Abyss Mephisto question

I am planning on starting the Abyss run on the easy path. I am hoping to get some help from the community.
Would BWCV be able to take Mephisto? I can’t find much online. I could awaken and take Void to R5 and pump 170 stones into him but I would rather not if Claire can do that fight.
The champs I am thinking of bringing are:
R5 Aegon Sig 200
R5 Quake
Either Proxima or Heimdall
Would BWCV be able to take Mephisto? I can’t find much online. I could awaken and take Void to R5 and pump 170 stones into him but I would rather not if Claire can do that fight.
The champs I am thinking of bringing are:
R5 Aegon Sig 200
R5 Quake
Either Proxima or Heimdall
But Abyss Mephisto is always gaining power and since you won't be able to keep switching between Claire's posin sp2 to power drain and still be incinerate immune;
Void is therefore the best option - 1 petrify and you've got the fight until your charges run out.
I made a post here if you haven't seen it:
Should be ok with 3k units, 150 cav daily, bunch of heals and 60 revives. Thinking it will be fun.
For 5th spot use Heimdal.
Mephisto is super fun with Claire and I used alot of SP3 in just one minute.Here is a tip.
Go to hellfire and hit mephisto with only MLLL, don't apply incinerate debuff on him just MLLL.Keep him activating his aura you will be gaining power like hell. You will be spamming SP3 like namor uses his SP2 during imperius rex.
After torch this is the quickest kill I have done to mephisto.
And you shouldn't worry about mephisto, mordo and IMIW are there to take your revives.
For Mordo and IMIW you really need a good counter.
R5 Aegon
R5 Void
R5 Sym Supreme
So glad I went with Void and Sym. Thanks to everyone for the help. I will post what I get when I complete it tonight. Then back to looking for an alliance again. LOL