Unduped Colossus vs 6.1 Crossbones

I'm stuck. I have a pretty stacked roster and breezed through most of 6.1 so far. Until I got to Crossbones. I was prepared for a long fight with Sentinel but I can't get any of his Heal Block debuffs to stick, so I figured I'd need to bring another counter along with him. I have both Iceman and Colossus at r1, unduped. I'd rather rank Colossus but I don't know if he can do this fight without synergy or his dupe? It'll take me a while to get Colossus up so I'll keep practicing with Sentinel, just wanna know if Colossus is viable. I have no 5* Emma/OR for synergy.

With sentinel if you get him to 100 analysis then start working on the damage you’ll have an easier ride and be able to cycle the Sp1 faster.
Keep spamming as much sp1 as you can. This is the only tip you should keep in mind.