Matchmaking Discussion [Merged Threads]



  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,489 ★★★★★
    edited July 2020
    I pretty much left the specifics up to them, but they could do it in increments of 3k, 4k, whatever.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,489 ★★★★★
    Addyos said:

    Seraphion said:

    This is for everyone saying you cant beat big alliances.

    If you want to keep your place EARN it

    QuikPik said:

    So is winning half and losing half but continually dropping down. There are 2 sides to every argument yet you only see one.

    I only see my own point of view because I'm not telling everyone else where I think they belong.
    Well thank goodness Kabam isn’t taking on your myopic point of view on what you think is fair and is putting things right. You have spoken at length about how unfair the imbalanced matchups are for small alliances. Yet when presented with cold hard facts about how imbalanced the previous system was for players who took the time, effort and sometimes money to upgrade their rosters and prestige, you respond in an emotional, petulant manner devoid of any form of logic.

    You wail about how the big boys want to trample on the little guys, when actually some of the big boys are more aggrieved that the previous matchmaking system denied them proper rewards for 10 whole AW seasons. Your myopic one-sided point of view however hinders you from acknowledging this fact, when other more sensible-minded players acknowledge that the changes are for the better. Even by some of those who are being negatively affected by said changes.

    So continue to rant and rave about your perceived injustices against the new matchmaking system. I just hope and wish for continued guidance (and wisdom) to Kabam to ignore what you say and keep these changes to war matchmaking. It’s been a few seasons too late, but better late than never.
    You mean about placing Alliances in Matches they'll never win during the most competitive time for War? Sure will.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,489 ★★★★★
    Addyos said:

    Addyos said:

    Seraphion said:

    This is for everyone saying you cant beat big alliances.

    If you want to keep your place EARN it

    QuikPik said:

    So is winning half and losing half but continually dropping down. There are 2 sides to every argument yet you only see one.

    I only see my own point of view because I'm not telling everyone else where I think they belong.
    Well thank goodness Kabam isn’t taking on your myopic point of view on what you think is fair and is putting things right. You have spoken at length about how unfair the imbalanced matchups are for small alliances. Yet when presented with cold hard facts about how imbalanced the previous system was for players who took the time, effort and sometimes money to upgrade their rosters and prestige, you respond in an emotional, petulant manner devoid of any form of logic.

    You wail about how the big boys want to trample on the little guys, when actually some of the big boys are more aggrieved that the previous matchmaking system denied them proper rewards for 10 whole AW seasons. Your myopic one-sided point of view however hinders you from acknowledging this fact, when other more sensible-minded players acknowledge that the changes are for the better. Even by some of those who are being negatively affected by said changes.

    So continue to rant and rave about your perceived injustices against the new matchmaking system. I just hope and wish for continued guidance (and wisdom) to Kabam to ignore what you say and keep these changes to war matchmaking. It’s been a few seasons too late, but better late than never.
    You mean about placing Alliances in Matches they'll never win during the most competitive time for War? Sure will.
    Focusing on only one thing again, while ignoring everything else. I rest my case.
    Your case ignores every point I made.
  • SkitardSkitard Member Posts: 55
    Speeds80 said:

    @skitard yes these few wars are ugly now. I’m not sure you comprehend what the big picture is, soon you will be faced with similar strength alliances, the ability to go on 20/30 win streaks will be limited by your defensive roster and the unorganised and weaker alliances you were steamrolling over and over again won’t be your matchups because they don’t deserve to be on your level, until they organise and grow. Big picture is good for fairness, small picture yeah it’s bad because of how broken the war ratings have become from previous system, but saying we were less skilful when we couldn’t climb out of a tier by winning 7 or 8/12 in the season shows that you think winning over and over again over the same bad alliances should be the norm and never have been taken away from you, my alliance isn’t less skilled than yours, we were the victims of a broken system that has been dumped. So we are happy that we can return to the system we knew and flourished in and were fairly rewarded for (For our efforts) before that travesty was brought in. I dont feel too bad for the alliances I just steam
    Rolled because for 9 seasons they Literally displaced me for their rewards while never having to face my alliance because they were protected By their low prestige. A very strange factor to reward

    At no point have I said you were less skilled... this is probably the 5th time if said this...

