward

    The gold is immediately added to your stash. I had to quit a path that have t5bc and gold after my first ambush, when I went in again, cat was still on the path but not the gold. I checked when I next picked some up and your total increases immediately.
  • ThedancingkidThedancingkid Member Posts: 274 ★★

    "Har har har, too easy....."

    Wow, you guys want a cookie?

    So far Ive done one run through, specifically using my Venom for the path that requires 3 buffs, and he wiped the floor with all the fights.

    But that Sasquatch had me using multiple revives and health, even with my r5 HT.

    Just because its easy for some of you doesnt mean others of us arent having to work for the nice rewards.

    We don’t want a cookie, we’re hoping for some monthly content that requires more than mindlessly hammering through so we can actually have fun playing, hopefully the next weeks will get there.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,974 ★★★★★

    in the blog post about it they said it's meant to be completed by beginner cav players while exploration is for more endgame esque players, I think you guys expect either Lab or Abyss level opponents where that's not the case. Again this communities level of patience and wanting to get things done asap is annoying as hell

    We don't want anything near AOL. We just want something that can't be qualified as "Epic". The Sasquatch ambush is a good example of a higher difficulty level.

    "Har har har, too easy....."

    Wow, you guys want a cookie?

    So far Ive done one run through, specifically using my Venom for the path that requires 3 buffs, and he wiped the floor with all the fights.

    But that Sasquatch had me using multiple revives and health, even with my r5 HT.

    Just because its easy for some of you doesnt mean others of us arent having to work for the nice rewards.

    That's the point. It's supposed to be challenging for all players, even the endgame players. Right now, it's only challenging for Uncollected players.
    That IS the point. It's not Cavalier Difficulty, or even an indicator of what Cavalier will look like. It's a step up from Epic.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,974 ★★★★★

    in the blog post about it they said it's meant to be completed by beginner cav players while exploration is for more endgame esque players, I think you guys expect either Lab or Abyss level opponents where that's not the case. Again this communities level of patience and wanting to get things done asap is annoying as hell

    We don't want anything near AOL. We just want something that can't be qualified as "Epic". The Sasquatch ambush is a good example of a higher difficulty level.

    "Har har har, too easy....."

    Wow, you guys want a cookie?

    So far Ive done one run through, specifically using my Venom for the path that requires 3 buffs, and he wiped the floor with all the fights.

    But that Sasquatch had me using multiple revives and health, even with my r5 HT.

    Just because its easy for some of you doesnt mean others of us arent having to work for the nice rewards.

    That's the point. It's supposed to be challenging for all players, even the endgame players. Right now, it's only challenging for Uncollected players.
    That IS the point. It's not Cavalier Difficulty, or even an indicator of what Cavalier will look like. It's a step up from Epic.
    This is the data gathering for tuning the next EQ difficulty. Those of us that slept through this week's quest are giving them data. If you think it's just right (and you're cavalier) or you think it's too hard then feel free to give your feedback as well. Those of us that were hoping for something outside of story and Everest content we actually have to pay attention to are, as of now, pretty much underwhelmed.
    It's Week 1 and it looks like Epic on Week 4. Give it time to amp up. It's not going to be an overwhelming challenge either way for people who are altogether too strong to be enticed by content.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,974 ★★★★★
    If I'm correct, I suspect it will ramp up to about 40k per Node or so by Week 4.
  • MCOCHazzaMCOCHazza Member Posts: 914 ★★★★
    It’s the first quest. The first quest for any difficulty is always easy. It will get harder.
  • DodgerDogDodgerDog Member Posts: 86
    Just use venom peice of cake
  • Mr_PlatypusMr_Platypus Member Posts: 2,779 ★★★★★

    "Har har har, too easy....."

    Wow, you guys want a cookie?

    So far Ive done one run through, specifically using my Venom for the path that requires 3 buffs, and he wiped the floor with all the fights.

    But that Sasquatch had me using multiple revives and health, even with my r5 HT.

    Just because its easy for some of you doesnt mean others of us arent having to work for the nice rewards.

    Guess who's trying to punch above his weight too early
    Guess whos making assumptions.

    I mean, I guess its cool to try to make fun of people who are less talented than others at video games. I guess its cool to just assume things about people. I guess its cool to just be a **** too.

    Ive been playing over 5 years. I know I dont have anywhere near top skill levels. I am Cavalier, and havent bothered even 100ing Act 5 yet. Because I dont need to stress myself over a game, period.

