They need to make incursions single player

I always get trolled and lose my best champs when i try to do incursions. I rarely get any rewards because of this and it sucks. You guys really need to make incursions single player.
You can forget the idea of it becoming a single player mode
there are many aspects of this game that are single player.
it is the only 2 player mode.
if you don't have a friend to play the Multiplayer mode with then just play the single player game modes.
Incursions shouldn't have a solo mode. It's not about how far you can go with your team. You can do that in Act 6, or other content. It's about how well you can work with another player.
that is the simple fact that by design it is a CO-OP mode.
making it solo goes against the very design of it and defeats the entire purpose of it.
if you fail to understand that then you need to seriously go and look at many other games and realize that they to have solo and co-op modes some modes only work MP and some only work SOLO. it is by design for various reasons.
a solo incursion would be a totally different game mode and would need to be designed differently and would need to have lesser rewards.
i want the rewards from AW but i can't deal with bad alliance members dying easy and communicating poorly.
and i get bad match ups also.
kabam seriously need to make AW solo mode cus then i know i could get all the top master rewards by myself.
thats how bad this sounds