    Also at no point did we plow through a less skilled alliance... said that many times as well...

    The wars we played were evenly matched enemies... they came down to one boss kill or a few hundred points max in difference...

    Once again... my 4 year old would understand the simplicity of my posts... you guys are so full of rage from getting screwed over you think the right option is screw over someone else...

    I'm stating an option that screws over no one...

    You still get better rewards than us...

    We just don't get the rewards at the bottom of the barrel...

    You guys remind me of the BLM movement... you don't want fair and equal treatment... you want special treatment...
  • Speeds80Speeds80 Member Posts: 2,013 ★★★★
    Ebony_Naw said:

    Skitard said:

    Guess it's pointless to argue with them @GroundedWisdom... they don't agree with a bracketing reward system because they paid for all the upgrades they could get to increase their skills... only to find that skill wasn't included in the bundle... so they are all going to disagree with everything we say... since we didn't drop hundreds/thousands of dollars into the game, then we don't deserve to be rewarded for being able to win fights... but since they did they deserve tons of 5 and 6 star shards even if they lose every war...

    For those of you who do agree with a bracketing system... kudos to you...

    for those who don't... don't worry... kabam cares about you enough to reward you for your lack of skill...

    Shall I leave this here then @Skitard
    Because this was clearly aimed at those of us whose big alliances have been underfperforming in the broken old system. after sharing why the broken system destroyed my alliance you said this, not sure who else you were aiming this at

  • xNigxNig Member Posts: 7,329 ★★★★★
    The alternative is to just accept that it’s going to be like this for awhile, take it easy for wars and clear other content that hasn’t been cleared yet to acquire rank up materials needed to level up your champs.

  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,489 ★★★★★
    Kpatrix said:

    xNig said:

    Let’s put it this way in terms of your arena analogy.

    Player A has 6k prestige and grinds arena with 4*s. Using 4*s, he grinded 5m.

    Player B has 10k prestige and grinds arena with 5/6*s. Using his champs, he grinded 65m.

    The system then rewards Player A and Player B the exact same reward (eg the 5* featured champ) for their scores. Is this fair?

    There’s a reason why arena is broken into 4* Basic, 4* Featured and 5* Featured. That’s the “tier” system you’re asking for in war.

    And I can guarantee you, splitting the rewards into tiers will have no difference compared to the current system post-adjustment.

    It doesn't matter what they're working with in the end. All that matters is the Points they put up. This entire situation is based on a judgment that these Allies don't deserve what they did based on the Wars they didn't have. Which is a perversion in and of itself.

    You just don’t get it do you ? The lower prestige alliances are using their top champs for attack, but their defense is secondary. They don’t have the rosters to field the same defense as higher rated alliances do.

    So they are using r5 5* atackers against r3 5* defenses on most paths and maybe some r1 6* and r4 and r5s on boss island.

    Now the higher ranking alliances are facing all r5 and higher max sig defenses on paths and bosses. Their fights are much harder. You can’t compare the two as one earning their rewards for winning more wars. The wars they won were easier. They weren’t fighting stacked defenses that the rewards earned should have required.

    Just as an example, post your attack and defense here, and compare it to others at same rating but higher ranks. It will be no question of who had easier wars. It has nothing to do with firepower as you call it, but everything to do with defense. Defense wins championships. Everyone who follows sports knows that, if you can’t stop the other team you have no chance at winning.

    So let everything settle back to where it should be and quit trolling about being fair if you can’t see the issue from both sides. It wasn’t fair before, where was your crusade then ???! That’s right, it was beneficial to the players who didn’t have as strong of teams so that made it ok. Hypocrite much ??