    Now as I said, the path was easy, but the Sasquatch fight was hard. If all the fights are so easy, you guys know theres an autofight feature, yeah? Let your AI do the fights for you.

    Its a monthly quest. Stop doing new Acts as fast as you possibly can so you can have something to do, idk. But crying that content is too easy is just ridiculous. My point was pretty clear, its not so easy for everyone. And you seem to want to admonish people for attempting to take more difficult stuff, especially when they werent complaining of said difficulty. But "waaaaahhhhh, this is too easy! Make it impossible waaahhhh because Ive spent money on a game and gave myself massive rosters and had to go through all new content as fast as possible leaving me with nothing else to do in the game waaaahhhhhhhh!"

    Its a game. And either people will find it too easy, or they will find it too difficult. Its like that in every single game.

    But to sit there and brag and cry about it being too easy? Really? What are you trying to brag for? That cookie I mentioned? An award for having a massive roster and/or amazing skill? Recognition of some sort? A participation trophy?

    You guys know you dont have to do it, right? Same way I stopped doing levels like Heroic and lower? Cus theyre too easy?

    Its very much ramped up over Epic. Its harder, or more dragged out, idk, havent done a run through Epic yet so I dont know if the nodes are there or not. But god....instead of whining, just dont do it....its simple.

    Youre either crying or trying to brag, and either way its pretty pathetic.
    They’re giving feedback that this is too easy (which I agree with).

    You on the other hand are genuinely crying over someone else opinion that it’s easy, I don’t spend and found it easy, I haven’t explored act 6 and found it easy. So grow up and go explore act 5 or something if the big scary Sasquatch is getting this reaction out of you.
  • WorknprogressWorknprogress Member Posts: 7,233 ★★★★★
    Content also wasn't tuned for ghost or corvus. It was tuned for large rosters. I'm not sure how much YT mcoc related stuff you watch but if there's one thing I noticed from seeing some of the kabam people participate in stuff (which I love btw. The guys doing stuff like the incursions tourney are awesome) is that the dev accounts basically just have every 5* champ at R5 maxed. I assume that's the sort of account they use for testing based off that. Now whether that's what they SHOULD be doing or not is personal opinion but makes more sense when you look at something like Act 6.

    Not all but a lot of players look at a game and immediately want to go as far and high as possible in the shortest amount of time. That's definitely not the type of player that act 6 in particular was designed for. You can get 1 to 3 amazing 5*s super early in the game, get them to R5 or R5 through things like glory, and basically teleport to Act 6 without even exploring Act 5 let alone the earlier acts. The way they tried to counter that and encourage people to slow down and build up rosters was by making content incredibly roster restrictive. That was then tuned with test accounts with basically every champ. It's not rocket science to figure out how we got here
  • ESFESF Member Posts: 2,084 ★★★★★

    ESF said:

    Thebgj said:

    Am I the only one that wants easy?

    Been cav since day 1, I’m up to 6.4.3, I just want rewards, don’t care how easy they are. I will NEVER complain that something was too easy. I have enough challenges in my life 😂.

    You definitely aren't. If you were, act 6 wouldn't be getting gutted, people wouldn't be constantly complaining about war, etc...

    There's a far larger portion of the playerbase that just sees content as a means to an end of getting rewards as opposed to those of us that actually enjoying playing the game
    Nah. That stuff is being retuned, just like crystals are being adjusted and characters are being buffed, because the content got tuned for a narrow sliver of characters and the backbone of this game is RNG and it's ridiculous to tune content for Ghost and Corvus Glaive when you are giving out crystals with Iron Patriot and Groot.

    Maybe you're a world-class player. You and some others just might be that damn good at the game.

    But I know better. Been playing games, especially this particular game, for too long.

    Some people cleared Act 4 and awakened their 4-star Scarlet Witch. Some people got Juggernaut.

    In the first batch of 5-stars, some people got Star-Lords back to back. Other people got Winter Soldier and Ant-Man.

    You enjoy playing the game because you have the right tools to play out. However you got them, good for you. Spending, skill, being in the right alliance. Good for you.

    But nobody wants to hear about who is "ready" to clear content like you if you don't have the same roster they have AND the game is balanced to where the characters are roughly the same when you don't have one

    I'm so far from a world class player it's not even funny. I'm an okay player that has the roster to cover for deficiencies in ability.

