It just don’t add up?(AW)!



  • K00shMaanK00shMaan Member Posts: 1,289 ★★★★

    I'm going show my ignorance here once again, but how is matching with prestige bad? Or how can it be bad? Is the prestige number too inflated or something? Sorry if this seems like a dumb overbeaten question..

    It kinda led to every fight being a fair fight. Which at a quick glance seems like there's no issues. However, what happened was that there was no drawback to winning. Winning should grant better rewards but at the cost of stiffer competition moving forward. when prestige was an important matchmaking criteria, the difficultly of wars wasn't increasing as fast as your war rating so you would get the benefit without the cost. If you were an above average skilled alliance, you would just win every war and it would take a very long time for the difficultly of your opponents to catch up.
  • xNigxNig Member Posts: 7,336 ★★★★★

    I'm going show my ignorance here once again, but how is matching with prestige bad? Or how can it be bad? Is the prestige number too inflated or something? Sorry if this seems like a dumb overbeaten question..

    I’ll put it in layman’s language.

    Let’s use an analogy of the AW Season Rewards being the vast ocean. In the ocean there is a food chain.

    By matching with prestige, this causes this vast ocean to be segregated into small ponds of water, and the fish in these small ponds compete amongst each other for the top spot.

    So what happens is that you get a small pond of sharks, and a small pond of clownfish (pun intended). The top clownfish, because they’re competing amongst other clownfish, think they deserve to be at the top of the food chain of the ocean, at the same level as the top sharks, because they’re the strongest in their pond.

  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,689 ★★★★★

    I'm going show my ignorance here once again, but how is matching with prestige bad? Or how can it be bad? Is the prestige number too inflated or something? Sorry if this seems like a dumb overbeaten question..

    It screws up the way was designed. Let's say you start a new alliance. Your war rating is at zero. You've got some decent players who have played for awhile, though you are mostly mid-tier players. You'd win for awhile against lower groups (with the occasional match against a similar group that started an alliance about the same time). Winning will raise your war rating and the matches will get harder until you eventually start matching groups with stronger teams. If you are skilled, you might still win a bit, but eventually you hit a wall and lose. Your rating drops and your next opponent is a little easier. At this point you are where you ought to be with similar strength matches. As you get stronger you will move up. If prestige is the main factor, you will always match similar prestige alliances regardless of whether you win or lose and regardless of where you are in the tiers. This created all kinds of Chaos. If you started a new alliance with veteran players which would ordinarily get to plat 4 or gold 1, you don't fight lower groups on your way up, you fight similar prestige alliances who may be in plat 4 or gold 3 or whatever even though you are in bronze. If you are a newer alliance full of skilled players playing second accounts with 3*s and 4*s, you might climb all the way to Plat 2, fighting low alliances the whole time who may be in silver. You may get to Plat 2 without ever fighting any alliance that is actually in a Plat tier. Grounded Wisdom would tell you that it was perfectly fair if I tagged him, but it was rubbish lol.
  • Sensei_MaatSensei_Maat Member Posts: 396 ★★★

    there is a big thread about this.
    please read it and reply there instead of making a new one.

    the problems with current matrchmaking are temporary and will be resolved in time.
    they have arisen due to season upon season of a bad unfair matchmaking system that has lead to little allies rising much higher then their skill should have allowed whilst causing big allies to get stuck low.
    this will be rectified in time however will require an adjustment period which will involve bad match ups.
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