    Btw, the offer still stands. Join us for a season to see what it’s like at higher prestige. You can just be backup in one bg if you want.
    I'm not joining your Alliance just to prove a point, and I just talked about how the Rewards could have been appropriated.
    I'm not trolling. I'm speaking to these people who have to sacrifice their efforts as some kind of collateral damage. Their Season matters. Their Wars matter. The fact that they are being placed into Wars we all know they have no chance of winning for the system to get "better" matters. Their efforts are worth just as much as anyone else's. They work just the same, plan just the same, try as hard as they can with what they have just the same, and are a part of the game just the same as you or anyone else. It's not something that can just be brushed off or ignored. Had there been an approach that didn't cost them their efforts, there would be no argument to changing the system. What I cannot and absolutely will not do, is pretend they don't matter and they should just take the L and shut up because it's all for the best. It's not fair to them, and it won't be fair to them no matter what the future outcome is working towards.
  • SkitardSkitard Member Posts: 55
    Once again... i did not directly say any of you individually lacked skill... I'm referring to the alliances who CAN NOT FOR THE LIFE OF THEM WIN AN EVENLY MATCHED WAR... if you feel I am attacking you directly as an individual... then I guess that's an issue you have with yourself... not with me... and the bracketing system could work...

    let's try a sports reference... dear God help us all if you can't grasp it...

    Boxing for one has Heavyweight, Welterweight, lightweight, etc...

    These different weight classes (let's call them "BRACKETS") would receive better rewards based on their win/loss ratio...

    In order for the best Welterweight to receive a grand prize should he have to defeat the Heavyweight champion?...

    And to the 2nd grade vs 9th grade apples to oranges **** from earlier... this is how apples to apples is done...
  • SkitardSkitard Member Posts: 55
    I'm starting to believe that you have tunnel vision on this whole "lack of skill" that you keep telling us you possess...
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,489 ★★★★★
    Arsoz said:

    Skitard said:

    Once again... i did not directly say any of you individually lacked skill... I'm referring to the alliances who CAN NOT FOR THE LIFE OF THEM WIN AN EVENLY MATCHED WAR... if you feel I am attacking you directly as an individual... then I guess that's an issue you have with yourself... not with me... and the bracketing system could work...

    let's try a sports reference... dear God help us all if you can't grasp it...

    Boxing for one has Heavyweight, Welterweight, lightweight, etc...

    These different weight classes (let's call them "BRACKETS") would receive better rewards based on their win/loss ratio...

    In order for the best Welterweight to receive a grand prize should he have to defeat the Heavyweight champion?...

    And to the 2nd grade vs 9th grade apples to oranges **** from earlier... this is how apples to apples is done...

    It doesnt matter if the alliance cant win the war because naturally the higher the rating the better the enemy would be so its just sbmm
    Actually it does. When you have a competitive mode like Seasons where your progress over a month is weighed based on your cumulative performance, every Win or Loss affects your final outcome. When the system fails you by placing you in Matches you cannot win, that costs you without any doing of your own. It's no longer a measure of cumulative progress. Even when the system went down, that War was discounted. The Season however, continued. Which meant progress never counted the malfunctioning War. When the system makes people lose by placing them in Matches they cannot win, it manipulates the outcome beyond the control of people playing, beyond measurement of skill. It's no longer a competition of skill from the beginning of the Season to the end. It's gambling for opponents.
  • SkitardSkitard Member Posts: 55
    Arsoz said:

    Skitard said:

    Once again... i did not directly say any of you individually lacked skill... I'm referring to the alliances who CAN NOT FOR THE LIFE OF THEM WIN AN EVENLY MATCHED WAR... if you feel I am attacking you directly as an individual... then I guess that's an issue you have with yourself... not with me... and the bracketing system could work...

    let's try a sports reference... dear God help us all if you can't grasp it...

    Boxing for one has Heavyweight, Welterweight, lightweight, etc...

    These different weight classes (let's call them "BRACKETS") would receive better rewards based on their win/loss ratio...

    In order for the best Welterweight to receive a grand prize should he have to defeat the Heavyweight champion?...

    And to the 2nd grade vs 9th grade apples to oranges **** from earlier... this is how apples to apples is done...