    Coming into a thread like this and having a fit about an ambush fight, where for one you can just quit and start over since it's a 0 energy quest, after you needlessly threw items at it just reeks of someone that pushed Cav early with one or two really good 5*s they got early and blitzed through the early game
    I agree that people biting off more than they can chew and then wanting content downgraded isn’t the best solution.

    But neither is acting like every piece of content is tuned properly — if this content is too easy, and you understand that concept, then it’s also entirely possible that content can be tuned too far the other direction.

    People complain. We all do. Every single one of us.

    But it’s getting to the point where people shouldn’t forget that this is a game of haves and have-nots and that unless every single roster is the same BECAUSE the rewards are the same AND the crystals all give out the same specific characters to each player, people can easily be ready to do something and not have the right tool to do it because the content is tuned for what they don’t have
  • ESFESF Member Posts: 2,084 ★★★★★

    Content also wasn't tuned for ghost or corvus. It was tuned for large rosters. I'm not sure how much YT mcoc related stuff you watch but if there's one thing I noticed from seeing some of the kabam people participate in stuff (which I love btw. The guys doing stuff like the incursions tourney are awesome) is that the dev accounts basically just have every 5* champ at R5 maxed. I assume that's the sort of account they use for testing based off that. Now whether that's what they SHOULD be doing or not is personal opinion but makes more sense when you look at something like Act 6.

    Not all but a lot of players look at a game and immediately want to go as far and high as possible in the shortest amount of time. That's definitely not the type of player that act 6 in particular was designed for. You can get 1 to 3 amazing 5*s super early in the game, get them to R5 or R5 through things like glory, and basically teleport to Act 6 without even exploring Act 5 let alone the earlier acts. The way they tried to counter that and encourage people to slow down and build up rosters was by making content incredibly roster restrictive. That was then tuned with test accounts with basically every champ. It's not rocket science to figure out how we got here

    I understand what you’re saying. But that doesn’t mean that your criticism that people always want things easier. Some people do.

    But most people just want content to be fair and accessible.

    Act 6 is not enjoyable to me because of the gating system. I have zero desire to drag along a 6-star Heimdall just because the path says I have to take a 6-star because the designer wants my roster to have six-stars in it.

    That doesn’t mean I want cheap rewards or want it to not be a challenge. But at the same time, I don’t need to beat the same boss seven times as a skill check, either.

    People just want to play a fun game, man. It can absolutely be harder. But not every piece of content is gonna be perfect on Day 1, and stuff evolves. Look at the Variants, and the original content. The original stuff was tuned for 3-stars.

    The game evolves if we give it time to evolve
  • ThebgjThebgj Member Posts: 635 ★★
    I’d like to retract my statement. It may come off as me saying it’s easy. It’s definitely not easy. It’s just the right amount of difficulty.

    Also- I completely disagree with those that say it should be on par with act 6.

    Uncollected is on par with beginning of act 5. Why would cavalier need the big jump and skip the rest of act 5 ?

    I think it should be scaled down some
  • WorknprogressWorknprogress Member Posts: 7,233 ★★★★★
    ESF said:

    Content also wasn't tuned for ghost or corvus. It was tuned for large rosters. I'm not sure how much YT mcoc related stuff you watch but if there's one thing I noticed from seeing some of the kabam people participate in stuff (which I love btw. The guys doing stuff like the incursions tourney are awesome) is that the dev accounts basically just have every 5* champ at R5 maxed. I assume that's the sort of account they use for testing based off that. Now whether that's what they SHOULD be doing or not is personal opinion but makes more sense when you look at something like Act 6.

    Not all but a lot of players look at a game and immediately want to go as far and high as possible in the shortest amount of time. That's definitely not the type of player that act 6 in particular was designed for. You can get 1 to 3 amazing 5*s super early in the game, get them to R5 or R5 through things like glory, and basically teleport to Act 6 without even exploring Act 5 let alone the earlier acts. The way they tried to counter that and encourage people to slow down and build up rosters was by making content incredibly roster restrictive. That was then tuned with test accounts with basically every champ. It's not rocket science to figure out how we got here

    I understand what you’re saying. But that doesn’t mean that your criticism that people always want things easier. Some people do.

    But most people just want content to be fair and accessible.

    Act 6 is not enjoyable to me because of the gating system. I have zero desire to drag along a 6-star Heimdall just because the path says I have to take a 6-star because the designer wants my roster to have six-stars in it.

    That doesn’t mean I want cheap rewards or want it to not be a challenge. But at the same time, I don’t need to beat the same boss seven times as a skill check, either.

    People just want to play a fun game, man. It can absolutely be harder. But not every piece of content is gonna be perfect on Day 1, and stuff evolves. Look at the Variants, and the original content. The original stuff was tuned for 3-stars.

    The game evolves if we give it time to evolve
    "Fair" is relative though. What's fair to me won't be fair to you. You're going to have people sleepwalking through Act 6 after it gets gutted. Is that "fair" to those that finished it? I don't personally care what gets done with content I'm finished with but I am concerned about the future of the game. All you see everywhere is people complaining about how hard everything is. Story shouldn't be so hard bc it's basic progression. AQ shouldn't be so hard bc we do it every day. AW shouldn't be so hard bc it's a core game mode.

    What the hell IS supposed to be hard then? What is there supposed to be in game for the people that want to and are willing to push for the next tier of rewards other people aren't willing to do yet? That's what I don't get from what the majority want. All I hear is people wanting to compete at the top end of the game for mediocre effort.

    I want as many people to enjoy the game as possible but those that don't want to push need to realize there are some that do. If you just keep stripping away at every game mode, what do they have left?
  • Markjv81Markjv81 Member Posts: 1,040 ★★★★

    I have 1 counter for an the buffed up path. That node is just **** because my medusa won’t work since she isn’t duped otherwise I probably would have been done already.

    Wait, I forgot about my thing in AQ. I could try it with him, or will that not work either?

    How do you only have 1 counter if you’re cavalier and level 55? Use a 4* it’s ridiculously easy.
  • Notsavage19Notsavage19 Member Posts: 2,817 ★★★★★

    in the blog post about it they said it's meant to be completed by beginner cav players while exploration is for more endgame esque players, I think you guys expect either Lab or Abyss level opponents where that's not the case. Again this communities level of patience and wanting to get things done asap is annoying as hell

    We don't want anything near AOL. We just want something that can't be qualified as "Epic". The Sasquatch ambush is a good example of a higher difficulty level.

    "Har har har, too easy....."

    Wow, you guys want a cookie?

    So far Ive done one run through, specifically using my Venom for the path that requires 3 buffs, and he wiped the floor with all the fights.

    But that Sasquatch had me using multiple revives and health, even with my r5 HT.

    Just because its easy for some of you doesnt mean others of us arent having to work for the nice rewards.

    That's the point. It's supposed to be challenging for all players, even the endgame players. Right now, it's only challenging for Uncollected players.
    That IS the point. It's not Cavalier Difficulty, or even an indicator of what Cavalier will look like. It's a step up from Epic.
    The problem is that the first week is where Epic was for the last few months. They're not starting at where the difficulty should be at. Canadian difficulty should be a step up from Epic, not at Epic. I shouldn't be able to breeze through the fights, mindlessly ripping through with CMM.

    The real problem isn't specifically that it's not challenging enough. It's that the defenders in the Canadian side quest are the equivalent of some of the Epics in the last few months. I'm not saying that it's not going to get harder. I hope it will. I'm just confused as to why Kabam chose to start at Epic instead of starting immediately at a level higher than that.
  • Markjv81Markjv81 Member Posts: 1,040 ★★★★
    Also I was expecting it to be way harder, but am happy with reward for effort.
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  • Notsavage19Notsavage19 Member Posts: 2,817 ★★★★★
    Unpopular opinion, but I would rather have fun and interactive nodes, sort of like last month's Ronin, or the boss rush-esque node combos along with lengthier/harder fights than the mindless, numbing, easy grind that is supposed to be this week's "Canadian" difficulty, which is pretty much Epic difficulty.

    I play this game to have fun and use my brain in an interactive way, and instead, I just heavy spam with CAIW mindlessly, over and over again.
  • Notsavage19Notsavage19 Member Posts: 2,817 ★★★★★
    Thebgj said:

    I’d like to retract my statement. It may come off as me saying it’s easy. It’s definitely not easy. It’s just the right amount of difficulty.

    Also- I completely disagree with those that say it should be on par with act 6.

    Uncollected is on par with beginning of act 5. Why would cavalier need the big jump and skip the rest of act 5 ?

    I think it should be scaled down some

    How else are you supposed to cater to the players who have completed/explored Act 6? They're not going to touch anything resembling the later quests of Act 5. Furthermore, it's a rewards issue. The people who complete the later quests of Act 5 don't need 6*s in the same capacity as the people who completed Act 6 need them.
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