    It doesnt matter if the alliance cant win the war because naturally the higher the rating the better the enemy would be so its just sbmm
    That's why I've been stating that the bracket system is what should be done... these guys can't grasp that what I am saying is they deserve good rewards because they are strong... but at the same time just because my alliance is nowhere near as strong we don't deserve to get the rewards that silver offers... the rewards for silver at the end of the season are garbage and because we don't have a stacked alliance we can't possibly place as high as these guys... it's like I said... put the Welterweight, lightweight, and Heavyweight champs in a ring together and ring the bell... my money would be on the Heavyweight... the fact that getting stronger for alliances whose members average at a 300k rating shouldn't be subject to crappy rewards after winning 98% of their wars... they should be rewarded good... as should a strong alliance who does the same... but to get good rewards you have to be in the super high rated alliances... so while they grow stronger fast... we grow stronger extremely slow with no chance of catching up any time this decade... that's what I'm getting at... and even though I've repeatedly said I don't want them to get crappy rewards they can't comprehend that... a bracket system puts them in their own reward system... where they still get better rewards... but it makes it to where weaker alliances can grow at a faster speed than what they've been given...
  • TamamortTamamort Member Posts: 59

    Worst war matchmaking for this season 19 wars please fix this as soon as possible see this match making

    It will fix itself you’ll be fighting in fair wars soon enough

  • SkitardSkitard Member Posts: 55
    yes @Arsoz ... that way you still have a shot of getting great rewards even if you are a medium leveled alliance... like a small amount of 6 star shards... I'm talkin a few hundred not thousands... and i believe all placements in the high leveled alliances should receive 6 star shard rewards as well... hundreds for the lower thousands for the higher... I'm not saying ridiculously high rewards for the qeak and low rewards for the strong like these guys are hellbent on believing i said...
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,489 ★★★★★
    Arsoz said:

    Arsoz said:

    Skitard said:

    Once again... i did not directly say any of you individually lacked skill... I'm referring to the alliances who CAN NOT FOR THE LIFE OF THEM WIN AN EVENLY MATCHED WAR... if you feel I am attacking you directly as an individual... then I guess that's an issue you have with yourself... not with me... and the bracketing system could work...

    let's try a sports reference... dear God help us all if you can't grasp it...

    Boxing for one has Heavyweight, Welterweight, lightweight, etc...

    These different weight classes (let's call them "BRACKETS") would receive better rewards based on their win/loss ratio...

    In order for the best Welterweight to receive a grand prize should he have to defeat the Heavyweight champion?...

    And to the 2nd grade vs 9th grade apples to oranges **** from earlier... this is how apples to apples is done...

    It doesnt matter if the alliance cant win the war because naturally the higher the rating the better the enemy would be so its just sbmm
    Actually it does. When you have a competitive mode like Seasons where your progress over a month is weighed based on your cumulative performance, every Win or Loss affects your final outcome. When the system fails you by placing you in Matches you cannot win, that costs you without any doing of your own. It's no longer a measure of cumulative progress. Even when the system went down, that War was discounted. The Season however, continued. Which meant progress never counted the malfunctioning War. When the system makes people lose by placing them in Matches they cannot win, it manipulates the outcome beyond the control of people playing, beyond measurement of skill. It's no longer a competition of skill from the beginning of the Season to the end. It's gambling for opponents.
    If you have a high war rating and you get matched with an alliance with about the same amount but they have stronger champions then it would be fair because it shows
    Skitard said:

    Arsoz said:

    Skitard said:

    Once again... i did not directly say any of you individually lacked skill... I'm referring to the alliances who CAN NOT FOR THE LIFE OF THEM WIN AN EVENLY MATCHED WAR... if you feel I am attacking you directly as an individual... then I guess that's an issue you have with yourself... not with me... and the bracketing system could work...

    let's try a sports reference... dear God help us all if you can't grasp it...

    Boxing for one has Heavyweight, Welterweight, lightweight, etc...

    These different weight classes (let's call them "BRACKETS") would receive better rewards based on their win/loss ratio...

    In order for the best Welterweight to receive a grand prize should he have to defeat the Heavyweight champion?...

    And to the 2nd grade vs 9th grade apples to oranges **** from earlier... this is how apples to apples is done...

    It doesnt matter if the alliance cant win the war because naturally the higher the rating the better the enemy would be so its just sbmm
    That's why I've been stating that the bracket system is what should be done... these guys can't grasp that what I am saying is they deserve good rewards because they are strong... but at the same time just because my alliance is nowhere near as strong we don't deserve to get the rewards that silver offers... the rewards for silver at the end of the season are garbage and because we don't have a stacked alliance we can't possibly place as high as these guys... it's like I said... put the Welterweight, lightweight, and Heavyweight champs in a ring together and ring the bell... my money would be on the Heavyweight... the fact that getting stronger for alliances whose members average at a 300k rating shouldn't be subject to crappy rewards after winning 98% of their wars... they should be rewarded good... as should a strong alliance who does the same... but to get good rewards you have to be in the super high rated alliances... so while they grow stronger fast... we grow stronger extremely slow with no chance of catching up any time this decade... that's what I'm getting at... and even though I've repeatedly said I don't want them to get crappy rewards they can't comprehend that... a bracket system puts them in their own reward system... where they still get better rewards... but it makes it to where weaker alliances can grow at a faster speed than what they've been given...
    So what you are saying is separate all divisions into one season buff the rewards and if you do good you pass to the next division and keep going
    No, it's not the same as when War was played with just the Leaderboard, and you would make your way up until a bigger Ally knocked you down. I've pointed that out a number of times, but for some reason people don't register it.
    Seasons are a measurement of what you do from the beginning to the end of the Season. In order for that measurement to be fair and accurate, you need to have Wars that are a fair opportunity on both sides to have a chance at a Win.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,489 ★★★★★
    Since the measurement is over a period of a number of Wars, that has to be for all Wars.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,489 ★★★★★
    At least for the number they're counting towards the end.
  • Speeds80Speeds80 Member Posts: 2,013 ★★★★
    edited July 2020
    And if you want to compare this to race relations you’re the equivalent of a white South African saying bring back the unfair system (apartheid) because it was really good for me
    Basically you don’t want to have to fight the people who’s rewards you’ve been taken and want to keep doing so
  • SkitardSkitard Member Posts: 55
    Arsoz said:

    Skitard said:

    yes @Arsoz ... that way you still have a shot of getting great rewards even if you are a medium leveled alliance... like a small amount of 6 star shards... I'm talkin a few hundred not thousands... and i believe all placements in the high leveled alliances should receive 6 star shard rewards as well... hundreds for the lower thousands for the higher... I'm not saying ridiculously high rewards for the qeak and low rewards for the strong like these guys are hellbent on believing i said...

    Yeah idk if i can say this but injustice 2 mobile has a gamemode called champions arena where there are 9 divisions and if you get enough points you advance to the next division and so on but instead of demotion if you have enough points to not pass but not get demoted then you stay in your division
    And do people buy this fair?
  • Speeds80Speeds80 Member Posts: 2,013 ★★★★
    It’s not that a tier system couldn’t work, it’s just that in the big picture what you are freaking out about won’t be here in a few weeks. And the headache of designing and implementing that system won’t be that big a deal once these war ratings level out. This season is a shambles, maybe kabam should give everyone one tier higher rewards than where they finish, that would appease a lot of people. Maybe a design idea seperate chat is a good idea, the second issue is that if you think lower tier alliances deserve gold level rewards because they have been able to get them and because they can beat other low level teams, you just took the motivation out of the veteran room, we have played and love this game for a long time, we are a little protective about too much rewards too early in the game
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,489 ★★★★★
    Speeds80 said:

    It’s not that a tier system couldn’t work, it’s just that in the big picture what you are freaking out about won’t be here in a few weeks. And the headache of designing and implementing that system won’t be that big a deal once these war ratings level out. This season is a shambles, maybe kabam should give everyone one tier higher rewards than where they finish, that would appease a lot of people. Maybe a design idea seperate chat is a good idea, the second issue is that if you think lower tier alliances deserve gold level rewards because they have been able to get them and because they can beat other low level teams, you just took the motivation out of the veteran room, we have played and love this game for a long time, we are a little protective about too much rewards too early in the game

    The problem is it's a few weeks of sabotaging their Season outcome.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,489 ★★★★★
    xNig said:

    That system was the old system AQ was using.

    Ask around and see which system players (those that have been through both, not the wannabe newbies) preferred.

    People who have been around long enough to be high enough not to be affected by this prefer this way.

  • Speeds80Speeds80 Member Posts: 2,013 ★★★★

    Speeds80 said:


    The problem is it's a few weeks of sabotaging their Season outcome.

    Yeah I totally agree with that I just think the call for a tiered system or bringing back the old system is a freak out about this one season thinking it’s the new norm, compensation for this season would be completely justified in my opinion.
This discussion has been closed.